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Lilly's Pollen Problem (F Gigantic)


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Hey all! Was feeling a bit inspired so I decided to write a story of my own. It's my first and a bit on the shorter side but hope you enjoy! Also shout out to all the amazing gigantic sneezefic writers out there for inspiring me!


I don't know if I can hold it...

This was the first thought that normally ran through Lilly's head, and today was no exception to that. Doing her best to put the thought out of her mind, she continued to walk through the crowded park in an attempt to find a secluded location. There was no way to be sure what had set her off, but on a warm summer day like today, she was almost sure it was the pollen.

For most people, these irritants would only be a mild inconvenience, but for Lilly they had proven to be much more annoying. You see, despite Lilly's's petite frame, her sneezes were more powerful than normal meaning she was hesistant to let them out just anywhere. On a good day they might make a mess of the surroundings and on a bad day...well that's a secret she keeps to herself.

Lilly had began moving faster through the park, increasing her walk to more of a jog. She was starting to draw glances of others she passed as the pollen continued attacking her nose. Despite her best effort to make it go away, she started hitching and gasping desperately.


"Oh no! Please not now" she thought to herself. Lilly was rubbing her nose furiously in an attempt to get the tickle to subside, but to no avail as she drew more air into her lungs.


"I gotta find somewhere private before I lose all control! I cannot have another repeat of last year" she panicked, almost unable to speak through her buildup. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a shed appeared to be used by groundskeepers of the park. Lilly placed a finger under her small nose, now the only thing holding her back, and sprinted inside the shed.

"Good thing it's empty" she said as she bolted the door behind her. "I don't know if it's strong enough but it will have to-


Her inhales cut her off, the sneeze now taking full control of her body. "C-Cant stuuh-stop it! Gonnuuah have to try tuuuh control it! HERE IT C-COMES!" Lilly barely managed to utter the words before her final buildup began.



The sneeze shot out of her like a rocket. The sound of it rang out through the park and shook the shed in the process. Everything inside was a mess. Boxes knocked over, tools fell off the wall, and a layer of dust kicked up just in time to make Lilly sneeze again.

"Duuuuust?! No! I can't sneeeeh-sneeze or I'll..."


She let out a second sneeze much more powerful than the first. She looked up in horror to see the whole shed in ruins, leaving her exposed. She quickly ran home and managed to escape unseen, too embarrassed to ever return to that park again".






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Aww this was a lot of fun!  Great work on the giant sneezes!

I'd love to see Lilly get up to more trouble in the future!

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7 hours ago, Y31 said:

Aww this was a lot of fun!  Great work on the giant sneezes!

I'd love to see Lilly get up to more trouble in the future!

Thanks! Definitely want to continue at some point! This was just something I came up with today so as more ideas come in I'll make a part 2!

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I always enjoy the scenario where someone needs to desperately find a place to hide away to release their sneezes - thanks for posting :D 

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5 hours ago, NoV said:

I always enjoy the scenario where someone needs to desperately find a place to hide away to release their sneezes - thanks for posting :D 

Thanks for reading! Big fan of your stories as well!

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1 hour ago, Spacesneezeman said:

Neat scenario! These kinds of stories are fun. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for reading! Hope to do more later

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Took a bit but here is part two

A few days had passed since the previous incident. Today Lilly was at the mall shopping, doing her best to put the memory out of her mind. As she walked around the mall she had succeeded with the task, at least for now as she continued to browse through a nearby department store.

Lilly spent a while sifting through the racks of clothes, picking one off every so often. She paused for a brief moment to look at the pile beginning to accumulate in her arms before deciding to move to the dressing room to try them on. She entered the only open stall, beginning to change when she suddenly felt a tickle in her nose.

Lilly felt a jolt throughout her whole body, now panicking a bit as she looked around trying to find the irritant. "What is it?! What could it be?! I cannot sneeze now! I won't let myself" she thought. The memories now coming back of a few days ago, making Lilly even more panicked of what could happen if she wasn't able to control herself.

