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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Observation at the festival (f)


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I was at a little festival/fair thing in my town on Saturday. 

This young lady, medium height, skinny, long brunette hair, maybe about 20ish was standing in line for something near me when I first heard her sneeze. 

I looked up upon hearing a high pitched "HihChoo!" that she sneezed into her palms. Then ten seconds later "ItChoo! ItChoo!" into her elbow. 

She then seemed to rub her nose and sniffle a few times before I saw her open her handbag and pull out a men's white handkerchief with a blue/grey stripe border. It was kind of just loose not folded or anything. 

She quickly turned aside from her friends and blew her nose briefly. Then she kind of loosely folded the hanky up quickly and tucked it back in her bag. 

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Thanks for sharing! Sounds like that poor woman was struggling already, if she had that handkerchief tucked away. Hope she found some relief!

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On 11/29/2022 at 1:25 PM, mypanicismanic said:

Thanks for sharing! Sounds like that poor woman was struggling already, if she had that handkerchief tucked away. Hope she found some relief!

Yeah she looked a little red nosed and run down and sounded like some wet sniffles

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10 minutes ago, sneezeboy said:

Have witnessed so few public sneezes in the past couple years even before COVID.

Female sneezes I mean, because I am only attracted to those. I do hear male sneezes at my workplace frequently.

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Was the handkerchief anything like this (but obviously unfolded)? I'm really sorry, @Trynasneeze - I messed up with my message formatting earlier, when replying to your 'It starts with a sneeze' storyline. I've tried to ask SFF staff if they can remove all the redundant empty space accidentally created at the top of my reply, but I'm not even sure that request properly went through, either. Maybe I need to stick to the basics for a while longer ... sorry again! 


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14 hours ago, launderedlace said:

Was the handkerchief anything like this (but obviously unfolded)? I'm really sorry, @Trynasneeze - I messed up with my message formatting earlier, when replying to your 'It starts with a sneeze' storyline. I've tried to ask SFF staff if they can remove all the redundant empty space accidentally created at the top of my reply, but I'm not even sure that request properly went through, either. Maybe I need to stick to the basics for a while longer ... sorry again! 


Something similar, less pristine, and the border stripes were a little thicker I think

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