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Jealous of Sneezes


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My boyfriend has my favorite type/pitch of sneeze and is able to sneeze up to 10 times in a row. While it mesmerizes me, I am not able to do this naturally myself and it makes me jealous. Does anyone else get jealous of their partner or someone else close to them over this? How do you deal with it?

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Yes I sometimes get jealous of sneezy people for the same reason. But then I remember that how embarrassed I am to sneeze in public and I’m grateful that I’m not sneezy and have control over the tickle.

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1 hour ago, bingochamp7 said:

Yes I sometimes get jealous of sneezy people for the same reason. But then I remember that how embarrassed I am to sneeze in public and I’m grateful that I’m not sneezy and have control over the tickle.

Same for me. As much as I'd like to be more naturally sneezy, I have no desire to sneeze in public. Especially sneezing fits, I'd be so embarrassed.

At home, yes please! In public, no way!

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I definitely think about what it would be like if I sneezed more. I think it'd be pretty mortifying in public.

It would be nice to have more triggers, I'm definitely envious of the sneezing fits some people in the community are able to bring out in recordings.

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I don't really get jealous since I don't really like my own sneezing or gain much pleasure from it outside of fetish contexts. Maybe if I was with one of us in real life I'd wish I was a really sneezy person, but on the whole I'm glad i sneeze the normal amount lol.

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I don't get really jealous that often, I sneeze naturally quite a bit, it would be nice to sneeze more though. 

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I totally feel you, as someone who sneezes rarely and almost always once at a time. I find that trying out chhinkni really helped me! I love being able to sneeze multiple times in a row and chhinkni definitely makes me sneeze several times lol

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I can relate to this too sadly.

I only ever sneeze once and it rather rare.

I can count the number of double sneezes in my life on one hand. :(

What is worse is sometimes my sneezes seem like they don't want me to notice them. lol

I almost have to ignore that I am about to sneeze or it will go away if I think about it too much.

The worst part is I even finally got some Chhinkni and it still does not make me sneeze all that much. I think its the because in that situation I am defiantly thinking about it and my nose is like, nope. Either that or I got a defective bottle.

On 12/21/2022 at 11:46 PM, GaySneezeLover said:

I totally feel you, as someone who sneezes rarely and almost always once at a time. I find that trying out chhinkni really helped me! I love being able to sneeze multiple times in a row and chhinkni definitely makes me sneeze several times lol

Now I am jealous of you too. lol

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