After sniffing around for a minute, she was finally able to find the culprit. Someone in one of the rooms next to her had been wearing entirely too much perfume, which was perfect for setting of Lilly's tiny, sensitive nose. Knowing the only way to stop it was getting out of the dressing room, Lilly rushed to begin putting her regular clothes back on, freezing for a second when the realization hit her.

The tickle had gotten stronger in her nose. She had just spent the last few minutes sniffing around, breathing in the one thing that started this tickle. She was only snapped out of her frozen state as she began to hitch, a start of the inevitable sneeze to come.


Lilly quickly placed her finger under her nose, not allowing the perfume to do more damage than it already has. She used her other hand to finish getting dressed as she fought to keep the sneeze at bay. "I can't sneeze here! I won't let it happen again! I won't have another repeat of a few years ago" she mumbled to herself. Once she finished getting dressed she grabbed the one article of clothing she did get to try on and rushed to the checkout, happy to get as far away from that perfume as possible.

Lilly took her spot in the line of people. There was few in front of her, but the cashier was moving at quite a slow pace. She didn't notice as more people piled in behind her, as she was too busy trying to keep control of her nose. "Oh I love that outfit! It's going to look so good on you" a voice from behind her said. Lilly turned around to greet the woman offering her thanks.

She stood there for a moment chatting, but it didn't take long to figure out this was the same woman in the dressing room next to her. The tickle came back, now stronger than before due to being right next to the woman. Not wanting to be rude, Lilly tried to ignore it at continue the converstaion. "Are you okay" the woman began to ask, but Lilly didn't hear her. She was already caught in an unstoppable buildup.


"P-Please luuuh-look out! I can't stuuh-stop it!" She warned. "Oh that's alright. It's just a sneeze. No big deal" the woman replied. Lilly kept hitching, slowly inching closer and closer to her sneeze with every passing second. The tickle multiplied in size the longer Lilly stood next to the irritant setting off her poor nose.


"No! You duuuuh-don't understand! It's not a normal sneeeeh-sneeze!


"PLEASE RUUUH-RUN! IT'S GUUH-GONNA BE A BUUH-BIG ONE!" Lilly said, trying to warn them one last time. The crowd in the store all stared at her confused, believing that she was just some weird girl wanting attention. "F-FINE! BUT I WUUUH-WARNED YOU!"




The crowd of people were blown back, knocked out from the force. The store was completely trashed. Clothes and displays everywhere. The walls had begun to crack and appeared moments away from collapsing all together. Lilly looked up at the destruction she caused while recovering from her sneeze. As she looked around she felt mortified at what she had done, but knew that she had to get out of here and wasted no time in returning home.

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13 hours ago, Darkjolteon said:

This is amazing working on a story of my own. Hope it's fun enough for everyone.

Thanks! I plan on working on the part 3 eventually! I will be looking for your story! Can't wait to read it!

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9 hours ago, DLC said:

Do you take suggestions or requests?

I can't guarantee anything, but I'm always willing to hear any possible suggestions/ideas!

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have someone (possibly another woman) help Lilly hold back her giant sneezes, especially with the finger under nose method

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2 hours ago, DLC said:

have someone (possibly another woman) help Lilly hold back her giant sneezes, especially with the finger under nose method

Definitely will take that into consideration! I wanted to do one more part to this one and maybe a separate side story!

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3 hours ago, demon_destroyer7479 said:

Definitely will take that into consideration! I wanted to do one more part to this one and maybe a separate side story!

Oh, okay. Thank you!

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Here it is. The third and final part of this story!


"Lilly! Could you come in here?", a voice said from the other room. The voice belonged to Taylor, one of the few friends Lilly spoke to on a frequent basis. Even then, Taylor was the only one out of those friends that knew what Lilly could do and wasn't completely terrified of being near her.

Lilly made her way to the other room, seeing the tall, curvy blonde standing at the kitchen counter. "You yelled for me?", she asked. "Yes. We are going to have to get my house cleaned up if I plan on having other people come over", Taylor responded. "So let's get to cleaning. I'll be there in a second after I put the dishes away"

Lilly had a look on her face made of equal parts confusion and terror. She stood there for a moment before finding the courage to speak up. "Taylor...are you sure you want ME to help? I don't think I'm the best choice", Lilly muttered defeatedly. "Lilly, are you still worried about that thing at the mall last week? It will be fine. Just start cleaning", Taylor smiled before returning to the dishes, sending Lilly into the hallway.

