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"Taking Care Of Her" ⋆✦⋆ Marvel, F/F, Colds


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Hey! I was craving WandaNat content so enjoy this :DD 

This’ll be more than one part so please let me know what you think and if you have any ideas of what to add! (Criticism is welcome too) 



When Wanda woke up that morning, she instantly regretted it. From the moment she opened her eyes, there was a deep pounding pressure behind them coming from within her sinuses. With a groan, she rolled over and buried her head into her pillow as if the action would somehow get rid of her growing headache but all it served to do with irritate her nose sending her sneezing against the fabric. 

Hehktshoo! HhHh-h'ktshi! 

The witch pulled her head back and grimaced at the wet patch she had left behind on her pillow. She really should’ve cleaned her sheets but instead she opted for simply flipping the pillow around to hide her expulsion before forcing herself to sit upright. A wet sniffle escaped Wanda as her nose began to run. "Of course this happens today..." She moaned to herself and wiped her runny nose on the hem of her oversized pyjama top before carefully standing up from the bed. 

Without the safety of the blankets to keep her warm, Wanda shivered as she slowly padded over to her en-suit bathroom. The rhythmic hum of a fan filled the bathroom as Wanda flicked on the light before standing in front of her mirror. She certainly wasn’t ready to greet the reflection staring back at her, dark circles hung beneath her eyes in stark contrast to her unnaturally pale skin yet her cheeks held a light flush to them. She would’ve found more things to criticise about her appearance too but a desperate itching in her nose snatched her attention away. 

“Heh-Hh..Heh’iishioo! Hih- HhhH- HEtshshoo!” 

Wanda cursed as she felt the cold spray hit her hands which she had lazily brought up to cup her nose, “That’s so gross.” She grimaced as she turned on the tap to wash her hands before pulling a few tissues from the box sat on the side to blow her nose with. How on earth she was meant to get through today was anybody's guess. In just a few hours Wanda and the rest of the Avengers were due to head off to the chilly Canadian mountains in response to threats made by a possible Hydra base, by no means was this mission going to be easy and the thought of her being out in the frosty temperatures wasn’t pleasant at all. Not to mention the long debriefing meeting which she was required to attend- 

“Oh crap-!” Wanda hissed at the sudden realisation. She was going to be late; she hadn’t even started getting dressed yet! She quickly raced back into her bedroom, the sudden speed making her head spin with dizziness as she glanced at her phone, Wanda saw that she only had 10 minutes to get ready before Nat would be here to walk her down to the meeting room. 

That was tradition for the two of them. Every time the two girls had a meeting together Natasha would come to her girlfriend’s room so they could both walk down together. By some miracle though, Wanda had managed to get herself ready quickly, sure her hair was messily pulled back into a ponytail, and she hadn’t put any makeup on yet but at least she looked somewhat presentable. But because of her rushing around, Wanda felt even more awful. She was sure that she would fall over any second and be consumed by the dizziness of the room around her, so she chose to sit down at the edge of her bed whilst she waited for her girlfriend to arrive. 

Unfortunately, it seemed something else decided to arrive first. The annoying itch which had been teasing her all morning decided that now would be a good time to show itself again forcing her to bend forwards, sneezing into elbow as she lost control the desperate tickle. 

Hiih’Nkxshh! He-hih..h- Hu’tshhiew! Heh'ttshoo! Heh- Atttshhoo!” 

Natasha was just about to knock on her girlfriend's door, when she heard her sneeze from the other side. She quickly opened the door and rushed inside, “Goodness sweetie! Bless you love!”  

A small chuckle, albeit a very congested sounding one came from the witch who was rubbing her finger beneath her reddening nose, “Ugh, bless me. I think I must’ve just irritated my nose or something there.” She weakly excused. Truthfully, she didn’t want Nat to know she was sick. Her girlfriend was particular about resting when sick and if she found out then there’d be no way she’d allow Wanda to go on the mission. 

"Don't worry, it's adorable when you sneeze, darling." Natasha smirked as she sat beside her to run her fingers through the girl's dark hair before planting her lips on the top of her head. She let them sit there for longer than necessary and when she pulled back there was a strange expression on her face as she scanned over Wanda’s features, “Are you alright?” 


