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Parks and Recreation request?


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Would anyone be interested in writing a Parks and Recreation fic where April gets sick and Ben has to take care of her? Either when he's living with her and Andy, or when they're living in DC? I have a huge thing for Adam Scott at the moment,0 and I feel like he and Aubrey Plaza have really good chemistry. I love their vaguely antagonistic/ paternal relationship and I would be super interested in seeing how Ben would deal with a sick April. I can imagine him being sort of nervous and concerned in a big brother sort of way and April being annoyed with, yet secretly touched by said concern. I would just go ahead and write it myself, but I am no writer, as I'm sure you can tell by this long, rambling post. I'm new here and I haven't had a chance to contribute much, so I totally understand if no one wants to do this. But I would give you my soul AND first born child! 

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Would you be interested in doing a trade?  I'm only doing trades right now because of the effort involved in putting a decent fic out, but I'm willing to write whatever anyone's heart desires in return for some Korvo from Solar Opposites material.  If you'd like to trade, hit me up.  You can't PM since you're validating but we can hash it out here!

If a trade wouldn't suit, that's perfectly fine and no hard feelings!  I know what I'm looking for is pretty niche!

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I might be interested in doing that. It might take me a little while because writing is not necessarily my strong suit, but I'd like to brush up! What are you looking for? 

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God, I'm dumb! I did not read that properly. I've never seen the show you mentioned, unfortunately. But I would be willing to write something else that I'm familiar with! 

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14 minutes ago, DianeNgyuen said:

God, I'm dumb! I did not read that properly. I've never seen the show you mentioned, unfortunately. But I would be willing to write something else that I'm familiar with! 

Not to worry, not to worry! Like I said, it's pretty niche so I understand! :)

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