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Nose blowing habits/routines??


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Curious as to what everyone’s nose blowing habits are.

For me, I usually sneeze 2-3 times after waking up every morning.  

I have to blow my nose about 4-5 times each morning (within the first hour), at least once every afternoon and once before going to bed at night.

Obviously, those numbers are higher during allergy or cold season.

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I blow my nose pretty rarely, only if I have a cold or if it is super freezing out like it is today where I live. Going outside when it’s really cold makes me stuffed up like most people i think? In the winter maybe I blow my nose like every few days or so?

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I rarely blow my nose. The only times I do it are when I have a cold or the flu and after inducing.

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My habits may be a little unique. I need to blow my nose when I eat hot food, but my friends don't have this problem.

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I normally need to give my nose a good blow shortly after waking up. And then unless I have a cold, normally just after sneezing or after eating spicy food. 

If I'm sick, I'm blowing my nose every 5 minutes most likely



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/26/2022 at 5:26 PM, strong sneeze32 said:

My habits may be a little unique. I need to blow my nose when I eat hot food, but my friends don't have this problem.

me too, I do the same 

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