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Sneeze Fetish Forum

"Just A Touch Of Hayfever" (female, allergies, F/F) *oneshot*


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Oh hai, this was me getting side-tracked from my NaNo and writing fetishy stuff with the characters instead. Using the excuse "I'm getting to know the characters". :rolleyes:   I’ve changed the names (don’t want to risk the vanillas I’ve promised to read the real NaNo-fic to find it) and edited out some parts that doesn’t fit/make sense if you don’t have the whole story, lol. The festival itself is held indoors in winter, so all the pollen and fragrances are trapped inside that one (albeit large) building... and the predictable thing happens to the hayfever sufferer, hehe. Also I don’t know shit about flowers and gardening except that some blooming things make sexy things happen to some people, so I’m very vague on details. 

(also, it's the same characters as in this 

in case anyone wonders. Which no one probably did. :lol:  Anyway. Here goes.)



Walking inside the convention centre where the Flower Festival was held, Savannah almost recoiled at the sheer strength of all the various fragrances hitting her at once, but the scents were the least of her problems. So many of the plants in here emitted massive amounts of pollen, and it was everywhere. She had taken an antihistamine, so she assumed she would be fine, but only ten minutes later she started to suspect she had made a mistake trusting a single over the counter medication when the amount of pollen was so heavy. Her eyes were burning and watering, and she had to take off her glasses to make it easier – and less obvious – when she had to wipe at them to keep tears from running down her face.

Linda hadn’t noticed yet, she was excitedly talking about various flower-related things, and Savannah only had to reply with sporadic ‘really?’ and ‘that’s interesting’ and similar things. Encouraging her partner to keep talking, hoping that she wouldn’t notice Savannah’s predicament.

Her throat felt dry and itchy, and soon the roof of her mouth followed. Her nose started to feel prickly, and almost immediately starting to run as well.

She sniffled discreetly, but not discreetly enough as it turned out, because Linda turned to look at her. She did a double take and then frowned.

“Oh my God, Annie, what’s going on?”

“It’s nothing,” Savannah replied.

“You’re dripping,” Linda said.

“Just a touch of hayfever.” She sniffled again.

“You knew you were walking into a flower festival, of all things, why didn’t you take something for it?” Linda sounded annoyed.

“I did take something,” Savannah protested, and then pulled her scarf over the lower part of her face to catch a wet, tickly double that was just too strong to stifle although she did her best to keep them as soft as she could. “AaaPTSSHHuu! AhhTSSSHew! ‘scuse me.”

“Yeah, I can tell, it really subdues your allergies,” Linda said, voice full of sarcasm.

Savannah was unable to respond; her nostrils flared and her eyelids fluttered as she tried to fight the urge to sneeze again, but it was in vain. The tickle was too persistent, like a thousand tiny feathers teasing her poor nose at once.  

“.. uhhISSSHHew! Hahh-EESSSCHHoo! Oh God… eehhISSSSHH!”

She searched her pockets and found a single tissue. That wasn’t going to be enough for very long; her nose was already burning with more unsneezed sneezes, and watery liquid kept trickling out of her twitching nostrils. She dabbed at the wetness glistening underneath her nose, folded the tissue and dabbed at the corners of her eyes. Then she folded it again and pinched her nose in it, as if she was going to blow her nose.

“Bless you,” Linda said, expecting the fit to be over, but Savannah shook her head frantically, and Linda didn’t need to be a body language expert to understand that it meant ‘not done’.

The persistent, prickling need to sneeze was so strong and so urgent that the other woman was shuddering, as if she was hearing some screeching sound; nails on a chalkboard perhaps.

“Nkkt! Nktt! Nnk-nkk-nkkt-nnGTSHuughhh!”

People were starting to give her looks, although most of them seemed to be either amused or concerned, not annoyed.

Linda, on the other hand, was annoyed.

“I can’t believe you sometimes,” she chided her partner. “You’re a doctor, for heaven’s sake, how are you not prepared for your allergies?”

“I took allergy meds,” Savannah doubled down, “I didn’t expect this to hahhhyISSSHHHIEW! Happen, oh my God..!”

She didn’t want to waste the precious single tissue, but she really had to blow her nose, so she did. Then she folded the tissue again and brought it back up to pinch her nose with it. It was folded so many times now that it barely covered her irritated, twitching, damp nostrils. She pinched her nose as hard as she could, hoping that would disrupt the itching, or at least distract her from thinking about it.

She managed to hold back the next sneeze, then exhaled slowly, shakily, as the sneezy urge waned somewhat. Oh, she was still itchy, miserably so, but she thought the sneezing was under control, at least for the moment.

