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Unbridled (Mental, Dr Hayden-Jones) 2 parts *finished*


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I'm writing this instead of cleaning my apartment today. :lol:  Enjoy! I shall now live in dust and shame. :yay: 

This is part 1, part 2 will be posted either later today or tomorrow, depending on whether I actually end up doing any cleaning today or not. :whistle: 



Veronica and Chloe were standing by the gate in a paddock, watching their boss Jack talking to a woman in her early 30s, obviously about horses. Chloe's face had a sceptical expression. Veronica's expression was more of a distant non-expression. Her focus was not aimed at her surroundings, but rather inward, at her own discomfort. 

She slowly raised her hand and rubbed her nose, trying to rid herself of a persistent tickle. If it made any difference at all, it was for the worse; the tickle blossomed into a full-out need to sneeze.

A light sniffle, and then it was inevitable. She pinched her nose between thumb and index finger and squashed the sneeze into a damp-sounding stifle, trying to be as quiet as possible.


Well, it had been quiet, but it hadn’t done much about the irritation. Veronica held her breath, hoping to avoid fuelling a second sneeze. She was fairly confident in her ability to stifle relatively silent, but she couldn’t be absolutely certain, and from what she understood, horses could spook at unexpected sounds.

Yeah, the professional had assured them that these horses were particularly well-trained to be safe around mentally ill patients that might behave unpredictably, but still. Besides, they were huge. Veronica had never seen a horse this close before and she was happy to keep some distance.

Jack, of course, wasn’t just in the middle of the paddock, he was even mounted, sitting bareback on a grey mare.

“Ladies,” he called to Veronica and Chloe, both more than content keeping a healthy distance to the large animals, “come on over here.”

Chloe gave Veronica a nervous look.

“No way in hell am I going any closer.”

“Well, if you’re going to lead the therapy you kind of have to,” Jack said and leaned down, patting the horse on the base of its neck. Chloe remained where she was, even took a step backwards. Veronica, weighing her chances of getting Jack to approve more funding to her open clinic-project against her instinctual wish to stay away from these massive creatures, finally let the greater good win and gingerly made her way to the middle of the paddock.

“So I guess the equine therapy will be your domain, then,” Jack said and slid down from the horse’s back. He looked over his shoulder at Chloe and said; “Doctor, I’d like to see some research on the subject of patient benefits in therapy using animals. Have it on my desk first thing tomorrow.”

Chloe groaned, but it was mostly an act; she was relieved to get out of there without being bitten, kicked, or trampled.

“They’re huge,” Veronica said.

“Gentle giants,” Jack said. “I was thinking…”

“H-hold that thought,” Veronica said, turned halfway around and stifled another sneeze into a pinched grip. The sneeze turned out to be a double, two quick single-syllable sounds, carefully bottled up inside her sinuses.

Jack looked at her with a slightly amused smile.

“All done?”

“I think so,” Veronica replied, although she didn’t think so at all, and straightened up with a light sniff, shaking her auburn hair out of her face. A tear threatened to overflow her eye and she quickly wiped it away with the back of her hand.

“Bless you,” Jack offered. “This is Jo, the owner, and she’ll be working with you to get the patients to feel as comfortable as possible.”

Veronica nodded, not wanting to shake hands after Jo had just seen her sneezing into her hand. Jo, thankfully, was busy running her own hands through the grey mare’s thick mane and didn’t even seem to think about the whole ‘proper introduction/handshake’-thing.

“Jo, this is Dr Hayden-Jones. So, I guess you two will be meeting…”

He gave Veronica a quizzical look.

“Uh, well, the day after tomorrow? I have open clinic tomorrow, I don’t think all the patients at the open clinic-program would benefit from this, at least not quite yet, but… ehhsniff… but there is one patient on the ward that I think this could be great for.”

Jo didn’t seem to notice Veronica’s momentary hitch and sniff in the middle of the sentence, but Jack had, and he frowned.

“Sounds good, day after tomorrow. At.. nine?” Jo said.

“Great. This is going to be a really helpful experience for these patients," Veronica said. She was smiling, but her nostrils twitched as the tickle kept bothering her.


As they went back to the car, Veronica frantically searched her pockets while a sneezy look on her face grew more and more intense.

