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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The Sneezers that Got Away


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If you could take one person from your past whose sneezes you used to love but who you haven't seen sneeze in forever, who would it be?

There cute, tan brunette with wavy hair who I knew all the way from 1st grade through high school who I would be so excited to see sneeze again (we'll call her C). Like a lot of people, I started off liking sneezing in cartoons before real life, and my first real sneeze crush was Launch from Dragonball. C was the first person I ever met whose sneezes were loud and high-pitched enough to make me realize I like real sneezes too. They were so dramatic that they would often stop class while people commented on them. She hated it so much that she would always try to fight the sneezes off, but most of the time they were just too powerful. In middle school, she went through a stifling phase, but never managed more than a half stifle (this was coincidentally when I realized I like half-stifles). I still remember senior year of high school when we were doing a poetry day in English class, one of the poems had a line about pollen and she felt the need to comment, "Oh great, there's even pollen in the poem as if I wasn't sneezing enough already." We went to different colleges and eventually moved to different cities, but even years later I still think about her colossal sneezes sometimes. 

Does anyone else have someone like this?

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20 hours ago, MobyRick said:

Does anyone else have someone like this?

Yes, a lovely blonde in her late 30s who I've worked with for over 6 years never showed any signs of sneezing or needing to sneeze when we were working together. To this day, if I was given a wish, I'd be able to just mentally will her to sneeze, with no means of preventing it or holding her sneeze back. 

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I haven't been that much of a fan of many of my exes sneezes, but there was one. Long time ago. By far the most beautiful as well. She didn't sneeze often, but now and then. It's been so long I can't remember the sound. But I remember they were of normal volume, and probably wet. I remember they were hot. In some ways it seemed we were perfectly compatible, and yet the was always an unspoken understanding that I wasn't quite her type, and she was shopping around. One night like any other, for no specific reason, while we were getting along, she turned to me and said, "This isn't right, is it?" I thought a moment, shrugged, and said "I guess not." And that was that. She's the one I think about most.

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This is a hard one, but I would say it would be this one really cute Armenian girl I had a class in college with. She was a pretty sneezy person and sneezed at least once every week in the class. What I missed most about her sneezes are they were powerful and unrestrained, you could tell she sneezed the same way when she was alone. Then on top of that, she sat in a group of about 3-4 of her friends in the class and they would always bless her. I wish I woulda had the courage to try to talk to her back then, but she was always with her friends outside of class lol.

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I met two friends in college in 2001 and while they eventually went on to get married/separated, there was a time when we lived all lived together, along with one of his elementary school friends.

Her sneeze was cringeworthy - a scream sneeze that everybody always commented on. I try not to think about that too much. His sneeze was great.

One time, we went to visit his parents and the second day, we all sat in the living room with his parents, casually watching television. He sat on the floor and suddenly began to sneeze. They were non-stop, powerful, pinched-nose stifles and they got me so good. He later mentioned that it was the down pillows his parents kept in the spare room where they were sleeping that did it, and that I should have heard him at night.

I am now happily married to someone else, but I think about that day often, and wonder what would have happened if he wasn't in a relationship back then.

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Hm I don't really have a specific person that "got away" but I wish i fucked around with more fetishits irl when I was single. Now I'm happily in a long term relationship but I mourn the lost chances where I could've gone all the way with this fetish. Maybe one day I'll explore an open relationship thing but for now it's just online content for me 😅

Edited by Melody
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Wow, I have a few I wish I was able to still have fun with. I thought about one girl in particular that I dated for a while. She is beautiful, green eyes, full lips, and a nose that was so sensitive that she would have to sneeze every time she would leave the indoors to go outside. The change of air flow made her sneeze. She has extreme allergies. Everything made her sneeze. When she would come over and watch movies or just hang out, while laying next to her on the sofa I would twist up a tissue and tickle her nose and she would always let me and she’d let out the biggest sneezes! Always sneezed in multiples without fail. Dark room, more than just us in the room, secretly tickling her nose and she was totally down with it. I def miss her. Lost touch many many years ago. 

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3 hours ago, Melody said:

Hm I don't really have a specific person that "got away" but I wish i fucked around with more fetishits irl when I was single. Now I'm happily in a long term relationship but I mourn the lost chances where I could've gone all the way with this fetish. Maybe one day I'll explore an open relationship thing but for now it's just online content for me 😅

Yeah how I feel. My fetish urge is really emerging in my 40s and wish I could explore it more, married with kids too late.. 

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Years ago, my boyfriend and I were traveling around Southeast Asia and we met up with his mom at one point who was teaching at a school in nearby. One night we had a big dinner with the two of us, his mom, and some of her teaching friends and his mom had a mini sneezing fit that I still think about all the time... this woman was in her early 50s, had shoulder length brown hair and a wide set nose. While in the middle of a conversation, her sneezes interrupted her as if they had come out of nowhere. The sneezes were mostly just the release without the buildup, like desperate "CHEWWW"'s that were firing out of her. At one point she tried to say "excuse me", but was  cut off by another sneeze so it was more of an "excuse m-ICHHEWW", which is ugh, chefs kiss for me. Both me and my boyfriend who were sitting closest to her were kind of just watching her waiting to see when we could resume conversation, but while she was still going, my boyfriend very diligently blessed almost every single one of the sneezes which was the icing on the cake for me (not to make it weird since it was his mom, but I love a good blessing). Anyway, all in all there were probably like 5 sneezes, it was not a super long fit but I replayed it so many times in my head that if felt long haha. We broke up years ago so I haven't seen his mom since, but I definitely wish I could witness another fit of hers! 

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On 9/2/2022 at 5:28 PM, Melody said:

Hm I don't really have a specific person that "got away" but I wish i fucked around with more fetishits irl when I was single. Now I'm happily in a long term relationship but I mourn the lost chances where I could've gone all the way with this fetish. Maybe one day I'll explore an open relationship thing but for now it's just online content for me 😅

this!! This is so right ^^

Buut actually I do have a few.

Going into one of them. 
I remember I went travelling, and did one part on a tour with other people. There was one guy on my tour who had a huuuuuge sneezing fit daily. I have no idea what triggered it or why, but without fail he'd have at least one long sneezing fit. Big intense singles, unrestrained, with breaks in between, but lasted a few mins. 
If we spent longer together in a day, I'd be lucky enough to see 2 or more big fits. 
His wife was always seemed very much used to it, which made me think it was a super regular occurrence, but I remember them being pretty epic.

I remember always trying to act really nonchalant and unbothered, and trying to ignore it but inside burning up.

I remember one time we were on a little mini bus, when he started one riiight behind me. It felt like the whole bus was shaking.
But if I could turn back time I would've paid way more attention to those fits, so I could replay them better in my head.

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Either this one lady I worked with who legit tried to talk even though she was gearing up for a huge sneeze (only ever seen it faked in films or written about here), or my ex who broke up with me a while back. They’d always talk about their allergies/tell me about how they’d been driving and must’ve gone past something because they had a sneezing fit in the car, etc. I only got to see them sneeze once, but I feel like it was a lost opportunity:(

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I used to have an online friend who was great with sneezes and coughed and even greater in faking them. She knew about my strange obsession and she always send me voice messages with coughed or sneezes in them or acted out my favourite characters being sick and taken care of. And for my 16th birthday she made an one-hour-long audiobook based on one of my sickfics and I recently listened to it again. The voice actors in them were amazing. We eventually split up, so I really miss her, not just because if her sneezes but also because of her great personality. 

Since that I never had a crush on a real person ever after. 

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