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Caring for Your Cold (F, M Caretaking)


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My lovely bride (“C”) has been stricken with a terrible head cold, likely from our son, who is a regular germ magnet this time of year.

It began over the weekend with some sniffles and sneezes, then most recently has settled deep in her sinuses. We were on our way to the zoo for some kids’ Halloween activities, and C’s sniffles gradually increased in frequency. At one point, she wound up for two huge sneezes:


“Ooh, bless you hon!”

C sniffled, groaned, and held two fingers under her nose as she glanced around for some tissues, a napkin, or something to tend to her nose, but found nothing. At that point, she asked, “I’m sorry, do you have your handkerchief? I know, I really should start carrying one…”

I retrieved my handkerchief from my back pocket (usually kept for cleaning my glasses or other useful things) and handed it over to her. She quickly shook it open and blew her nose. For the record, C’s blows are never very productive, but are loud and trumpet-like, and always have been. Even though she doesn’t really blow all that hard, her nose could compel an entire military battalion out of their bunks.

C held onto my hanky while we were at the zoo, which was just as well! She sneezed several more times as we walked around, and blew her nose more and more frequently. 

Near the end of our time at the zoo, the hanky was growing useless under her sneezes and increasingly runny nose. As we sat around a table to rest for a bit, C shoved the hanky in her pocket, sniffled wetly, and said “I’m gonna go to the bathroom and blow my nose real quick.”

She did just that, and when she came back, her nose was noticeably more red, and her expression was pained. 

“You okay honey?”

“Yeah, I think I’ve caught a cold, or a sinus infection or something.”

By Sunday evening, her cold was still getting off the ground, but hadn’t reached its peak yet. Caretaking is a huge part of the fetish for me (a fact that C is well aware of), so I wasn’t about to let the opportunity pass me by! I made C some of her favorite tea before bed, then put down some clean sheets and extra blankets. 

She had begun to complain of her throat being scratchy and her head hurting, so as soon as the bed was outfitted, I ushered her off the couch and into bed. I retrieved some water, medicines, and a box of tissues and placed them all on the nightstand next to her. 

It wasn’t long before she cut into that box of tissues. Multiple times during the night, I heard her roll over, pull a tissue from the box, and blow her nose.

The next morning, I wanted her to sleep in, so I quietly got myself and our son ready, then left for daycare & the office. C typically works from home on Mondays, so I called her around lunchtime to check on her. As soon as I heard her voice, I knew that this cold was really starting to make its presence known. Her poor voice was so weak and hoarse, she practically had to sniffle every two seconds, and I could almost hear the congestion flooding her every word. She sounded as though she was ready to cry at any moment!

“Hey baby, how are you feeling?”

“Ughhh, mby, mby nose won’t stop running, and, I’m sneezy, and my head hurts, and I just feel like shit…”

I stopped by the store on my way home later to get some additional caretaking supplies, then hurried home and started on dinner. As we sat around the table and ate, C quickly grabbed her napkin and held it to her nose.

“Hehhh, hhhhHHHH-EHHISHEWW!”

“Oh my goodness, bless you baby!”

“Ughh, this sucks so bad,” she uttered as she blew into her napkin. By this point, her nose was deep red and was clearly sore judging by her wincing as she rubbed and sniffled more.

“Ohh honey, your poor nose is so red…”

“—yeah,  cause I’ve been blowing it all day.”

She was dreading having to go back to her office today with such an awful cold, so I told her that I would gather her up a “cold kit” with some supplies that could help. She had only one specific request for its contents:

“Could you pack mbe a box of tissues so I don’t have to use the scratchy ones at the office?”

I gladly included in the kit a box of Puffs Plus tissues, but also some of her favorite snacks, Tylenol, Theraflu, ibuprofen, tea, several travel packs of tissues, some masks, saline spray for her nose, hand lotion, cough drops, and several other things. I placed the kit on the front seat of her SUV just to get ahead of the game.

By the time we went to bed last night, C was still sniffling, blowing, and sneezing as much as ever. As she lay in bed, I brought her a hot mug of Theraflu just as she was blowing her nose again. She groaned and tenderly massaged her red, sore nostrils. 

