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Plot Twist (CM, Hotch/JJ)


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This story is definitely influenced by several others on the forum. I do not mean to steal anyone’s ideas! This just wouldn’t leave my head and I hope it’s okay to share it. 


In their line of work animals, dump sites and crime scenes often went hand in hand. The house of a victim would have a lonely dog waiting for its owner, or the grandmother of a missing person would have a collection of cats, or a body would be found in the woods half destroyed by all kinds of wild animals. This, however, was the first time the BAU was being called to a stable. One of the stablehands there had been found murdered in one of the stalls, and the horse in the adjacent enclosure had been viciously attacked. Rossi and Morgan had been first on the scene to oversee the removal of the body and do the initial evaluation of the area, but they had called Hotch in nearly immediately as they found little to go on. They had, however, found markings in the horses’ flank, and on the walls of the now empty stall where the murder had taken place. Normally Reid would have been called to the scene to examine those, but with him being allergic to what seemed like every living creature, Hotch had been hesitant to put his agent in a barn filled with over 30 horses. Instead, he and JJ were on their way to the scene to document everything and do a more thorough evaluation, and would send pictures back to Reid at the station. 


It was a brutally hot July day in Kentucky, with temperatures approaching 100 degrees  and unrelenting sunshine. Even the slight breeze was warm and unrefreshing. JJ had been surprised but relieved when Hotch had stripped off his jacket and left it in the backseat of the SUV when they arrived at the scene-she’d been afraid he’d suffer heatstroke or something with the thing on. He’d even gone so far as to roll the sleeves of his dress shirt halfway up his forearms, though his tie had stayed firmly in place. JJ had dressed more practically for the weather and the conditions-instead of heels and her normal professional blouse, she’d chosen boots and a tank top. As a former horseback rider, she knew long pants were essential in a barn but that didn’t mean she didn’t wish she were in shorts as they walked the path up to the building. Hotch was still in dress shoes and his usual slacks, and she found herself hoping he wouldn’t step in a pile of manure. 


As they drew closer to the stable, she heard her boss sniff almost inaudibly and had to force herself not to look in his direction in shock. The man had never so much as blinked out of turn while she was with him, though she supposed everyone was entitled to normal bodily functions-even Aaron Hotchner. When he sniffed again, louder this time, she had to resist the urge to ask if he was okay. They finally made it up the long path to the large building and found the owner of the place waiting for them just inside the doors. He looked sweaty and nervous, and as though he wanted to be anywhere but where he was standing as he explained briefly where the two stalls were and what he had witnessed the day the body had been found. Hotch was quiet through the rambling explanation, and didn’t say a word even when the owner finished speaking-another oddity. Usually he had follow up questions, particularly for those not in law enforcement who tended to give unfocused answers. JJ took pity on the trembling man, telling him he was welcome to go back to his office while they worked and assuring him that they would be fine to find the site on their own. He all but ran down the hallway on the right, disappearing into a food about halfway down the aisle. 


The second he was out of earshot, Hotch turned away from JJ and caught a harsh “hhhddzzzsch!” In steepled hands. Though not a loud sneeze, the sound made her jump. Even with his back half turned, Hotch saw the movement and reddened slightly with embarrassment. 


“Excuse me.” He said in an almost apologetic tone, giving his nose a swift rub before turning his head to the side and knuckling into his fist with two stifled sneezes. “Hhh’ngxcht! Hhhgxnt!” JJ was speechless for a moment before realizing she was staring and quickly coming back to her senses. 


“Bless you sir.” She wanted to ask if he was alright, but three sneezes didn’t warrant an inquiry about someone’s health and she let the matter drop. Hotch gave a tight nod and they started down the opposite hallway. As they passed the numerous stalls, Hotch seemed to grow more and more tense. JJ didn’t understand why until they’d made it halfway down the hall. Her boss stopped short and sneezed again three times in quick succession, barely managing to get his hands up in time to catch them. 


“Hhhdzch! Hhhetsch! Hhhtschuh!” These he couldn’t manage to stifle, though they still were quiet and restrained. He sniffed sharply several times before lowering his hands and picking up his stride again. 


“Bless you.” JJ repeated, her voice hesitant as she tried to keep herself from saying more. 