Jack took a clean handkerchief out of his own pocket and brandished it in front of her. Veronica snatched it and quickly got it up to her face before she’d end up spraying everything in her vicinity.

She succeeded, if only barely.


No use even trying to stifle these, besides, they were far enough away from the horses that she didn’t think these sudden outbursts would spook them.

“Bless you. Again,” Jack said, leaning against the car on the driver’s side. He looked curiously at her as she debated with herself if she should take advantage of having something to blow her nose into, or if she should downplay the situation further. Eventually her pragmatic side took over, and she gave her nose a quick, soft blow into the white cotton.

“Thanks,” she muttered. “I’ll have it washed and returned by tomorrow, promise.”

“Oh, no rush,” Jack assured her. “Anything you need to tell me?”

Veronica looked back at him, confused.


“Okay then, good,” he said and unlocked the car doors.

Veronica, still bothered by the persistent tickle in her nose, didn’t push the matter, she just slid into the passenger’s seat, closed the door, and put on her seatbelt. In fact, she completely forgot about his odd question as soon as they were back in traffic, because frankly, Jack often said odd things out of context, but he was also a terrifying driver and she spent most of the drive back to the hospital clutching the handkerchief as a stress ball in both hands and doing her best to manage her adrenaline response.

Jack had noticed her rubbing her nose for quite some time before the first sneeze even came, and he had also noticed how irritated her eyes looked. It could just be dust, of course. Or something else. But he knew that she had bad allergies in summer, and if you were allergic to one thing, chances were you had other allergies too.

If she did, she clearly wasn’t aware of them, though. Well, time would tell. You could hide a lot, but an allergy attack wasn’t one of those things.


Veronica spent the rest of that day fighting an ongoing tickle in her sinuses and the back of her throat. It wasn’t quite enough to make her sneeze again, but she felt congested and all in all, a bit uncomfortable. Her throat felt scratchy.

She commented on it when she got home, telling Danny she might be coming down with a cold and that she probably should sleep on the couch so he wouldn’t get it too. He had a studio recording in two days and the incubation period pretty much ensured he’d get sick just in time for that, if she was getting sick now.

But waking up the next morning, her sinuses felt clear. She was sore after sleeping on the uncomfortable couch, but it didn’t feel like the soreness that came with illness.

“Morning, beautiful,” Danny said as she came out into the kitchen. “How are you feeling today?”

“Better”, she said, shrugging. “It was probably nothing. Maybe I slept it off.” She stretched, yawning. “I’d better get going.”

“No breakfast? I made scrambled eggs and bacon.” He gave her a boyish grin. “I thought food was just as important as sleep to maintain good health?”

“Speaking as a doctor, bacon hardly counts as healthy food,” she replied, but she took the plate he held out for her.

“Uh-huh, noted.” His grin broadened when she took a bite and closed her eyes in bliss.

“… but speaking as Veronica, I’m sure it’ll improve my personal health,” she said.

“I thought so,” Danny said and gave her a quick kiss before she left for work.

And she did feel just fine the whole day at work, and so didn’t think any more of the weird tickly event. It was either a cold that was stopped in its tracks by a good night's sleep, or she'd gotten some dust or something up her nose. It didn't seem to require any further thought.

Not until the next day.



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Oh I enjoyed this.  The idea of someone else twigging that someone has an allergy and the person themself not realising it is something I had not thought of before but man is it delightful.  Looking forward to part 2!!

And bacon is totally healthy food.  It is pretty much direct from nature.  Well, that's what I tell myself, anyway!

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On 9/28/2022 at 5:41 PM, SleepingPhlox said:

Oh I enjoyed this.  The idea of someone else twigging that someone has an allergy and the person themself not realising it is something I had not thought of before but man is it delightful.  Looking forward to part 2!!

And bacon is totally healthy food.  It is pretty much direct from nature.  Well, that's what I tell myself, anyway!

