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Cold demon Sina is back.


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Hello guys, I'm back.
And I brought you the sequel to A Quest for Cold Demon Sina.
I'm glad some of you are still interested in this story.

For those who don't know me, I'm Mimi, in my mid-thirties and since... I think August? ... here in the forum.
English isn't my first language, so bear with me a little.

Before we get started, let me recap what happened.
In "A Task for Cold Demon Sina", demons are responsible for spreading diseases among humans. Humans cannot see the demons.
Sina is a demon responsible for spreading the common cold. She is still young and inexperienced. Last time she was a bit lazy and didn't do her job well. Therefore, she had been given the task by her mentor "Demon Illo" to catch five more people at the end of the cold season, otherwise she would be responsible for gastrointestinal diseases in the future.
Sandra, a somewhat more experienced demon, took care of Sina and gave her some tutoring. In the end, Sina made it and caught more than five people cold. Therefore, she can be there again in the next cold wave.
And this is where our story begins. "Cold Demon Sina is Back"


Part 1 - winter is coming.

The young cold demon Sina slept peacefully in her summer quarters. After successfully completing her task last winter, she was able to rest for a while. Of course, there are also colds in summer. But not as many as in winter. In the summer, much fewer cold demons were needed.
What Sina didn't know and almost overslept, the summer was over. It was already mid-autumn and the first wave of colds of the season was already knocking at the door.
And... it really knocked. It knocked incessantly and louder and louder. And then … Sina woke up from her long sleep. She looked around and recognized her older colleague and friend Sandra.
"Sina" said this "Sina you have to wake up"
"Why?" Sina asked sleepily.
"It's time," Sandra replied, "The cold season is coming up and you're still sleeping here. Do you want to disappoint Illo again?”
"No, of course not," the younger demon replied and was wide awake very quickly. "Has he already divided up the areas?"
"Yes, he did," replied the older demon, "and he agreed to my request to let us work together this year."
"Really?" Sina couldn't believe what she was hearing "We can work together?"
"Yes," Sandra replied, "We were allocated a quarter on the outskirts. Come with me, we have a lot of work to do”

Sandra had taken Sina to the assigned quarter. It was a cool, rainy fall day. Now Sandra grabbed her younger friend's hand and flew with her to a train station.
"What are you planning to do?" Sina wanted to know from her older friend.
"I want to go on the train," Sandra replied, "distribute our viruses in it. You still know how to do it, don't you?"
"Yes" Sina nodded and remembered how she infected Molly "I spread the viruses by simulating a sneeze"
"Right" praised the older demon and gave her comrade the viruses to distribute immediately. "Enough for two sneezes," she said.
"And how am I supposed to know which people are suitable for this?" the younger one wanted to know.
"We are at the beginning of the cold wave," explained Sandra. "People are slightly weakened by the change in weather anyway. You missed that point last year”
"Ah" Sina didn't know what else to say.
"Also, this is a different virus than last year," Sandra explained further, "Very few will be immune to it."

At that moment the train pulled in. Lots of people got on and off.
"I'll go in the front and you in the back of the track" suggested the more experienced demoness "Let's go"

There was a great crowd on the train. It was rush hour. The rainy weather also drove many who were walking to the train. There were no more seats. Many people had to stand and held on to handholds and handrails.
A good opportunity to bring the common cold virus among the people.
Sandra took care of the front part of the track. So Sina only had to simulate a sneeze twice back here and many people were exposed to the virus.
She picked a good spot in the crowd. In front of her sat a young man and a young woman. Both seemed to know each other, they had a lively conversation. Not far from them stood a middle-aged man in work clothes. Apparently a craftsman or a mechanic. Sina stayed right there. If she portioned the sneeze well, she would hit all three. There were also a few people around them, turned away from their three victims. It would then be difficult to understand where the sneezing came from.
The train doors closed and the journey began.
The young demoness waited a moment before taking a deep breath and...


simulated the first sneeze.
She could see her viruses flying towards their victims. She was even able to watch the viruses enter her victims' mouths and noses.
The young woman only looked up once to see who had sneezed so hard. Unable to see anything, she shrugged and turned back to her companion.

Sina, on the other hand, looked for another suitable position. This was also found quickly. Four people, two men and two women, were standing close together and were discussing something. All four of them wore suits and costumes. Apparently they were businessmen and women. Either on the way to the office or on the way home. They argued so fiercely that they didn't notice what was happening around them.
So perfect.
Sina approached them and...


spread the second and final dose of their viruses.
The businessmen didn't notice anything. They continued to discuss happily.
At the next stop, Sina and Sandra got off the train to talk.


"How did it go?" Sandra wanted to know from her comrade.
"Very good," she replied, "I think I've definitely been able to infect people. And how did it go with you?
"Very well too" replied the older demon. "Now it's time to wait. Tomorrow we will find out whether we were successful and who our victims are."


