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Inducing vs normal sneezes


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Am I the only one that thinks when I induce sneezes they feel different than when I'm just sneezing naturally. Induced sneezes usually seem to tickle a little less but are a lot stronger.

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I agree to an extent! Yeah induced sneezes do tickle less but that really depends on what you use. They are also stronger. My natural sneezes are super sudden for the most part and catch me off guard

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I think there is def something in this. I find induced are less built up whereas a genuine natural tickle needs a full on intense multiple hitched build up. 

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I completely agree with all of you. My natural sneezes are not strong. My induced sneezes are a lot more strong probably because I am intentionally irritating my nose.

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When I induce, they definitely feel a bit different. Can't really pinpoint any specific reason. Not necessarily one better than the other, just different. I only wished I could sneeze in multiples naturally. Like more than two

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Yeah it’s true ! I also prefer induced sneezes than natural sneezes, it’s more tickles and more fun to watch or read ! I also saw (from my personal experience) that natural sneezes are less stronger than induced sneezes. I think it’s because of the thing induced in the nose that makes it more ticklish so the sneeze is stronger or something like that 🤔

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Part of me thinks my induced sneezes are stronger because I induce for others. And I know I personally enjoy stronger sneezes so maybe I'm just trying to subconsciously please whoever is watching. Who knows 😄

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  • 3 months later...

Yes inducing sneezes are powerful and forceful. It can hurt nose and make it stuffy with running nose. Natural sneezing tickles soft and easy to holdback, but more uncontrollable and satisfying at the same time.

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Hm, I actually think when on the off chance I do induce, my induced sneezes are less strong than my natural sneezes. Induced sneezes tickle more and are harder to hold back, but I think my natural sneezes are louder?  i don't know why, everyone is different bodies are weird.

Edited by Melody
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  • 1 month later...

I've noticed my natural sneezes come out pretty misty, and my induced sneezes are more thick/snotty. I tend to cry a little when I induce too, so that probably contributes to the snottiness 😅

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I think that makes sense. When you induce it’s a very sudden, sharp irritant, so it makes sense it would be a sudden and powerful sneeze, as opposed to a natural irritant which is going to appear more naturally and gradually, and therefore cause more of a buildup and tickle.

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Induced sneezes are messier yeah but I think both are very satisfying. Don't induce very often though. 

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Induced for me usually have a stronger and more immediate tickle that is hard to hold back whereas a natural sneeze for me will build up for 5-10 seconds and I can almost always hold it back if desired. Also induced get really messy for me but that rarely happens with natural. That may also just be because I naturally only have singles but when inducing I’ll go on for a while which will become wet after a couple sneezes. 

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, Jess Starseed1111 said:

I agree induced sneezes are a lot more stronger I think… but then natural sneezes can be just as strong and loud. My ex had very strong and loud sneezes naturally and they sometimes made me jump 😅🤭 or if I was sleeping they would wake me up 🙈

Lol! That is both incredible annoying and incredibly hot at the same time

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