Thank you! Yeah, people who are oblivious to why they're suddenly so itchy and sneezy, while someone else has figured it out already is really fun to write. :shifty: :twisted:  

Hehe, I totally agree about bacon. :lol: :yay:


Okies, here's the second and final part. Hope you'll like it. Bit more focus on the actual allergies here. ;) 


Lois was twenty-one, suffered from severe, crippling depression and so far the medications they had tried had barely made a dent. Veronica hoped that this was the hint of magic that might penetrate the dark surrounding the young woman. Veronica wasn’t usually a fan of Jack’s experimental treatment plans, but she did believe in the healing powers of animals. She knew that whenever she felt down, all it took was a purring cat and she would feel better. Clinical depression was something else entirely of course, but animals did have that ability to get through to people who had closed themselves off to the rest of the world.  

“Lois? How are you feeling today?” Veronica asked. She didn’t expect an answer, and she didn’t get one. Lois was staring out the window, only her breathing and the occasional blinking confirming that she was alive.

“Okay. Would you like to go outside?”

Lois shrugged. Well, that was her usual response when staff tried to get her outside, and while she did go along, she never seemed to really care about the change of scenery.

Veronica sat down next to her, on the edge of her bed, looking out the same window. They sat in silence for a few minutes, Veronica slowing down her thoughts to better connect with the younger woman. Stressing her was certainly not going to give her any response. Eventually, she said in a low, soft voice:

“Do you like horses?”

“Maybe,” the young woman said without looking at Veronica. But to Veronica this felt like a victory in and of itself; Lois rarely responded verbally to any question, and if she did the answer was usually a flat ‘no’. Yeah, this could work. Any step forward was huge.

“Because I was thinking we could go to the stables.”

This time Lois actually looked at her.


Veronica smiled.

“How about now?”


Nora had decided to come along and evaluate whether the equine therapy was something she could defend to the hospital board – they wanted to cut funding wherever they could, for them to add new funding it would have to be more than just a fun idea.

The fact that Veronica sounded enthusiastic was promising; Veronica was level-headed and by-the-book, if she thought this could be something, the chances of defending it to the board was far greater than if Jack alone propagated for it.

Jo met the trio outside the stable.

“We usually begin with letting the visitor get to know the horse in the stable. Pet, groom, getting to know each other. And if everyone is comfortable, we might saddle up and go for a little ride.”

Jo looked Lois in the eyes, smiling.

“If and when you’re comfortable. There is no rush in either direction.”

“And I’ll be right here,” Veronica reassured her. “We’re here for your sake. If you want to leave, if it gets too much, just say so.”

Lois nodded.

“Okay,” Jo said. “Let’s go meet Foxy.”


Foxy was a more convenient size, Veronica thought. It wasn’t a small pony, but not a giant like the grey mare that Jack had been sitting on the back of the other day.

Foxy’s fur was a reddish brown, very similar to Veronica’s hair colour, and there was a large white spot in the middle of an elegantly shaped forehead. Her eyes were a warm brown, and she seemed very calm.

Veronica watched as Lois reached out and touched the horse’s neck, and she could’ve sworn the younger woman looked like an invisible weight fell off her. Her posture wasn’t as slumped all of a sudden, like it wasn’t a chore in itself just to keep her head raised.

At first, Veronica was too focused on the small but visible transformation happening before her to notice the dry itch in the back of her throat, and when she did, she didn’t think much of it. She cleared her throat, swallowed… then swallowed again, and frowned. The itch did not stop. If anything, it intensified. Now that her focus was directed towards it, she realised that the irritation was in the back of her nose as well. She took a tentative breath through her nose and a rush of intense pinpricks seemed to spread from the far back all the way through her nasal passages to the very tip of her nose.

She had to sneeze. It wasn’t a polite request that would accept being dismissed; this was a deep physical need. She turned slightly away from the others, pretending to look at the tack on the opposite wall, and brought her hand up to her nose, trying to make it look casual, like she was just going to brush a strand of hair out of her face, and instead pressed her knuckles hard against the side of her nose, stifling a sneeze into complete silence. Only a very slight bob of her head revealed that anything at all was going on, and nobody was focused on her.

She turned back, but was now faced with another problem. The sneeze, while stifled so well it hardly counted as a sneeze at all, had set off a chain reaction, and now her nose was beginning to run.

In front of her, Jo was showing Lois how to groom a horse, and as they both ran brushes along the horse’s shiny body, dust and hair was flung into the air, whirling in the ray of sunshine that came in through one of the small windows.