So, I think that's enough for a start. In the next part I will tell you the characters you can choose between again.
I hope you have enjoyed it so far.
See you soon
your Mimi
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The results of part 1

"Sandra" called Sina very excited "Sandra, where are you?"
"I'm here," her older friend replied, "What's going on?"
"We can now go to Mentor Illo" the younger demoness rejoiced. "Our results are here"
"That's great" Sandra said, "Then let's go straight to him"

Illo was already waiting when the two demons came to him. He was waiting in his quarters and already had the results of the work they had started.
"Greetings," he greeted the two. "Sina, I have to say I'm very happy with you," he praised the younger of the two. “The start was very good. But after your lesson last year, I didn't expect anything else."
"Thank you for that," Sina replied.
"I'll let you know your results right away. But first you, Sandra,” he turned to the older demon.
"Yes?" she stepped in front of her mentor.
"You spread your virus among ten people and infected six of them," he told his student, "Here you go."
"Thank you" Sandra happily accepted her results. Since she was the more experienced of the two, she knew what to do and had no further questions for Illo.
"Gladly" he nodded satisfied and turned back to Sina.
"Sina," he said, "You spread your virus among seven people and infected five of them," he told the young demon. “Four of them would be ready for you to work with as of tomorrow. Here please” he handed her the information about the four people.
"Do you know what to do?" he asked sternly.
"I think so," Sina replied. "Besides, I have Sandra by my side"
"Right" she immediately interjected "I will, as discussed, support her with advice and action".
"I understand" answered Illo "Good, then do your work and get back to me in three days"


The two demons have retreated to Sina's quarters. There they discussed the situation.
"Four" Sina whispered "I can't be with four people at the same time"
"You don't have to," Sandra reassured her younger friend. “For starters, I would advise you to pick one person. Preferably one that has a lot of contact with other people. And then you do the same thing you did with Molly last year. You spend a day with her and try to spread the virus to many. After that we'll see."
"All right," the younger demon replied.
"Let's see what kind of results you have," said Sandra and looked at the people who could be considered for Sina.

person 1
The middle-aged man Sina had caught with her first simulated sneeze.
Pauli Gorden, 38 years old, caretaker in a gated community. He interacts with the residents there every day.

person 2
the young lady, also caught with the first simulated sneeze.
Anna Anderson, 20 years old and a college student. She also works in a kisok to earn some money.

person 3
one of the business ladies that Sina caught on her second sneeze.
Ellie Ryan, 28 years old. She runs a beauty and hairdressing salon.
She had arranged to meet with the businessmen to buy new products for her store.

person 4
one of the businessmen, also caught with the second simulated sneeze.
Mike Ohos, 40 years old and works in the office of a company that manufactures cosmetic products.


Now it's your turn again
With which of these four should we begin our story?
Again I will wait about a week (or two?) and then move on to the person who gets the most votes from you.
Your Mimi
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Ellie, the scents of the products could make her nose even more sensitive than the cold will!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello, I'm back again.
It's a shame that so few voted. Still, three readers want this to continue and clearly voted for Ellie.
Let's go.


Part 2
Beginning cold

Ellie Ryan was a very attractive, tall woman of 28 years. She had shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes.
A few years ago she was able to fulfill a small dream. She opened a small hairdressing salon where she also offered cosmetic products.
Ellie currently had three employees. One of them was Chris. Chris was 32 years old and looked after the male customers. He mainly cuts their hair and takes care of the beard care.
The second employee was Amanda. Amanda was 25 years old and helped with the female customers.
Ellie currently had an intern. Mary, 19 years old. She did the unskilled work in the salon to get a closer look at the profession of hairdresser and beauty consultant.

On time as always, Ellie entered her small salon to prepare everything necessary for the day.
Amanda was already in the starting blocks and Chris should be arriving soon. Only Mary, she only came in the afternoon today because she still had school in the morning.
Ellie's shop consisted of three rooms. The room for clients and two private rooms. One of them was the room for employees, the other was a small warehouse for the necessary products.
Now she entered the staff room together with Amanda. There she placed a large box on the table containing the newly acquired care products.
What Ellie didn't know, cold demon Sina was here too. And she watched Ellie, and most of all, her nose, which was just starting to catch a cold.
"Look Amanda," Ellie said, unpacking some of the toiletries.
"What did you buy?" Amanda wanted to know now. "Your meeting with the people from the cosmetics industry seems to have been worth it.
"Oh yes," Ellie replied, "I got a new hair color. Likewise care shampoo, hair conditioner and care skin lotion. And for our male customers very good shaving cream"
"Then we're well equipped," said Amanda. "May I?" she asked, pointing to a jar of skin cream.
"Sure," Ellie replied
Curious, her employee opened the can and sniffed the cream.
"Very good scent" she said "Peach" she noticed.
Ellie came closer. She too wanted to smell the cream. But no sooner had she done that than her nose tickled.

"He..Schoo" she sneezed.

"Bless you" Amanda said laughing "Your nose doesn't seem to like the smell.

