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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Wet (female, cold, F/F)


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I accidentally wrote a thing when I was going to write another thing. Here's the latest random thing. There's mess. Mostly in the shape of spray. And yeah I know head colds in adults usually don't come with fevers. They do in my fetish universe though, so we're just gonna have to accept that, I'm afraid. :yay: 

You can read it as the same characters as in the other original F/F fics with unnamed main characters I've posted this summer, or as something completely separate if you want to. This fic is a oneshot. 


She has caught the sneeziest cold I’ve ever seen. It’s like something straight out of a sneezefic. And it's a wet cold. She’s so congested she has lost her m’s and n’s, there’s a constant trickle of watery mess out of her crimson nose, her chapped, angry-red nostrils glisten with it. Doesn’t matter how much she sniffles or dabs at her nose, that thin coat of glittery wetness remains underneath her nostrils. And she keeps sneezing. Singles, doubles, triples, full-on fits. I don’t think she’s gone longer than five minutes without sneezing at any point all day. The sneezes are forceful, soaking wet, sometimes flat out messy, and so desperate and itchy-sounding that it makes my heart flutter. She uses her entire body with each sneeze, so by now she’s exhausted, and now and then a tired moan sneaks in between the hitching and sneezing and sniffling.

I, naturally, am so thrilled by her sneezy misery, but I also feel bad for her, because I can tell she’s so tired of this, and her nose and throat must be so sore at this point. Poor baby.


And poor me, I think as I try to think about sports because that’s boring and unsexy, but the only thing that comes up in my mind is of her in one of those short little tennis skirts, trying to play tennis while struggling with her horrible hayfever, so that’s not helping. I’ve actually seen that happen, and the only reason she managed to win that game despite being so distracted by her drippy, tickly nose and puffy, itchy eyes, was because she played against me, and I was just as distracted by her hayfever as she was. Also I’m nowhere near as good a tennis player as she is, even on a good day.

HehhhISSSSSHHHIEW! Oh God… heh… ehhh… TISSSSHHHIEW! Ah-ESSSHHHOO! Oh for fuck’s sake… snnrfff… ahhhyIIISSSSHHUH!

“Aww, hon,” I sigh and run my fingers through her hair. "That is some cold, huh?"

“Ugh, I deed to sdeeze agaid… how is that eved possible…? HehhhIISSSSHHH! EeeISSSHHeew! Bloody hell, what the fuck… HahhdJIESSSHEW!”

She has long since stopped trying to cover these sneezes, they’re too frequent and too wet, so she’s just snapping forward and unleashing sneeze after spraying sneeze out in the open, right in front of her. She has sneezed over her phone so wetly so many times I wonder if it’s time to put it in a bag of rice soon. Now and then she wipes the droplets off on her sweater, but there aren’t that many dry spots left on her sweater either. She has been sneezing all over herself for hours.

I think it’s about time she sneezes over me too.

“Oh baby… you poor thing,” I mumble as I walk around the couch that I’ve been standing behind. I can already see the sneezy look on her face as the next buildup has begun, and she does a half-hearted attempt at pushing me away, but I’m not having it. I straddle her lap, lean in, and place a soft kiss on the tip of her tickly nose.

Now she’s almost flailing her arms at me, and yeah, I know why, I know she wants me out of the spray zone.

But I want to get into it.

“I’b godda sdeeze,” she hitches, as if I couldn’t already tell from the look on her face, and I simply grab her wrists and pin her hands to the couch, then I kiss her again. The poor woman tries with all her might not to spray me, but she can’t help it. Of course, I don’t mind, but she hasn’t figured that out yet.  

“Bless you,” I purr.

“You’re so going to catch this,” she groans and rubs her nose against my neck.  

“Yes, but I’ll enjoy every moment of the process,” I reply and wrap my arms around her. “As long as I can be with you.”

“... huhhggDISSCHHiew!” she sneezes against my chest, drenching my shirt. “I really don’t feel so good,” she admits, still with her face pressed against my chest. I suspected as much. She’s hot as burning coal in my arms.

“I know. Let’s get you to bed.”


“I’ll take that as a yes.”


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It's funny, although I would never say that mess was a part of the fetish for me, there are rare times when it really hits the spot, and I have no idea why :lol: Classy work as always, your original fiction is always top of my click-list :D 

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*blissful sigh*...

Hot damn, and with the emphasis on hot.  The details! The perfectly described, expertly woven details.  And I love fics that have kind of anonymous characters that you can project whoever you want to onto them.  Anyway, seriously, hot damn!

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9 hours ago, sazuzu said:

Thank you for posting this! That was a very nice and hot wet cold 😋

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! ^_^ 

5 hours ago, NoV said:

It's funny, although I would never say that mess was a part of the fetish for me, there are rare times when it really hits the spot, and I have no idea why :lol: Classy work as always, your original fiction is always top of my click-list :D 

Dude, same here. :lol:  It's like everything about my fetish is SOMETIMES negotiable, but I never know what or when. :rofl: It's usually very person- or character-specific at that too, so I can't say "oh, I'm into mess now" because that might only work with a handful (or less) of people/characters and not at all with others. The fetish is weird. But that's what I love about it. :yay:  Thank you!!

2 hours ago, SleepingPhlox said:

*blissful sigh*...

Hot damn, and with the emphasis on hot.  The details! The perfectly described, expertly woven details.  And I love fics that have kind of anonymous characters that you can project whoever you want to onto them.  Anyway, seriously, hot damn!

Thank you so much! :heart:  I'm glad you enjoyed it! ^_^  I'm sure there's a bunch here who already knew who I was thinking about when I wrote it, but I wanted to make sure as many as possible can get something out of it, all it takes is some tweaking and the reader's imagination gets to do the rest. :shifty:   


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On 8/31/2022 at 8:19 PM, jke1995 said:

Lovely story! Thank you for sharing

Thank you so much! ^_^ 

On 9/1/2022 at 1:04 AM, SneezeAbbie said:

This is amazing! 

Thank you!! ^_^ 


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1 hour ago, Icyfall said:

This is really good I'd love to see her catch the cold 

Thank you so much! ^_^ This fic is a oneshot though, so it won't be continued. Also, since I'm not into contagion myself, when I write cold fics, implied contagion is about as far as it's gonna go, I'm afraid.  :unsure: 


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