“Okay,” Linda said with a sigh, “I guess we should get you home…”

“No,” Savannah interrupted, not wanting to ruin this for Linda. “It’s nothing, I’ve got it under control. The meds must be kicking in now, better late than never, I suppose.”

She hadn’t lied about taking an antihistamine in advance, but she was lying about it kicking in. She felt absolutely no relief whatsoever, she still needed to sneeze. A lot. But she wasn’t going to.

Linda studied her closely to see if she meant it. Savannah felt another sneeze tickle just inside the rim of her right nostril and held her breath to avoid sneezing again at the worst possible moment.

“Okay, if you say so.”

“Yeah, I…” she sniffled and almost gave herself away by sneezing again, but at the very last moment she managed to suppress the sneeze enough that its only representation was a narrowing of the eyes and flaring nostrils, “I just need to wash my face. I’ll be right back.”

Without waiting for a response, she turned on her heel and headed for the ladies’ room, hoping Linda wouldn’t follow her, because she had no idea how long she’d manage to hold back the next onslaught of desperately allergic sneezes.


She snatched a couple of paper towels and hurried into one of the stalls, locking the door behind her.

Several hitching breaths escaped her as her body couldn’t decide whether to fight the sneezing fit or give in to it – but then there was no choice left to make. She snapped forward into the waiting wad of paper, sneezing loudly and helplessly, one after another after another. Putting her whole body into the action, as if that would somehow make the itch go away faster.

The fit started tapering down, and someone in one of the other stalls giggled.

“Wow, girl, bless you!”

Blushing furiously – she had forgotten to check if the rest of the stalls were empty before she let loose – she debated with herself if she dared give her nose the forceful blow she needed, or if she should settle for something more socially acceptable.

“Thank you,” she said, her voice thick from congestion and muffled by the paper towels. No, she had to blow her nose as strongly as she possibly could, had to rid herself of that congestion so she could play her condition off as muted by medication. She did, and grimacing in disgust at the sound and the sensation of wetness spilling into the thin and already wet paper towels that shielded her hands from the mess. As a doctor, she was acutely aware of the danger germs could pose on hands. She wasn’t sick, this was just hayfever, but her training was so strong it was almost instinct at this point, and it would be on her mind until she had washed her hands. “I’m so sorry,” she excused herself to the anonymous woman in the other stall. “I’m not contagious, just allergic.”

“Oh God, no need to apologise. I don’t even have allergies and sometimes I feel like sneezing during these festivals, just too many scents at once, you know?”

Savannah knew only too well.

A toilet flushed and then the door to the other stall opened, and then the other woman started washing her hands.

Savannah didn’t want to leave the relative privacy in her stall until the other woman had left, so she lingered, nose still dripping into the wad of towels.

“Um… is there anything I can do, Miss?” the other woman said hesitantly. “I don’t have any allergy meds or anything, but…”

“No, no, thank you so much, but I’ll be fine, I’ve taken some,” Savannah assured her. “Just waiting for it to kick in before I go back out.”

“Alright. Feel better!”

“Thank you.”

She waited until the door opened and closed before she blew her nose again, with even more force this time, and then dabbed the residual moisture from her upper lip, tossed the soaked paper towels into the trash, and went to wash her hands and face.

Staring at her reflection, she wondered if the whole ‘pretending allergy meds work when they don’t’ was a doomed operation from the start. Tears had completely destroyed her makeup; mascara and eyeliner were only smudges and smears. Her eyes were red and watery, her nose was every shade from bright pink (high up on the bridge) to deep crimson (around her nostrils, which were dangerously close to getting chapped already) and glistening wetness was clearly visible just inside the rims of her nostrils when she tilted her head back even just a little bit.

Nothing she could do about that part, but the rest she should be able to do something about. After thoroughly washing her hands, she carefully removed the lingering traces of makeup, splashed some cold water on her flushed face, dabbed her skin dry, and then she took out the emergency makeup she carried in her purse. She wasn’t someone who usually bothered with a lot of makeup, but she always had concealer, along with, of course, some eye makeup and a lipstick.

She fixed her makeup, having to redo it twice when she sneezed and had to blow her nose again, but eventually she took a step back and evaluated the result.

Not too bad. Not perfect, but better than it had been, by far.

“No more sneezing,” she told herself in a dry, clipped tone.

Then she squared her shoulders and went back outside.


Linda was sitting on a bench, reading a program for the festival.

“Hi sweetheart. Are you feeling any better? Or should we just skip this and go home?”

“No, I’m good.” She smiled, as if the sneezy urge wasn’t buzzing in her nose still, barely within the grasp of her control. “What are we doing first?”

“Well, if your meds have kicked in now, I thought we could check this flower arrangement exhibition? I need some fresh ideas for my paintings.”

