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Sneeze Fetish Forum

FWB has a cold


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My fwb has a cold right now. We were supposed to meet up today, but he messaged me this morning to cancel saying he was all sneezy and snotty. He actually knows that I have the fetish, and he enjoys contagion. Later in the day, he sent me a video of himself sneezing. I told him about the tissue method for inducing and he used it as he made eye contact with me through the camera and his face got that pre-sneeze look. HUCHOO HUCHOO HUCHOO. He let out a loud triple and sniffled. We discussed the possibility of meeting up tomorrow and doing fetishy stuff, but I might be too much of a germophobe for it. We shall see.

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Update: I still haven't decided if I'm going to see him yet, but he's made up scenarios (that he won't actually do for ethical reasons) that we both enjoy about him spreading his cold to members of the choir he sings with. Contagion scenarios are my favorite

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