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Sneeze Fetish Forum

From Switzerland with Love


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Switzerland's famed neutrality had always been maintained through strength. Although they were committed to staying out of fights, they made sure to have the best trained troops, the most advanced weaponry, and access to the most in-depth intelligence. That last goal was managed by the famed Swiss Intelligence Service, speculated to rival even the CIA in terms of expertise and cunning. Her whole life, Natalia had dreamed of working for the SIS, imagining herself infiltrating glamourous parties and scaling rooftops. Her assignments in her first year, however, had been anything but glamorous. Although she was technically a field agent in the SIS's D.C. office (on paper she worked for a law firm), her assignments so far had consisted primarily of tailing mid-level government officials through the city to track who was meeting with whom. She told herself that despite its dreariness, the work was still important, but her heart still skipped a beat when she opened an email from Field Director Johnson asking if she was up for a more "unique" assignment. When she arrived in his office, the usually stern director, with her tight gray bun and sharp suit, had an uncharacteristic grin on her face.

"You're not gonna believe this one. The suspected Chinese agent our New York team arrested last month is claiming he's really a double agent working for Air Force intelligence. We could always check with the Americans directly, but then we might have to share our captive. So we're working on debunking his story...independently."

"Are we thinking a cyberattack, maybe?"

"In part, yes, but their servers are totally cut off from the internet, so we'll need to plant a physical device to establish an initial connection. We've identified a member of the security team who's access card we need you to copy, and we're going to attempt a honeypot operation."

Seducing a man to steal information was on of the classic spy movie tropes on Natalia's checklist, but she was surprised she was their first choice for the operation. "Why me and not Katarina? Her reputation for these stings is legendary."

"We actually tried Katarina, but we realized she's...not his type."

Natalia was surprised as Katarina, a gorgeous redheaded agent a few years her senior, was a woman who anyone would be into. "Are we sure he's not gay?"

"It's not that," responded the director. "We did a little additional intel on the guy and apparently he likes...sneezing. Granted it's not a kink we've encountered before, but it's far from the strangest one I've seen. Katarina's sneeze is little more than a matter of fact cough and apparently the...uh...general preference is for more forceful, feminine sneezes. Like yours."

The only time Natalia had consciously thought about her sneeze was when it almost gave her away during a training exercise in a dusty warehouse several years ago; she had never even considered it being an asset.

"Okay, I see where you're going with this, but logistically how will this work? Do I just follow him around until I have a sneeze attack and hope he notices? The cherry blossom are in bloom which ups the odds, but still..."

"Oh, I've been in touch with R&D to see what they can put together. Exhibit A:" the director handed her what looked like a small crystal perfume bottle. "Try a spritz. Careful not to overdo it."

Natalia sprayed a small amount of the fine mist just in front of her face, and the effect hit almost immediately. "Hih-Sheww! Hit-Choo!!."

"Perfect, that'll work when you need a quick, immediate effect, and if you need something slower acting but more prolonged, just waft a tiny bit of the powder from this." The director handed her what looked like a small makeup compact. "Wait a bit to try it though. We're planning on at least two stages of contact with the target so he's not too suspicious, but we do know that he always visits his favorite bar on Fridays. Why don't you head back to your apartment for the day, take the evening to...practice, and we'll organize the details tomorrow. And one more thing."

"Yes, director?"

"You know that attention to detail is key to a mission's success so I've sent you a list of websites for your research."

Natalia wasn't quite sure what the director meant, but she thanked her anyways, packed up her briefcase, and headed towards her apartment. The "research materials" the agency had provided were unconventional to say the least, but she steadfastly devoted several hours to reading detailed accounts of other people sneezing, polls about what one might find most attractive in a sneeze, and stories clearly designed to explore particular fantasies. Just as her training had taught her, she attempted to get into her subject's mind and understand how sneezing could be attractive. As she considered the build-up and release cycle, the loss of control, and the unexpected nature of the act, she slowly began to understand it's appeal. With the fake perfume in hand, she even began refining her technique:

"Uh oh, I might...huh...ACHOO!! Excuse me, Choo! sneeze!" Announcing and trying to talk through a sneeze was apparently a hit.