“I’m fine.” Wanda excused, twitching her nose slightly as the familiar itch threatened to make her sneeze again. No, no no. Not now! She couldn’t sneeze now! Not with Nat mere inch's away from her face, ”Hh- Nat, I- Hhh" 

“Hold still a sec love.” Natasha instructed, not noticing her girlfriend's hitching breath as she brought her hand up to tilt her lovers chin up a little as she tried to work out what was wrong. 


“N-Nat p-pleasehhh, I hihh need to HiH sne-”  The longer she went and suppressed the inevitable, the more desperate it became, and Wanda was helpless to stop what happened next. She had just enough time to quickly snap her head away from her girlfriend. 



Wanda blushed a deep red at her loud outburst, frantically sniffling in the aftermath. She was so embarrassed she hardly registered the fact that she’d sprayed the whole shoulder of her t-shirt with a fine mist, “F-fuck, sorry!” 


“Jeez baby, bless you!” Nat’s tone conveyed her shock – she'd never seen her girlfriend sneeze so desperately before, “C’mere a sec, let’s sort out the nose of yours.” She said softly, cupping Wanda’s chin lightly as she pulled down the cuff of her hoodie before gently rubbing the trace of liquid around her nose away with it, “Better love?” 


Well, it was better, but Wanda couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed at the intimate action, “Thanks... I could’ve just used a tissue y’know though. Your hoodie’s gonna be all gross now.” She mumbled but Nat only shook her head. 


“Nonsense. I'm not wearing this out anyway, so it’ll be fine.” Nat shrugged, “On a serious note though, are you sure you’re okay?” She asked in a caring voice. It wasn't for her to say if her girlfriend was okay or not, she wasn't a doctor, but Nat had her concerns. 


Wanda nodded, even going as far as to kiss Nat’s cheek against her better judgment, “I swear! Just a bit sniffly this morning but I used some new type of perfume, so I think it’s that.” It wasn’t a great lie, but it was the only thing that came to her mind in that moment. 


Nat seemed to accept this though despite not being able to smell any perfume and squeezed Wanda’s hand in comfort as she gave her a reassuring smile. “Well, as long as you’re sure, love. We should head down to the briefing now though, we’re already a little late.” 


"You're right, we don't want to be too late, do we?" Wanda agreed as the pair of them stood up from the bed, taking each other’s hand in their own as they left her room and began walking down the hallways towards the meeting room. As they walked Nat couldn’t help but steal a few side glances at her girlfriend - something definitely was different with her... 

There wasn’t much time to ponder on it however as the two women soon reached the briefing room. The rest of the Avengers were already sat around the long wooden table, Tony impantiently tapping his foot as the two women took their seats. 


“Nice of you to show up. Please, next time we agree on a time schedule, feel free to ignore it, we’ll all just sit around and wait for you in the future.” He grumbled sarcastically, earning himself a harsh glare from Nat before he began to introduce the mission’s agendas. 


The pounding in Wanda’s head only seemed to grow as the meeting droned by, she found herself unable to concentrate on the files infront of her. Everything seemed hazy, like her senses had been dulled by a thick sheet of cotton yet she can feel the goosebumps as they prickle up her arms. 
“We’re looking to land before 7,” Tony continued to explain, “It will be a cold one, so we might have to bundle up-"  


A sudden loud sneeze interrupted him, and everyone looked to the source of the sound - Wanda. She buried her face into her hands, her eyes widening briefly before her lashes began fluttering again, Hh’itshoo! Hh- Hii- iii'tshhhu! Heh-t'SHHIEW!” 
“You have… got to be kidding me.“ Was all Tony said before leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. He looked at Wanda with a rather displeased face. Natasha, however, felt more sympathetic to her lover's situation and laid her hand on her girlfriends' thigh. The subtle squeeze was intended as moral support, but also to ensure that her girlfriend wouldn’t be embarrassed again. 


“Bless you, darling.” Natasha spoke in a motherly tone and the witch felt her face go hot with embarrassment before the next sneeze built up. 

