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Sneeze Fetish Forum

What makes a good recording / wav (m)


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Reposting from Tumblr - I'm curious to know what makes good sneeze content for people who like male sneezes. I'm thinking of making content now I live somewhere I won't be overheard.

How long / short does it need to be?

Big sneezes or little? Stifled or unrestrained?

What are the icks you don't want to see? 

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I think it just depends! Everyone has slightly different tastes! For me, I prefer somewhat longer videos with lots of talking through hitching breath/vocal build ups and more natural/unstifled sneezes, but others might strongly disagree! Personally, I really don’t like mess/nose blowing in a video, but again, others have differing opinions! :)

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I wouldn't worry! Step one is to post your sneeze & keep it authentic and natural. You'll likely get comments that guide you about what things people like the most or requests :)

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1 hour ago, Psyneezy said:

I wouldn't worry! Step one is to post your sneeze & keep it authentic and natural. You'll likely get comments that guide you about what things people like the most or requests :)

Oooh yes I second this!! This is probably the best way to go about starting. Then you can figure things out as you go! 

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I don't know if this counts but not sneezing too close to the mic... (I risk shattering my eardrums listening to some of these—doesn't diminish the hotness though!!)


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  • 4 months later...

I appreciate to these comments. I’m also interested in recording sneezes for fun. I cringed when I once recorded my sneezing tho others said my sneezes are cute and hot.

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