"Hngxt! Hng-CHEWW! Sorry, that second one was too strong to hold back." They loved women being overwhelmed by the sneezes. By the end of her practice she could stifle, half-stifle, or let loose on command."

"huh...heh-heh..AH-...oh, it went away. I hope it doesn't come back later, but I've been so sneezy today." She might start off with a few false starts to really get him hooked.

The last thing she needed to try before bed was the powder. In front of her bathroom mirror, Natalia opened the compact, blew gently onto it to create a small puff of the powder, and breathed in slowly. Nothing happened. She'd have to let the director know this batch was a dud, but she decided to read a few more stories for research. She was in the middle of a tale about a burglar letting her partner hold her nose to keep a sneeze at bay when the powder hit. It started as a light tickle, but continued to grow and grow. She returned to the mirror to practice her banter and facial expressions.

"Me? Oh, I'm fine, it's just a little bit of...HAH-CHOO!! Oh, I think there might be more coming. AH-CHOO! Heh-SHOO, Hngt-Chew!! Ugh, having a sneezing fit in public is so ASHOOO embarrassing."

She kept on for nearly a dozen sneezes while testing out different lines. She would have to remember to save the powder to use as a grand finale; that was potent stuff. Having completed her unconventional preparation for tomorrow's mission, she prepared to get a full night's rest, but before she did, she felt compelled to spray the perfume one more time.

"HA-SHEWW!! *sniff*, that one felt good." She wasn't sure if she said that last part as a practice line, or a genuine thought. Maybe both?

To Be Continued...


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This story is so fresh and innovative. And your sneeze spellings are astonishing! I can't wait for more.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/6/2022 at 6:27 PM, MobyRick said:

The only time Natalia had consciously thought about her sneeze was when it almost gave her away during a training exercise in a dusty warehouse several years ago

I think we need this story too :D 

I have always enjoyed spy/espionage stories and so greatly enjoyed reading this - I look forward to reading more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 2:

Natalia started the day of her first major field operation the day she started every day: a hot shower, brushing her teeth, making coffee. The only step she skipped was taking her allergy meds. The agency's gadgets were spectacular, but why not give them a little help. The director had given her the day off to rest and prepare, so she decided to take a walk through the park. With the cherries in full bloom, Natalia had plenty of chances to practice as well. While her sneezes were naturally intense and noticeable, she added a little extra flair today.

"Ah..." wait a bit "heh-heh-ACHOO!! ASHEWW!!!!"

The pollen was really getting to her today. Now that she knew sneezing could be potentially exciting for some people, Natalia couldn't help but wonder if the stares she was getting today were just from her natural blonde beauty or if there were other reasons for the interest. She returned to her apartment and waited for one of her fellow agents to drop off more information on her target as well as documentation on her temporary new identity. Around 1:00, the doorbell rang and through the peephole she recognized Mark, a fellow agent in his 40s who had absolutely mastered the handsome-but-not-too-handsome suburban dad look. 

"Hello Natalia, or should I say...Becca Lander," Mark remarked teasingly once the door was shut and they were out of earshot. "The director has decided you're a former farm girl from Nebraska trying to make her way in the big city. It's an awful cliche, but weirdly it's enormously successful."

"Guess I'll have to whip out my cowboy boots then. By the way, what's the plan for getting him alone?"

"Standard stuff. The friend he's meeting lives on the 17th floor and may be experiencing some elevator trouble courtesy of me."

Mark had run many a field op and was a competent face man, but his most unique talent was traceless sabotage. Many a diplomat had missed a meeting due to unforeseen care trouble since Mark transferred to D.C. 

"Do you have the...huh..ah..." the aftermath of the morning's walk was still in effect "the...ESCHEWW! info on my target?"

"You know you don't have to start until you're at the location."

"So the director told you?" Natalia blushed.

"Yeah, and honestly, I kind of get it. If nothing else, a sneeze can at least be cute. His name's Michael Shallon and this dossier has a picture and a list of his interests. Well, his more normal interests at least: movies, favorite sports teams, you know the drill. He'll be at Livingston's around 8:30 so show up and work your magic. And just some friendly advice coming from someone who's worked his share of operations: start slow, and always leave them wanting more."