“Thank you. Excuse me.” His voice broke after he thanked her, and he cleared his throat quickly before excusing himself. She would have let it slide, but they’d barely gone ten feet when he stopped and tilted his head back, eyes half closing as he let his hands hover a foot from his face. Several seconds passed before he pitched forward with a harsh set of half stifles. “Hhhgxt’chuh! Hhhnxcht’uh! Hhh’dzch’uh!” 


The last sneeze refused to be stifled at all, bursting through his defenses and forcing him to sniff hard again to hold back another round. When he lowered his hands, JJ saw that his eyes were watering slightly and nose a light shade of pink. This time, she couldn’t resist asking if he was alright. 


“Bless you again. Are you feeling alright sir?” He gave her a sharp look that made her feel very small before answering.


“Fine. Just a tickle.” She said nothing more and followed him into the last stall on their left where the body had been placed. The horse occupying this stall had been moved to a different one, and for good reason. The scene was a mess. Hay and feed were strewn everywhere, and dried blood clearly showed where the corpse had been. 


“It looks like…hhhdzch! Hhhgscdh! Hhhgtshuh! It looks like the markings are over here.” Hotch stated, the pronouncement interrupted by several more restrained sneezes. JJ found herself focusing less on the scene and more on her boss as he drew in a shuddering breath and sneezed again. “Hhhddsschuh! Hhhtschuh! Hhh…hhh’etschuh!” This time he was forced to wipe his eyes as irritated tears threatened to spill down his cheeks. Clearly, this was more than just a tickle-JJ suspected the man was having an allergy attack. She just wasn’t sure if it was the hay or the horses setting him off. 


“Bless you Hotch.” Her voice held a tiny bit of sympathy and he visibly bristled at it. “Are you sure you’re okay?” This time, the glower he sent her made her stomach contact. The unit chief was a formidable man in general, but when he was frustrated, he was downright scary. 


“I said I’m fine. Focus on the task at hand, Agent Jareau.” 


“Yes sir. I’m sorry.” She apologized, blushing fiercely as she bent to get a closer look at the scratches on the stable wall. Her apology seemed to soften him a little-he never enjoyed upsetting a member of his team. Being much taller than she was, he found it easier to crouch to examine them as they were made just a foot or so above floor level. JJ remained standing, though she was bent nearly in half to get a good look. The second he was in a crouched position, the itch resurged and he almost fell backwards as another fit took hold. 


“Aaatschuh! Hhh’asshuh! Hhh’tschuh!” After the third sneeze, he stumbled to his feet and pivoted quickly so that his back was to her before exploding with a much less restrained fit of sneezes. “HhhYISHuh! Hhhgtsch’uh! HhhDDDZCHuh!…hhhEMPTCHuh! Hhh’ETSCHuh! HhhATSCHoo!” She watched as the muscles in his back clenched under the thin material of his shirt with each sneeze, the force of them bending him slightly at the waist. He waited a moment before turning around, swiping at his eyes and nose again before he allowed himself to face her. This time, his cheeks were flushed and his eyes appeared damp-it looked like he was suffering. 


“I apologize, JJ. Something in here is…hh’gtsch! Setting m-me…hhhestch! Setting me offggggschuh!” It was impossible to get through the sentence without sneezing as the strong itch completely overpowered his sinuses. He blinked rapidly to clear his eyes of the pools of liquid in them following the fit, flushing further as a tear slipped down his left cheek that he quickly brushed away. 


“Bless you sir. Do you want me to get someone to come out here to replace you?” He shook his head, eyes sliding closed and hands lifting up again as he prepared to sneeze for the umpteenth time.


“N-no…hhhh’etschoo! I’ll be f-fine-HHgstschuh!” He sniffed twice before continuing. “Just ignore mbe. Aaatschoo!” Her stomach twisted as it became clear that he was admitting this wasn’t going to stop any time soon. He was beginning to sound congested, and the redness around his nostrils and eyes showed the attack was progressing rapidly. She wasn’t positive, but it appeared his eyes were even a little swollen. Not wanting to risk pushing him too far, she merely nodded and pulled out her phone, snapping several pictures of the markings before firing them off to Reid. The rest of the stall had been photographed extensively, and Hotch agreed they were ready move on to the next and examine the markings on the horse.