"He-Schoo," Ellie sneezed again before grabbing a tissue to wipe her nose.
"Probably," she said, throwing the handkerchief in the trash. Then she looked at the clock.
"It's almost time" she said "Let's open the shop"


The store was open. Chris was there too. And two customers. A young man who came to shave and a young lady who wanted an updo.
While Amanda tended to the young lady, Ellie led the young man to a place at the mirror.
"There you are," she said, pointing to the chair, "Have a seat. Chris is about to... is about to...
she couldn't finish the sentence. Because as she spoke, the insides of her nostrils began to itch. At first she ignored it. But then she could no longer hold back the approaching sneeze. She put her hands over her mouth and nose and...


had to sneeze hard.
"Bless you my lady" said the young man and sat down in the assigned place. "You can't have caught a cold, have you?"
"No, I don't think so," Ellie said. "My nose is just a bit sensitive to the smell of the toiletries sometimes.
"Well, that's fine then," said the young man
"Chris will be with you any minute," Ellie finished the sentence she couldn't pronounce earlier, "Would you like to read a magazine for that long?"
"Yes, please" replied the customer.
Ellie went and got him the magazine. The young man also immediately began to leaf through it.

The door opened again and an elderly lady entered the store.
"Hello, welcome" Ellie greeted her customer "How can I help you?"
"Oh please" replied the customer "My hair is already so grey. I would like to have them colored"
"Of course" Ellie replied "Come on"


Ellie had mixed her paint and was taking care of the gray haired lady. She was applying the color in a highly concentrated manner when her nose suddenly started to run.

"Snrf... what a bummer" thought Ellie "With the gloves and the paint, I can't even blow my nose"
Bravely she continued to apply the paint. But then it happened.


She stifled her sneeze just in time. But that made her nose run even more.
"Hold on" she thought to herself "I'll be done soon"
She applied the last bit of paint and was finally able to take off her gloves.
"Now you have to wait 30 minutes," she informed the customer. "Would you like to read a magazine for that long?"
"Yes, please," the older lady replied.
"I'll just go next door and get you one," Ellie said, already disappearing into the staff room.
There she took a handkerchief, but before she could put it to her nose...

she sneezed three times wet and uncovered. Grateful to be alone in the room, she then blew all the snot out of her nose, discarded the tissue and then picked up one of the magazines to take to her client.


"Things haven't gone so well so far," thought Sina, who was still close to Ellie. "Maybe it will work better later when she is more with her employees. Which of them do you think is best suited to be part of this cold wave?”


Here ends the beginning of Ellie's cold.
You have now read how Ellie works and which employees she has.
Feel free to help shape this story and tell me which of your employees you would most like to see infected.
There was Amanda, 25 years old
Chris 32 years old
and later Mary, 19 years old, will join them.

Kind regards, your Mimi
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Hello folks
Since I'm free today and don't have to work, I thought I'd write a little more for you.
I wish you a lot of fun with


part 3
Sina gets help

A little frustrated, the cold demon Sina watched her victim Ellie at work. 
She had planned to pass on her nice cold to the employees and actually some customers here in Ellie's salon.
But Ellie didn't really go along with it. She turned out to be a very understated sneezer, also portrayed at times, 
only sneezing freely when no one is around.once she sneezed on her hands and still gave the viruses to a customer via a magazine. 
But this amount of virus was so small that there was little chance of infection.
Although she had had a violent attack of sneezing in the lounge, she then immediately opened the window.
"You look happy," the demon heard the voice of her comrade Sandra. "Ain't it going well?"
"Not the way I want," Sina replied. "It was easier with Molly last year. But tell me, what are you doing here?”
"I thought to myself that you would need help," Sandra replied, "so I wanted to check on you. I promised you that we would work together"
"Thank you, that's kind of you," the younger demoness replied. "And what do you suggest?"
"I'm going to watch Ellie for a while now," the older demon said. "I'll figure out how to make them sneeze to pass the cold on to others"


For Ellie it was now also clear that it wasn't the new products that made her sneeze, but that she had probably caught a cold.
With her head pounding and her nose running, she sat in her shop's lounge, trying to figure out how best to deal with it.
Going home was out of the question, she still had work to do. 
The store was full of customers and she couldn't leave Amanda and Chris alone now. Two hours would pass before Mary came. 
She also wanted to present the new products to her employees at lunchtime.

"... Ihh-SchOO..."

Ellie sneezed again. Luckily she had a handkerchief handy. So she could blow her nose right away.
"Bless You" she heard Amanda's voice. She had just entered the living room.
"Are you catching a cold?" she asked.
"I think so" Ellie replied "But it's alright"
"Ms. Jackson is sitting outside in the salon," Amanda informed her boss. "She only wants you to cut her hair."
"I'm coming," Ellie said, getting up to go to the store.

Not only Mrs. Jackson was in the store. Also another young lady waiting for Amanda. And Chris just had two customers.
Mrs. Jackson was already seated in a place with a mirror. Directly behind her sat the young lady that Amanda was now taking care of.
"Hello Ms. Jackson," Ellie greeted her customer.
"Hello Ellie," she replied. "I was hoping that you would be here today. Are you going to cut my hair again?”
"I'd love to, but I have to warn you," Ellie said to the elderly lady. "I think I might catch a cold. 
If you're worried about getting these from me, Amanda will happily cut your hair as soon as she has time."
"Yes, it's that time again" Ms. Jackson sighed "But both of my grandchildren will be bringing colds with them soon. 
You can get infected anywhere. So please cut my hair"
"Gladly," Ellie repeated, getting the supplies she needed for Ms. Jackson.
"Have you gotten that new grooming product you were talking about yet?" asked the older lady.
"That stuff you spray on your hair after you cut it to make it smoother?"
"Yes, I have that now," Ellie replied to her customer. "Do you want me to use it?"
"Oh yes," replied Ms. Jackson.
Ellie, meanwhile, had wrapped her client in a cloak and armed herself with scissors and a comb. 
Now she started giving Mrs. Jackson her usual haircut.
As soon as she began, they tickled the fine, clipped hairs in the air against her sensitive nose.
Normally this wouldn't have bothered her much. But now, with the onset of a cold... Ellie couldn't stand the tickling in her nostrils for long.
Her eyes closed, her nostrils turned red. But Ellie was determined not to sneeze. Still, she turned away from her client, turned towards Amanda.