“Hi-Hh- HHih-hhgxnt!” 


“Maximoff, this is a private, confidential meeting. I didn’t see a drippy cold on the invite list.” Tony leered, sending a visibly repulsed look at the sniffling woman. The man wasn’t known for his overly kind attitude for sure, but it definitely wouldn’t hurt if he decided to ease up a little. 


“I’m not sick!” Wanda whined as she fought against her running nose, “I don’t have a cold...” 


“Even so,” Steve cleared his throat as he spoke up, reaching into his back pocket for something, “You should take this, clear up those sniffles.” He said, offering out a plain handkerchief to the girl. Wanda didn’t know what to do, on one hand she was a sniffling mess, and the soft cloth would probably feel wonderful against her battered nose but on the other hand she’d never liked the thought of handkerchiefs, they seemed unsanitary to her. 

“Cap, I couldn’t.” Wanda shook her head as she coughed a little, “It’s alright. I’m fine.” 


Her heart melted when she saw Steve's kind smile, it was sweet to see him so concerned for her wellbeing despite the fact that they were in a professional setting. He nodded silently, gesturing for Wanda to accept the handkerchief, but the witch still declined. 


“You’ll feel better if you take it.” Steve explained before gesturing for Wanda to take the handkerchief. He then looked towards Natasha expecting her to do something. Nat held out her hand and took it from him instead before turning around in her seat to face her sniffling girlfriend. 


“Blow your nose,” The redhead urged, pressing the soft cloth into Wanda’s slightly clammy grasp, “You need to get rid of all that gunk in your head sweetheart, so blow. 


Natasha watched as Wanda tried to refuse the offered handkerchief. She knew the witch had never been much of a fan of  them – she thought them unsanitary, no doubt due to her growing up in the Sokovian suburbs where they often had to hand wash their own clothes. 


However, as her girlfriend’s red and runny nose began to twitch, and the inevitable urge to sneeze began to threaten again, Natasha reached forward and laid her hand on her back, gently urging her, “Please. Just take it, okay?” 


It seemed though Wanda’s nose made the decision for her and when that urge returned with sudden vengeance Wanda scrambled to bring the fabric up to her nose as she sneezed a loud, thick double into it. 


Heh’kshuu! Hih..iih'ttshuu!” 


“Bless you sweetie,” Nat sighed before raising her eyebrows at the witch to blow her nose, “Wanda...” 


I dod't deed too! I'b dot a child Nat!” Wanda whined again only her voice was a thick congested mumble, her consonants being blurred by it, Cad't I -hih- just sdiffle idsteadHh- hh'itschuu!” 


This time though she didn’t have any other choice and sink into her chair as she deafly gave in and blew her nose earning herself a gentle shoulder squeeze from Natasha. 


“Wanda? Are you catching a cold my love?” Nat whispered as she leant in close to the witch finally realising what was wrong, “You don’t sound too well... I should’ve said something earlier.” 


“Nope, nope, nope.” Tony repeated, backing away rapidly from Wanda as she coughed again, “Maximoff, you’re off the mission.” 


“What?!” Wanda’s mouth dropped open in surprise. She knew Tony was a borderline germaphobe, but she hadn’t expected him to drop her from the whole mission. It wasn’t as if she had the plague or something – it really was just a cold. 


“Sorry but we can’t risk you infecting the whole team, especially when we’re going to out in icy winds. You’d only get yourself sicker and be a liability. It can't happen.” Tony said bluntly but even if he could’ve worded it more nicely, he did have a point and surprisingly Nat nodded at his explanation. 


“Wanda, love. I agree with Tony.” She sighed before turning to her girlfriend, bringing up her palm to cup her cheek, “You’re already feeling warm, I can’t imagine going on this mission would be good for you.” 


“See! Even your girlfriend agrees with me.” He stated triumphantly at the validation whilst Wanda groaned and let her head fall against her girlfriend's shoulder. 


Nat reached down to stroke Wanda's head soothingly and whispered in her ears, "Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll stay with you.” She said, giving a knowing nod to Tony who crossed her name out from the attending list, “Come on, let’s leave these guys and get you back to bed.” 