Veronica sniffled, a quick, watery-sounding sniffle that earned her a brief glance from Nora, but no reaction at all from the others. The sniffle however had made the prickly sensation in her nose worse, and she knew she was going to sneeze again.

Hehh… ehhh…” a couple of loud hitching breaths escaped her, almost gasps, and this did draw attention from Jo. Lois was still focused on the horse and the steady, rhythmic sweeps with the brush.

“S-sorry… I h-have to s-sn-sneeze…ISSShhhew-ISSSHH! Hih-NNkkt! Ugh, ‘scuse me.”

“Bless you,” Jo and Nora said in unison. “You okay?” Nora added.

Veronica rubbed her nose quite forcefully. The sound of fluid moving within made her stop despite how good it felt to scratch that itch; it was too embarrassing.

“Yeah, I’m alright.”

But she was seriously starting to question that herself. This was far too intense and insistent to be a random tickle, she never sneezed in rapid doubles unless she was teetering on the verge of an allergy attack.

Her watery, bloodshot eyes zeroed in on the dust and dander and hair repeatedly sent flying into the air. That had to be the culprit. She’d never been around horses before, not this close, so she’d had no chance of knowing that she was allergic to them.

Well. She couldn’t just cut and run anyway. She would simply have to try and rein this reaction in as long as necessary.

She bit the insides of her cheeks trying to avert attention from the constant tickling and tingling in her nose. The itch in her throat was manageable, she didn’t feel like she had to cough or anything like that. The one thing she would have to keep herself from doing, was sneeze. Because 1. that would draw further attention to the situation she was trying to hide, and 2, if this was anything like her grass pollen allergy, once she started sneezing she wouldn’t be able to stop. The seal had already been broken so to speak, but she still hoped she could delay the inevitable, if not avoid it.

No more sneezes, she told herself firmly, even as her nostrils quivered with the desire to. Not now.

But the need was too great, too powerful to resist for very long, and she cupped one hand over her rosy, inflamed nose and braced herself for what was coming.

Nnkt! NkTThh! Ugh…” she sniffled and rubbed her nose hard, but it only made matters worse. “NNXT! TSSHew! Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” she said and sniffled again. “I must’ve gotten some dust up my nose… heh-NKTssh!”

“You doing okay, Doctor Jones?” Jo asked. Veronica, somehow, using all her considerable willpower, fought back the urge to just keep sneezing, took a shaky breath, and nodded.

“Yes, I’m fine.” It sounded like fide. Veronica heard it herself, sniffled again, and cleared her throat, trying her best to articulate the words more clearly. “Don’t worry about me, it’s just a t-tihh… tickle.”

She turned away from the scene and wiped her nose on her jacket sleeve. Disgusting, but she had nothing else, and at this point her nose was dripping. Clear, watery liquid streamed out of her irritated, twitching nostrils faster than she could sniffle it back. Actually, she was too congested to really be able to sniffle it back. And even if she hadn’t been, she wouldn’t have dared, because her nose was itching like crazy and felt like the slightest added provocation would make her sneeze again.

“Ronnie,” Nora said. “May I have a word? Outside?”

“…snff… will you be alright?” Veronica asked.

“Oh yeah, I think we’ll be fine,” Jo said. Lois had stopped brushing the horse, instead just leaning her forehead against the warm, soft creature’s side. Veronica didn’t want to hand over the responsibility to someone else, but her nose felt like it was on fire, and she longed to release the itchy, desperate sneezes lining up inside her red-rubbed, damp, quivering nostrils.

She looked at Lois’s face, trying to read the young woman’s mind, and saw the tiny hint of a smile. That was all Veronica needed, this was going well for Lois. Not so well for herself, though.

“Alright, I’ll be back in a little bit,” Veronica said and got out of the stable, following Nora while fighting back the urge to sneeze.

A little bit longer, not yet, she told herself, holding back the itchy need as long as she could.

“Ronnie, I don’t think this is a good idea,” Nora said.

“Sure it is,” Veronica objected and wiped her runny nose as discreetly as she could. “She’s smiling. Snrrrfff! I haven’t s-seen… ehhh… h-her smile.. ehh… heGNTx! Haven’t seen h-her… huhESSSHH! AeeSSSHH! Smile even once since she… ehhISSSHH! AhhISSSHH! AH-yISSSSHHew! Since she was commi-hhh-t-TSSHIEW! Committed, oh my God… hah-ISSSSH! Sorry, my nose won’t stop tickling, I don’t know what’s going on…! HAH-issshhh!”

