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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A little inducing for fun


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Was sorta bored earlier today and decided to do a little inducing with some chhinkni, lol. 

This time it definitely felt as if the initial “burning” sensation was a bit stronger but after about 30 seconds I had a fit of 9 sneezes! For only sniffing a little it was a pretty good fit for me, especially because outside of inducing I’m not naturally a sneezy person. 

The sneezes were definitely strong and got fairly snotty fast. I had to use a towel to muffle/sorta stifle them since my roommate was home. The sneezes were mostly like Heh’snxggt!! due to me having the towel pressed pretty tightly around my face, lol. 

Overall it was a pretty satisfying mini inducing session but definitely finding that sometimes my nose stays sorta stuffy for a bit after using chhinkni. 😅🤷🏻‍♂️

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I’m glad you were able to have some inducing fun with chhinkni. 9 sneezes is really good! I get snotty too when I do chhinkni and I am congested for a while after doing it. Bless you and thanks for sharing!

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I've never actually tried chhinkni, because I'm not very sneezy. I might have to now though, since other inducing methods I've tried only give me 1-2 sneezes. Anyway, thanks for sharing!

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Chhinkni is one of those things that I have yet to try for inducing. I've tried pepper, but the results were kinda mixed. Given all the obs like this that I see, it's definitely something I've got to try eventually. Great obs!

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I finally got some chhinkni off of Amazon and I used it for the first time the other day. I am also not sneezy naturally (maybe 2-3 sneezes a day) and I sneezed prob 6-7 times which is pretty good for me. I will say for me it almost burned to where it wasn’t the most enjoyable and it made my sneezes very harsh and loud. Trying to be cute and girly is what I am trying to do better on, that did not happen during this time lol it was way too intense. 

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