Swallowing, as if the itch in her throat had suddenly increased tenfold at the very thought, Savannah steeled herself. But her tone sounded completely natural when she replied;

“Oh, yeah, that sounds great.”

Linda gave her a concerned look.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Annie? I mean, a single allergy pill, is that enough for all the pollen in here?”

“It’s supposedly enough for all the pollen in the entire state in spring,” she said cheerfully. “I’ll be fine, honey.”

“Alright. Let’s go, then.”

They walked through the Convention Center, through the area of the display gardens. Savannah was alright as they passed the ones with succulents and cacti, but the prickle in her nose grew worse the further in among the colourful, lush, pollen-bearing and/or heavily fragrant flowers they got.

She held back her sneezes with increasing effort, but refusing to admit defeat. Linda kept stopping and cooing over various flowers, calling on her partner to look, and Savannah made some appreciative remark to appease the other woman, but frankly, she barely saw what she was looking at. She wasn’t wearing her glasses, for one, and her eyes watered so bad that the flowers were hardly more than splashes of various colours.  

When they reached the area of the flower arrangements, Savannah felt like she had snorted itching powder. She was so itchy her skin crawled, and she thought that if she hadn’t been wearing a full winter outfit – coat, scarf – which covered almost every inch of skin, she would have to deal with hives on top of everything.

What the hell kind of antihistamine was that? A sugar pill?

She rubbed her nose with a finger for the umpteenth time, knowing it would make it worse but unable to help herself. She blinked away another wave of tears threatening to overflow her bloodshot eyes, praying that the makeup stayed in place.

Linda was completely absorbed by the flowers and had taken out a notepad and a pen from her purse and was jotting down ideas and quick sketches. She hardly noticed Savannah’s presence at all, which suited the suffering woman perfectly, because she felt a sneeze attack coming and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it but trying to stifle it.

Not wanting to be too conspicuous, she didn’t take out the paper towels she had put in her coat pockets just to be on the safe side, but instead discreetly pulled her scarf up again, covering her nose and mouth with the soft cashmere cloth. Bracing herself, she did everything she physically could to absorb as much of the sneezes’ force into her body as possible.

“Nngtth! Nkt-nnkt-nngttX-tSHiew-nkkt-uhhGNKThh!”

She exhaled shakily, but didn’t feel confident removing the scarf from her face just yet.

“HihhNNKKtt! NkkT-ktt-IIHHTSSHEW!”

Her nose was burning with the intensity of a wildfire, raging against her resolve to keep the sneezes quiet and contained. Tears streamed down her cheeks again, mess running uncontrollably out of her quivering, red-rubbed nostrils. She wasn’t really happy about getting snot all over her expensive scarf, but it was preferable to showing off her messy appearance to everyone around. Linda in particular.

Another sneeze teased her, and this one she successfully held back. Or so she thought. As she exhaled, shoulders falling as she relaxed, the flame flared up again, and this time caught her completely off guard.

It was only one sneeze, not a full-on fit, and she supposed she should be grateful for that much, but what it lacked in number it made up for in size and… end product.


It emptied her lungs completely and clawed at her throat on its way out, but it also pushed lots of congestion in her nose forward, and the wet mess landed – thank God for small favours – in the scarf.

Linda startled at the sound. No, that was too kind a word, she jumped.

“Jesus, you scared me,” she hissed as she spun around to glare at her partner. Then she just gaped. Savannah looked back at her, eyes swollen and red and full of allergic tears, over the edge of the cashmere scarf that had just played the part of makeshift tissue.

“I thigk I deed to get out of here,” Savannah said sheepishly.

“I think you’re right about that,” Linda said in a shocked voice. “There is no way you took anything, not a chance.”

Savannah dug through her purse and triumphantly held out the pill chart. Linda took it and looked closer.

“These are painkillers, not antihistamines.”

Savannah’s jaw slackened.

“What?” She searched her purse and found another pill chart. “Oh… oh God, I took the wrong one.”

“Well… at least we know your allergies haven’t figured out how to transcend medications…?” Linda said, as Savannah quickly took one of the actual antihistamines and dry-swallowed it.

"I still need to get out of here," she sniffled.

"You know I’m going to tease you about this forever, right?” Linda said and put an arm around her partner’s waist.

“I know,” Savannah sighed and sneezed again.


Edited by Chanel_no5
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Thank you so much, both of you. ^_^ This story won't be continued however. It's just a tangent I went off on while writing my NaNo story. :) 


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As always, I really like the way you write your stories. For me, they are among the best on the forum. It may be just a story, but I felt a lot of pain and affection for your main character. Thank you very much for taking the time to share it with us. ^_^

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Yet another gem.  You always describe everything just so perfectly!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Late in replying to this thread too, been distracted lately. 

