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"Does anyone have a tissue?"


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One of the girls at work, early 20s, mid brown hair - shoulder length, has a cold. She's not the only one right now but she's the subject of this obs. 

She was sniffling all day right from the get go so I was keeping one eye open in case there were any obs. 

She has a regular sniffle all day long, her nose is a bit red, she sounds kinda stuffy and would wipe her nose a little on the back of her hand every so often. 

About 11.30 though I looked up to see her put both hands over her nose and mouth and then 

"HUHCHOO!! HUHCHOO!!" She sneezed. Then a big wet sniff. Then "HUHCHOO!!" once more. 

A couple people looked up and said bless you. 

She then sniffled again, sighed and she looks up and says 

"Does anyone have a tissue?"

with one hand still over her nose. 


Sometimes there are perks to cold and flu season 😂

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I think I would melt if I saw that, awesome OBS. However, there's one important answer we need: Did anyone give her some tissues? :P

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9 hours ago, djm4991 said:

I think I would melt if I saw that, awesome OBS. However, there's one important answer we need: Did anyone give her some tissues? :P

Haha yes. Luckily for her several people have colds right now (to be honest she probably caught it from one of them) and one of them gave her a couple of tissues from his pocket packet. 

She didn't really blow but sniffled wetly while using the tissues to give her nose what looked like a mix between a wipe and a massage. 


She was back in this morning, still sounding very sniffly and stuffed up. I definitely saw her stifle a few sneezes, she looked pretty sick. She still didn't have any tissues of her own and kept disappearing to the bathroom to blow her nose a few times - which I overheard her announce to the girl beside her at least twice. 

She disappeared around lunchtime though, apparently she'd asked if she could head home as she was feeling pretty rough. 

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