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Speechless and Stupified (m obs)


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You know, it's always a funny thing when muses come to life and appear in the parking lot of you local supermarket..... :):)

Okay, so here's the scoop:

I decided around midnight that I had had a bad day and needed some ice cream (and about 10 others things I mysteriously "needed" once I got in there...funny how that happens!). So, I sorta threw on the first (non matching...go me!) thing on my floor.....leopard print PJ bottoms and a lime green tank top..... :omg:

So, off I go to yon store to buy Ye Olde Ice Creame and come out with many bags and as I approach my car, I hear a violent, sharp . . . "ISSSHHHAAAHHH!"

Naturally, every bag I'm holding almost falls, but I kept walking and discreetly looked from side to side innocently to see who might have done such a lovely thing.

I don't see a damned person out there....only a car or two, so I keep walking and then . . .

What the FUCK? There is this guy . . . and he's got this long WHITE hair that he has bound in a pony tail and I'm thinking...."okay...he's probably like....60 . . ." but I saw his profile and he was YOUNG. Like, mid thirties young!

And I say to myself, "Frack...keep walking, damn you...keep walking....."

Soooo...I do. And I get to my car, pop the trunk, set the coveted groceries within but still hold the ice cream and as I turn around.....holy SHIT....there's the damned guy standing RIGHT THERE behind me.

He's got a cigarette in his mouth and he says to me, "Got a light?"

Hell, he's hot.....he's young.....has eyes that are the lightest shade of blue I've ever seen....is beautifully pale. . . I actually think he was an albino (or partly one) because he had a flawless pale look...almost ethereal...and his hair was shining pristine white and very silky looking. He was either albino or a freakin' vampire! :)

So, anyway....heh...

Even though I do not smoke, I always carry a lighter around because it has....eh.....okay, I'm a nerd. It's got Sephiroth and Cloud on it from Final Fantasy VII. NERD. GEEK! :) Hehehehe...

I fish the thing out of my pocket and hand it to him and he inspects it and goes, "cool lighter". He then hands it back to me...and then....

No, no, NO!!!!!!

He does.....IT. He's trying not let that cigarette fall out of his mouth and I guess, trying to be polite at the same time and he lets out a most unsuccessfully half-stifled, "hehnxxgghttsssssiish!"

And I go. ... ao;dkfja;lkj ;akdfj ddofiajdsa mf;kadjf ;alsdkfja; dfliasdf. :D

All the while mind you, I'm holding this damned ice cream to my chest like it's some kind of fucking shield and I say in this STUPID incredulous tone, "bless you . . . " like I'm just gonna cream my freakin' fuzzy PJ pants over him.

And he looks at my arms (I'm a pretty tattooed person) and starts commenting on this one and that one and I'm like......mehhhh....heeeh....HEEEEEEE! :jumpy:

So he asks me about one in particular and I start going into my standard speech about what it is and what it means (I've said it so many times it is automatic) and he is nodding, listening and in the middle of my talking he leans to one side and lets out a beautiful, "HITCCCHUUUUHH!!!"

Yeah....kajd;lfkadjf lakdjf ;alkdfj aiosdfhasodifjda fi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I say what?

"Shit, my ice cream is melting...."

Oh bloody freakin' BRILLIANT, that!!!!!!

I catch myself and bless him again (ME...you know how I hate saying it...)

And he cocks his head to one side and says WHAT?

"You know, I've never really understood the point of saying that...." :bleh::bleh::laugh:

And I say...... la;kdfj a;iujfoasidfj;askld df;aidfj ad;if??????!!!!

After gathering my wits, I say, "yeah....? Me either . . . but I guess when the sneeze is hot, it's a compliment."

Oh FRACK, GODDAMN IT! *Facepalm* :)

He raises a brow at me and then he LAUGHS uproariously and gives my a shoulder a pat, winks at me and says, "see ya....."

And I lean against my trunk and go.......

You guessed it...

a;ldkfjaoidfj laisdfj ladskfj a;lijf a;osdifj dasfi !!!!!!

Dammit, Sephiroth Clone in my freakin' parking lot and I dress like a loony and act like one, too! :laugh:

He waves at me as he drives away and I think....meh...should have tied him up and put him in the trunk with my rice . . . . :laugh::laugh::laugh:

~Frack (aodklfjaldkfjda !!!!! )

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Okay... THAT does it Frack. I'm just not reading any more posts from you, except when I'm in the mood for some foreplay!!!! dammit!!!!! *gives Frack a sexually frustrated nip on the neck* Bastard :twisted:

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Frack - you know we already do have a sneezy vampire with such an open mind - LOL where is that apple for my neck my darling -

My word simply delish!



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Oh lord. Dearest Frack, You are simply the master of the totally hot and yet hysterical obs. I absolutely adore them/you!!!


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TOOOOOO FUNNY! You are a brilliant writer and just so much fun to read!!!!

My sentiments exactly! It was so good that I had to read it twice! :twisted:

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Omg, thanks, y'all! :bleh:

I would have enjoyed it more had I not been all....well...you know.....

adokfjalskdj lkadjf;oaij ;lkjdf lkjflakjfd fkdf!!! :laugh:

~Frack, grateful for a vivid memory!

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Damn Frack! Youve found someone even hotter than me to rock your world ...AGAIN! If I were to venture out at midnight seeking ice cream do you know what type of person I'd meet? THAT'S RIGHT! I'd meet some other grubby deviant like me :laugh:

Thanks for sharing and remember....Next time take pictures! :icecream:


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Ayiii, Frack my darling!

You're making me so hot! He sounds like a dream, and mmm, so sexy. Ever since I played FFVII, I've wanted to shag Sephiroth. I've even considered writing a fanfic (and I *never* write fanfics). You've totally made my night, babe. :P


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:drool: Me thinks Skada should go for it. But I'm a fic-wanting whore. :drool:

FRACK! OMG. I'm stealing that lighter! I was looking up them on eBay then and AH! I love my Rammstein one, so I need a new zippo. :P

Though you told me this story, I still LOVE it! I just need to find a Cloud clone and then we are SO set! :P

Much Love - K

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Well, if Sephiroth and Cloud belong to Frack and Kisa, then I will chime in and place dibs on Vincent. He's always been my favourite. So dark and angst-y. So deliciously brooding. Mmm.


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Hnn...hnn. Sephiroth clone...sneezing. YES OKAY 8) I believe some sneezing Sephiroth art is in order, now.

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-Barely recovers from looking at the picture of Vincet that Kisa posted.- a;ldkjfa... Wow. -Melts yet again.- And Frack, that description of Vincent being all sneezy and sexeh is *not* doing anything to help my self-control! :)


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Self-control? Man, I lost mine ages ago. :):shy: He is bundled up like that, isn't he? The background looks cold so yeeeah, might be a hidden message there. :cry:!!!!

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