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One- or two-handed blows give different volume and intensity?


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I almost always blow with two hands, but find that it I try with one hand, the action needs to be more forceful and makes a bigger sound and greater intensity of ejection of snot. Some one handed blows are very attractive from women for this reason. It seems harder to do a gentle, unobtrusive blow with one hand. Anyone else find this, or have other experiences in this respect?

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I agree I guess. I almost never blow with one hand, it really doesn't work for me, but when I've tried to before it seems to require a quick and forceful blow that;'s not as satisfying as the longer two handed ones.

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I usually blow with two hands because I find that it’s easier to blow one nostril at a time to clear my nose when I use both hands. I use one hand if I’m blowing my nose in the shower or over the sink.

Edited by bingochamp7
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My usual technique is to blow my nose two-handed, so would only use a one-handed grip out of necessity (or to experiment, of course!). Maybe it's because I have a lot of nose to tuck my hanky around? 😁
I find when I do a one-handed nose-blow that I don't have quite as good control of my nostrils individually, and also it's a little more difficult to balance the back-pressure when I blow really hard. I tend not to blow quite as long or honk as loud as when I hold it properly (for me) in both hands

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