Sins and Sandra sat in Ellie's nose and watched what happened.
"Now" said Sandra "Now the time has come. Are the viruses ready? We're about to end up in Amanda's nose, or that young lady sitting there."
"The viruses are ready" Sina replied "Yes, Ellie will definitely suppress her sneezing"
"Only the first one" assured Sandra "I let her sneeze twice. 
And the second will become so strong from being suppressed that she'll have to let him out."
"Well, hopefully" Sina sighed.
"It'll be fine," Sandra encouraged her younger friend, "Have more viruses ready... three... two... one... let's go."


"Ehh... Ehh... IhhHMXx..."
Ellie had turned away from her client as the urge to sneeze got the better of her. And indeed, she managed to quietly suppress the sneeze.
the suppressed sneeze kept the snot that would have been expelled by a trifling sneeze lingering in her nostrils. She could feel a little of it dripping out of her nostrils.
But blowing your nose was out of the question now.
Ellie sniffed again. But then …

"... IHHH-CHOOO..."

another sneeze shot out of her nose. It came so fast and was so strong that she had no chance to suppress it.
Ellie could feel the contents of her nose being flung out, directly in the direction Amanda was standing serving a customer.
Amanda, however, was too busy with her client. She didn't even notice how she had been sneezed on.
And Ellie didn't notice either, because her attention was on Mrs. Jackson.
"Bless you" she said only "But that was a heavy sneeze"
"Sorry srnf... srnf..." sniffling Ellie apologized to her customer.
"I'll be right back with you," she said and ran into the lounge to blow her nose.


"Hey Sina" called Sandra enthusiastically "Open your eyes again"
Sina hadn't expected that Sandra's plan would work out. When the violent sneeze broke out, she had closed her eyes in shock. 
But now she opened it again and looked around.
"Are we...?" she asked.
"Yes" answered Sandra "We ended up in Amanda's nose."
"And the young lady who is being served by Amanda?" Sina wanted to know now.She also got a good portion of viruses. Anything that had accumulated in Ellie's nose was sneezed on them both."
"Madness" Sina was amazed "I really didn't think that this would work"
"But Logo" Sandra was satisfied. "And now quickly back to Ellie. After all, we still have Mrs. Jackson to infect. 
I'll get Ellie to sneeze hard again."


Ellie, meanwhile, had finished cutting Mrs. Jackson's hair. Now she prepared the agent that the customer wanted to have sprayed on her hair.
"Very nice cut" praised Ms. Jackson, looking at herself in the mirror "As always"
"Thank you," Ellie replied, "I'm glad you're happy. Now they have to straighten their heads. Just look in the mirror. 
I'll spray them on the remedy now"

Mrs. Jackson did as Ellie told her. And Ellie immediately began applying the remedy to her client's hair.
But… that smell… her nose couldn't stand it now. She started walking again.
Ellie was almost done. Then she realized she had to sneeze.
"Sorry, srnf..." she said, turning away from Mrs. Jackson.


Ellie fought the sneeze against her shoulder. Nevertheless, a few viruses have been blown up.
Ellie sniffed. was it over Yes...or so it felt. Like she's done. She turned back to her customer

"... IHHH-CHOOO..."

but then, surprisingly, another heavy sneeze shot out of her nose. Directly through Mrs. Jackson.
Ellie could feel the fine mist escaping her nose.
"Srnf ... srnf ... Mrs. Jacksen ... I'm so sorry ... srnf ..." she apologized to her customer, sniffling.
"It's okay Ellie" she said "Go blow your nose again."


"That was great," said Sina, who had seen her cold viruses penetrating Ms. Jackson's mouth and nose. 
"She didn't even realize she had to sneeze again. How you do that?"
"Don't worry" Sandra laughed "I'll show you again. Let's go back into Ellie's nose and wait for another opportunity"


Well, that's enough for today. I hope this was a little better than the last part. And I have something else planned with Ellie. 
I'll upload the next part over the weekend.
Until then.
Your Mimi
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Hello folks
Today there is a new part of Sina.
I wish you much fun with it.


The cold demon Sina was very satisfied. Not only was Ellie now suffering from a nice cold in the early stages, 
she was finally able to pass on her virus.
Amanda and one of her clients had caught some viruses.
So did Mrs. Jackson, who was keen to have Ellie cut her hair.
At least that was a good start.
Together with Sandra she sat in Ellie's nose again and waited to infect someone else.