She thanked Mark for the dossier and the sabotage and spent some time picking out the perfect outfit, settling on tight light-wash jeans, a blue and white paisley sleeveless top, and (to sell the Midwestern farmgirl schtick) a pair of boots. When the time came, she loaded the perfume and compact into her purse and headed over to Livingston's.

Michael was a nice looking man with brown eyes and wavy blonde hair who arrived at precisely 8:25. Natalia waited just long enough for him to wonder where his friend was, and just long enough to grow bored and start looking around. There was an entrance near his booth where she was sure he couldn't see someone right as they walked in...but he could definitely hear. She spritzed the fake perfume then willed herself to hold back until she was inside and within earshot. 

"Ahh---AHSHIEWW!!!" Even louder than most of her practice sneezes, she wanted to be sure she was heard. Her training had taught her how to always be watching without seeming to be watching, and as she walked over to the bar to grab a seat, she could tell Michael was looking around for the source of the sneeze. She pulled a tissue from her purse and rubbed her nose aggressively enough to make a tinge of pink around the edges. He noticed. She felt another sneeze brewing, but decided it was too early; she wanted to keep him waiting. 

"Heh...hih...Hih...ugh," she held her tissue a few inches from her face, let her eyelids flutter and her breath hitch before pulling back. Deliberately holding back and denying herself the satisfaction was honestly the worst part of the assignment, but she needed to generate some interest. Michael was too polite to stare obviously, but to the trained eye he was clearly fixated. Natalia ordered her drink and periodically looked down at her first, first with concern then with disappointment: the signs of being stood up. She started looking towards the door as though she might leave to create a sense of urgency, sniffled a rubbed her nose a few times, and sure enough, Michael came over to the empty seat she had deliberately left next to her."

"Ya know, maybe they just had elevator trouble. That's why I'm here by myself," He joked and half-smiled.

She flashed her big blue eyes and half-smiled back, "I like the optimism, but I suspect it's not just elevator trouble. Anyway this happens to every girl a few times and as far as I'm concerned by only loss is my Metro fare and the price of this drink."

"Well I'm sorry about that Metro fare, but if you don't mind staying a little longer I'm happy to cover the drink. No pressure but since we're both here maybe we can still make something of the evening."

Hook, line and sinker. "That would actually be nice. I'm B..heh...heh," she reached towards her purse like she might be searching for a tissue before pulling back the tickle,"...Becca."

He was so enraptured it took him a second to remember he was supposed to respond with, "I'm Michael."

They continued with the pleasant small talk for a few minutes with Natalia stirring in a generous helping of nose rubbings and a dash of false starts before the urge to sneeze grew too strong.

"Would you excuse me for a second I need to...ahh..ehh..." she pressed her finger under her nose and stepped towards the restroom. The moment she was out of view she let out a powerful double, "Hih-Shewww! HUP-CHeww!!" Even in her desperate state she was aware how intensely Michael had stared as she walked away. She blew her nose and, with immense self-satisfaction, grinned into the mirror. At this point, he must be dying to see an actual sneeze. She was sure he would...eventually. "Becca" returned to her chair at the bar.

"You all good?" Michael asked with a mix of genuine concern and personal interest.

"Yeah, just this time of year I...well it's nothing."

She could see him wrestling with the internal decision of whether to press further. She didn't want to seem like she was bringing up the conversation herself; she wanted him to feel like he was reaching for some forbidden knowledge. But she had planned her approach perfectly. She knew he would ask.


"Yeah," she said with the tiniest hint of embarrassment but not enough to kill the topic, "It was never a huge issue back home but whenever the trees are in full bloom here I just get so sneezy." He immediately perked up at the mention of the word; time to drive things home.

"Speaking of...sneezy...HA-CHOO!! SHEWW!! *sniff* HUH-CHOO!! Huh-Choo!!" Letting herself be overtaken by the sneezes, she couldn't see his reaction, but when she finished the dilated pupils and increased heartbeat she was trained to watch for were apparent. She didn't want to get cocky, but the mission was going as well as it possibly could. Time for the turn.

