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What is the most embarrassing situation you've had because of a cold?


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I know a lot of us get squeamish/anxious about sneezing/snotting/blowing nose in front of others, but when you have a cold, it can be hard to keep control?

What's the most embarrassing situation you've been in because you had a cold?

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One of the few times I couldn't stay in control was when I was visiting my in-laws. I never understood what had happened to me, that despite my mental block, I had a huge fit of sneezing so much that I had to go outside to be able to sneeze freely. But even outside in the garden where there was nobody, I felt really embarrassed because I had no control over the strength of my sneezes and I was sneezing super hard so much that they heard me inside. I sneezed I don't know how many times and when I finally got back to their house, I felt super uncomfortable. :unsure:

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Last year I went on a mainly silent meditation retreat where talking and noise was minimally allowed. I was really sick the entire time lol. My nose ran profusely in all our meditation sessions which was absolutely disgusting because I’d be meditating with mess pouring down my face. I only had 1 sweater packed for the entire weekend and it became like a used tissue by the end. It was super obvious to everyone and really gross. 🥴 I remember we were in a forty minute meditation and my nose was running so bad that I had to get up and leave the session. 

I was really sneezy as well and stifled every single sneeze to be quiet which gave me terrible migraines. I had a really bad cough but didn’t want to be loud so I did that annoying thing of holding back coughs the entire 3 days. 😩 I was not thriving lol. To top it all off it was made worse by the fact that one of my teachers announced to THE ROOM FULL OF STUDENTS that I was sick. I was so ill and running a fever on the second night that two of the older women on the retreat brought me into a private room to massage my head and chest and sat with me until 2 am.The extra attention was humiliating. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole. 

Needless to say I was very glad when the retreat was over lol. 

Edited by Melody
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On 9/29/2022 at 4:19 AM, Melody said:

Last year I went on a mainly silent meditation retreat where talking and noise was minimally allowed. I was really sick the entire time lol. My nose ran profusely in all our meditation sessions which was absolutely disgusting because I’d be meditating with mess pouring down my face. I only had 1 sweater packed for the entire weekend and it became like a used tissue by the end. It was super obvious to everyone and really gross. 🥴 I remember we were in a forty minute meditation and my nose was running so bad that I had to get up and leave the session. 

I was really sneezy as well and stifled every single sneeze to be quiet which gave me terrible migraines. I had a really bad cough but didn’t want to be loud so I did that annoying thing of holding back coughs the entire 3 days. 😩 I was not thriving lol. To top it all off it was made worse by the fact that one of my teachers announced to THE ROOM FULL OF STUDENTS that I was sick. I was so ill and running a fever on the second night that two of the older women on the retreat brought me into a private room to massage my head and chest and sat with me until 2 am.The extra attention was humiliating. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole. 

Needless to say I was very glad when the retreat was over lol. 

Oh my gosh, I would absolutely pass away lol. That sounds intense. I don’t know that I could have stayed there more than a day. Holding back coughs is the worst and I feel like the runny nose makes my nose even more sore. Major props to you for sticking it out! 😅

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16 hours ago, Shianne08 said:

Oh my gosh, I would absolutely pass away lol. That sounds intense. I don’t know that I could have stayed there more than a day. Holding back coughs is the worst and I feel like the runny nose makes my nose even more sore. Major props to you for sticking it out! 😅

yeah it was rough. I cringe about it to this day. I wanted to leave actually but I carpooled to the retreat which was in northern Ontario so I was stuck there 🤣

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Probably at my first job working retail. I caught a stuffy, sneezy, and runny cold. I was so stuffed up for most of my shift, so my m’s and n’s were b’s and d’s whenever I talked to customers or my coworkers. The most embarrassing part was when my boss brought up how sick I sounded in front of my coworkers and ended with a comment about cold season. I couldn’t even deny it and all I could do was awkwardly nod. Having to sniff around others to keep my nose from dripping and discreetly pinching the sneezy tickle added to the embarrassment.

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On 10/2/2022 at 4:08 PM, Melody said:

yeah it was rough. I cringe about it to this day. I wanted to leave actually but I carpooled to the retreat which was in northern Ontario so I was stuck there 🤣

Ohhh nooo lol dude that sounds like my worst nightmare haha. I’m so shy and introverted, especially if someone makes a big deal or comments on me being sick so I would have become a hermit in my room lol. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

hmm it was a few years ago and it was like, a bad allergy day. anyway i was sitting on the table with my best friend and we were eating some hot soup. i didnt even realize i had to sneeze until i went like "ah--kT'SHEW" like four times in a row while the soup was in my mouth. yes i spilled everything and yes they were wet sneezes it was so emberassing 

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It’s a good question !
Actually, I’ve got to much memories of embarrassing things that happened to me…

