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Allergies already hitting hard


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A couple days ago, my allergies really started acting up. My nose was getting really runny and I was sneezing a lot more than normal. When I could, I went into my room and blew my nose in the toilet paper that I keep in there. It was liquidy and clear. 

This morning I blew my nose and the snot was thicker, but still clear. I went and took an allergy pill and my nose cleared for a while. Throughout the day I was wiping my nose on the back of my hand and on my palm. I have a pretty bad mental block about blowing in public. I only recently started sneezing in public. Regardless, I got home and went to my room. I went off into a spraying triple. "Hi-sish! He-sheew! Ah- eh- ishew!" The snot sprayed out of my nostrils and into my hands. I sniffed back what I could and wiped my hands on my jeans. I blew my nose in the TP, and it soaked through. 

Even as I'm writing this my left nostril is blocked and runny. I've stuck TP up it in hopes that it would help, but it wasn't. The best I can do is rub at it. My nose makes this really squishy sounding squelch, too. All of my dust, dander, and pollen allergies are kicking my ass. 

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Bless you. I’m sorry your allergies are acting up. I hope you can get some relief from your congested runny nose.

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9 hours ago, SneeVee said:

A couple days ago, my allergies really started acting up. My nose was getting really runny and I was sneezing a lot more than normal. When I could, I went into my room and blew my nose in the toilet paper that I keep in there. It was liquidy and clear. 

This morning I blew my nose and the snot was thicker, but still clear. I went and took an allergy pill and my nose cleared for a while. Throughout the day I was wiping my nose on the back of my hand and on my palm. I have a pretty bad mental block about blowing in public. I only recently started sneezing in public. Regardless, I got home and went to my room. I went off into a spraying triple. "Hi-sish! He-sheew! Ah- eh- ishew!" The snot sprayed out of my nostrils and into my hands. I sniffed back what I could and wiped my hands on my jeans. I blew my nose in the TP, and it soaked through. 

Even as I'm writing this my left nostril is blocked and runny. I've stuck TP up it in hopes that it would help, but it wasn't. The best I can do is rub at it. My nose makes this really squishy sounding squelch, too. All of my dust, dander, and pollen allergies are kicking my ass. 

Bless you. Allergies are the worst. It sucks having a mental block for nose blowing, I used to be the same and it really isn't fun when your nose is all runny

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Poor thing! It definitely doesn’t sound fun. I’ve only recently started sneezing around my boyfriend but that’s about it and nose blowing for me is still pretty hard to do with my mental block. I can definitely relate to not being able to blow your nose in peace and when you get home finally getting at least some kinda relief. 

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I've been doing a little better now, still really stuffy in the morning though. Kind of glad, I like being able to breathe. Lmao

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