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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Collegiate Contagion (M/M)


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Zach - 21, short brown hair, 5'8, athletic, great immune system
Tyler - 19, curly black hair, 6'0, lanky, horrible immune system
It was Zach's final year of college. He was enjoying his classes and friends, but something was...missing. He wanted someone to wake up next to, someone to go on late night drives with, someone to take care of when they caught a cold. Zach also had a secret -- he loved catching colds. Unfortunately, the universe had cursed him with a superb immune system. He hadn't had a proper sneezy cold in years, despite his best efforts. He had stayed up for nights on end, surviving on ramen and diet coke. He'd gone for runs in the pouring rain, and stood outside when it was 20 degrees with wet hair. He'd even stolen his roommate's tissues when he had a cold and rubbed them on his nose. Nothing.
One day in mid October, Zach was sitting in the library studying. He looked up to see a boy sit across from him, pulling out a massive textbook. And wow. He was gorgeous. Curly brown hair that fell into his eyes, and a jawline to rival the gods. But maybe best of all, the boy's nose was tinged red. Zach realized he was staring, and quickly glanced down at the boy's textbook.
"Organic chemistry, huh?" Zach said reading the cover. The boy glanced up, looking tired.
"It's killing me. I wouldn't be studying at all, but I'm afraid I would actually fail if I didn't." His voice was just slightly congested, like he was just coming down with whatever was ailing him.
Zach raised an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't you be studying?"
"Oh, I think I'm getting sick. This girl was sitting behind me in econ a few days ago, and she was sneezing her head off. I could feel it hitting me, so I guess it's not surprising I caught whatever she had.
At this point, Zach was about to lose his mind. This boy was pushing all his buttons with his description of how he caught this cold. Zach stuck out his hand. "I'm Zach."
The boy looked at it warily. "We probably shouldn't shake hands, I don't want to give you this..."
Zach smiled at him, and looked into his chocolate brown eyes. "I don't mind, I promise."
The boy took his hand. "I'm Tyler." As they shook hands, Zach could almost imagine the germs jumping from Tyler's hand to his. But his touch was also warm and reassuring. He'd just wanted to get this boy's cold, but Zach couldn't help feeling that this could turn into something more.
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36 minutes ago, GuitarPlayah said:
Zach - 21, short brown hair, 5'8, athletic, great immune system
Tyler - 19, curly black hair, 6'0, lanky, horrible immune system
It was Zach's final year of college. He was enjoying his classes and friends, but something was...missing. He wanted someone to wake up next to, someone to go on late night drives with, someone to take care of when they caught a cold. Zach also had a secret -- he loved catching colds. Unfortunately, the universe had cursed him with a superb immune system. He hadn't had a proper sneezy cold in years, despite his best efforts. He had stayed up for nights on end, surviving on ramen and diet coke. He'd gone for runs in the pouring rain, and stood outside when it was 20 degrees with wet hair. He'd even stolen his roommate's tissues when he had a cold and rubbed them on his nose. Nothing.
One day in mid October, Zach was sitting in the library studying. He looked up to see a boy sit across from him, pulling out a massive textbook. And wow. He was gorgeous. Curly brown hair that fell into his eyes, and a jawline to rival the gods. But maybe best of all, the boy's nose was tinged red. Zach realized he was staring, and quickly glanced down at the boy's textbook.
"Organic chemistry, huh?" Zach said reading the cover. The boy glanced up, looking tired.
"It's killing me. I wouldn't be studying at all, but I'm afraid I would actually fail if I didn't." His voice was just slightly congested, like he was just coming down with whatever was ailing him.
Zach raised an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't you be studying?"
"Oh, I think I'm getting sick. This girl was sitting behind me in econ a few days ago, and she was sneezing her head off. I could feel it hitting me, so I guess it's not surprising I caught whatever she had.
At this point, Zach was about to lose his mind. This boy was pushing all his buttons with his description of how he caught this cold. Zach stuck out his hand. "I'm Zach."
The boy looked at it warily. "We probably shouldn't shake hands, I don't want to give you this..."
Zach smiled at him, and looked into his chocolate brown eyes. "I don't mind, I promise."
The boy took his hand. "I'm Tyler." As they shook hands, Zach could almost imagine the germs jumping from Tyler's hand to his. But his touch was also warm and reassuring. He'd just wanted to get this boy's cold, but Zach couldn't help feeling that this could turn into something more.