One time, I was really sick. Knowing that I’m not a person who gets sick easily, whenever I’m sick, it’s horrible and very painful ! So, I was with my best friend and some friends of mine. I was feeling dizzy and I was at school with no ways to get home… So we were walking in the yard and I stopped because of the pain in my chest. I bet you know the sensation of Fire in your lungs… I started having headaches and I was dizzy so I stopped. My friends didn’t notice it and I was all alone with my best friend. And I started coughing. It was so hard ! Like I thought it only happens in books ! But I couldn’t breath and couldn’t stop coughing… And I was the “leader”, that person who never, EVER shows any emotions or weakness because I didn’t want my friends to think I’m weak or them to worry about me. I want to be respected by them. And so I coughed so hard at my best friend even if I tried to not touch her. 
And she started crying and yelling after me. She told me to breath (ironic because I was trying to do it X) ) and started calling for help. I was so bad but I couldn’t let her do that ! So I tried to tell her to stop. But all I could do was sneezing. I sneezed very hard. All the people was looking at me and my friends turned their heads to see us (and me dying of coughing). She yelled even harder and everyone came to see me and helping by teaching me how to breath, they thought I had asthma. I hated this moment because everyone was worrying about me… And I could breath after the sneeze so I was like “nah I’m fine !”.
It was apparently hilarious (my friend told me) and she was like “NO WAY YOU’RE FINE !” and she putted a hand on my forehead. The fact that they didn’t know about the fever shocked then over. 
They started taking me away from the people, yelling at them because they was nothing to see and they bring me to the infirmary. 
The nurse started panicking when she saw me. While she was gone to take the medicine, my friends asked about my health and why I was there while I was sick. It makes me uncomfortable as hell ! So I faked sleeping and they stopped. 
The next day I came to school and they argued with me and I panicked so I told her that it was fake for yesterday TnT. 
I know I shouldn’t have said that… But what else could I do ? I didn’t want anyone to know I was dying of coughing with a fever  because of a stupid cold…


It was a little bit too long for just that, no ? 😅

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This wasn't because I had a cold per say...

But when I was a kid one day in school when we were having a snack the teacher brought in powders donuts for us. I had a bite in my mouth and I sneezed and powders sugar flew everywhere 🤣 I was absolutely mortified!

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Well, I don't have a moment in mind for being sick and embarasses by it. But as someone who hates blowing my nose in general, having parents who doesn't buy Tissue Boxes... Whenever I was sick at school, I was only worried of my nose dripped... I was way too shy to ask someone for a tissue. So as disgusting as it sound I had no choise to wipe it away with the back of my hand or my sleeve... Plus I consider having a raised nose, so I was always a bit anxious about it

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One time I was getting over a cold and still had a pretty runny nose. I bent down to tie my shoe and my nose just started POURING. Like, not even running in the normal way, just literally dripping like water, running straight out before I could do anything about it. I quickly wiped my nose with my sleeve and ran to the bathroom with my shoe still untied, lmao. It was absolutely humiliating and I'm still cringing just thinking about it.

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On 11/4/2022 at 8:04 PM, BlessMeAchoo said:

Well, I don't have a moment in mind for being sick and embarasses by it. But as someone who hates blowing my nose in general, having parents who doesn't buy Tissue Boxes... Whenever I was sick at school, I was only worried of my nose dripped... I was way too shy to ask someone for a tissue. So as disgusting as it sound I had no choise to wipe it away with the back of my hand or my sleeve... Plus I consider having a raised nose, so I was always a bit anxious about it

Were your parents handkerchief users or just don't buy tissues but use toilet paper instead?

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1 hour ago, Trynasneeze said:

Were your parents handkerchief users or just don't buy tissues but use toilet paper instead?

No hankerchief either, just using good old toilet paper 😂

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I'd honestly have to say the most embarrassing situation thats ever arisen from a cold was the first time I got sick with my partner (who's still with me today yay!)

So quite a while ago, I think maybe 2 years? I had gotten pretty sick and we had planned to have a date. Keep in mind I'm already a veey sneezy person without being sick. I had already told him about this fetish and he had accepted it just fine but I was still scared I would make him uncomfortable or something like that. (At this time I didn't know that he also had it) So instead of putting a rain check on the date, I decided to go through with it thinking that "hey I'll just down a bunch of cold medicine and very discretely breath through my mouth and it'll be fine!" It was not fine. I got there and he immediately knew something was up just based off the color of my face. At this point, the medicine wasn't even really working and my nose was so runny and stuffy that I couldn't help but sniffle every 5 seconds. Each word that clear congested sound to it and on top of that I sounded like I was on the verge of a sneeze (many) at all times. So here we are, me trying to play off the fact that I do not have a terrible head cold and trying to subtly stifle sneezes into my napkin, when he just gets up, leaves money on the table, picks me up, carries me out, and puts me in his car. I pretty much died at that point, not only was I a sneezy, sniffly, sick mess in a public place and in front of my partner of only 6 or 7 months, I got carried out of a public resteraunt where everyone could see. And when we get back to his place he just starts taking care of me and doting over me which was even more embarrassing at the time because I was very not used to being taken care of. He even called in for himself and then called my workplace to tell them I wouldn't be there (thank heck my boss at the time liked me) and then spent the next while just making sure I got better. And yes that sounds like the perfect scenario, but at the time, having someone publicly acknowledge how sick and sneezy you are and then steal you away to take care of you? Drop dead in a hole and never come back type embarrassment.

Oops didn't realize this was so long my bad lol

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15 hours ago, Shastalaska said:

Drop dead in a hole and never come back type embarrassment.

I am cracking up 😂 I would have also crawled in a hole and died.

that was really sweet of him though!! I’m sure he wasn’t going to let the chance to take care of you go esp since he also has the same fetish

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When I was in 4th grade, I had the worst cough attack when I had a cold. What made it worst was that it was during the state test so I had become a distraction! My nose was super runny so I kept wiping on the back of my hand and my sleeve, and I couldn’t get my cough under control as it was harsh and super congested. It was to the point that they sent me to the classroom next door, filled with 5th graders, so I could drink water from their water fountain. I was so distressed but my parents wouldn’t come pick me up since I couldn’t miss the exam. 

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