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Poem "Forever Beauty" by Emalara Morales (11-04-75 to 12-22-98)


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(I would ask that this be pinned by staff and it be locked from comments please! that if anyone want's to copy this, they give credit for it to Emalara Morales the original writer!)



Shed not a tear for the falling of the leaves but look instead to to the season of the melting snow. for that is when true beauty awakens from it's long cold slumber. Like a lover from a long nights sleep, for all too soon will true beauty sleep once more and leaves and snow fall, like a lady's tears for a love she has lost never to return, and sadness she'll ever know. for this world but a veil of tears that all must wear, till their never ending slumber that fools and wise men call death, though they be not truly dead but simply fast asleep as the trees in winter, forever waiting to awaken as must everyone someday to be sure, though none should fear it. ~ Emalara Moralas (11/04/75 -- 12/22/98)

Edited by Klingon
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