“I wasn’t talking about Lois. Clearly this is working for her. I’m going to recommend the board to permanent this therapy. But you will not be leading it.”

Nora pulled a tissue from her purse and handed it over to the other woman.

“I don’t know if it’s the horses or the hay or whatever it is, but you’re obviously allergic to something here. Go home.”

“I can’t.” Veronica blew her nose ferociously but it didn’t do anything about either the congestion, the drippiness, or the itch. “HuhMPTSHH! Oh God… ugh…”

“You can’t, huh? Why not?” Nora had her arms folded across her generous chest and gave Veronica her best ‘boss stare’, but it was largely undone by two things; her genuine concern for an employee who was also her friend, and the fact that the recipient of the stare was unable to keep her own eyes open long enough to really notice. Veronica’s puffy, red-rimmed eyes were constantly filling up with fresh tears, obscuring her vision. Her makeup was completely ruined, only remaining in streaks and smears around her eyes.

“We’re making progress… uhhNKTT! HiIISSSHHIEW! Remarkable progress, I don’t want to cut that short… NGTSSHHH-ISSSHHOO! AeeSSSHH!”

“Well, you can’t be here, that’s not even up for debate,” Nora said. “Jesus Ronnie, you really had no idea? Weren’t you and Chloe here with Jack the other day to talk to the owner?”

Veronica nodded, not trusting her voice to reply verbally.

“And?” Nora urged her on. “You didn’t have an allergic meltdown then?”

“I did feel a bit…” Veronica struggled for words, “… sniffly. But I thought I was just coming down with a cold.”

“Well, if this is a cold, it’s most acutely symptomatic cold with the fastest onset that I’ve ever seen,” Nora said. “You’re dripping.”

“Thanks, I noticed,” Veronica shot back, “I can’t exactly help it!”

“I’m sorry. It came out wrong.” Nora put a comforting hand on Veronica’s shoulder. “I’m worried about you. I’ve never seen you sneeze this much.”

“I hear you’ve never seen me outside when the lawn’s just been mowed,” Veronica said, wiping her runny nose with the tissue Nora had given her. It really wasn’t very useful anymore; it was soaked and her nose wouldn’t stop streaming even for a moment, but she didn’t know what else to do. Just let the mess run down her face unhindered? No way. “Really, I’ll be fine. I swear. It’s just a tickle.”

“No,” Nora said. “It’s not just a tickle, and I doubt you’ll be anywhere near ‘fine’ the rest of the day, and you’re not going back inside that stable.”

She shook her head and got out her cell phone.

“I’m calling Jack, he’s going to come out here now and take over, and as soon as he’s here, I’m driving you home.” She gave Veronica a stern look. “Not up for debate.”


When Jack arrived, Veronica was sitting on a mounting block a few yards away from the stable, still sneezing helplessly in recurring fits, much harsher and wetter than before.

“So, allergic, huh?” he said.

“Oh gee, what tipped you off?” Veronica said, trying to sound sarcastic but only sounding tired.

“Actually, I had an inkling when we were first here. You sneezed quite a bit then too. Catch!”

Her reflexes were just quick enough that she’d catch the pill chart he tossed at her.

snrrff… what is it?”

She squinted, but her eyes were too watery and irritated to make out the small text on the back of it.

“Loratadine 10 milligram,” Jack said. “Also known as Claritin. Just over the counter antihistamines, I didn’t want to write a prescription for anything stronger when I hadn’t seen your symptoms, but it should help a little.”

Veronica sneezed again, still holding the pill chart in both hands, and sprayed her hands and the medication, but by now she didn’t really care about appearances anyway. She took a pill and dry-swallowed it, hoping for relief but knowing that these unbridled allergies had been running rampant for too long; she was going to keep suffering all day even if she took her prescription meds.

“Where’s the patient?” Jack asked, and this made Veronica brighten even though she was feeling absolutely miserable herself.

“In the stable with Jo. She was smiling, Jack!”

He nodded, and he too was smiling.

“Good job, Veronica. I hope you’ll feel better soon. Take tomorrow off.”