As they stepped out of the stall, Hotch sniffled desperately several times, his nose threatening to run down his face as his sinuses filled with liquid. He reached automatically for his handkerchief, freezing and closing his eyes in resignation for a moment as he realized it was in his jacket pocket, which he’d left in the car. JJ knew immediately what he was reaching for. Being a mom, she always had tissues on her, and she reached into her pants pocket to pull out the two she had on her. 


“Here.” She said quietly, extending the hand holding the thin paper squares his way. Hotch blushed furiously as he took them, but she didn’t miss the relief in his eyes as he tucked one into his pocket before raising the other to his inflamed nostrils, blowing softly before pinching and wiping them to relieve the itch. JJ averted her eyes as he did so, sensing his embarrassment. The touch seemed to set him off, and he sneezed once again before blowing his nose with more force, stopping the fit in its tracks. 


“Hhhhhempfsh!” He swiped at his nose again before placing the destroyed tissue in his pocket and clearing his throat. JJ looked up at the sound and saw that his nose was nearly glowing, his nostrils damp and flared as the burning itch refused to let up. “Thank you. I apologize for this.” 


“It’s out of your control sir.” She said quietly before entering the next stall. Hotch followed a step behind her. He’d never been around horses before, and found it smart to allow her to take the lead. 


He could see JJ’s compassion for the injured animal as she approached it, gently stroking the large animal’s neck to calm it and allow it to get used to their presence. He rubbed his nose to stall another sneeze as the itch doubled before pinching it as his body shook with three silent stifles. Three more quickly followed, and he let a pained breath out after the last one. JJ glanced at him in concern but he waved her off. 


“I’m okay.” His voice was nearly a croak and he cleared it again, regretting it as the horse sidestepped anxiously. JJ murmured softly to it, continuing to rub its neck before motioning Hotch over.


“Take a look at the markings on the flank. Aren’t they the same as the ones in the stall?” 


He didn’t want to admit that he could barely see due to how badly his eyes were watering, so he stepped up inches away from the animal and rubbed his eyes to clear them enough to focus. 


“I th-think so.” He said, breath catching. It was only sheer willpower that kept him from sneezing again. He snapped a photo and turned back to face JJ, who looked like she was in heaven as she stared at the horse. 


“Do you want to pet her?” She asked, noticing him looking on. Honestly, he didn’t, but he also didn’t want to say that to JJ. She seemed happy and he guessed it would make her even happier if he showed the injured animal some love. He sniffed again as JJ stepped out of the way, and reached out to touch the horses neck. He’d barely stroked it when the itch resurged without warning. Not wanting to frighten the animal, he pinched his nose shut tightly with his opposite hand and jerked with three rapid, silent stifles while continuing to pet it. Three more followed almost immediately, and then three less silent stifles. 


“Hhgnt! Hhhmpt! Hhhnxght!” That one shook his frame and he quickly stepped away, dropping his hand from the horses neck before bringing it to his nose without thinking to sneeze openly into steepled hands. “Hhh’aaaschuh! Hhh’eeeschuh! Hhh’aatschoo!” 


JJ looked on in horror as Hotch’s frame shook with stifle after stifle. It was suddenly very clear to her that it was the horse he was allergic to, but she couldn’t get the words out to warn him as he brought his hand-covered with hair-up to his face. For a moment, she thought he might be alright, and then all hell broke loose. He took in a ragged breath before his body was wracked with sneezes that came so close together he couldn’t get a breath in between.


“Hhhhh!!!! ISH!ISH!ISH!ISH!ish!ish!ish!ish!ish!ish!” They got quieter as he ran out of breath, redoubling in force as he dragged in a shaky inhale before sneezing again. The nervous horse had danced to the opposite side of the stall and swished its tail anxiously at the sounds. “HhhhISH!ISH!ISH!ESH!ESH!etsch!etsch!ish!ish!ish!ish!ish!” He gave his head a quick shake, completely taken aback by the relentless attack, before gearing up for another fit. JJ stepped into action, all but pushing him out of the stall before latching it behind them. Hotch had barely stumbled back into the hall before he found himself sneezing again. It was like nothing he’d ever experienced-his entire respiratory system was up in arms. “HehITSCH!Itsch!ish!ish!ish!ish!ish!ish!ish!ish!ish!ish! HHHHHish!ish!ish!ish!ish!” 


JJ felt helpless as she watched him struggle, and like this was all her fault. He’d been in the grips of the attack before touching the horse, but her suggestion to pet the animal had been stupid and now left the man completely at the mercy of his allergies. She looked around wildly, trying to figure out how to get him outside again, but only spotted a bathroom for the riders a few feet down the hall. It was a start. 