Wanda's eyes closed and she nuzzled into the assassin's neck. She knew that there was nothing more that she could do to convince the two and so allowed herself to be led from the room by her girlfriend. She could feel a warm and comforting hand stroking against her head. She shivered and looked up at Nat with puffy, tear-filled eyes. “I’m sorry.” She whispered her voice nasally and cracked. “I really did want to help.” 

“I know baby, I know, but this is for the best. I can look after you now, okay? We’ll have the compound to ourselves for the next week or so, meaning we can even sneak into the cinema room if you’re feeling up to it at some point. You’ll feel better with some rest I promise.” 


Nat led her girlfriend all the way back to their room before instructing her to sit on the end of her bed as she began to search through Wanda’s drawer for some cosy pyjamas’. Wanda sniffled as she did so, trying to fight off the tingling in her nose but it seems her efforts didn’t amount to much because she was soon sent leaning forward as she sneezed into her hands. 

HHeh..Hhih..Hiiiitshoo! ITTSSSHU!” 

“Bless yo-” Nat began to say as she pulled out the perfect pair of pyjamas for her but it seemed the witch was far from done. 

“HEH-IKSHEW! N-Nat I need a tisshh-ittshhoo!” Wanda managed to stammer out before ducking her head back down into her hands, her eyes widening a little this time. By the time she was finished sneezing, Wanda looked thoroughly exhausted, her eyes watery as she kept her hands cupped around her nose. 


Luckily for her, Nat was waiting with the tissue box she’d taken from the bathroom, sitting beside her girlfriend as she offered it out, “Here you go baby.” 


Wanda mumbled a quiet thankyou before turning away from Nat as she took the chance to thoroughly blow her nose. The action did seem to give her some relief though and she let herself flop backwards onto the bed once she was done. 


“Better?” Nat asked sweetly. 


“A little.” 


“How about we get you changed then? You put your pyjamas on and I’ll go get you a drink and some medicine.” 


It took Nat a little longer the necessarily longer than needed to come back – she'd taken the opportunity to stop back at her own room to change into her own pyjamas too, making sure to grab the little brown teddybear which sat on her bed (his name was Mr Fluffles) before making her way down to the kitchen to grab some medicine and pour Wanda a drink of water. By the time she’d gotten back to the room, Wanda was all changed into her pj’s waiting patiently as she sat in the bed, the duvet pulled up over her knees. 


Aw, don’t you look cosy,” Nat smiled as she came to sit beside her girlfriend, letting her bear sit in Wanda’s lap as she put the other stuff onto the nightstand, “How about you try to get some more sleep darling, you must be tired.” 


“Are you going to lay with me?” Wanda asked, her tired eyes looking up at her girlfriend as the two women snuggled down into the sheets and Wanda soon found herself resting her head on her girlfriend’s chest, “Mm I love you.” 


Nat gently ran her hand through Wanda’s hair, "I love you too, sweetheart." She smiled shyly and turned her head, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Sleep well love." she whispered affectionately as she too slowly dozed off into a welcoming slumber, cuddled up against the woman she loved the most. 

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4 hours ago, NickG1998 said:


I really enjoyed this wonderful story



2 hours ago, sneezemeister said:


Aw this was very sweet!


Thank you!!!

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Oh my goodness this was so well written! So much sweetness! I've been wondering when there'd be some more wanda/natasha stuff here, I remember seeing a massive thread of nat/wand/reader fics and they've just seemed to have disappeared! This was just what I needed to get my little wanda/Nat fix! Thank Thank for sharing!! 



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Just now, MIN said:

I remember seeing a massive thread of nat/wand/reader fics and they've just seemed to have disappeared!

Hey... Yeah that was me :,)

I had the profile labelled with my tumblr name and I didn't really want the two connected! I still have them (and like A LOAD more) posted on it :)


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3 minutes ago, Selkie said:

Hey... Yeah that was me :,)

I had the profile labelled with my tumblr name and I didn't really want the two connected! I still have them (and like A LOAD more) posted on it :)


Ohh! No way I had no idea! That is completely fair enough, sorry if me bringing it up caused any problems for you, I genuinely had no clue! They were all fantastic reads non the less though! 