“I’ll be…”

“Fine, yes, I know.” His voice was soothing. “I know. Take tomorrow off anyway.”

Veronica hid her flushed, leaky face in both hands, sniffled thickly, and nodded.

“Let’s get you home, Ronnie,” Nora said softly.

Veronica replied with a sneeze.

“That’s a resounding yes,” Nora said and looped an arm around the other woman’s slim waist to keep her steady even as Veronica kept sneezing all the way to the car.


When Danny came home later, Veronica was lying on the couch with a damp cool cloth over her swollen, burning eyes.

“Hey babycakes… uh, what’s going on?” he asked.

“Oh, hi, fun thing; did you know I’m allergic to horses? …snnnrrrfff!”


“Neither did I, until about four hours ago. HeeEEIISSSHHHoo! This is the tail end – no pun intended – of an absolutely unbridled – uh, that pun was intended – allergy attaaaAAAAAIISSSHHihh! Ah-AAAIISSSHHH! AAAESSSHHHoo! Attack.”

Danny chuckled and sat down next to her, gently removing the cloth from her face and did a double take.

“Whoa!” He chuckled again as Veronica snatched the cloth from him and put it back over her irritated eyes. “Oh my God honey… did you take anything for it?”

“Everything I could find.”

“Okay then. Well. Guess you just have to, hehe, ride it out, then.” He effortlessly evaded her blind attempt at slapping at him, easily moving out of her reach.

Her breath hitched, chest rising and falling with it, and then her whole body convulsed as she expelled as many allergens as she could with the next sneeze. Not that there could be many of them left considering how many times she had sneezed already, but her nose seemed convinced of it.


“Bless you! I’m impressed,” he said, patting her thigh. “If you add just a little bit more oomph you might get the windows to rattle.”


Danny grinned. She was too cute losing all self-control like this.

“I’ll go get you some more tissues.”


Edited by Chanel_no5
removed broken link
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Whew! Is it hot in here or is it this fic? :omg: Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap the finely crafted details of her ordeal.  This is so, so good.  From the description of the feeling of her allergies, to the description of the outward symptoms, to the visuals of the hair swirling in the sun, to her realisation of whats going on, this was a damn good read.

27 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

She had to sneeze. It wasn’t a polite request that would accept being dismissed; this was a deep physical need.

Anyway, if anyone needs me, I've temporarily ascended to a higher plane of existence, because of this right here.

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22 hours ago, SpookyPhlox said:

Whew! Is it hot in here or is it this fic? :omg: Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap the finely crafted details of her ordeal.  This is so, so good.  From the description of the feeling of her allergies, to the description of the outward symptoms, to the visuals of the hair swirling in the sun, to her realisation of whats going on, this was a damn good read.

Anyway, if anyone needs me, I've temporarily ascended to a higher plane of existence, because of this right here.

Thank you! Oooh yeah, the poor thing really got a face full of allergens there... :whistle: :twisted:  The second part flowed much better so it was funnier to write. I can so totally picture someone in that position suddenly realising that they're allergic to the thing they're going to have to work with. :shifty: 


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  • 7 months later...

This is really good! I have never heard of this fandom but you did a great job at delivering an excellent fic with no context needed (I bet if I had context I would've gotten more details of course haha). Anyways, great fic!

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On 5/31/2023 at 11:39 PM, derangest said:

This is really good! I have never heard of this fandom but you did a great job at delivering an excellent fic with no context needed (I bet if I had context I would've gotten more details of course haha). Anyways, great fic!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it! Yeah, it's not a particularly well-known show, and truth be told, I only hunted down and watched it in the first place because I have a massive crush on the actress playing Veronica, lol, but it was a surprisingly good show, it's a shame it only ran for one season. 

0:04, Veronica is the one on the left, Chloe on the right.  In case we want the visuals. :lol: 


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1 hour ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it! Yeah, it's not a particularly well-known show, and truth be told, I only hunted down and watched it in the first place because I have a massive crush on the actress playing Veronica, lol, but it was a surprisingly good show, it's a shame it only ran for one season. 

0:04, Veronica is the one on the left, Chloe on the right.  In case we want the visuals. :lol: 


Ooh! Cool, I'll check it out!

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