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Steddie Drabbles - Stranger Things


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Cross-posted on tumblr. 


Exactly one week ago, Eddie came down with a cold from hell.

He showed up at Steve’s house in the pouring rain, shivering and sneezing into his bandana like he was going to keel over any minute. 

Steve pulled him inside and brought him to his bedroom where he still continues to take care of him. Thankfully, his parents haven’t been home so they won’t be wondering why there’s another man in their house that Steve has been secretly dating for months now. 

The only problem is now Steve can feel a tickly feeling in his throat and a heaviness in his sinuses. He holds in a groan when he wakes up and gets out of bed to go to the bathroom, leaving his sleeping boyfriend alone. After he’s gone to the bathroom, he looks in the mirror at his appearance and notices that dark circles are starting to form under his eyes and the edges of his nose are turning pink even though he hasn’t touched his nose that much. Maybe he was rubbing it a bit more yesterday, but not that much. 

Just then he feels a tickle starting to form in his sinuses, and he shoves his fist underneath his nose, trying to will the tickle away. Unfortunately, it’s no use and he snaps forward with a loud sneeze. “HEH-TIISHH!” He sniffles and rubs his nose to get rid of any lingering tickle and goes back to his bedroom where he finds Eddie just getting up. 

“Bless you,” Eddie mumbles, rubbing his eyes. His voice is still horribly congested, but he sounds a little bit better than he did. 

“Thanks,” Steve says. He sits down next to Eddie. “How are you feeling?” 

Eddie shrugs. “Better, I guess? Still kinda shitty.” 

“Hopefully you start getting better soon.” 

“I hhhhope s-so. Hhh… Heh-ISSHIEW! ISSHIEW! ISSSHIEW!” He turns away and sneezes into his shoulder. 

“Bless you. This poor nose of yours.” Steve coos, gently tapping Eddie on the tip of his nose. 

“Steve, sthhhop. HEH-ISSHIEW! ISSHIEW! ISSSHIEW!” Eddie pants softly after the harsh sneezes. 

“Shit, I’m sorry. Bless you.” Steve feels his own itch starting in the back of his nose. Eddie’s definitely going to catch on soon if he has a fit or something similar. 

Before he can even stop it, his buildup is starting. “Heh… hhh…. HEH-TISSSH! TISSH! TISSSH! ISSSH!” He cups his hands over his face at the last second. Even then, he can still see some spray sneaking out from the small gaps in his fingers. 

Eddie laughs softly. “Jesus, bless you, Stevie.” He turns to look at the other man. “Are you sure you’re not coming down with my cold?” 

Steve sniffles and shakes his head. “Just a tickle.” 

“Yeah, that could be cold-induced.” 

“It’s not. And anyway, this is about you, not me.” 

“Stevie…” Eddie says, raising an eyebrow. 

“I’m fihhh… HEH-ISSSH! TISSSH! TISSH! ISSSSH! TISSHH!” The sneezes almost snap him in half with the force of them. 

“Okay, you’ve caught my cold. Come on, lay down.” 

Steve wipes his nose with the back of his hand. “N-No, I’m fine.” 

“Steve. I’m not taking that shit. Lay down.” 

“Fine…” Steve reluctantly does as his boyfriend says. 

“Just relax, baby.” 

Steve nods. “Sorry.” 

“Shh, it’s not your fault.” 


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This is absolutely adorable and i wanted to compliment you sooner but I was still waiting to become a member before I could respond. I hope you. Write more, sick Steve is the best and you capture the steve and Eddie so well :)

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