It was noon now. It wasn't that busy at the moment, so Ellie wanted to take the opportunity to introduce Chris to the new men's care products.
The box with it was already on the table.
Chris was sitting here too, taking a lunch break and eating a sandwich.
Ellie's nose was running again. She took a handkerchief and blew her nose before starting to unpack the box.
She actually wanted to put the used handkerchief in her pocket. 
Only, Ellie was so focused on the care products that she didn't even notice how much it was on the floor.
When she now unwrapped the care products from the paper, some of them fell to the floor and the used, snotty handkerchief disappeared underneath.
Ellie placed the toiletries on the table. Shampoo for men, care products for beards, shaving foam and men's fragrances are now on the table.
The smell tickled her nose. She quickly put her hands over her mouth and nose.

"Heee... He-SCHOoo..."

Ellie wetly sneezed into her hands.
"Bless you" said Chris, who had just finished his sandwich.
"Are you sure you can finish the day?" he asked his boss. He hadn't missed Ellie's bad cold.
"But yes ... snrf ..." the addressed sniffed and wiped her hands on her trousers in a hurry. Then she grabbed the man's scent and handed it to Chris.
"What do you think of that?" she asked him.
Chris took the bottle from Ellie. Their fingers touched briefly. Then he screwed on the lid and smelled it.
"Fine," he replied, but had to rub his nose. “My customers will like this”
"Yeah, I think so too." Ellie nods happily.

Now the door opened Mary came in. She wasn't alone. A young man accompanied her.
"Hello" said Mary
"Hello," Ellie greeted her temp. "You're early," she stated.
"Yes" answered the young woman "I brought my brother with me" she said and pointed to the young man who accompanied her.
"I was just about to cut his hair before I start work. May I?"
"Sure thing" Ellie replied and gave the young man her hand. "I'm Ellie. Mary's boss” she introduced herself.
I'm Mike" replied the person addressed and shook Ellie's hand.
"It's best if you go to the store," determined Ellie. "Not much going on at the moment"
"Thank you," Mary said
"Hey Mike" said Chris now and approached Mike with the scent. "Can you tell me if this scent resonates with you young people?"
Mike sniffed the bottle
"Hmm" he hummed "That's good" he said and rubbed his nose.
"Very nice" replied Chris and was looking forward to being able to offer the fragrance to his customers soon.

Mike went to the store with Mary. While the young woman did her brother's hair, 
Ellie stuffed the wrapping paper into the empty box in the common room. Then she took the care products into the store to display them there.
"When you're done with Mike, then please clear away the garbage in the next room," she said to her temp.
"It's fine," Mary replied. "You sound a bit snuffy today," she stated.
"Yes, I've caught a cold," Ellie admitted. "But it's not bad."
"Nevertheless, you should go home a little earlier today," Amanda interfered in the conversation. 
“Now that Mary is here too, we can do it”
"Thanks, that's nice of you," Ellie replied, "But it's still okay. I'll take care of the office work this afternoon."
"I see" said Amanda "Well then, don't let that stop you.


Ellie sat in the next room doing the clerical work for the store.
Her nose was running again and she could already feel the next sneeze creeping up.


She sniffled and had to blow her nose again.
Maybe Amanda was right. Maybe it would be better if she went home earlier today. 
After all, it was already afternoon and in two hours they would be closing up shop.
She could also take the paperwork with her and do it at home.
So she packed up her things and went into the store to say goodbye to her staff for the day.

There wasn't much going on in the store at the moment. Only Chris had another client he was taking care of.
"I'll be off for today, then," she said
"Good decision" praised Amanda "we'll do it. Get well soon"
"Thanks" said Ellie "See you tomorrow then"Yes, see you tomorrow” the others also said goodbye.
Ellie prepared to leave. Yet …


Once again she had to sneeze hard. Since she was carrying her bag and paperwork, she had no hands free to cover herself.
Fine droplets flew from her nose and mixed with the air of the shop.

"Bless you" she heard her employees call out. Then she left the store.

Sina and Sandra also called it a day for the day. Before they returned to their quarters, Sina wanted to pick up their results from Illo.
"It looks very good," he praised the young demon. "Seems like you've learned a lot over the last year."

Ellie sneezed heavily as Amanda served a customer. Both came into contact with the virus.
The customer Ms. Jackson got the most.
Chris caught the virus after touching Ellie's fingers and then rubbing his nose.
Mike also caught some viruses when he shook hands with Ellie and then rubbed his nose at the smell too.
Mary got the virus from Ellie's handkerchief, which was left unnoticed in the trash she had cleared away.
The customer who was being served when Ellie left the store sneezing also caught the virus.

That's seven infected people in one day. That's a very good start.
Tomorrow the following people will be willing to pass the virus on to others.

Ellie's employee Mary.
19 years old and intern at Ellie's store.
She would like to learn this profession and therefore also goes to school

Mrs. Jackson, an elderly lady. She is about to retire but still works as a receptionist in an office.

Mike, Mary's brother.
He is 20 years old and a student.

Ellie's employee Chris.
Chris is 32 years old and lives with his fiancée.
In his free time he likes to meet up with friends
"A good result," agreed Sandra, "We should think about how to proceed.
Let's stay with Ellie for another day
or are we accompanying someone else?”


