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Which nostril is the sneeziest?


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Just a silly question that popped into my head. 


I've noticed when I'm inducing, the left nostril tickles just fine, but the right nostril sets me off.


Have any of you noticed which of your nostrils is the itchiest?

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Whenever I induce I usually start on my left side which works just fine until it’s all sneezed out and then I’ll switch to the right which oddly enough seems to tickle more but produce less sneezes even if I start on that side first. It leads to hitching buildups, false starts and just the ticklish nose even long after the inducing implement is removed. So I guess I would say my left is sneezier haha

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I don’t really thing one side is more sensitive than the other but now you said it, I think my left nostril is more sensitive…

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It depends honestly. When I induce, I get what I call sneezy spots. All I have to do is stimulate the spot and I can go on for some time. These sneezy spots can be in my left or right nostril and the location is so random.

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When I sneeze naturally, I think both nostrils are equally itchy/sneezy. 

When I induce, usually with a clothes tag or something like it, it seems my left nostril is more easily triggered than the right. 

If I'm lucky enough to hit the prime spot with a tag in both nostrils at the same time, it results in a bigger sneeze than usual 

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I never really paid attention to that detail. I think it depends on the day, if I have a cold, if my nose is runny, if it's stuffy, if I cause the sneeze or if it comes on its own.

That being said, I just gave it a try right now to see if there was any difference. I first tried gently inserting a cotton swab into my left nostril, quickly pulling it out as soon as I felt a tickle. I then tried in my right nostril. I then did the same thing again in order to sneeze...

Diagnosis: The tickling is more rapid in my left nostril and the sneezing is uncontrollable. For the right nostril I have to go deeper for it to tickle me but I manage better to keep control when it arrives. However, I can more easily do a series of several sneezes by tickling my right nostril, while with the left it is more difficult for me to get a series sneeze. x)

Anyway, maybe tomorrow it will be completely reversed or different. :razz:

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I am pretty sure it's whatever you induce more in. Once I get started that nostril gets a little stuffy and therefore becomes easier to sneeze from.

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I'd have to say generally my right nostril but it kinda depends on the day. I have a muscle tic in my nose that causes me to sneeze quite a bit (along with pretty bad allergies), so on days that the tic is acting up, it's definitely the right side, but on days it's not that bad, both nostrils are around equal.

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7 hours ago, Katzoo12 said:

I've personally never thought about it before...maybe I should test it sometime.

I'd love to hear your analysis!

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it all depends really. sometimes my nostrils will have really sensitive spots and these spots change every now and then so when inducing it usually takes a sneeze or two to find the spot unless i immediately get sent into a sneezing fit

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On 11/12/2022 at 5:48 PM, Dawsio said:

I'd love to hear your analysis!

Ok just tested it out with q tips (after more than five days…go figure) and while the right nostril definitely felt itchy and tickly it didn’t make me sneeze. The left nostril on the other hand, that managed to build itself into a few sneezes for me, so as for now at least, the left nostril is more sneezy. I’ll keep you updated if anything changes 

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Interesting! It seems like the more sensitive nostril changes every so often. I wonder what causes that. 


Does it have something to do with our immune system?

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2 hours ago, Dawsio said:

Interesting! It seems like the more sensitive nostril changes every so often. I wonder what causes that. 


Does it have something to do with our immune system?

I honestly couldn’t tell you…although, I DO remember reading somewhere that one nostril always works harder than the other, and that it changes every few hours. I just don’t remember why…

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think I get more natural sneezes out of my right nostril, but for some reason it's much harder to induce than my left. If I try to tickle the right it's closer to pain than anything that would lead to a sneeze. More likely to just cough.

Now I want to experiment. Whenever iuse chinknni, I sniff it up both nostrils. I think I'll do one side and then a few hours later or even the next day, I'll do the other and see if there's a difference in sneezes or something.

Edited by LapidotLover22
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  • 1 month later...

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