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looking through used tissue

Jun wee

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was just wondering if any of you all look through used tissues after someone throws it in the bin. i have been reading many obs where people like to look through the used tissues in the bin and i myself also like to do it. i find it attractive to have the tissue they have used in my hands and always love the anticipation of retrieving it from the bin. used tissue are ones that people sneeze into or blows their nose into it and discards it into the bin. if so, could you share your experience about it. its definitely a thrill after seeing your crush or friend sneeze and blow their nose into a tissue and you taking it out of the bin and looking through it. thanks alot! 

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  • 1 month later...

I’ve done this once or twice, but only my partner’s tissues, and only if there’s nothing gross in the trash can. Nose blowing/tissues are big kinks of mine so I like it when he leaves a pile of used tissues on the bed/couch when he’s sick, and usually I take them to the trash for him. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Too much of a germaphobe to actually do it, but in my head it sounds hot to look through a snotty tissue that an attractive guy honked his nose really loudly into.

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On 11/26/2022 at 7:18 AM, Bleh said:

Too much of a germaphobe to actually do it, but in my head it sounds hot to look through a snotty tissue that an attractive guy honked his nose really loudly into.

Love that idea (hypothetically)-I honk so loudly when I blow my nose that you don't hear that I am actually getting everything down, so the thought of someone checking...

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I have done this quite a bit as snot is one of the things that I am attracted to.  I will look in the trash can after my wife has blown her nose to see how snotty her tissue was.  Her tissues are not nearly as snotty as mine (I always look after I blow my nose), but there are sometimes holes in the tissues from when she honks while blowing her nose.  I still find it quite the feat that we can both blow holes into the Puffs Plus tissues that we're using.

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On 10/29/2022 at 3:50 PM, bluedream said:

I’ve done this once or twice, but only my partner’s tissues, and only if there’s nothing gross in the trash can. Nose blowing/tissues are big kinks of mine so I like it when he leaves a pile of used tissues on the bed/couch when he’s sick, and usually I take them to the trash for him. 

Same. I only like handling and looking at the used tissues of guys I date. Currently single, so no tissue browsing in the near future…

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I have, but only if someone sneezed into it. Generally, though, I don't actually pick them up in case someone is watching. I mostly just try to catch a quick glimpse to see if it's got spray or snot in it.

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I did that once, I had a party, and one of my friends blew her nose, when they all left, I looked at the tissue she blew into. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This sounds very hot. I’ll have to try it the next time my partner is sick. I’ll have to use the excuse of I’m taking out the trash to look at them.

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  • 9 months later...

I love doing this, the snottier the better. I have a whole collection of used tissue pics from over the years and I'm open to trading collections with anyone who wants to.

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I did this a few times while in university. I had an attractive professor who came to class sick. All week, he would leave his used tissues in the trash next to his desk. When class was over, I’d wait until everyone left and would look through the tissues.

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I have done it multiple times in my life, but always regretted it. Honestly I feel like doing it behind people's heads is wrong...but as I said sometimes I can't help it. And 8ts just my feeling

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Yes I love this, try whenever I can even risked a few public grabs over the years.. If the blow witnessed is super snotty.. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've done it too, many times there's nothing interesting, but it depends: when my girlfriend was sick and I went to her house to keep her company I looked at her snotty tissues and I liked it because they were hers, while in class a few times I happened to open some tissues full of snot and it was really nice, especially because I knew they were from cute girls.

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/9/2022 at 12:52 AM, YiffySneeze said:

I have, but only if someone sneezed into it. Generally, though, I don't actually pick them up in case someone is watching. I mostly just try to catch a quick glimpse to see if it's got spray or snot in it.

That's hot. The messier and snottier the better, I think.

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  • 3 weeks later...

been awhile since I visited this thread I started awhile ago 😅. Nice knowing that im not the only one that enjoys this HAHAHA. feel free to share your pics on the thread for evryone to enjoy 😁

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  • 2 months later...

WOW wait I thought I was alone on this one!!! I'm glad I found this thread because I have done this before, but only twice. It's very hard to do it without getting caught. One time I hit the jackpot and found a snotty tissue from one of my male friends. Not proud of myself but I was happy in that moment at how quickly I was able to pull it off hah🫢 One time I even got a couple nose hairs in the tissue too....

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/23/2022 at 5:42 PM, Jun wee said:

was just wondering if any of you all look through used tissues after someone throws it in the bin. i have been reading many obs where people like to look through the used tissues in the bin and i myself also like to do it. i find it attractive to have the tissue they have used in my hands and always love the anticipation of retrieving it from the bin. used tissue are ones that people sneeze into or blows their nose into it and discards it into the bin. if so, could you share your experience about it. its definitely a thrill after seeing your crush or friend sneeze and blow their nose into a tissue and you taking it out of the bin and looking through it. thanks alot! 

I've never really gone in detail thinking how much I'd be into this... Probably more in fiction than IRL. but gosh I feel that rummaging through a trash can to find a sneezed on tissue, for me if it's less snotty and more spray contained in the tissue, would be super hot. I love a good sneeze spray


The adrenaline and the thrill feeling would actually be something to remember on, trying to not get any other people's attention of you getting a used tissue from somewhere

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On 6/2/2024 at 7:11 AM, muskysneeze said:

I've never really gone in detail thinking how much I'd be into this... Probably more in fiction than IRL. but gosh I feel that rummaging through a trash can to find a sneezed on tissue, for me if it's less snotty and more spray contained in the tissue, would be super hot. I love a good sneeze spray


The adrenaline and the thrill feeling would actually be something to remember on, trying to not get any other people's attention of you getting a used tissue from somewhere

I've done this quite a few times now in private and in public, doing this in plain site isn't that hard, the only challenge is the tissue (s) need to be reachable for a swift retrieval.. 

Ive had a few disappointing experiences seeing /hearing a really snotty blow to see the tissue discarded to the bottom of a deep bin 🫣

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh yes I did that with my last two boyfriends, and felt bad and weird about it

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Did this a few times at high school... one day, a very attractive, 5 Feet 4 Inches small girl, brown hair, beautiful nose, was sitting behind me. She blew her nose into a plain white tissue, think she was sick. After blowing her nose, she put the used tissue under her desk and left if there ... class was over, everybody left the room, but not me 😁

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9 hours ago, tetzem said:

L'ho fatto un paio di volte al liceo... un giorno, una ragazza molto attraente, alta 5 piedi e 4 pollici, capelli castani, un bel naso, era seduta dietro di me. Si è soffiata il naso in un semplice fazzoletto bianco, credo che si sentisse male. Dopo essersi soffiata il naso, ha messo il fazzoletto usato sotto il banco e se n'è andata... la lezione era finita, tutti sono usciti dall'aula, tranne me  😁

Great! And how it was?

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