Edited by MIN
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1 minute ago, MIN said:

sorry if me bringing it up caused any problems for you

It doesnt! Don't worry! : D

Whenever I level up enough to have pm, I could send you the link to the account if you'd ever wanna check them out again. Theres some other people on there too (Yelena,ect)

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1 minute ago, Selkie said:

It doesnt! Don't worry! : D

Whenever I level up enough to have pm, I could send you the link to the account if you'd ever wanna check them out again. Theres some other people on there too (Yelena,ect)

Ah okay good 😅 yeah that'd be wicked if it's not too much trouble, I love going back and rereading fics, helps me get more immersed with the characters and the setting!

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I loveeee this!! The perfect blend of a little mess and a whole lot of sweetness! Wanda and Nat are my faves too!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/27/2023 at 8:43 PM, Selkie said:

Hey! I was craving WandaNat content so enjoy this :DD 

This’ll be more than one part so please let me know what you think and if you have any ideas of what to add! (Criticism is welcome too) 



When Wanda woke up that morning, she instantly regretted it. From the moment she opened her eyes, there was a deep pounding pressure behind them coming from within her sinuses. With a groan, she rolled over and buried her head into her pillow as if the action would somehow get rid of her growing headache but all it served to do with irritate her nose sending her sneezing against the fabric. 

Hehktshoo! HhHh-h'ktshi! 

The witch pulled her head back and grimaced at the wet patch she had left behind on her pillow. She really should’ve cleaned her sheets but instead she opted for simply flipping the pillow around to hide her expulsion before forcing herself to sit upright. A wet sniffle escaped Wanda as her nose began to run. "Of course this happens today..." She moaned to herself and wiped her runny nose on the hem of her oversized pyjama top before carefully standing up from the bed. 

Without the safety of the blankets to keep her warm, Wanda shivered as she slowly padded over to her en-suit bathroom. The rhythmic hum of a fan filled the bathroom as Wanda flicked on the light before standing in front of her mirror. She certainly wasn’t ready to greet the reflection staring back at her, dark circles hung beneath her eyes in stark contrast to her unnaturally pale skin yet her cheeks held a light flush to them. She would’ve found more things to criticise about her appearance too but a desperate itching in her nose snatched her attention away. 

“Heh-Hh..Heh’iishioo! Hih- HhhH- HEtshshoo!” 

Wanda cursed as she felt the cold spray hit her hands which she had lazily brought up to cup her nose, “That’s so gross.” She grimaced as she turned on the tap to wash her hands before pulling a few tissues from the box sat on the side to blow her nose with. How on earth she was meant to get through today was anybody's guess. In just a few hours Wanda and the rest of the Avengers were due to head off to the chilly Canadian mountains in response to threats made by a possible Hydra base, by no means was this mission going to be easy and the thought of her being out in the frosty temperatures wasn’t pleasant at all. Not to mention the long debriefing meeting which she was required to attend- 

“Oh crap-!” Wanda hissed at the sudden realisation. She was going to be late; she hadn’t even started getting dressed yet! She quickly raced back into her bedroom, the sudden speed making her head spin with dizziness as she glanced at her phone, Wanda saw that she only had 10 minutes to get ready before Nat would be here to walk her down to the meeting room. 

That was tradition for the two of them. Every time the two girls had a meeting together Natasha would come to her girlfriend’s room so they could both walk down together. By some miracle though, Wanda had managed to get herself ready quickly, sure her hair was messily pulled back into a ponytail, and she hadn’t put any makeup on yet but at least she looked somewhat presentable. But because of her rushing around, Wanda felt even more awful. She was sure that she would fall over any second and be consumed by the dizziness of the room around her, so she chose to sit down at the edge of her bed whilst she waited for her girlfriend to arrive. 

Unfortunately, it seemed something else decided to arrive first. The annoying itch which had been teasing her all morning decided that now would be a good time to show itself again forcing her to bend forwards, sneezing into elbow as she lost control the desperate tickle. 

