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Any Sylvanas Sneezefics?


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Sooo, Sylvanas is technically unable to sneeze as one of the Forsaken, so to be canon-accurate, this would have to be a Ranger General version of her...but does anyone know of any fics where she sneezes? Or would anyone be willing to write one? Maybe a sickfic (her trying to do her job despite a cold might make for an interesting denial scenario), or field allergies (because she's a Ranger)?

Edited by YiffySneeze
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1 hour ago, NickG1998 said:

I would definitely love a cold sickness story with her 

SAME! Especially with spray/mess involved. 

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I'd be willing to write something like this, but I'm really only interested in doing trades right now because of the effort involved in putting a fic out! I would trade for a fic with Korvo from Solar Opposites.  If this is something you'd be interested in doing, feel free to hit me up to talk specifics.  If it's not something you'd be interested in doing, absolutely no hard feelings and I hope you get what you're looking for soon! :)

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25 minutes ago, SleepingPhlox said:

I'd be willing to write something like this, but I'm really only interested in doing trades right now because of the effort involved in putting a fic out! I would trade for a fic with Korvo from Solar Opposites.  If this is something you'd be interested in doing, feel free to hit me up to talk specifics.  If it's not something you'd be interested in doing, absolutely no hard feelings and I hope you get what you're looking for soon! :)


Unfortunately, I have no knowledge of Solar Opposites at all, and am not at all familiar with Korvo because of that... 😕


If you have another idea in mind for a trade, please let me know. I am willing to trade if it's a character I am familiar with, but I would rather not do guesswork. 

Edited by YiffySneeze
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1 hour ago, YiffySneeze said:


Unfortunately, I have no knowledge of Solar Opposites at all, and am not at all familiar with Korvo because of that... 😕


If you have another idea in mind for a trade, please let me know. I am willing to trade if it's a character I am familiar with, but I would rather not do guesswork. 

No worries! Hope you get what you are looking for! :)

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I wasn’t going to post it because I didn’t think anyone would be interested, but I’m actually writing one with her now. I’m a super slow writer, so I probably won’t post it for a while. I don’t know if you’d be interested though, because it disregards most of canon. Oh and Jaina’s there because everything I write has some wlw content in it 😅

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On 8/25/2022 at 11:09 AM, Purplelily said:

I wasn’t going to post it because I didn’t think anyone would be interested, but I’m actually writing one with her now. I’m a super slow writer, so I probably won’t post it for a while. I don’t know if you’d be interested though, because it disregards most of canon. Oh and Jaina’s there because everything I write has some wlw content in it 😅

As long as Sylvanas sneezes, I would be interested lol

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