"The only good thing is that it should be over in a week or two, and I really only sneeze this much during allergy season." She watched the disappointment set in in real time. The clock was ticking.

"Well, hopefully that cute nose of yours will be feeling better soon." She didn't need a polygraph to pick up on that lie. They kept the small talk going for a while. He asked about her job in "marketing" and how she liked living in "Columbia Heights." He was more reluctant to discuss his job, and would only speak in generic terms about he "worked in security." Natalia made sure to sprinkle in periodic sneezes whenever the conversation seemed to lull.

She waited until the conversation reached a natural resting point until remarking, "Would you excuse me...ah...I..ah...might be about to sneeze."

"You've been sneezing all night! You're fine to stick around"

"Yeah, but this....uh...might be....ah...a big one. I'll ....heh-heh....just be a minute." She returned to the bathroom and pulled out the compact. Should she use it or should tonight or should she wait? She eventually decided against using the powder, but right as she was about to return the compact to her purse, a rather tipsy girl stumbled past her. She was maybe Puerto Rican? Vietnamese? Not entirely clear but obviously gorgeous with flowing black hair and a tight leather mini-skirt.

"OMG, life saver! My concealer ran out and my nose is like, so shiny! Can I borrow yours?"

"Oh I don't know if..." by the time Natalia started to respond, the other girl was already powdering her nose with a substance that a more sober person would have realized was very much not concealer. Shit.

"Thanks so much, babe! Also, congrats on the fine fellow you've got snagged. Shame I didn't see him first!" And she walked out the door. Natalia knew the it would be another five to ten minutes before the effects set in, but she was concerned that her earlier performance might be overshadowed and she would be forgotten by Michael. A rookie error, but maybe she could still save the situation. She returned to the bar.

"You all good, Becca?"

"Yeah, totallly fine. I didn't even end up sneezing. I'm actually feeling a lot better." The least sexy thing she could possibly say, she realized too late.

"Ah, that's...great. Anyway, I need to head out soon, but I'm actually glad neither of our original plans worked out tonight. Maybe we could..."

Natala's moment of truth was interrupted by a scene started at the table behind them. The chickens were coming home to roost.

"I don't....hnngxt-chew!! I don't know what's happening but I can't stop..HNGXT-SHOO!! I can't stop sneezing!!" The half-stifle was the one technique Natalia had never perfected, and this new girl's sneezes were spectacular, pinch-nosed half stifles.

"HNGG-CHOO!! HGZXT-CHOO!! I've never sneezed like this before in my life!" Michael was transfixed and Natalia knew she had no way to win back his attention. She counted the raven haired beauty's sneezes. Five. Six. Seven.

"Tori, they're not gonna stop until you let one out." Intoned another girl at the table.

"But I can't...HNGXT-SHEWW...keep from holding my...HNKK-SHUU...nose!"

"You can't hold them in without your hands!" Tori's equally tipsy friend grabbed both of the girl's hands and held them against the table.

"What are you doing?! I'm about to sn...snee....HACHOOOO!!!" Natalia could almost feel the entire bar rock.

"What was that about I....OMG, I don't have to sneeze anymore!" Tori said too loudly and excitedly.

"Told Ya! It's so bad to hold them in! Also, how many was that? Cause don't they say that eight sneezes is like..."

"Hey, Michael!" Natalia tried to regain his attention. Her timing could not have been worse and she could tell his attention was no longer on her. She had to win it back. "I hope that poor girl is okay."

"Oh, uh, yeah. definitely." He was still very much distracted.

"I feel so bad for her, but I'm just glad it was her and not me this time..."

"This time?" Now she had his attention again.

"Yeah, I usually only sneeze a few at a time, but last spring I had, like, a big presentation for work when I had to sneeze. I held the first one in, but then it made me need to sneeze even more, and I kept trying to hold them in but they got so strong that when I started letting them out again I'm pretty sure the whole office could hear! It was awful!"