Here I end the part.
I ask all readers of this story, tell me how it should go on.
Are Sina and Sandra spending another day with Ellie?
Or with one of these people?

Mrs. Jackson


I'm looking forward to your vote.
Your Mimi
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I would personally like Chris. As far as I’ve seen not many male sneezes are in this series. Great part by the way!

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I’d love to follow Mary’s cold! Personally, I’m really not into male sneezing and I quite like that there’s not very much in the story so far.

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1 hour ago, Anonymace said:

I’d love to follow Mary’s cold! Personally, I’m really not into male sneezing and I quite like that there’s not very much in the story so far.

Fair enough. We all have different preferences in our fetish. I tend to lean more towards female sneezes too, but on occasion I do enjoy male. 

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I would also definitely love to read Mary’s cold please another wonderful update please continue with the amazing work 

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Hello everyone, here I am again.
First of all I would like to thank you for writing to me. Even if there were only a few voices, it is definitely workable.

I read your messages and thought about it. Because I personally miss the male sneezers in this story.
So far I've accepted that, because it's a story for you and you should continue to have a say in which direction it goes.

Voting wise, Mary won. So the next parts will be mostly about Mary.
But since the characters have a closer connection to each other this time, it occurred to me how we could include some male sneezes as well.
And also how we can witness a sneezing Chris.
I came up with the following for you and I'm curious how you like this suggestion.

Transition to Part 5 - What now, Sina?

Cold demon Sina sat in her quarters and thought.
She thought about the people she could work with starting tomorrow.

The elderly lady Mrs. Jackson.
Of course, the young demon was happy that she had one more infected on the list through Mrs. Jackson. Still… somehow she wasn't tempted to work with the lady.

Mary and Mike
Siblings both infected. Since both were still young, went to school, worked on the side and were otherwise very active, the siblings probably prayed the most potential. But… which of the two?

And then there was Chris.
Something about him appealed to Sina.

But it doesn't matter whether Mary or Chris. With both of them she would end up back in the salon and could also follow how things went with Amanda. After all, she had also had a fabulous "contagion live" experience with Amanda. The decision wasn't easy.
Could there be a way to track everyone? After all, these people kept coming together through Ellie's Salon.
But… how was she supposed to do that? That was just too much for a rather inexperienced demon like her... but wait a minute... Sandra! Sandra, that was the solution. After all, the experienced demon wanted to work with her.
So Sina set out to look for her colleague.

Sina found Sandra in her quarters.
"Have you already decided how you want to proceed?" asked the older demon when she saw her colleague.
"I have an idea," Sina replied, "But it won't be easy. And I need your help"
"Tell me," Sandra asked the younger demon.
"Well, the most suitable would probably be the siblings Mary and Mike," she said.
"Yes, I see it that way too," replied the older demon. "Which of the two would you like?"
"Preferably both" admitted Sina "But, that's still too difficult for me"
"I understand" answered Sandra.
"If you would help me?" asked the younger demon.
"Gladly" replied the more experienced demoness "But first tell me about your idea"
"My idea would be that I go with Mary and you with Mike." Sandra started with her plan. “Then we have a higher chance of catching colds more people.
Mary will be back in the drawing room in the evening. Then I could drop in on Chris. Also, I'd be interested to know when Amanda is contagious."
"So you want us to take care of Mary and Mike together?" Sandra asked again "And then switch to Chris in the evening?"
"Exactly," Sina replied
"That's a good plan," Sandra admitted, "I'll help you. We'll meet at the siblings' home tomorrow morning."
"Thank you" Sina was happy "Thank you very much"

That would be the direction I would like to go now. So there is something for everyone and Mary would still be the main character.
Let me know what you think of this idea and if you like it I'll start writing next weekend.

If you don't like it, then I'll have to think of something else.
Warm greetings
your Mimi
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5 hours ago, Mimi said:
Hello everyone, here I am again.
First of all I would like to thank you for writing to me. Even if there were only a few voices, it is definitely workable.

I read your messages and thought about it. Because I personally miss the male sneezers in this story.
So far I've accepted that, because it's a story for you and you should continue to have a say in which direction it goes.

Voting wise, Mary won. So the next parts will be mostly about Mary.
But since the characters have a closer connection to each other this time, it occurred to me how we could include some male sneezes as well.
And also how we can witness a sneezing Chris.
I came up with the following for you and I'm curious how you like this suggestion.

Transition to Part 5 - What now, Sina?

Cold demon Sina sat in her quarters and thought.
She thought about the people she could work with starting tomorrow.

The elderly lady Mrs. Jackson.
Of course, the young demon was happy that she had one more infected on the list through Mrs. Jackson. Still… somehow she wasn't tempted to work with the lady.

Mary and Mike
Siblings both infected. Since both were still young, went to school, worked on the side and were otherwise very active, the siblings probably prayed the most potential. But… which of the two?

And then there was Chris.
Something about him appealed to Sina.

But it doesn't matter whether Mary or Chris. With both of them she would end up back in the salon and could also follow how things went with Amanda. After all, she had also had a fabulous "contagion live" experience with Amanda. The decision wasn't easy.
Could there be a way to track everyone? After all, these people kept coming together through Ellie's Salon.
But… how was she supposed to do that? That was just too much for a rather inexperienced demon like her... but wait a minute... Sandra! Sandra, that was the solution. After all, the experienced demon wanted to work with her.
So Sina set out to look for her colleague.