Hiih’Nkxshh! He-hih..h- Hu’tshhiew! Heh'ttshoo! Heh- Atttshhoo!” 

Natasha was just about to knock on her girlfriend's door, when she heard her sneeze from the other side. She quickly opened the door and rushed inside, “Goodness sweetie! Bless you love!”  

A small chuckle, albeit a very congested sounding one came from the witch who was rubbing her finger beneath her reddening nose, “Ugh, bless me. I think I must’ve just irritated my nose or something there.” She weakly excused. Truthfully, she didn’t want Nat to know she was sick. Her girlfriend was particular about resting when sick and if she found out then there’d be no way she’d allow Wanda to go on the mission. 

"Don't worry, it's adorable when you sneeze, darling." Natasha smirked as she sat beside her to run her fingers through the girl's dark hair before planting her lips on the top of her head. She let them sit there for longer than necessary and when she pulled back there was a strange expression on her face as she scanned over Wanda’s features, “Are you alright?” 


“I’m fine.” Wanda excused, twitching her nose slightly as the familiar itch threatened to make her sneeze again. No, no no. Not now! She couldn’t sneeze now! Not with Nat mere inch's away from her face, ”Hh- Nat, I- Hhh" 

“Hold still a sec love.” Natasha instructed, not noticing her girlfriend's hitching breath as she brought her hand up to tilt her lovers chin up a little as she tried to work out what was wrong. 


“N-Nat p-pleasehhh, I hihh need to HiH sne-”  The longer she went and suppressed the inevitable, the more desperate it became, and Wanda was helpless to stop what happened next. She had just enough time to quickly snap her head away from her girlfriend. 



Wanda blushed a deep red at her loud outburst, frantically sniffling in the aftermath. She was so embarrassed she hardly registered the fact that she’d sprayed the whole shoulder of her t-shirt with a fine mist, “F-fuck, sorry!” 


“Jeez baby, bless you!” Nat’s tone conveyed her shock – she'd never seen her girlfriend sneeze so desperately before, “C’mere a sec, let’s sort out the nose of yours.” She said softly, cupping Wanda’s chin lightly as she pulled down the cuff of her hoodie before gently rubbing the trace of liquid around her nose away with it, “Better love?” 


Well, it was better, but Wanda couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed at the intimate action, “Thanks... I could’ve just used a tissue y’know though. Your hoodie’s gonna be all gross now.” She mumbled but Nat only shook her head. 


“Nonsense. I'm not wearing this out anyway, so it’ll be fine.” Nat shrugged, “On a serious note though, are you sure you’re okay?” She asked in a caring voice. It wasn't for her to say if her girlfriend was okay or not, she wasn't a doctor, but Nat had her concerns. 


Wanda nodded, even going as far as to kiss Nat’s cheek against her better judgment, “I swear! Just a bit sniffly this morning but I used some new type of perfume, so I think it’s that.” It wasn’t a great lie, but it was the only thing that came to her mind in that moment. 


Nat seemed to accept this though despite not being able to smell any perfume and squeezed Wanda’s hand in comfort as she gave her a reassuring smile. “Well, as long as you’re sure, love. We should head down to the briefing now though, we’re already a little late.” 


"You're right, we don't want to be too late, do we?" Wanda agreed as the pair of them stood up from the bed, taking each other’s hand in their own as they left her room and began walking down the hallways towards the meeting room. As they walked Nat couldn’t help but steal a few side glances at her girlfriend - something definitely was different with her... 

There wasn’t much time to ponder on it however as the two women soon reached the briefing room. The rest of the Avengers were already sat around the long wooden table, Tony impantiently tapping his foot as the two women took their seats. 


“Nice of you to show up. Please, next time we agree on a time schedule, feel free to ignore it, we’ll all just sit around and wait for you in the future.” He grumbled sarcastically, earning himself a harsh glare from Nat before he began to introduce the mission’s agendas. 