I then grabbed something that had been helpful for exactly this problem before: some Aquaphor Advanced Healing gel (typically used for diaper rash, but has many other uses). When I came back, C was half asleep and clutching a tissue in one hand, so with all the care I could muster, I placed some Aquaphor on my finger and delicately began rubbing it into C’s red nose in tiny circles. C’s nostrils flared several times as I rubbed it in, but she didn’t sneeze. After I had finished, she whispered, “Thank you honey…” and drifted to sleep.

She ended up taking a day of PTO today instead of going to the office, but I’ll cut an already too long ob short right there. I’ll post an update soon!

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Poor C, I know you've said before about her trumpeting but unproductive nose-blow, that must be so frustrating for her with this cold. You said she doesn't blow that hard, but I know I wouldn't be holding back with a cold like that, even if it did scare the troops!

Hope she manages to have a good blow and feels better soon. In the meantime, you're taking such good care of her nose!

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4 hours ago, Rick said:

Poor C, I know you've said before about her trumpeting but unproductive nose-blow, that must be so frustrating for her with this cold. You said she doesn't blow that hard, but I know I wouldn't be holding back with a cold like that, even if it did scare the troops!

Hope she manages to have a good blow and feels better soon. In the meantime, you're taking such good care of her nose!

Ohh she’s still blowing! I feel bad for her too that she has such a hard time getting anything out when she blows. Thank you for the well-wishes!

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UPDATE: C went back to the office midway through the week, and took along her “cold kit” that I had assembled for her. Fortunately those items turned out to be rather useful! Not long after we got home, I asked how her day had gone.

“How was your day hon? You feeling any better?”

“My nose is still runny and sore…it was nice to have tissues that weren’t like sandpaper though.”

We then tag-teamed making dinner, and after sniffling wetly several times, C grabbed a paper towel from the roll in the kitchen and blew her nose. Given how much sneezing, blowing, and wiping her poor nose had been through over the past couple of days, it didn’t surprise me that blowing into a paper towel would be super uncomfortable. She groaned with her nose still buried in the paper towel.

“Ugh, ow!”

“You okay?”

“Ndo; could you get me a tissue? I know there’s a box upstairs, I just didn’t have one nearby.”

“Sure babe.”

We usually keep a box of tissues in about every room of the house, but since C’s cold had really taken off, I guess I lost track of how many tissue boxes had been emptied! Needless to say, I brought one down for her then later brought up several more boxes in reserve from our basement supply.

After putting the kiddo to bed, we sat back down on the couch with some red wine and continued discussing our day. It wasn’t long before C was overtaken by a huge sneeze mid-sentence.

“We, we had this two hour lo-huhhgh, long mbeeting-ehhh, hhhhhHHHHHEHHISHEWW!!”

“Ooh, bless you dear!”

C covered her nose with one hand and glanced around, until she spied one of the new boxes of tissues (Puffs Plus) that I had brought up on the end table.

Sniffling miserably behind her hands, C asked “Umb, could you oped those tissues for mbe?”

I did of course, tearing open the new box and passing her 3-4 tissues. She blew several times, still with the same trumpet-like sound.

As she wiped her nose, she groaned and said “Ughhh, I’m so tired of my nose running…”

We started catching up on a show or two after that, and C’s nose at times cleared up, but then kept running as usual other times. At one point, she simply raised her hand to the side as if to signal to me that she needed something.

“What’cha need, dear?”

“My nose is running. I need a tissue.”

I reached behind me where the new tissue box sat on the end table, and passed her another tissue. She blew her poor nose again for what must’ve been the thousandth time that day, and not long after that she decided to head to bed.

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Thank you for the update. I love that she's willing to ask you for tissues and the blessings and you know I'm a sucker for caretaking.

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  • 8 months later...
On 11/2/2022 at 10:34 AM, GhostLily342 said:

I placed some Aquaphor on my finger and delicately began rubbing it into C’s red nose in tiny circles. C’s nostrils flared several times as I rubbed it in, but she didn’t sneeze.

Nice obs. Imagine what if she sneezed after her nostrils flared. Have you ever could see inside her nostrils when flared?

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  • 11 months later...
On 11/2/2022 at 10:34 AM, GhostLily342 said:

My lovely bride (“C”) has been stricken with a terrible head cold, likely from our son, who is a regular germ magnet this time of year.

It began over the weekend with some sniffles and sneezes, then most recently has settled deep in her sinuses. We were on our way to the zoo for some kids’ Halloween activities, and C’s sniffles gradually increased in frequency. At one point, she wound up for two huge sneezes:


“Ooh, bless you hon!”

