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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneeze Tease Torture

Accidental Mistress

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This is the first real observation I've put up here. I hope you all likey-likey. :dead:

This happened a while ago, so let’s see how well I can remember the events of that day…

We were in my boyfriend’s dorm room, him and me, just the two of us. Night had fallen, if memory serves, and we were lounging on his bed watching television. Both of us were in a playful mood that night and had spent the previous hour or so enjoying one another’s company through cuddling interspersed with tickling each other as we are wont to do. At one point I was wrapped up in his comforter and had pulled it over my head in a childish hiding gesture. He seized the opportunity to seize me and trap me under the quilt with his body.

“Ha ha!” he cried, “Now I’ve got you trapped!”

“Indeed you do,” I giggled, “What will you do with me now? Torture me?”

“Yes,” he replied, “This is the infamous Sneeze Tease Torture!”

I could hardly believe what I had just heard, until his voice reached me again.

“Uh-oh, I’m feeling sneezy…”

I heard his breath through the comforter as he sniffled and sniffed in my ear, brushing his nose against me as his breath hitched…

“Ah… ah… ah-choo!” he sneezed as I lay helpless, pinned beneath him. I shivered.

I could feel his body against my own. I moaned, I squirmed, I pawed and clawed at the barrier separating me from the object of my desires: the devilish man on top of me sneezing over and over again. But he would not let me free, not yet.

“Atchoo… Huh-choo…” he sneezed again and again until I felt I must scream! To have my lover lying on top of me, sneezing endlessly, and to be unable to reach him because of such a thin barrier! Oh, it was torture indeed!

Just when I thought I could take no more of this torment the comforter was ripped away and there my lover sat with a triumphant grin. His nose twitched.

Wasting no time, I pounced upon him.


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Oh, what a lovely BASTARD of a boyfriend you have, dear! HEHEHEHE!!

I assume he knows about your fetish, yes?



(Off Topic: Love your avatar, btw...I'm a HUGE Inuyasha fan.....that is actually a sketch of Sesshomaru in my avatar . . .)

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Oh yes, he's known about my fetish for over a year now and he uses it to his advantage quite often!

(I also love Inuyasha. I haven't seen all of the earlier episodes, but I've read the first few manga. I've been keeping up with the more recent episodes, though. I went to a mini Anime con dressed as Sango with my stuffed Kirara! I hope they get some new episodes to show on Adult Swim soon! And they definitely need to put Sesshie in more episodes! I like your sketch, by the way.)


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My partner knows about my fetish as well and likes to tease me with it!

(Inuyasha is fixing to start over, btw, on Adult Swim. Probably in a few weeks, so you can catch it from the beginning! Had to change my avatar for a bit because I found a hot pic of Sephiroth that I must drool over....what is it with me and EVIL silver-haired bastards??)

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Analex, your experiences sound very much like mine and D's. Congratulations on finding a guy who is so sweet about your fetish, and thanks for sharing with us that lovely obs :dead:

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