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Sneeze Fetish Forum

catch perfect meta-fic (hetalia— den/nor & eventual sufin)1/?


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one of my favorite devalier fics is “catch perfect,” an au wherein a young Berwald (Sweden) loses all his money gambling and has to move into a student house with the insane Denmark (who insists on using country names for himself and all his housemates and is often found in the yard drunk and yelling at “the Russians”), his deadpan, existential philosophy-reading boytoy Norway, Norway’s brother Iceland, who runs a phone service doing… something, and The World’s Most Perfect Fin. It’s a good story. I recommend it for context and enjoyment. 
I just wanted to see them sneeze, so here goes! (There’s no attempt at literary competency on my part, I just wanted my brainworm to breathe free air :)) maybe Berwald and Tino (Fin) will eventually act on Berwald’s kink,,,


Berwald was growing used to the chaotic routine of the house he shared with the insane Denmark and the rest of his “kingdom.” 

But Berwald had a certain… odd quirk that no one else knew about. True, he had few acquaintances so most people knew very little about him to begin with, but this was especially secret. 

He’d heard Denmark sneeze. It was hard not to. Apparently his nose was more sensitive when he was drunk, and as he was often drunk, he was prone to loud, long, obnoxious sneezing fits. When he had the presence of mind, he’d attempt to muffle them or at least cover, sometimes dramatically excusing himself from the room to go finish his fit in private. 

Berwald had encountered him one night in the study, holding a dish towel to his face and sneezing harshly and repetitively– 

“Noh– Norge kicked be o-out…. HASHYEH! HESHOO! HEPSHOO! HEKKKGSHUH! snffff because I c-caahhhh HEH–ETSCHHEW! s-stop sdeezi’g…” he’d explained. 

Berwald had winced. On one hand, he understood. Denmark was extremely annoying. On the other… the Dane took in a stuffy, desperate breath, tears welling in his eyes, and collapsed into the dishcloth, shoulders shaking with each tortured expulsion. Didn’t seem nice to kick your lover out of your bed just because they were sneezing. But, then, Norway seemed to have an odd way of showing love.

It took until Iceland came down with a cold for Berwald to catch him sneezing. At least, Berwald thought it might be a cold. The only signs were a soft huskiness in his voice and the odd congested-sounding sniffle. Norway seemed to be the only other member of the household to notice the subtle change, but apart from an occasional raised eyebrow, to which Iceland responded with either a slight shake of his head or an eye roll, he called no attention to it. 

It was a Monday afternoon when Iceland’s solid composure was threatened. Surprisingly, it was Denmark who noticed Iceland’s eyes go unfocused while an uncharacteristically panicked expression took over his face.

“Ice, what’s—“

Norway looked up in alarm. 

Iceland hid his face in the sleeve of his colorful sweater and trembled with a barely audible “kngt-shew!” 

Prosit!” Denmark raised his beer. 

Norway turned back to his book, disinterested. 

Iceland sniffled wetly and glanced up through his bangs, pink cheeks reddening when he realized he had to sneeze again. He held one sleeve tightly to his nose and jerked with more force than before. 


“And bless you again! Such cute little sneezes,” Denmark said fondly. Iceland glowered, sniffling.  

“Go blow your nose,” Norway muttered, turning a page in his book. 

Glaring at the floor, Iceland got to his feet and stalked out, sweater sleeve pressed to his nose. 


Edited by lillian
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