Sina found Sandra in her quarters.
"Have you already decided how you want to proceed?" asked the older demon when she saw her colleague.
"I have an idea," Sina replied, "But it won't be easy. And I need your help"
"Tell me," Sandra asked the younger demon.
"Well, the most suitable would probably be the siblings Mary and Mike," she said.
"Yes, I see it that way too," replied the older demon. "Which of the two would you like?"
"Preferably both" admitted Sina "But, that's still too difficult for me"
"I understand" answered Sandra.
"If you would help me?" asked the younger demon.
"Gladly" replied the more experienced demoness "But first tell me about your idea"
"My idea would be that I go with Mary and you with Mike." Sandra started with her plan. “Then we have a higher chance of catching colds more people.
Mary will be back in the drawing room in the evening. Then I could drop in on Chris. Also, I'd be interested to know when Amanda is contagious."
"So you want us to take care of Mary and Mike together?" Sandra asked again "And then switch to Chris in the evening?"
"Exactly," Sina replied
"That's a good plan," Sandra admitted, "I'll help you. We'll meet at the siblings' home tomorrow morning."
"Thank you" Sina was happy "Thank you very much"

That would be the direction I would like to go now. So there is something for everyone and Mary would still be the main character.
Let me know what you think of this idea and if you like it I'll start writing next weekend.

If you don't like it, then I'll have to think of something else.
Warm greetings
your Mimi

Sure, that works for me. Very impressive coming up with an idea that satisfies all your readers, might I add

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Idk how I’ve just found this story but  I love this idea!!! Id absolutely love to see mike catch this nasty cold and spread it to all his college age buddies!!!

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Hello folks
I'm glad you accepted my suggestion.
My plan now is as follows.
Sina and Sandra start with siblings Mary and Mike.
Sina takes over Mary
Sandra takes over Mike
So the Mary you chose is at the center of the story.

The day begins early in the morning at the parents' house.
Both have lessons that morning. A friend of Mike's will pick her up and they drive to school by car.
First we will accompany Mary. She has lessons, meets friends in the canteen for lunch at noon.
In the afternoon she visits a friend who is celebrating her birthday.
In the early evening she returns to the hairdresser's salon to help out for another two hours.
Here, of course, we meet Chris and Amanda

Mike has classes in the mornings and in the afternoons he plays cards with some friends.
In the early evening he has a date with a classmate.
Then Sandra will leave him to meet Sina at the hairdresser's salon.

Here the focus then shifts to Chris, who still works a little in the hairdressing salon.
After work he meets friends in a bar. His fiancee will be there too.
However, you will end the evening early and go home.
His fiancée then takes care of her Chris, who has been ill by then.

The next morning there will be a small bonus scene with Amanda.
I think that way everyone is covered and there is something for everyone.
So let's get started.

Cold Demon Sina - Round two
with Mary and Mike Part 1
The Early Morning


"Good morning" explanatory demon Sina greeted her colleague Sandra.
"Good morning" Sandra greeted back "Are you ready?"
"Yes" Sina replied "I can't wait"
"Very good" Sandra nodded contentedly "Then let's check on Mary and Mike"


Mary groaned when her alarm clock rang that morning. She felt weak and tired. In fact, she didn't want to get up at all. 
But then she realized that today was Friday. Today she only had lessons in the morning and in the afternoon was her friend Kate's birthday party.
She only had to work in the salon today from 4 p.m. and only for two hours.
Actually a pleasant day. If only she hadn't had such a headache.
But nothing helped. At some point she had to get up.
"Mary" she heard her mother call "Get up"
"I'm coming" called the young woman and finally managed to get up.
Mary and Mike were very fortunate that the schools they attended were close to their childhood home. 
So they didn't have to live in a dormitory, which the young woman welcomed very much.
Her friend Kate lived there and it was very cramped.
Nonetheless, Kate had chosen to celebrate her birthday at the dorm rather than at a restaurant or other venue.
Kate turned 20 today. Mary still had six months left.
She went down the stairs, into the kitchen.

„ … Ha …. Harr-schaaAA … Har-SCHaa …“

As soon as she entered the kitchen, she was greeted by her brother Mike with a strong sneeze.

He was sitting at the table looking as tired as she felt.
"Bless you" she said and sat down next to him at the table.
"Thank you ... srnf ..." he answered and had to blow his nose with a handkerchief.
"Sounds like you've caught a cold," she commented on her brother's condition.
"But you don't look good either," he countered
"You both look like you've caught something," her mother said, serving breakfast.
"You should come straight home after school today. Fortunately, tomorrow is the weekend. You can rest there.
"I can't," Mary replied, taking a long sip of the hot chocolate her mother had placed on the table.
"I have to work tonight. That is important if I want to do this training”
"Yes, I know" said her mother "There's nothing you can do about it"
"I have to do all day today, too," Mike informed his mother.
"You are incorrigible," she sighed, "But fine. You are old enough to know what you are doing.
"Yeah, I think so too." Mary laughed. But only briefly. Because now she felt the first tickle of this cold in her own nose.
Inwardly she cursed. She already knew that her nose would tease her all day. It was always like that when she got a cold. 
A constant tickling nose.
And she never knew when the time would come and the sneeze would break out of her.
She also took a handkerchief and tried to blow her nose. Vain.
Nothing came out and the tickling continued
"Alex will pick me up in the car today and take me to school," Mike informed his sister.
"If you want, you can come with us and we'll drop you off at your school. Drive past it anyway. Then you can take the bus back."
"I'd love to," Mary replied, blushing a little. Alex was already 21 years old and her brother's best friend. 
And secretly she was in love with him.
Her thoughts were so focused on the handsome Alex that she didn't even notice the increase in tickling in her nostrils.
And then... it was already too late. Without much effort, she suddenly took a deep breath and