C sniffled, groaned, and held two fingers under her nose as she glanced around for some tissues, a napkin, or something to tend to her nose, but found nothing. At that point, she asked, “I’m sorry, do you have your handkerchief? I know, I really should start carrying one…”

I retrieved my handkerchief from my back pocket (usually kept for cleaning my glasses or other useful things) and handed it over to her. She quickly shook it open and blew her nose. For the record, C’s blows are never very productive, but are loud and trumpet-like, and always have been. Even though she doesn’t really blow all that hard, her nose could compel an entire military battalion out of their bunks.

C held onto my hanky while we were at the zoo, which was just as well! She sneezed several more times as we walked around, and blew her nose more and more frequently. 

Near the end of our time at the zoo, the hanky was growing useless under her sneezes and increasingly runny nose. As we sat around a table to rest for a bit, C shoved the hanky in her pocket, sniffled wetly, and said “I’m gonna go to the bathroom and blow my nose real quick.”

She did just that, and when she came back, her nose was noticeably more red, and her expression was pained. 

“You okay honey?”

“Yeah, I think I’ve caught a cold, or a sinus infection or something.”

By Sunday evening, her cold was still getting off the ground, but hadn’t reached its peak yet. Caretaking is a huge part of the fetish for me (a fact that C is well aware of), so I wasn’t about to let the opportunity pass me by! I made C some of her favorite tea before bed, then put down some clean sheets and extra blankets. 

She had begun to complain of her throat being scratchy and her head hurting, so as soon as the bed was outfitted, I ushered her off the couch and into bed. I retrieved some water, medicines, and a box of tissues and placed them all on the nightstand next to her. 

It wasn’t long before she cut into that box of tissues. Multiple times during the night, I heard her roll over, pull a tissue from the box, and blow her nose.

The next morning, I wanted her to sleep in, so I quietly got myself and our son ready, then left for daycare & the office. C typically works from home on Mondays, so I called her around lunchtime to check on her. As soon as I heard her voice, I knew that this cold was really starting to make its presence known. Her poor voice was so weak and hoarse, she practically had to sniffle every two seconds, and I could almost hear the congestion flooding her every word. She sounded as though she was ready to cry at any moment!

“Hey baby, how are you feeling?”

“Ughhh, mby, mby nose won’t stop running, and, I’m sneezy, and my head hurts, and I just feel like shit…”

I stopped by the store on my way home later to get some additional caretaking supplies, then hurried home and started on dinner. As we sat around the table and ate, C quickly grabbed her napkin and held it to her nose.

“Hehhh, hhhhHHHH-EHHISHEWW!”

“Oh my goodness, bless you baby!”

“Ughh, this sucks so bad,” she uttered as she blew into her napkin. By this point, her nose was deep red and was clearly sore judging by her wincing as she rubbed and sniffled more.

“Ohh honey, your poor nose is so red…”

“—yeah,  cause I’ve been blowing it all day.”

She was dreading having to go back to her office today with such an awful cold, so I told her that I would gather her up a “cold kit” with some supplies that could help. She had only one specific request for its contents:

“Could you pack mbe a box of tissues so I don’t have to use the scratchy ones at the office?”

I gladly included in the kit a box of Puffs Plus tissues, but also some of her favorite snacks, Tylenol, Theraflu, ibuprofen, tea, several travel packs of tissues, some masks, saline spray for her nose, hand lotion, cough drops, and several other things. I placed the kit on the front seat of her SUV just to get ahead of the game.

By the time we went to bed last night, C was still sniffling, blowing, and sneezing as much as ever. As she lay in bed, 

I then grabbed something that had been helpful for exactly this problem before: some Aquaphor Advanced Healing gel (typically used for diaper rash, but has many other uses). When I came back, C was half asleep and clutching a tissue in one hand, so with all the care I could muster, I placed some Aquaphor on my finger and delicately began rubbing it into C’s red nose in tiny circles. C’s nostrils flared several times as I rubbed it in, but she didn’t sneeze. After I had finished, she whispered, “Thank you honey…” and drifted to sleep.

She ended up taking a day of PTO today instead of going to the office, but I’ll cut an already too long ob short right there. I’ll post an update soon!

Bless her. She's so lucky having you beside her. Great obs.

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This is so hot 🥹

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