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How Cold Sneezes Feel


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I have caught myself a cold (which isn’t surprising given how crap my immune system has been this year)! I’m not the one to usually get more sneezy while being sick, but this time I am. 

The sneezes feel very strange to me, nothing at all like my usual natural sneeze. 

For my natural sneeze I usually feel a familiar little tickle in my nose start to build. Sometimes I breathe deeply through my nose or look up at a light to get the tickle to flourish enough to result in a sneeze. 

For the cold, my major symptom is a sore and aching back of the throat. I don’t get that usual little tickle in my nose… it almost feels like periodically the ache from my throat travels to the back of my nose. The times I do sneeze they surprise me suddenly from the odd sensation 🤧 Other times this sensation leaves my nose wrinkled and eyes watering and closed. 

New for me! Has resulted in sneezing in some places I’d rather not and in front of other people 😅

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On the rare occasion I get a cold, my sneezes generally feel similar to normal sneezes, with a couple of exceptions. 

Unlike normal sneezing, my cold sneezes feel much more intense. Like, there's no way I'm stopping them. The tickle is just too strong, with no warning. 

The other difference is my cold sneezes usually include mini fits of 3 or 4 sneezes. I'm usually lucky to get a double under normal circumstances 

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58 minutes ago, papabear70 said:

On the rare occasion I get a cold, my sneezes generally feel similar to normal sneezes, with a couple of exceptions. 

Unlike normal sneezing, my cold sneezes feel much more intense. Like, there's no way I'm stopping them. The tickle is just too strong, with no warning. 

The other difference is my cold sneezes usually include mini fits of 3 or 4 sneezes. I'm usually lucky to get a double under normal circumstances 

I feel the stronger part kind of! I usually stifle, but I feel the sneezes are so sudden that I would destroy my throat trying to suppress them! 

Also usually a single sneezer, and getting more doubles as well! 

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Sadly, I hardly EVER sneeze with a cold. Sometimes I do, but it doesn't really feel that different from a regular sneeze for me.

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I have to say I much prefer a natural sneeze over a cold sneeze, which always seems to feel so much rougher on the nose and throat (probably because they are usually both quite sore!) That would definitely extend to the sneezes that I like to see as well!

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For me there is a few differences:

- most natural sneezes come on fairly suddenly for me without a lot of warning, whereas with a cold I often feel quite a tickly buildup (which is good because when my nose is all runny the last thing I want is to sneeze without something to ready to catch it)

- they are more productive - I normally need a nose blow after a sneeze but more so with a cold 

- there's no stopping them. Forget holding back or stifling, that thing is coming out 

- they are bigger and more intense

- they often come in doubles when I'm sick. Natural sneezes are normally singles for me

Bless you by the way. You're not the only one with a cruddy immune system this year and there seem to be a lot of germs floating around right now. Hope you've got plenty of tissues and hankies to take care of it. Get well soon

Edited by Trynasneeze
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On 11/12/2022 at 9:35 AM, Katzoo12 said:

Sadly, I hardly EVER sneeze with a cold. Sometimes I do, but it doesn't really feel that different from a regular sneeze for me.

That's me too. :watsup: I just cough and get horrible congestion

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18 minutes ago, Hizzoner duh Mare said:

That's me too. :watsup: I just cough and get horrible congestion

For me the worst symptom is the sore throat. The congestion is annoying too, but the throat is just so tender for me.

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I do feel that cold sneezes tend to be more difficult to stop, but for me it also feels like it more strongly affects my throat and stuff afterwards, though that is likely more in part due to the cold itself. Can't really say I prefer them over regular sneezes

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For me, they are usually more intense. I often don't get very sneezy when I get a cold, but they tend to cause more of an intense tickle and can be more difficult to hold back I also get really teasing sneezes when sick. My healthy sneezes tend to sort of tease me normally, but when sick it just becomes this relentless maddening tickle that won't subside. I also do get more doubles when sick, though even when healthy I often have sneezing fits. They're pretty commonplace for me. XD

As a side note, Itchy, I saw your inducing video. It was incredible! Also, it seems Mr.Snz and I have an oddly similar signature to our posts. Kind of surreal to see someone else with pretty much the exact same gif I have had in my signature for years. Guess Elsa has a fan club. XD

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On 11/12/2022 at 9:35 AM, Katzoo12 said:

Sadly, I hardly EVER sneeze with a cold.


18 hours ago, Hizzoner duh Mare said:

That's me too. :watsup: I just cough and get horrible congestion

^ This is me 99% of the time I’m sick. Normally I’d say 100%, aside from this past week. 

On 11/12/2022 at 10:15 PM, Trynasneeze said:

Bless you by the way. You're not the only one with a cruddy immune system this year and there seem to be a lot of germs floating around right now. Hope you've got plenty of tissues and hankies to take care of it. Get well soon

^ Thank you :)  definitely felt like the real life version of a sick fic a couple days ago… I used so many tissues in such a short time that I ran out LOL 

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On 11/12/2022 at 9:44 AM, NoV said:

I have to say I much prefer a natural sneeze over a cold sneeze, which always seems to feel so much rougher on the nose and throat (probably because they are usually both quite sore!) That would definitely extend to the sneezes that I like to see as well!

^ Sooooo much rougher on the throat. Nobody should have to suffer this 😂

17 hours ago, blessyouanon said:

My sneezes are so strong when I have a cold. Mental block? Forget about it! 

^ I am fairly good at consciously holding back natural sneezes… but I’m with you on cold ones! Forget about it! 

8 hours ago, YiffySneeze said:

As a side note, Itchy, I saw your inducing video. It was incredible!

^ Thank you so much! Comments like this make the misery of the whole being sick thing a little brighter 😂

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usually when i have a cold(now) my sneezes feel a lot fuller in a sense. my sneezes when i’m sick are usually very messy so i feel the sneezes in my nose a bit more (if that makes sense)

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When I'm sick I'll always sneeze more than once and they're wetter. I think my record was 10 in a row once? Multiple sneezes is like the main sign for me.

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Cold sneezes have a heaviness that induced and natural sneezes don’t have. When I have a cold, I sneeze singles and doubles every half hour and I’m so sniffly. After the second day of the cold, the sneezes tease so much and I get multiples from 4-10 at a time.

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/13/2022 at 12:55 PM, Hizzoner duh Mare said:

That's me too. :watsup: I just cough and get horrible congestion

Having said this, I find myself with an unusually sneezy cold all of a sudden:evil:

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