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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Friends roommate... she stayed the night.


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So this girl stayed the night last night and I woke up to the most powerful sneezes I have heard. 

I got out of my room and she was in the kitchen. Hitching desperately. Eehhh ehhh yhheeeecchhheeeooo! YETCHETTTOOOO YEHTCHHHOOOO! EHTCHHEOOOOOOO! 

She would blow her nose. I would bless her after the first set of sneezes stopped. She had taken a 24 allergy med and was decently okay last night. Only 3 sneezes to speak of. So she wanted to try sleeping over to see if she could get used to the animals.

I told her I am allergic to them too and sneezed a bit myself. A bit meaning like 20 times. But a bit. Lol. 

Anyway. It was good to have a sneezy conversation with her. I handed her a tissue here and there. And I steamed up the shower for her. I know waist of water but the steam sometime help. So I told her to go there and sit in the steam for a bit. 

She sneezed about 10 more times and the sneezing stopped in about 15 minutes. She just went home. I was happy to have helped. 

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2 hours ago, Darkjolteon said:

So this girl stayed the night last night and I woke up to the most powerful sneezes I have heard. 

I got out of my room and she was in the kitchen. Hitching desperately. Eehhh ehhh yhheeeecchhheeeooo! YETCHETTTOOOO YEHTCHHHOOOO! EHTCHHEOOOOOOO! 

She would blow her nose. I would bless her after the first set of sneezes stopped. She had taken a 24 allergy med and was decently okay last night. Only 3 sneezes to speak of. So she wanted to try sleeping over to see if she could get used to the animals.

I told her I am allergic to them too and sneezed a bit myself. A bit meaning like 20 times. But a bit. Lol. 

Anyway. It was good to have a sneezy conversation with her. I handed her a tissue here and there. And I steamed up the shower for her. I know waist of water but the steam sometime help. So I told her to go there and sit in the steam for a bit. 

She sneezed about 10 more times and the sneezing stopped in about 15 minutes. She just went home. I was happy to have helped. 

That sounds amazing :D. Any chance of a physical description of this girl? :wub:

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On 11/8/2022 at 7:41 PM, Darkjolteon said:

I will try. I kinda suck with descriptions. 

Thank you. I will take, what I can get; so, no too much pressure. :D:)

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