He clearly didn't think it sounded awful, and his attention was back. "I think it only happened because the cherries and dogwoods were blooming at the same time and that's only like one week a year. I actually think at might be next week? I don't have any presentations coming up so I should be fine! And then after that the sneezes will really die down. Anyway I really should be going..."

"Can I at least walk you to your Metro stop?"

"Oh, so you would like another date?"

"Did I never actually ask? I...must have gotten distracted."

Natalia naturally accepted his offer, and on the two block walk over spotted a billboard with the perfect opportunity. "Oh, they're playing A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Kennedy Center; I've never seen that one?" According to his dossier, he was a huge Shakespeare nerd.

"Would you want to? Maybe next Tuesday?"

"Wow, so soon? Would I even have time to rent a tux?"

"Like I would date someone who didn't already own a tux. And I'm guessing you already do?"

He chuckled. "You guessed right. Tuesday it is."

"Tue...Tuesday it...HAH-SHEWW!! Tuesday it is."

Natalia could already tase her promotion.

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On 11/14/2022 at 3:49 AM, MobyRick said:

Part 2:

Natalia started the day of her first major field operation the day she started every day: a hot shower, brushing her teeth, making coffee. The only step she skipped was taking her allergy meds. The agency's gadgets were spectacular, but why not give them a little help. The director had given her the day off to rest and prepare, so she decided to take a walk through the park. With the cherries in full bloom, Natalia had plenty of chances to practice as well. While her sneezes were naturally intense and noticeable, she added a little extra flair today.

"Ah..." wait a bit "heh-heh-ACHOO!! ASHEWW!!!!"

The pollen was really getting to her today. Now that she knew sneezing could be potentially exciting for some people, Natalia couldn't help but wonder if the stares she was getting today were just from her natural blonde beauty or if there were other reasons for the interest. She returned to her apartment and waited for one of her fellow agents to drop off more information on her target as well as documentation on her temporary new identity. Around 1:00, the doorbell rang and through the peephole she recognized Mark, a fellow agent in his 40s who had absolutely mastered the handsome-but-not-too-handsome suburban dad look. 

"Hello Natalia, or should I say...Becca Lander," Mark remarked teasingly once the door was shut and they were out of earshot. "The director has decided you're a former farm girl from Nebraska trying to make her way in the big city. It's an awful cliche, but weirdly it's enormously successful."

"Guess I'll have to whip out my cowboy boots then. By the way, what's the plan for getting him alone?"

"Standard stuff. The friend he's meeting lives on the 17th floor and may be experiencing some elevator trouble courtesy of me."

Mark had run many a field op and was a competent face man, but his most unique talent was traceless sabotage. Many a diplomat had missed a meeting due to unforeseen care trouble since Mark transferred to D.C. 

"Do you have the...huh..ah..." the aftermath of the morning's walk was still in effect "the...ESCHEWW! info on my target?"

"You know you don't have to start until you're at the location."

"So the director told you?" Natalia blushed.

"Yeah, and honestly, I kind of get it. If nothing else, a sneeze can at least be cute. His name's Michael Shallon and this dossier has a picture and a list of his interests. Well, his more normal interests at least: movies, favorite sports teams, you know the drill. He'll be at Livingston's around 8:30 so show up and work your magic. And just some friendly advice coming from someone who's worked his share of operations: start slow, and always leave them wanting more."

She thanked Mark for the dossier and the sabotage and spent some time picking out the perfect outfit, settling on tight light-wash jeans, a blue and white paisley sleeveless top, and (to sell the Midwestern farmgirl schtick) a pair of boots. When the time came, she loaded the perfume and compact into her purse and headed over to Livingston's.

Michael was a nice looking man with brown eyes and wavy blonde hair who arrived at precisely 8:25. Natalia waited just long enough for him to wonder where his friend was, and just long enough to grow bored and start looking around. There was an entrance near his booth where she was sure he couldn't see someone right as they walked in...but he could definitely hear. She spritzed the fake perfume then willed herself to hold back until she was inside and within earshot. 

