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Sneeze Fetish Forum

High on Lullabies

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I think there must be something about me and trains. I don't post many obs but the most memorable ones to me always seem to occur on trains. And today was no exception...

I went up to London today to meet a friend for a bit of Christmas shopping. Got to the station and (eventually) found my train (Thank you South West Trains for the wonderful new timetable).

Got on and sat down, had a nice compartment all to myself. The journey passed without incident for about 10 minutes or so until just after we pulled when I felt my nose tickle. It was the sort of tickle I knew would produce a sneeze and since I was alone in the compartment I saw no reason not to let it come. The tickle grew steadily over the next few seconds, until then I did a very silly thing. I thought about it, I thought 'What if someone walking past in the corridor sees me?' Bad idea! Instantly I felt the sneeze stop in it's tracks, hit a brick wall (I hate this mental block thing sometimes! dead.gif). However the sneeze had gone too far by this time to disappear completely. So I was left with an incredibley tickly nose, but no sneeze in sight.

I tried everything to make it go away, rubbing, pushing, I would have tried blowing but I had nothing to blow into. So many times I had willed sneezes to go away, now I was willing it to come, so much, anything to stop this unbearable tickle. Eventually, I felt it getting stronger again, I don't know why (something to do with making my sub-concious forget about the fear of being caught maybe) but it was and I knew sanctuary was near. Then it came 'HUAchssssssh!', it came wetly into my hand as I knew it would, I'd been out in the cold so I was all stuffy anyway. The tickle came back quickly and I stiffened a little expecting more, but then it slowly faded away instead. A fickle thing my nose is at times, anyway hope you liked it.

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Mmm, Chris. Such a lovely observation. Thank you so much for sharing, dear. You know I simply adore your sneezes, and just reading about them makes me squirm. :dead: I hope your Christmas shopping went well, sweetie.



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Thank you for your praise both of you, glad you enjoyed it. :wub:

Lady - I would post obs of other people if I ever saw any! I guess I'm just not that lucky, so for now you'll just have to make do with obs of me, sorry!

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So many times I had willed sneezes to go away, now I was willing it to come, so much, anything to stop this unbearable tickle.


Isn't that just the devil of it? Bless you and that was very well described!


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