The pounding in Wanda’s head only seemed to grow as the meeting droned by, she found herself unable to concentrate on the files infront of her. Everything seemed hazy, like her senses had been dulled by a thick sheet of cotton yet she can feel the goosebumps as they prickle up her arms. 
“We’re looking to land before 7,” Tony continued to explain, “It will be a cold one, so we might have to bundle up-"  


A sudden loud sneeze interrupted him, and everyone looked to the source of the sound - Wanda. She buried her face into her hands, her eyes widening briefly before her lashes began fluttering again, Hh’itshoo! Hh- Hii- iii'tshhhu! Heh-t'SHHIEW!” 
“You have… got to be kidding me.“ Was all Tony said before leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. He looked at Wanda with a rather displeased face. Natasha, however, felt more sympathetic to her lover's situation and laid her hand on her girlfriends' thigh. The subtle squeeze was intended as moral support, but also to ensure that her girlfriend wouldn’t be embarrassed again. 


“Bless you, darling.” Natasha spoke in a motherly tone and the witch felt her face go hot with embarrassment before the next sneeze built up. 

“Hi-Hh- HHih-hhgxnt!” 


“Maximoff, this is a private, confidential meeting. I didn’t see a drippy cold on the invite list.” Tony leered, sending a visibly repulsed look at the sniffling woman. The man wasn’t known for his overly kind attitude for sure, but it definitely wouldn’t hurt if he decided to ease up a little. 


“I’m not sick!” Wanda whined as she fought against her running nose, “I don’t have a cold...” 


“Even so,” Steve cleared his throat as he spoke up, reaching into his back pocket for something, “You should take this, clear up those sniffles.” He said, offering out a plain handkerchief to the girl. Wanda didn’t know what to do, on one hand she was a sniffling mess, and the soft cloth would probably feel wonderful against her battered nose but on the other hand she’d never liked the thought of handkerchiefs, they seemed unsanitary to her. 

“Cap, I couldn’t.” Wanda shook her head as she coughed a little, “It’s alright. I’m fine.” 


Her heart melted when she saw Steve's kind smile, it was sweet to see him so concerned for her wellbeing despite the fact that they were in a professional setting. He nodded silently, gesturing for Wanda to accept the handkerchief, but the witch still declined. 


“You’ll feel better if you take it.” Steve explained before gesturing for Wanda to take the handkerchief. He then looked towards Natasha expecting her to do something. Nat held out her hand and took it from him instead before turning around in her seat to face her sniffling girlfriend. 


“Blow your nose,” The redhead urged, pressing the soft cloth into Wanda’s slightly clammy grasp, “You need to get rid of all that gunk in your head sweetheart, so blow. 


Natasha watched as Wanda tried to refuse the offered handkerchief. She knew the witch had never been much of a fan of  them – she thought them unsanitary, no doubt due to her growing up in the Sokovian suburbs where they often had to hand wash their own clothes. 


However, as her girlfriend’s red and runny nose began to twitch, and the inevitable urge to sneeze began to threaten again, Natasha reached forward and laid her hand on her back, gently urging her, “Please. Just take it, okay?” 


It seemed though Wanda’s nose made the decision for her and when that urge returned with sudden vengeance Wanda scrambled to bring the fabric up to her nose as she sneezed a loud, thick double into it. 


Heh’kshuu! Hih..iih'ttshuu!” 


“Bless you sweetie,” Nat sighed before raising her eyebrows at the witch to blow her nose, “Wanda...” 


I dod't deed too! I'b dot a child Nat!” Wanda whined again only her voice was a thick congested mumble, her consonants being blurred by it, Cad't I -hih- just sdiffle idsteadHh- hh'itschuu!” 


This time though she didn’t have any other choice and sink into her chair as she deafly gave in and blew her nose earning herself a gentle shoulder squeeze from Natasha. 


“Wanda? Are you catching a cold my love?” Nat whispered as she leant in close to the witch finally realising what was wrong, “You don’t sound too well... I should’ve said something earlier.” 


“Nope, nope, nope.” Tony repeated, backing away rapidly from Wanda as she coughed again, “Maximoff, you’re off the mission.” 


“What?!” Wanda’s mouth dropped open in surprise. She knew Tony was a borderline germaphobe, but she hadn’t expected him to drop her from the whole mission. It wasn’t as if she had the plague or something – it really was just a cold. 