“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” She murmured, dragging the still sneezing man into the tiny bathroom and shutting the door behind him. “Hotch, it’s the horses. You’re allergic to the horses and you have hair all over your hands. You need to wash your hands.” He shook his head, unwilling to sneeze openly, but she was having none of it. As he prepared for the next round, she turned on the tap and forcibly guided his palms away from his nose and under the stream of water. All he could do was turn his head to the side and sneeze towards his shoulder as she loaded his hands with soap and washed them for him-he was so consumed by the attack it was all he could focus on. 


“Hehhhtsch!itsch!itsch!itsch!itsh!ish!ish!ish!ish!” He sniffled and she could hear in that one sound how desperately itchy, runny, and allergic he was. When she was satisfied his hands were clean, she shoved a paper towel into them and washed her own, trying to rid them both of the irritants but knowing full well their clothes, hair, and skin were saturated in them. Hotch immediately pressed the wad of paper to his face, sneezing relentlessly and trying to wipe his streaming nose at the same time. “Hhhfschue! Hhhtschue! Hhhmpfshue! Hhhtschue! Hhhhgschuh! Hhhish!ish!ish!ish!ish! ISHoo! HhhTSCHoo!hhtsch!htsch!itsch!itsch!” He ended that fit by blowing as hard as he could into the paper towels, sneezing once more before blowing hard again. “HhhATSCHue!” That seemed to do the trick, and he finally lowered the paper towels, tossing them in the trash can before leaning against the wall in exhaustion. 


“Jesus Hotch…” JJ breathed, unable to keep the sympathy out of her tone. “Bless you a million times.” He nodded, pulling the last tissue from his pocket and pitching forward again before answering. 


“Hhffschue! Hhhtschue! Hhhntschuh!…. I’b so sorry JJ.” He raised his head to look at her and she felt her stomach twist further. His eyes appeared to be almost swollen shut, nose a dark shade of red, and cheeks flushed and streaked with allergic tears. 


“You are so allergic.” She said, sympathy dripping from her tone. He hesitated before nodding in agreement. 


“Appa-heh…apparently. AATSCHuh! HHHGSCHuh! AMPFSCHue!” He blew his nose again, rubbing it hard between his hands before throwing the tissue away. Wordlessly, JJ grabbed more paper towels and pressed them into his hands. 


“We need to get you out of here. Are you okay to walk?” He tried to glare at her, but failed miserably as his expression dissolved into a ticklish, pre-sneeze state. All he could do was nod before sneezing again. “AASSSCH! AARSCH! HDDZCH!” JJ sighed. Though no longer coming in fits too fast to breathe, the sneezes were violent and desperate, shaking his whole frame. “Cover your mouth and nose with one of those on the way back to the car. It should help.” She gestured to the paper towel. The fact he didn’t fight her was a testament to how badly he was suffering. He did as he was told and they left the small bathroom, heading back towards the car. 


They were about halfway there when the need to sneeze became too overwhelming to fight. Hotch stopped in his tracks and surrendered completely, the sneezes coming thick and fast again. 


“Tsch!ESTSCH!hhystch!ish!itsch!ish!” He reached for the wall as he stumbled but grabbed JJ’s arm instead. She braced him as the fit continued. “Ish!ish!ish!ish! HEH-GGTSCCH!” The last sneeze bent him double and he withdrew his hand to blow his nose again. The owner was waiting for them at the door, looking concerned. 


“Is he alright?” He asked, voice pitching upward with worry. JJ nodded. 


“Allergic to the horses. We’ll be in touch if we need anything else.” With that, they left the stable and started back down the path. It was slow going, but they made it to the car. JJ saw Hotch hesitate as he looked towards the drivers side before climbing into the passenger chair, knowing his limits and refusing to let them get in the way of his pride. She ran around to the drivers side and turned the air on high before putting the car in drive. It only took a minute before cool air conditioning was blasting them both. She hoped the fresh air would help, but knew he had to get a shower and a change of clothes-not to mention medication-before the attack would let up fully. 