On 11/10/2022 at 8:04 AM, poiub said:

Loved this!

Thank you! 

On 11/10/2022 at 10:33 AM, oOMariusOo said:

As always, I really like the way you write your stories. For me, they are among the best on the forum. It may be just a story, but I felt a lot of pain and affection for your main character. Thank you very much for taking the time to share it with us. ^_^

Thank you so much! It really means a lot to me to hear that! :heart: 

On 11/13/2022 at 1:07 PM, SleepingPhlox said:

Yet another gem.  You always describe everything just so perfectly!

Aww, thank you so much! :heart: 

On 11/13/2022 at 1:50 PM, CheekyGuy said:

Wonderful story, really intense. 

Thank you! It was... quite intense to write it, too. :lol: 

On 11/24/2022 at 2:59 AM, pepperbreeze said:

Love the scenario, love the way you write these.

Thank you so much!! ^_^ 


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
57 minutes ago, Snotlvr said:

So good!


On 12/13/2022 at 2:43 PM, Evian said:


Thank you, both. ^_^

Just a heads up though; post padding, posting lots of short replies in a short period of time, in particular when you bump many old threads from years ago, that is not going to help you get validated any faster. In fact, it's a surefire way to not get validated. Calm down. Go with the general flow of the forum. Okay? :lol: 


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9 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:


Thank you, both. ^_^

Just a heads up though; post padding, posting lots of short replies in a short period of time, in particular when you bump many old threads from years ago, that is not going to help you get validated any faster. In fact, it's a surefire way to not get validated. Calm down. Go with the general flow of the forum. Okay? :lol: 


Idk I really don’t think you should have to have 50 posts to access the adult content. I’m over 18 and it’s insane that any other site that has fetish content you can view as long as you are 18+ but here it’s like a little cult. I thought the whole point of this site was to allow people to access material and spread their thoughts and experiences about a fetish. Which bear in mind, a fetish is sexual in nature! This whole site should be 18+ if you really think about it. 

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1 minute ago, Snotlvr said:

Idk I really don’t think you should have to have 50 posts to access the adult content. I’m over 18 and it’s insane that any other site that has fetish content you can view as long as you are 18+ but here it’s like a little cult. I thought the whole point of this site was to allow people to access material and spread their thoughts and experiences about a fetish. Which bear in mind, a fetish is sexual in nature! This whole site should be 18+ if you really think about it. 

I'm not staff, I don't make the rules. Perhaps posting your concerns in this subforum Sneeze Fetish Forum - Sneeze Fetish Forum or contacting @Mr_G would be more helpful than coming at me in a story thread for trying to help you out. 🤷‍♀️


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1 hour ago, Chanel_no5 said:

I'm not staff, I don't make the rules. Perhaps posting your concerns in this subforum Sneeze Fetish Forum - Sneeze Fetish Forum or contacting @Mr_G would be more helpful than coming at me in a story thread for trying to help you out. 🤷‍♀️


I’m not sure how you managed to connect aggression with the comment I left you but I appreciate your concern. 

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2 minutes ago, Snotlvr said:

I’m not sure how you managed to connect aggression with the comment I left you but I appreciate your concern. 

I didn't connect aggression to it, should I have? :lol:  But you directed your complaint about the forum rules at me as if I was the one who made them, and I really couldn't do anything about it if I wanted to, so bringing it up in the right subforums or right people would be far more helpful. We cool? ☮️ :P 


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Yes, please direct any concerns regarding forum policy to the staff using either the Contact Staff button or by posting in Website Support :)

As previously mentioned as well, we will happily give you access to the Adult Boards once you are validated, however, post padding / bumping (especially when it starts immediately after you have
contacted staff and received a response regarding getting validated etc) does put you at the back of the queue I'm afraid.

Now, let's go back to posting relevant replies to this thread before I have to warn us all for threadjacking :lol:

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6 hours ago, Chanel_no5 said:

I didn't connect aggression to it, should I have? :lol:  But you directed your complaint about the forum rules at me as if I was the one who made them, and I really couldn't do anything about it if I wanted to, so bringing it up in the right subforums or right people would be far more helpful. We cool? ☮️ :P 


All good!

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  • 5 months later...

*Happy sigh* You're so great at describing sneeziness! The spellings are just perfect...
I really liked the little scene with Savannah in the ladies' room where she was shaken by a massive sneezing fit, and a girl from another stall blessed her. 😊
And then: "Savannah felt like she had snorted itching powder."  Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhh... 🥰

Nice little twist in the end when Savannah, the doctor, noticed she had mixed up her antihistamines with painkillers! 🤣

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  • 1 month later...

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