„ … Ihhh-CHoo …“

let out the first sneeze of her onset of cold. And that completely uncovered over the dining table.

"… Ihhh-Choo … IHCHOO …“

the sneezing increased in intensity, but this time she managed to cover her mouth and nose with her hands.

"Oh Mary," her mother sighed, handing her daughter a handkerchief. "How many times have I told you to cover your sneeze"
"Sorry mom" said Mary, took the handkerchief and blew on it wetly. "It came so quickly, I was surprised myself"

„ … Har-SChaa …“

Mike also let out another heavy sneeze. However, in a handkerchief.

"That can still be something with you two" sighed her mother. She already knew that she would definitely get infected from one of them. 
It's always been like that.
And father always went with me.
"We have to go" Mike said glancing at the clock "Alex will be here any minute."
"Yeah that's fine." Mary got up from the table to get her backpack. Then tell her something.
Yesterday her mother had asked her to bring a certain shampoo from the hairdresser's salon. Mary had even thought of that.
Rubbing her itchy nose, she opened the backpack and took out the bottle.
"Before I forget," said the young woman to her mother, "Isn't that what you wanted?"
"Right" she replied and took the shampoo. As they did so, their hands touched. 
(which Mary had sneezed into a minute ago and just wiped her itchy nose)
"Thank you very much, darling" she quickly pressed a kiss on her daughter's cheek.
"Come on now" called Mike "Alex is already outside"


Mary and Mike got into the car with Alex. It was only a ten minute drive to Mary's school.
She sat in the back seat and looked at the present she had gotten for Kate's birthday.
It was a pleasantly mild scent for women that she had bought from Ellie yesterday. Kate was totally into that sort of thing.
Now Mary sniffed it again… but that had been a mistake.
Immediately her nose started tickling again.
"Oh no" she thought "Please not in front of Alex"
she fought bravely against it.

„ … Ha … Ha … HAR-SChaa …“

instead, Mike let out a loud sneeze. He had covered it with a handkerchief, into which he now blew his nose vigorously.
His sneeze got wetter from time to time and he could feel snot being thrown into the handkerchief.
"Dude" Alex laughed "You're starting early this year though. It's just autumn"
"It's not my fault... srnf..." Mike sniffed "I don't even know where I got that"

„ … IHHH-ChooOO …“

Mary sneezed heavily too. This time she saw it coming and covered the sneeze with her hands.

"You too?" asked Alex
"No... snrf" Mary lied, blushing with shame. "This," she said, holding up the perfume.
Alex laughed again.
"Ah," he said, "Ladies and your perfumes"
Mary nodded sheepishly. Then she put the perfume back in her backpack.
Her nose was still teasing her, and she was hoping she wouldn't have to sneeze in front of Alex again.
She was lucky. Her school was already in sight.
She said goodbye to the two boys and got out.

„ … IHH-Choo … snrf … srnf … IHH-CHOO …“

as she walked toward the building, she sneezed heavily again.
"That can be fun ... srnf ..." she thought to herself as she lifted her runny nose and walked into the school.


So, the beginning has been made.
I hope you are satisfied so far.
Next weekend we'll see how Mary's doing at school.
Until then I wish you a nice time.
Your Mimi
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Unfortunately I didn't bring you a new part today.
I just wanted to let you know that I can't write any more for now.
I don't have much time at the moment and a few other things prevent me from doing so.

So unfortunately I have to take a break.

When I came to your forum a few months ago, I was not greeted. That's why I'm not expecting a farewell now.
Especially since this isn't really a goodbye either. A return to the forum and a resumption of this story may be possible at a much later date.

I just wanted you to know so you don't wait for the next part.

Well, that would be it from my side.
Maybe you can read it again at a later date.
Warm greetings
Your Mimi.
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2 hours ago, Mimi said:
Unfortunately I didn't bring you a new part today.
I just wanted to let you know that I can't write any more for now.
I don't have much time at the moment and a few other things prevent me from doing so.

So unfortunately I have to take a break.

When I came to your forum a few months ago, I was not greeted. That's why I'm not expecting a farewell now.
Especially since this isn't really a goodbye either. A return to the forum and a resumption of this story may be possible at a much later date.

I just wanted you to know so you don't wait for the next part.

Well, that would be it from my side.
Maybe you can read it again at a later date.
Warm greetings
Your Mimi.

It’s ok. A bit sad there won’t be a new part for a while, but I understand. Like I always say, people have their own lives outside of social media

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