“Hhffffschue! Hhhtschue! Hhhntschh!” He tried to stifle the last sneeze, blushing as it burst out and soaked the paper towels. JJ pulled a box of tissues out of the console and passed it to him without a word. He took three and blew, then repeated the process twice more before he was satisfied his nose wasn’t going to run and embarrass him in front of a subordinate. They sat in silence for a minute before Hotch leaned his head back, exhausted, and JJ finally spoke. 


“Do I need to take you to a hospital?”


“Do, I’b fide. I’ll take ad adtihistabide at the statiod add I’ll be okay.” He was extremely congested and blew his nose again, sneezing twice before letting out a sigh of relief as he regained control. “AXTCH! HhhRSDCHuh!” JJ shook her head, knowing she was overstepping but not even close to caring. 


“We’re not going back to the station. You need a shower, a change of clothes and a nap before you’ll be any good to anyone.” He opened his mouth to argue and JJ cut him off. “Sir, I’ve never seen anyone have an attack like that. I can see that you’re exhausted and this isn’t going to pass until the dander is off of both of us. I need to shower and change too or I’ll just set you off again. We are going back to the hotel.” 


He hesitated before sighing and muttering a contested “okay”. JJ looked at him again and saw that he was rubbing his temples and forehead. 


“Headache?” She asked. 


“Yeah.” He admitted. She wasn’t the least bit surprised. 


“Put your chair back a little and try to get some rest. We’ll be at the hotel soon.” 

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  • 3 months later...

This is amazing! I just got into CM recently and Hotch is my favorite character (and favorite to see sneeze of course). You got the characterization down so well — from Hotch’s refusal to display any amount of vulnerability to JJ’s motherly instincts. Would absolutely love to see more of your work, especially involving Hotch lol. Do you plan on writing any more soon?

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Ohhhh this was beautiful! I'm currently half way through season 6, I've read quite a few of your cm fics. They honestly get better everytime! Can't wait to read more if you decide to write them! 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/1/2023 at 1:04 PM, dwaekki said:

Wow this was one of the best things I've ever read omg- stifles and rapids is the dream combo

Thank you so much, this means the world to me! 

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On 7/5/2023 at 2:28 PM, MIN said:

Ohhhh this was beautiful! I'm currently half way through season 6, I've read quite a few of your cm fics. They honestly get better everytime! Can't wait to read more if you decide to write them! 

I’ve never seen the show so I always get anxious writing these, I’m so glad you liked them! Do you have any specific requests? I want to write but I’m stumped at the moment. 

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On 7/5/2023 at 12:26 AM, -lilac- said:

This is amazing! I just got into CM recently and Hotch is my favorite character (and favorite to see sneeze of course). You got the characterization down so well — from Hotch’s refusal to display any amount of vulnerability to JJ’s motherly instincts. Would absolutely love to see more of your work, especially involving Hotch lol. Do you plan on writing any more soon?

I’d love to write more Hotch! What would you like to see in a future story? I’d love to fulfill a request because I’m blanking on what to write currently. 

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30 minutes ago, 24Me said:

I’ve never seen the show so I always get anxious writing these, I’m so glad you liked them! Do you have any specific requests? I want to write but I’m stumped at the moment. 

You're having me on! You caught the dynamic so well between them! I don't know whether to be scared or impressed by any future writing you do if/when you do watch the show! I will never say no to anything with Prentiss, I'd love to see something with her and a caretaking JJ, a bit like what you did here with Hotch! I head cannon her being allergic to dogs, don't ask me the logic, she just looks it 😅 Or maybe some kind of specific flower an unsub sends to the BAU to taunt her and she ends up being allergic, either she doesn't know she's allergic or she does know and so does the unsub and that's why they send them 🤭 

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8 minutes ago, MIN said:

You're having me on! You caught the dynamic so well between them! I don't know whether to be scared or impressed by any future writing you do if/when you do watch the show! I will never say no to anything with Prentiss, I'd love to see something with her and a caretaking JJ, a bit like what you did here with Hotch! I head cannon her being allergic to dogs, don't ask me the logic, she just looks it 😅 Or maybe some kind of specific flower an unsub sends to the BAU to taunt her and she ends up being allergic, either she doesn't know she's allergic or she does know and so does the unsub and that's why they send them 🤭 

I’m really not! It’s too disturbing for me to watch the show, I get nightmares! But from clips I’ve seen of character interactions and reading other fan fiction I’ve done my best to stay true to character. I’ll get started on an allergic Emily/caretaking JJ fic! 

