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Do any of you watch regular porn?


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I’m curious as to whether any of the people on here watch regular porn as well as sneeze porn? I saw a topic similar to this a while back and lots of people said they only really watched sneeze porn

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It seems like perhaps the deciding factor between who watches what could (most of the time) depend on if they have a sneeze fetish or a sneeze kink.

I am personally one of those for which porn does nothing (and honestly freaks me out lol). So I just watch or listen to sneezes. :) 

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That kind of depends on your definition of "regular". I do have other fetishes besides sneezing so I do often look at porn based on those fetishes. But if your talking about stereotypical sex related stuff, I often stear clear of that.

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26 minutes ago, AlexK said:

That kind of depends on your definition of "regular". I do have other fetishes besides sneezing 


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19 minutes ago, Melody said:

I don't really like regular porn tbh. It's a male industry anyway even for vanillas.


I'm not even into watching people "performing sexiness" to try and purposefully turn the viewer on.  It's just dry and unsexy to me.  I cannot sit there and watch it and find it hot.

I don't know if the original question means sneeze porn as in actual porn with sneezing in it, or just watching sneeze videos but either way, I'm just not into it.  I feel the same as I do about regular porn there.  I cannot sit there and watch someone sneeze on purpose and find it hot.  Does not do it for me.

Now the question was about watching specifically, and these are my feelings about that, but if the question was asked about written scenes, fantasizing, scenes in movies where it's part of the plot, etc, etc...my answer would be totally different.  For both sneezing and "regular" stuff.

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I don't watch it either. It's just way easier to get off when there's sneezing involved.

Aside from the problems with the porn industry itself, amateur or written porn doesn't do it for me. It can be interesting if it gives insight into a character I already like, but not necessarily a turn on or something I seek out.

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18 minutes ago, SpookyPhlox said:

I feel the same as I do about regular porn there.  I cannot sit there and watch someone sneeze on purpose and find it hot.

I totally feel this way about sneeze wavs that are purely inducing. I don't find it hot. But if someone is actually sneezy from allergies or colds naturally, I find it hot. I don't like anything forced or "fake" ya know.

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2 hours ago, AlexK said:

That kind of depends on your definition of "regular". I do have other fetishes besides sneezing so I do often look at porn based on those fetishes. But if your talking about stereotypical sex related stuff, I often stear clear of that.

What @AlexK (and @Niceguy) said.

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6 hours ago, Sawyer said:

I don't watch it either. It's just way easier to get off when there's sneezing involved.

This also.


It's not that normal porn doesn't do the job, it just goes a lot faster with sneezes.


I've got places to be, man!

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I've watched some regular in the past which did nothing, then some female only (mostly animes) and male only seems to did a better job. But it's still nothing compared to the fetish content...

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My collection is about half sneeze porn and half regular porn, so I definitely watch plenty of regular porn.  Although I seldom watch it without mixing in some sneeze fetish content.  Watching regular porn on mute while a sneeze wav plays in the background can be a very effective way for me to get off.  Even when having sex with my partner I'm often (though not always) fantasizing about a sneeze story or imagining a sneeze wav in my head. 

The kind of regular porn that excites me is mostly softcore stuff.  Porn featuring actual intercourse is seldom interesting to me. 

Edited by Demosthenes
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On 10/27/2022 at 4:45 PM, Melody said:

I totally feel this way about sneeze wavs that are purely inducing. I don't find it hot. But if someone is actually sneezy from allergies or colds naturally, I find it hot. I don't like anything forced or "fake" ya know.

100% agreed.

It's been ages since I last watched 'regular', i.e. vanilla porn. Mostly watched it during my teen years for educational purposes, haha. And of course experimentation and getting to know myself. But yeah, since I discovered the world of 'fetish porn', I very seldom watch any regular.

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I still watch a good bit of regular but I usually start by looking for sneeze stuff and if there isn’t anything that’s catching my attention I’ll switch to regular and still have a pretty good time. Sneezing just does it better.. 

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Interesting responses here. We're led to believe porn is the biggest thing on the Internet. Certainly no shortage of it. 😂

Maybe it's because we all have this "thing," porn doesn't do it for this group.

I don't mind porn if it seems amateur, but I loathe the acted stuff with big name porn stars. Distracting and weird. 

Def prefer a good, female sneeze attack. 

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regular porn doesn’t really do much for me. if anything it does the opposite. even if there’re sneezes still involved

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8 hours ago, snottynsneezy said:

regular porn doesn’t really do much for me. if anything it does the opposite. even if there’re sneezes still involved

The same.  

And as many others have said, if the sneezing is induced, or the situation contrived, in the majority of cases I'm not interested.

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I watch very little. What little I do see, has to be natural in the sense that there's no acting involved. Sneezing is what truly gets my blood pumping

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As a teenager, I looked through a few magazines and watched a few porn videos that other people were able to find, but as an adult vanilla porn isn't really that interesting to me and not something I care about all that much. 

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1 hour ago, Bondi said:

As a teenager, I looked through a few magazines and watched a few porn videos that other people were able to find, but as an adult vanilla porn isn't really that interesting to me and not something I care about all that much. 

Weirdly enough, I'm on the opposite spectrum. The really hardcore stuff doesn't do it for me, but the basic vanilla stuff works just fine.

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Wasn't into regular porn much for the longest time, sort of decided to get more into it and found more performers/scenarios that I actually like and now I'd say I'm 60/40 sneeze content to "regular" porn, mostly gay bc usually the independent gay porn acts seem to actually be into it whereas a lot of straight porn is unpleasantly fake. And of course tumblr for pictures of pretty people lol.

But yeah! Regular porn has always had a non-zero allure for me, but until fairly recently I always wanted/needed to involve some sneeze content in every, uh, session, and that's not as much of a requirement or even preference as it has been at various points.

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I can get off to regular porn fine, kind of. Not proper porn productions, but just like normal nude guys and gals and other doing sexual things is fine for me. That being said, I get going way more with anything sneeze related, so much easier to finish to

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