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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Girl in the tram


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A couple of weeks ago I was on the tram. A young girl (about 20-25 years old) was sitting next to me. I didn't pay attention to her. But a few minutes later, when I was already getting up to get off at the next stop (we were sitting next to the back door), she pulled a rather large, neatly folded white and purple floral handkerchief from her coat pocket and caught two wet sneezes that sounded pretty liquid and snotty. Like "Eh...Exshew! Expsheew!" Unfortunately I don't know if she blew her nose after sneezing (although it sounded like she really needed to blow her nose) since I got off at my stop.

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Just goes to show that great observations can, unexpectedly, happen at any time. Extra lucky if, as it sounds it was, this was a fresh clean handkerchief receiving its first couple of snotty sneezes. And what a handkerchief: that perfect combo of a pretty design and being more than capable of dealing with all eventualities!

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16 hours ago, launderedlace said:

Просто показывает, что великие наблюдения могут неожиданно произойти в любое время. Очень повезло, если, как это звучит, это был свежий чистый носовой платок, получивший первую пару сопливых чихов. И какой носовой платок: это идеальное сочетание красивого дизайна и того, что он более чем способен справиться со всеми непредвиденными обстоятельствами!

Her handkerchief looked something like this.



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3 hours ago, ShamanBodyan said:

Her handkerchief looked something like this.



No disappointment there, then - an eye-catching design and practical!

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