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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Do you use .wavs as a "reference"?


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Whenever I begin to write a story, I will sometimes go through my collection of .wavs to find a sneeze that "suits" that character. Or, if I hear a .wav that strikes me, I will sometimes think, "Hey! That sounds JUST LIKE how I hear so-and-so in my head!"

I've even taken .wavs and renamed them with that character's name. :P

I was just wondering if I was the only writer that does this?

~Frackity Frack-frack

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:laugh: Yeah! I do! I don't write stories...but sometimes when I'm writing self obs I'll listen to my own wavs to try and get the spelling of my own sneezes. :P
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Omg, Susie! I do that, too! I have actually tried to fake the sound I'm going for just to see if it will suit the character! LOL!


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Guest sarah_2176

I sometimes write stories for potential publication - one day if I feel brave enough. Sometimes I can use .wavs as a basis and but normally I draw on what I've heard or seen.

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Yes! :) If I don't know what a character sounds like, I'll flip through waves on my computer for one that will sound close enough. Though, I still have some trouble writing them out. :D

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