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I do get that, a lot of episodes get heavy, that's really cool that you've still dedicated to your research in other ways to catch the characters! Ohh can't wait, thank you! No rush for it!

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On 7/20/2023 at 4:36 PM, 24Me said:

I’d love to write more Hotch! What would you like to see in a future story? I’d love to fulfill a request because I’m blanking on what to write currently. 

This quite literally just made my day omg. After reading this fic I read many more of your others, and I have to say you are so incredibly talented! Especially for not having seen the show all the way through, your accuracy is totally impressive.

As for what to write, I recently watched S5E21 and thought it be good inspiration for a fic. The team travels up to a small town in Alaska, where they bundle up against cold weather (even Hotch wears different clothes than his usual suit) and have to share rooms at the tavern they’re staying at (unfortunately that plot point isn’t explored as much in the episode as I hoped it would be lol). So if you’re interested in writing any kind of cold/miserable weather/can’t deny sickness when sharing a room with someone-type stuff, maybe that episode could be a basis for that?

Alternatively, a couple random scenarios I like and don’t think I’ve seen yet:

- the team in a situation where silence is crucial (ex. sneaking up on an unsub) and Hotch attempting to control a fit brought on by whatever allergen/sickness you’d like

- Hotch interrogating a suspect, but he can’t keep composure because of whatever’s happening in his nose

You can probably tell I don’t have much preference when it comes to sickness vs. allergies for fics — I like it all! As for pairings, again I honestly love any and all. Hotch/JJ and Hotch/Emily are up there for my favorites, but I also enjoy Hotch/Garcia or him and any of the guys. So like I said, any and all lol. Whatever you’re interested in writing!

These are all just random ideas; absolutely no pressure to go through with or even consider them all. At the end of the day I will love anything you write!

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On 7/23/2023 at 1:05 AM, -lilac- said:

This quite literally just made my day omg. After reading this fic I read many more of your others, and I have to say you are so incredibly talented! Especially for not having seen the show all the way through, your accuracy is totally impressive.

As for what to write, I recently watched S5E21 and thought it be good inspiration for a fic. The team travels up to a small town in Alaska, where they bundle up against cold weather (even Hotch wears different clothes than his usual suit) and have to share rooms at the tavern they’re staying at (unfortunately that plot point isn’t explored as much in the episode as I hoped it would be lol). So if you’re interested in writing any kind of cold/miserable weather/can’t deny sickness when sharing a room with someone-type stuff, maybe that episode could be a basis for that?

Alternatively, a couple random scenarios I like and don’t think I’ve seen yet:

- the team in a situation where silence is crucial (ex. sneaking up on an unsub) and Hotch attempting to control a fit brought on by whatever allergen/sickness you’d like

- Hotch interrogating a suspect, but he can’t keep composure because of whatever’s happening in his nose

You can probably tell I don’t have much preference when it comes to sickness vs. allergies for fics — I like it all! As for pairings, again I honestly love any and all. Hotch/JJ and Hotch/Emily are up there for my favorites, but I also enjoy Hotch/Garcia or him and any of the guys. So like I said, any and all lol. Whatever you’re interested in writing!

These are all just random ideas; absolutely no pressure to go through with or even consider them all. At the end of the day I will love anything you write!

I’ve got a fic up, I hope it fits your request for the silence is crucial plot! I’m excited to work on that Alaska fic too! I’m most comfortable writing Hotch or JJ-who out of those two would you prefer to see sick? 

Edited by 24Me
Forgot to ask a question in the original comment
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On 7/29/2023 at 6:07 PM, 24Me said:

I’ve got a fic up, I hope it fits your request for the silence is crucial plot! I’m excited to work on that Alaska fic too! I’m most comfortable writing Hotch or JJ-who out of those two would you prefer to see sick? 

I just saw it, again thank you so so much for it!! I’ve lurked on the forum for many years before becoming a member, so I’ve read lots of fics by so many talented writers — never did I imagine one would be written based off of my own preferences. So as you can imagine, this means the world to me :)) As for Hotch or JJ, I ~definitely~ love to see Hotch sick. But if that gets a little repetitive or boring, JJ catching it from him (and subsequently Hotch taking care of her) would also be a great read!

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Hotch is my favorite CM character and there's not nearly enough content with him, or CM sneeze content in general. Thank you so much for sharing!

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