"Ahh---AHSHIEWW!!!" Even louder than most of her practice sneezes, she wanted to be sure she was heard. Her training had taught her how to always be watching without seeming to be watching, and as she walked over to the bar to grab a seat, she could tell Michael was looking around for the source of the sneeze. She pulled a tissue from her purse and rubbed her nose aggressively enough to make a tinge of pink around the edges. He noticed. She felt another sneeze brewing, but decided it was too early; she wanted to keep him waiting. 

"Heh...hih...Hih...ugh," she held her tissue a few inches from her face, let her eyelids flutter and her breath hitch before pulling back. Deliberately holding back and denying herself the satisfaction was honestly the worst part of the assignment, but she needed to generate some interest. Michael was too polite to stare obviously, but to the trained eye he was clearly fixated. Natalia ordered her drink and periodically looked down at her first, first with concern then with disappointment: the signs of being stood up. She started looking towards the door as though she might leave to create a sense of urgency, sniffled a rubbed her nose a few times, and sure enough, Michael came over to the empty seat she had deliberately left next to her."

"Ya know, maybe they just had elevator trouble. That's why I'm here by myself," He joked and half-smiled.

She flashed her big blue eyes and half-smiled back, "I like the optimism, but I suspect it's not just elevator trouble. Anyway this happens to every girl a few times and as far as I'm concerned by only loss is my Metro fare and the price of this drink."

"Well I'm sorry about that Metro fare, but if you don't mind staying a little longer I'm happy to cover the drink. No pressure but since we're both here maybe we can still make something of the evening."

Hook, line and sinker. "That would actually be nice. I'm B..heh...heh," she reached towards her purse like she might be searching for a tissue before pulling back the tickle,"...Becca."

He was so enraptured it took him a second to remember he was supposed to respond with, "I'm Michael."

They continued with the pleasant small talk for a few minutes with Natalia stirring in a generous helping of nose rubbings and a dash of false starts before the urge to sneeze grew too strong.

"Would you excuse me for a second I need to...ahh..ehh..." she pressed her finger under her nose and stepped towards the restroom. The moment she was out of view she let out a powerful double, "Hih-Shewww! HUP-CHeww!!" Even in her desperate state she was aware how intensely Michael had stared as she walked away. She blew her nose and, with immense self-satisfaction, grinned into the mirror. At this point, he must be dying to see an actual sneeze. She was sure he would...eventually. "Becca" returned to her chair at the bar.

"You all good?" Michael asked with a mix of genuine concern and personal interest.

"Yeah, just this time of year I...well it's nothing."

She could see him wrestling with the internal decision of whether to press further. She didn't want to seem like she was bringing up the conversation herself; she wanted him to feel like he was reaching for some forbidden knowledge. But she had planned her approach perfectly. She knew he would ask.


"Yeah," she said with the tiniest hint of embarrassment but not enough to kill the topic, "It was never a huge issue back home but whenever the trees are in full bloom here I just get so sneezy." He immediately perked up at the mention of the word; time to drive things home.

"Speaking of...sneezy...HA-CHOO!! SHEWW!! *sniff* HUH-CHOO!! Huh-Choo!!" Letting herself be overtaken by the sneezes, she couldn't see his reaction, but when she finished the dilated pupils and increased heartbeat she was trained to watch for were apparent. She didn't want to get cocky, but the mission was going as well as it possibly could. Time for the turn.

"The only good thing is that it should be over in a week or two, and I really only sneeze this much during allergy season." She watched the disappointment set in in real time. The clock was ticking.

"Well, hopefully that cute nose of yours will be feeling better soon." She didn't need a polygraph to pick up on that lie. They kept the small talk going for a while. He asked about her job in "marketing" and how she liked living in "Columbia Heights." He was more reluctant to discuss his job, and would only speak in generic terms about he "worked in security." Natalia made sure to sprinkle in periodic sneezes whenever the conversation seemed to lull.

She waited until the conversation reached a natural resting point until remarking, "Would you excuse me...ah...I..ah...might be about to sneeze."

