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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Travel obs. (F)


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Ok --I rarely post observations but have a couple now.. My new wife wants me to brag on her a bit. with this observation. We finally took our honeymoon trip (3 months post wedding) and I was treated to a very nice trip with observations. Since she forgot to bring her guaranteed sneeze inducing device--we were just a little worried. But her nose proved to be its wonderful quite active self. The trip was a week cruise to Mexico and the Carribbean with a day and ha;lf extra in FL surroundsing it,

So in about 9 1/2 days total she sneezed some 93-96 times (got messed up counting the last day while travelling. Anyway about 10 time per day on average. Her highest day was 18 and lowest 3. Most of the sneezes were doubles and triples but with a rare single and rare quad thrown in also. Of course normally she lets her sneezes rip when only I am around. But with people on board and on land she did a lot of full or half stifles. They are powerful but she can reeduce the noise dramaticall or literall sneez so loud it scares me if surprised. She has a build up but only about 1/3 of the time is ther any npoise to it --the ah ah ah. usually she just freezes and waits in silence for it to come out or does the finger up wiat thing while running foir a tissue.

So in the end the sneeze gadget was hardly needed as she sneezed anywhere and everywhere and excitment abounded as it were. In mexico she managed to encounter some flowering tree that set her off pretty well.

Of course right now we are both down a bit as she has a cold and feels off plus-in her case the sneezes are actually reduced significantly from her normal sneezy days. So trying to get her back to full health fast. Anway--i certainly feel lucky to have fallen in love with such an understanding and rather sneezy lady.

Oh I actually did not see the usual reasonable number oif sneezes on the cruise itself. fork the various passengers. A tablemate F about age 32 with longish dark hair sneezed one at dinner one evening. Also on a Mexico tour a hard bodied blond Italian woman had a quick hard sneeze while walkihng past flowering trees. She was a ways behind me so I missed any buildup if there. All fo now. i do have many great observations from my youth and will post them on the greaest ever sometime---lots because I am ancient.


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I described it recently on another one of our threads. In the past I have used (with prior gfs) tissue method (not really all that successful as it gets wet fast and loses shape) and paint brush bristles (which work pretty well).

But this device is a small medical tool apparently used to test sensitivity to touch. It was being handed out as freebies at a medically oriented convention I attended once and my then MD gf immediately recognized its "off label" potential use. I have about three of them I think.

It is basically a piece of easy to hold eliptically shaped thin plastic with a thin rubber probe sticking out about 2". it has plastic sleeve that fits over the end with the probe to protect it and look like an egg shpaed thin disk when closed. My wife can use it like the tissue methoid and produce at least 3 sneezes (sometimes more right away with no worry about sitcking hereslef, wet tissues, etc. Someday i will reseach it more and fidn its actual medical name. Works great but anything generally like like it would as well i think.

Away amid packing clothes for te week sun sand, formal dining dancing ,etc.--we left the device back home. I wasn't worried and my wife was her normal beuatiful. sexy dancing, exciting sneezy self anyway. But she does keep it in her stand to surprise me evening. Hope this helps--thanks for the interest!!


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Lovely Obs

Can you tell me about your wife's nose blowing?

How often does she blow?

Does she honk...is it a snotty blow?

Does she blow more with her current cold...or from the allergy sneezes?

Is her nose chapped and red now?

Thanks again...you R soooooooo lucky

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Hi well yes my wife is blowing a lot now with the cold--with very little sneezing (couple a day--low for her)

Not much redness but she is stuffy and having to use tissues a lot.

Blows about every 15 minutes I would say for this evening.

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