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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Hide and seek written by ChatGPT (AI)


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So I asked the AI to write a story about someone playing hide and seek. This, folks, is the result:


The game of hide and seek had been going on for what felt like ages, but the excitement never faded for Emily. As she crouched in the small closet, hidden behind a pile of old boxes and cobweb-covered blankets, Emily couldn't help but giggle softly to herself. She had found the perfect hiding spot, and she knew that no one would find her here.

But as time went by, the dust in the closet began to tickle her nose. Emily tried to stifle the urge to sneeze, knowing that it would give away her hiding place. She could feel the buildup of her sneeze, and her eyes started to water.

"Hnnngh… hnnnngh…" Emily's breath hitched as the sneeze grew stronger.

She closed her eyes tightly, trying to hold it in for just a little longer. But the tickle in her nose became unbearable.

"Hnnggggh… HNNGGGGH!"

Emily's body shook with the effort of trying to hold the sneeze back, but it was no use. The sneeze escaped her, echoing through the small closet.


Emily cringed, waiting for the sound to give away her hiding spot. But she heard nothing in response, just the sound of her own ragged breathing. She breathed a sigh of relief and wiped her nose on her sleeve, trying to calm herself down.

But just as she thought she was safe, she heard footsteps approaching. Emily's heart pounded in her chest as she heard the doorknob turn, and she held her breath once again, hoping that whoever had found her would go away.

Emily's heart was beating so fast that she was sure the sound of it would give her away. She tried to slow down her breathing as the door creaked open, but her body was already shaking with nervous anticipation.

Suddenly, she heard a loud voice yell out, "Found you, Emily!"

Emily breathed a sigh of relief as she realized that it was just her little sister who had found her. She had been so caught up in the game of hide and seek that she had forgotten that her sister was playing with them.

"Good job, sis," Emily said with a smile, stepping out of the closet and giving her sister a high-five. "You're getting better at this game."

As they walked back to the living room, Emily's sister suddenly wrinkled her nose and said, "Ew, what's that smell?"

Emily realized that the closet had left her with a dusty, musty smell that she hadn't noticed before. She was about to explain when she felt another sneeze coming on.

"Oh no," Emily thought to herself. "Not again."

But this time, it was too late. The sneeze erupted from her, loud and uncontrollable.


Everyone in the room turned to look at Emily, who was now beet red from embarrassment. She tried to laugh it off, but she could tell that her friends were amused by her sneeze.

She made a mental note to take some allergy medicine before the next time they played hide and seek.

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1 hour ago, DesperationLover said:

What kind of prompts or training did you use to get this story?

I gave it the prompt:

"Write a story about a girl named Emily who is playing hide and seek in a dusty place. Write out the sneeze build up in quotes. Write out the sneezes in quotes. Alternate the spellings of the sneezes" 

Once it had written the story I could accept, I gave it the second prompt "write part two". It's smart enough to remember the first prompt as well as the first part. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is really cool, I just tried to sign up for they chatgpt and it wouldn’t let me… the possibilities with it are really cool

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  • 3 weeks later...

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