"You've been sneezing all night! You're fine to stick around"

"Yeah, but this....uh...might be....ah...a big one. I'll ....heh-heh....just be a minute." She returned to the bathroom and pulled out the compact. Should she use it or should tonight or should she wait? She eventually decided against using the powder, but right as she was about to return the compact to her purse, a rather tipsy girl stumbled past her. She was maybe Puerto Rican? Vietnamese? Not entirely clear but obviously gorgeous with flowing black hair and a tight leather mini-skirt.

"OMG, life saver! My concealer ran out and my nose is like, so shiny! Can I borrow yours?"

"Oh I don't know if..." by the time Natalia started to respond, the other girl was already powdering her nose with a substance that a more sober person would have realized was very much not concealer. Shit.

"Thanks so much, babe! Also, congrats on the fine fellow you've got snagged. Shame I didn't see him first!" And she walked out the door. Natalia knew the it would be another five to ten minutes before the effects set in, but she was concerned that her earlier performance might be overshadowed and she would be forgotten by Michael. A rookie error, but maybe she could still save the situation. She returned to the bar.

"You all good, Becca?"

"Yeah, totallly fine. I didn't even end up sneezing. I'm actually feeling a lot better." The least sexy thing she could possibly say, she realized too late.

"Ah, that's...great. Anyway, I need to head out soon, but I'm actually glad neither of our original plans worked out tonight. Maybe we could..."

Natala's moment of truth was interrupted by a scene started at the table behind them. The chickens were coming home to roost.

"I don't....hnngxt-chew!! I don't know what's happening but I can't stop..HNGXT-SHOO!! I can't stop sneezing!!" The half-stifle was the one technique Natalia had never perfected, and this new girl's sneezes were spectacular, pinch-nosed half stifles.

"HNGG-CHOO!! HGZXT-CHOO!! I've never sneezed like this before in my life!" Michael was transfixed and Natalia knew she had no way to win back his attention. She counted the raven haired beauty's sneezes. Five. Six. Seven.

"Tori, they're not gonna stop until you let one out." Intoned another girl at the table.

"But I can't...HNGXT-SHEWW...keep from holding my...HNKK-SHUU...nose!"

"You can't hold them in without your hands!" Tori's equally tipsy friend grabbed both of the girl's hands and held them against the table.

"What are you doing?! I'm about to sn...snee....HACHOOOO!!!" Natalia could almost feel the entire bar rock.

"What was that about I....OMG, I don't have to sneeze anymore!" Tori said too loudly and excitedly.

"Told Ya! It's so bad to hold them in! Also, how many was that? Cause don't they say that eight sneezes is like..."

"Hey, Michael!" Natalia tried to regain his attention. Her timing could not have been worse and she could tell his attention was no longer on her. She had to win it back. "I hope that poor girl is okay."

"Oh, uh, yeah. definitely." He was still very much distracted.

"I feel so bad for her, but I'm just glad it was her and not me this time..."

"This time?" Now she had his attention again.

"Yeah, I usually only sneeze a few at a time, but last spring I had, like, a big presentation for work when I had to sneeze. I held the first one in, but then it made me need to sneeze even more, and I kept trying to hold them in but they got so strong that when I started letting them out again I'm pretty sure the whole office could hear! It was awful!"

He clearly didn't think it sounded awful, and his attention was back. "I think it only happened because the cherries and dogwoods were blooming at the same time and that's only like one week a year. I actually think at might be next week? I don't have any presentations coming up so I should be fine! And then after that the sneezes will really die down. Anyway I really should be going..."

"Can I at least walk you to your Metro stop?"

"Oh, so you would like another date?"

"Did I never actually ask? I...must have gotten distracted."

Natalia naturally accepted his offer, and on the two block walk over spotted a billboard with the perfect opportunity. "Oh, they're playing A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Kennedy Center; I've never seen that one?" According to his dossier, he was a huge Shakespeare nerd.

"Would you want to? Maybe next Tuesday?"

"Wow, so soon? Would I even have time to rent a tux?"

"Like I would date someone who didn't already own a tux. And I'm guessing you already do?"

He chuckled. "You guessed right. Tuesday it is."

"Tue...Tuesday it...HAH-SHEWW!! Tuesday it is."

Natalia could already tase her promotion.

Amazing work, thanks so much for a second part and hopefully a third to come!!

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