Omg, I'm excited for this onee! I'm already loving this introduction!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey, sorry for the delay! Life's been hectic.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Part 2  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
After another half hour of Tyler sniffling over his chemistry homework and Zach pretending to study, Zach couldn't take it anymore. He stood up and put his books away. He was contemplating asking Tyler for his number , when he was beaten to it.
"Hey, would you want to hang out sometime? After I'm not all..." he gestured to his red nose and snotty t-shirt.
Zach smiled. "I was actually gonna go grab some food now, do you want to come? I promise, I don't mind that you're sick at all."
"Are you sure?" Tyler asked. He glanced at Zach, apprehensively, but Zach just raised an eyebrow.
"Ok" Tyler sighed. "What were you thinking?"
After wandering around for a few minutes, they decided on Chipotle. While they waited in the massive line of college students, most of whom were also coughing or sneezing, Zach took Tyler's hand again. He had been rubbing his nose with that hand for most of their walk over, and it was surely full of germs. "So when was that econ class?" he asked casually.
"Huh?" Tyler glanced up confused.
"Where that girl was sneezing on you." Zach clarified.
"Oh, uh, Wednesday." Tyler said, after thinking for a moment.
Excellent. Today was Friday, meaning that Tyler had only be exposed two days ago. And since he was just starting to get sick now....he was probably very contagious.
"Why do you ask?" Tyler was looking at Zach still a bit confused.
"Oh, uh..." Hm. Zach decided to be honest. "I'm trying to figure out how contagious you are. People tend to be the most contagious in the first few days after exposure, when their symptoms just start."
Tyler let go of Zach's hand. "Oh, shit...that means I must be super contagious now right?"
Zach nodded. "I'd say today is your most contagious day of the cold."
Tyler looked at Zach half-surprised half-disgusted. "I shouldn't be here then right? I'm probably just spewing germs."
Zach motioned to the crowd of students. "I think everyone is at this point."
"You're not though." Tyler said. "What's your secret?"
Zach sighed. "Do you want to go back to my place?"
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

Heyyy sorry life's been busy, but apparently the start of a new semester has reawoken my imagination for sneezy love scenarios around campus 😝


Part 3


After they got their food to go, Zach and Tyler headed back to Zach's apartment. It was right by the library, but even on the short walk it started to pour rain. As they stepped inside, both boys were soaked.

"So..." Tyler said awkwardly.

Zach had started headed for his bedroom and gestured for Tyler to follow. "Gotta change. You should too, you'll just get more sick sitting around in wet clothes". As they entered his bedroom, Zach stripped his shirt off and threw it in a nearby hamper. As he turned around, Tyler couldn't help but stare. I mean sure, he was cute but Tyler imagined him as more of a lanky skater guy. But wow. Zach clearly worked out, and had that not thin but not bulky muscular figure that Tyler loved. He was snapped out of his thoughts by Zach's voice. "Well do you want to?"

Tyler blinked. "Um...do I want to what?" a million possibilities raced through his mind of what Zach might have said while Tyler was oogling him.

Zach cocked his head. "To change. Here, I've got some bigger shirts that might fit you." He tossed Tyler a black button up and then pulled on a tank top.


Zach was thinking about how to tell him. What to tell him. Was he supposed to blurt out 'I have a cold fetish and I'm trying really hard not to jump you right now'? No, maybe that was a bit much. He sighed. He wanted this to be more than a one time thing. He felt someone come up behind him, and Tyler put his hands on Zach's shoulders. Tyler's breath hitched, as he let out a wet Atchewwww! all over Zach's neck and face. Zach could barely breathe. Tyler rubbed his nose against Zach's neck. "So you like this?" It was both a statement and a question. "Ye-yeah". Zach blushed. "It's more than that though, like it's not just a sex thing...". Tyler grabbed his hand. "Tell me about it."


Zach looked up at Tyler, not knowing what he would say. "So you like when people you like give you their colds?" Tyler asked.

"It's more than that. It's like...sharing a cold with someone. It's so intimate. The little germs in their body moving into yours, and then every time you sneeze or cough for the next week you're reminded of that person and their cold."

Tyler contemplated this. "Ok...so like if I were to tell you how contagious I am as I a--ahh---CHOO!" He sneezed right in Zach's face. "*sniff* sneeze in your face?" Tyler asked smirking. Zach was in heaven. "Yeah" he said dreamily. "You know, " Tyler informed the smaller boy, "I do have a fever". He put Zach's hand to his forehead and relaxed under the cool touch. "I'm probably realllly contagious. And I just sneezed all these feverish little germs on you." Zach couldn't help himself, he grabbed Tyler, and pushed him onto the bed.


Probably gonna pick this back up with Zach getting sick, or maybe somehow not yet being sick, but yeah! If people want the 'what happens in between' I might write a part for the adult forum but comment if you would be interested in that :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

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