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Husband (over) induced for me


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My husband is a pretty sneezy guy in general, and he will always indulge me, sometimes just coming into the room where I am when he knows he's going to sneeze, etc. But the other day, he decided to induce with chinnkni - without telling me - so he could surprise me. Only, apparently it wasn't working like it usually does, so he shook the container super hard, then snorted it up right from the vial. ☠️

And it worked. Too well. I was lying on the bed reading, and he'd slipped in behind me, and induced without my seeing. I smelled the chinnkni before he started sneezing, so I turned around just in time to see the whole thing. We are talking fully desperate, so many sneezes there was barely time for him to get a breath in between. I'm trash at spelling them, but I'll try -it was like, HEH....HEH...HEH_HUH...tchiew-CHEW! repeat times about 50. It wouldn't stop. Like to the point where it passed being a turn on, and I started getting concerned for him, to which he responded, "It's just sneezing. Super glad you don't have a more violent fetish, though." 😆

I have not been able to stop thinking about this since. To the point where I'm almost scared to ask him to induce again, because I don't know how anything could ever live up to it! 😅

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Man, that is so wonderful.  He sounds like a great guy who is super open and accepting.  How lovely that you got to have such an experience!

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Oh no....I would honestly be a puddle of melted mush at that pont and would be fully irrecomprehindable only talking in gibberish r not being able to form or articulate any sentences anymore x////x I'm surprised you survived that 

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21 hours ago, SleepingPhlox said:

Man, that is so wonderful.  He sounds like a great guy who is super open and accepting.  How lovely that you got to have such an experience!

He's the best. I was terrified of telling him for years. Finally did it, and he was like, "That's it? Well, what can I do to help?" I know I'm super lucky!

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Omg so my bf always indulges me too! But I’ve always been waaay to nervous/shy to ask him to try snorting pepper or chinnkni 🥲

sounds like you had a really rare/ epic moment with your boo !!! 

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16 hours ago, MikiSan said:

Oh no....I would honestly be a puddle of melted mush at that pont and would be fully irrecomprehindable only talking in gibberish r not being able to form or articulate any sentences anymore x////x I'm surprised you survived that 

The worst was before he knew. He's a really sneezy person and will have huge fits with colds or if he drinks too much kratom (he uses it to relax). And I would be frozen somewhere, thinking I was going to die. 😅 At least now, he's doing it on purpose, and it's a little easier to roll with.

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5 hours ago, Elysnzz said:

Omg so my bf always indulges me too! But I’ve always been waaay to nervous/shy to ask him to try snorting pepper or chinnkni 🥲

sounds like you had a really rare/ epic moment with your boo !!! 

I was suuuuper nervous the first time I asked him, but he really really wanted to induce for me - and we tried literally everything else first, haha. Not even pepper worked for him, so he took it upon himself to look up and order the chinnkni. For someone that sneezes a million times a day it seems like, he's actually hard to induce!


And cheers to having a bf/husband that indulges us!

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I’m happy that your husband accept the fetish ! Also he’s cute thinking about how make himself sneeze to make you happy !

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16 minutes ago, Gemmia said:

I’m happy that your husband accept the fetish ! Also he’s cute thinking about how make himself sneeze to make you happy !

I was SO scared to tell him for so long. But he just accepted it and rolled with it like it was nothing. It really has made a big difference in our relationship for the better!

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I think so ! I'm glad that some people accept it ! But how does he react though ? (If it's too personnal, don't tell me ! I respect your private life !)

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1 hour ago, justaquirkygirl said:

The worst was before he knew. He's a really sneezy person and will have huge fits with colds or if he drinks too much kratom (he uses it to relax). And I would be frozen somewhere, thinking I was going to die. 😅 At least now, he's doing it on purpose, and it's a little easier to roll with.

Oh your hubby is lethal I'd be constantly walking around with a security blanket if i had soneone that deadly when sick :blush:

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