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Remind me to never walk outside again


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Allergies are still pretty bad right now, so guess who had another huge fit in a public place... Thats right! Me!

So I was walking out to my car after leaving my last class, considering simple things like insurance and what I'd learned today. I always have a tickle deep in my nose, so the sneeze I felt building as I walked out of the campus felt pretty normal. So I covered my face with my shirt and sneezed a mildly wet "atcH'ishuu!" and then I sneezed another. And another. I stopped midway from the building and my car and just bent over to let myself sneeze freely towards the ground. I leaned against a tree, which I now realize was not a good idea and just sneezed and sneezed. Esch sneeze was wet and messy and sounded like: "hup'iisHUu! Hm'tChuU! HhH'tcHOO! Hh-hHehh- EHh'shHOO! Ngtx'cHU!" 

This went on for at least 10 minutes, just sneezing desperately at the ground, making a mess all over my face, clothes, and the ground below. In the odd sunny lighting, you could see the spray and fine mist that went along with the mess from each wet "AHhtisshUu! Hh'Tchu! HhiHh-SCHOO!" 

I once again managed to embarrassed myself thoroughly as the sneezes finally died down and I stumbled to my car, sneezing small, itchy, "Hnnt'chU!"s every 30 seconds. Upon getting home I had to blow my nose for nearly a minute to clear out all the snot and and allergens. Wouldn't be surprised if someone got a video of that, lucky me lol

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Haha thank you, I'm doing my best not think about it much. And who knows, maybe there's another one of us on my campus who could get some

3 hours ago, Dawsio said:

Aww... I hope you're doing okay! Don't feel embarrassed! It happens to a lot of people.


Would've been a treat to see in person!

enjoyment out of that hehe

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8 hours ago, Shastalaska said:

Allergies are still pretty bad right now, so guess who had another huge fit in a public place... Thats right! Me!

So I was walking out to my car after leaving my last class, considering simple things like insurance and what I'd learned today. I always have a tickle deep in my nose, so the sneeze I felt building as I walked out of the campus felt pretty normal. So I covered my face with my shirt and sneezed a mildly wet "atcH'ishuu!" and then I sneezed another. And another. I stopped midway from the building and my car and just bent over to let myself sneeze freely towards the ground. I leaned against a tree, which I now realize was not a good idea and just sneezed and sneezed. Esch sneeze was wet and messy and sounded like: "hup'iisHUu! Hm'tChuU! HhH'tcHOO! Hh-hHehh- EHh'shHOO! Ngtx'cHU!" 

This went on for at least 10 minutes, just sneezing desperately at the ground, making a mess all over my face, clothes, and the ground below. In the odd sunny lighting, you could see the spray and fine mist that went along with the mess from each wet "AHhtisshUu! Hh'Tchu! HhiHh-SCHOO!" 

I once again managed to embarrassed myself thoroughly as the sneezes finally died down and I stumbled to my car, sneezing small, itchy, "Hnnt'chU!"s every 30 seconds. Upon getting home I had to blow my nose for nearly a minute to clear out all the snot and and allergens. Wouldn't be surprised if someone got a video of that, lucky me lol

Bless you! As @Dawsio mentioned, would have been a treat to witness.

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Bless you. Man I have not seen anything on campus like that. Butni think it's woerd how when I sneeze I do think of the people on campus that might enjoy it.

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3 hours ago, Juniebee said:

Oh Gosh, bless you!

Nothing over the counter helps those allegies? 

Nope, I need prescription meds and just don't have the time to get them right now, so I deal with the extreme sneeziness haha!

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5 hours ago, Shastalaska said:

Nope, I need prescription meds and just don't have the time to get them right now, so I deal with the extreme sneeziness haha!

Aww, hopefully you can get your hands on something soon. 

Also, are you guys in Australia? Here in the Northern Hemisphere it's almost winter, the last of fall hayfever is dying down. 

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50 minutes ago, Juniebee said:

Aww, hopefully you can get your hands on something soon. 

Also, are you guys in Australia? Here in the Northern Hemisphere it's almost winter, the last of fall hayfever is dying down. 

Yeah, we're in the Northern Hemisphere, but the area we live in is pretty dusty at all times of the year and that combined with the recent temperature and pressure changes has been pretty hectic for my nose.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow that sounds brutal :(. Few of us ever see sneezing fits like that. How many times would you say you sneezed during those few minutes? How far apart are they when you're having a full-blown fit?

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It was, but hey, I'm glad yall can get some enjoyment from it haha. And to answer your questions, in those few minutes alone? I'd have to say somewhere around 40 times. As for the time between each sneeze, it usually depends on what causes the fit, ie. Dust causes smaller rapid sneezes, things like pollen cause bigger, slightly longer buildups, and a very small, but noticeable space between sneezes, etc. In that case, it was from the both dust and the temperature changes, so it was longer, hitchy, desperate pauses between sneezes where you feel almost as helpless as when you actually sneeze.

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Omg bless you! The environment really had it out for you that day. And that tree definitely added fuel to the fire in your nose

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/30/2022 at 4:47 PM, Shastalaska said:

....somewhere around 40 times


As for the time between each sneeze......it was longer, hitchy, desperate pauses between sneezes where you feel almost as helpless as when you actually sneeze.

OMG, I'm melting here. This sounds like perfection to me. Thank you for sharing these details!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/1/2022 at 1:16 AM, Elysnzz said:

Omg bless you! The environment really had it out for you that day. And that tree definitely added fuel to the fire in your nose

It definitely did, thank you!

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On 12/22/2022 at 9:45 AM, Snotlvr said:

What a great obs! How would you describe your allergy blows?

I'd have to say they're pretty wet most of the time. Not very loud, just very wet, much like my sneezes.

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12 hours ago, Shastalaska said:

I'd have to say they're pretty wet most of the time. Not very loud, just very wet, much like my sneezes.

Very nice!

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