“Sorry but we can’t risk you infecting the whole team, especially when we’re going to out in icy winds. You’d only get yourself sicker and be a liability. It can't happen.” Tony said bluntly but even if he could’ve worded it more nicely, he did have a point and surprisingly Nat nodded at his explanation. 


“Wanda, love. I agree with Tony.” She sighed before turning to her girlfriend, bringing up her palm to cup her cheek, “You’re already feeling warm, I can’t imagine going on this mission would be good for you.” 


“See! Even your girlfriend agrees with me.” He stated triumphantly at the validation whilst Wanda groaned and let her head fall against her girlfriend's shoulder. 


Nat reached down to stroke Wanda's head soothingly and whispered in her ears, "Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll stay with you.” She said, giving a knowing nod to Tony who crossed her name out from the attending list, “Come on, let’s leave these guys and get you back to bed.” 


Wanda's eyes closed and she nuzzled into the assassin's neck. She knew that there was nothing more that she could do to convince the two and so allowed herself to be led from the room by her girlfriend. She could feel a warm and comforting hand stroking against her head. She shivered and looked up at Nat with puffy, tear-filled eyes. “I’m sorry.” She whispered her voice nasally and cracked. “I really did want to help.” 

“I know baby, I know, but this is for the best. I can look after you now, okay? We’ll have the compound to ourselves for the next week or so, meaning we can even sneak into the cinema room if you’re feeling up to it at some point. You’ll feel better with some rest I promise.” 


Nat led her girlfriend all the way back to their room before instructing her to sit on the end of her bed as she began to search through Wanda’s drawer for some cosy pyjamas’. Wanda sniffled as she did so, trying to fight off the tingling in her nose but it seems her efforts didn’t amount to much because she was soon sent leaning forward as she sneezed into her hands. 

HHeh..Hhih..Hiiiitshoo! ITTSSSHU!” 

“Bless yo-” Nat began to say as she pulled out the perfect pair of pyjamas for her but it seemed the witch was far from done. 

“HEH-IKSHEW! N-Nat I need a tisshh-ittshhoo!” Wanda managed to stammer out before ducking her head back down into her hands, her eyes widening a little this time. By the time she was finished sneezing, Wanda looked thoroughly exhausted, her eyes watery as she kept her hands cupped around her nose. 


Luckily for her, Nat was waiting with the tissue box she’d taken from the bathroom, sitting beside her girlfriend as she offered it out, “Here you go baby.” 


Wanda mumbled a quiet thankyou before turning away from Nat as she took the chance to thoroughly blow her nose. The action did seem to give her some relief though and she let herself flop backwards onto the bed once she was done. 


“Better?” Nat asked sweetly. 


“A little.” 


“How about we get you changed then? You put your pyjamas on and I’ll go get you a drink and some medicine.” 


It took Nat a little longer the necessarily longer than needed to come back – she'd taken the opportunity to stop back at her own room to change into her own pyjamas too, making sure to grab the little brown teddybear which sat on her bed (his name was Mr Fluffles) before making her way down to the kitchen to grab some medicine and pour Wanda a drink of water. By the time she’d gotten back to the room, Wanda was all changed into her pj’s waiting patiently as she sat in the bed, the duvet pulled up over her knees. 


Aw, don’t you look cosy,” Nat smiled as she came to sit beside her girlfriend, letting her bear sit in Wanda’s lap as she put the other stuff onto the nightstand, “How about you try to get some more sleep darling, you must be tired.” 


“Are you going to lay with me?” Wanda asked, her tired eyes looking up at her girlfriend as the two women snuggled down into the sheets and Wanda soon found herself resting her head on her girlfriend’s chest, “Mm I love you.” 


Nat gently ran her hand through Wanda’s hair, "I love you too, sweetheart." She smiled shyly and turned her head, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Sleep well love." she whispered affectionately as she too slowly dozed off into a welcoming slumber, cuddled up against the woman she loved the most. 

What a nice story, I enjoyed reading it! You did a great job writing it. :)

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Great story! There's a video out there of Elizabeth Olsen sneezing as well, so was thinking of that. A Wanda sneezing fit sounds fantastic. 

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