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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The first time he had a sneezing fit... For me


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This is a story of how I opened up about my fetish to my now husband, and what happened next. My husband is a young man in his twenties, Caucasian/white, short dark chocolate hair, brown eyes, flawless eyebrows (I'm seriously jealous), full lips, and what I call "a perfectly chiseled nose": relatively small and "boyish," with an upturned tip and a small bump in the middle. The tip of the nose is not round but rather triangular, like that of a fox, hence "chiseled."

Our first date was supposed to be outside surrounded by other people (so that I would feel safe), but somehow I ended up visiting his apartment that very day. Seeing his allergy meds, I asked if he had any allergies... And my oh my I was trying to not show how embarrassed I was when it turned out he was very allergic to pollen and grass from spring to fall. Despite all that, I hadn't heard him sneeze in the two weeks we had been dating, so I was getting a little upset. Around the same time I asked him to guess my fetish as a joke (I blame that alcoholic slushie), and he couldn't guess it no matter what. One evening, we were sitting in his car when he brought it up again: "so what is your fetish?" I was feeling very vulnerable, and finally confessed that it was not just a joke, but my biggest insecurity, and that I was not telling him because I was terrified of him guessing it right. He held me and kept saying that he would accept it no matter what. So eventually I said, almost whispered, looking straight at my thighs to avoid his gaze, "it's sneezing... I'm a sneeze fetishist" At that moment I felt sick from anxiety and dropped my head on my thighs, hiding my face, trying to become so small that he wouldn't even see me. Then I felt his arms wrapped around the tight, trembling ball I curled myself up into. My now husband was very gentle, and he assured me that there were things much weirder than sneezing, and that he didn't think I was weird or disgusting at all. Slowly, I began explaining what attracted me in sneezing, what cchinkni was, and how his nose was the most attractive I had ever seen.

That very night he stopped by my apartment and asked me to bring out cchinkni so that he could "see what it looked like." When I asked him why, he just smirked and told me to grab it. I suspected he was up to no good, but was afraid to believe my luck... We drove to an empty parking lot near a shut down grocery store. Our car was the only thing in that parking lot: only us, night sky, and the stars. I felt butterflies in my stomach when he said he wanted to try chhinkni for the first time. I couldn't believe my dream was going to come true right then and there. What made it even more exciting was that I had never heard him sneeze before despite his allergies. And now he was going to put chhinkni up his already sensitive, tickly from allergies nose and see what happens, having little to no expectations, which made the whole thing sound even hotter in my head. He put some cchinkni on his palm and took it all in one big inhale. Immediately his nose started ticking and he sniffled. A minute later, sniffling ang slightly wiggling the upturned tip of his nose, he said, "baby, I don't think this is working on me. It's just making my nose tickle, but it's not enough to sneeze." As soon as he finished his sentence, he raised his head up, closing his eyes, mouth slightly open, and took a deep breath. His nostrils quivered, as he kept inhaling air into his rising chest, and with a big buildup, he erupted in a loud HAAKSCHHH!, followed by another buildup. He couldn't open his eyes and just kept sharply inhaling with his mouth now wide open, and his nostrils turning pink, before letting out one sneeze after another, as big and loud as the first one... Since I had never seen anybody have a sneezing fit so close to me in real life, I was absolutely mesmerized. Night sky full of stars, an empty parking lot, and a guy I love having the best build ups I had ever heard, bending in the waist with every big sneeze, spraying his chest and knees with a light mist, which I caught a glimpse of in our dim car light... And the rest is history :3

He still induces for me because he knows it's the fastest way to turn me on lol, and I still can hardly believe I found somebody who is so supportive of my fetish, and who made me feel like I wasn't a weirdo or a creep just because I'm a fetishist. My favorite is when he either lets his sneezes out, which makes him bend in the waist and desperately seek bright light to end a long, itchy build up in a big, loud wet sneeze; or when I ask him to try and stifle, and he does his best, starting with slightly high-pitched, girly-ish "hacchoo"s, which very quickly turn back into his regular powerful sneezes, no matter how hard he tries to make them sound quiet.

Edited by peach_princess
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This is the sweetest thing! I would be soo happy to find a man to indulge and be supportive but the last 2 guys just haven’t been the right ones. Still holding out hope. :)

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You're very lucky, I wish I found the perfect girl to indulge and be supportive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Such a good obs! My bf is also accepting of my fetish and I am of his but neither of us had the guts to tell each other until a bit before our 1 year

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I'm happy for you that he has accept it (actually it doesn't seem so difficult for me but I have this fethis too so X) )!

Also I wanted to know, since I want to start writing stories about couples with a lot of sneeze, may I ask you if you make your husband/wife/... sneezes because of the fetish ? I don't know how to put that in some stories so I wanted to ask if it's not weird to do it...

(sorry for some grammatical mistakes, English is not my native language 😅)

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
On 10/28/2022 at 1:54 AM, Gemmia said:

I'm happy for you that he has accept it (actually it doesn't seem so difficult for me but I have this fethis too so X) )!

Also I wanted to know, since I want to start writing stories about couples with a lot of sneeze, may I ask you if you make your husband/wife/... sneezes because of the fetish ? I don't know how to put that in some stories so I wanted to ask if it's not weird to do it...

(sorry for some grammatical mistakes, English is not my native language 😅)

Hi, sorry I've just now noticed your reply! 😅 hope it's not too late. 

I always prioritize consent when it comes to asking my husband to induce for me, but sometimes I can also playfully ask him by touching the upturned tip of his nose and lightly lifting it or giving it the tiniest wiggle and looking at him like Nala at Simba in the Lion King haha. But what happens more often is he comes behind my back and, breathing into my neck, starts pretend hitching like he's about to sneeze, and - I know he's pretending, but damn he's good at it!! Them he makes literally the exact sound he makes when he sneezes, pretending to sneeze in my neck, and if I'm in the mood, I kiss him and wrap my arms around him or well wherever it goes ❤️ so it's become a flirty thing for us

Edited by peach_princess
Sentence structure, I type before I can form my thoughts clearly haha
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