Lilly made her way through the house, stopping at the closet to grab some cleaning supplies along her way. She entered the first room, still feeling uneasy about it. As the door opened, Lilly surveyed the room, noticing that it was a spare bedroom. It appeared relatively clean and only a few things needed touching up.

Lilly began cleaning the windows, slowly working her was down the glass, worried that the cleaner she was using could lead to a sneezing fit. Fortunately, she managed to make it through the windows without a problem and had now grabbed the duster to begin cleaning the nightstands. The moment she began dusting Lilly felt a tickle in her nose appear. "Oh please not now!", she thought.

Every small movement kicked up dust for her to inhale, making it more difficult to continue. It wasn't long before her hitching started.


"No! I won't sneeze here!", she said as she pinched her nose. Lilly managed to fight off the sneeze, finishing the cleaning in the process and made her way to the next room. Taylor was already standing by the door waiting, noticing Lilly's distress as she approached. "What's wrong?", Taylor asked? "Nothing. Stupid dust! It's just a faint tickle. I'll be okay", Lilly said in her most convincing tone.

The two girls opened the door, immediately being hit with a giant cloud of dust. It was clear this room was a storage room of sorts and hadn't been used in ages. The dust began infiltrating both of their noses, making it almost impossible to fight back. "Taylor! So much duhhh-dust! Help...me!", Lilly pleaded. She was fighting of the tickle as hard as she could. "One sec, I think I'm gonnuuah...", Taylor was cut off by the incoming sneeze.



Taylor let out an almost harmless sneeze. The only issue being it now kicked up more dust for Lilly to inhale. Taylor turned to see her friend caught in her buildup, trying to think of any way to help. "Lilly! You cannot sneeze here! You have to fight it!", Taylor begged. Lilly heard her, but was no longer in control of herself. It was only a matter of time.


Can't stuuh-stop it! Take cuuuuh-cover!


Lilly turned away just as she sneezed, allowing Taylor to avoid most of the blast. The sneeze left Taylor's ears ringing and shattered all the windows in the house. "Well I guess it was time for new windows anyway", Taylor joked trying to lighten the mood. Lilly never heard it. Her sneeze had kicked up enough dust to start another sneeze, and now pollen from outside contributed to the irritants to create a tickle much worse than before.



Lilly sneezed again, knocking Taylor back and shaking the house with her sneeze. Taylor stood up, dazed and worried as she saw Lilly drawing breaths, inhaling every irritant in the room as she built up another sneeze. "No! Please stop Lilly!", Taylor pleaded again. She ran to place a finger under Lilly's nose, seeming to have stopped the sneeze for a moment. "Better?", she asked. 

Lilly finally found the strength to respond. "Nuuuuh-now. But not for long! You should ruuuuuh-run! I tuuuuh-told you this was a bad idea!" The talking seemed to make the tickle worse. Lilly shoved Taylor away in an attempt to get her to leave before she finally succumbed to the sneeze. Seeing no other option, Taylor started bolting for the door.


Taylor reached her stairs.




Taylor had reached the bottom of the stairs.



Taylor made in out the front door just in time.


Lilly let loose one of her biggest sneezes ever. The blast could be heard for miles. The force of the sneeze was enough to make the whole house crumble into nothing but a pile of rubble. Taylor attempted to stand after being knocked over from the sneeze when she realized Lilly was still in there. She ran over a started digging her out, who was almost completely unphased with the exception of some scrapes and bruises. "Sorry again about the house", Lilly said. Taylor just smiled. "That's okay. I kind of enjoyed seeing you do that."



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3 hours ago, JohnnyOxn said:

What a great final part! I hope to read more stories from you in the future.

Thanks! Already have plans to do another story with Lilly. Beyond that unsure but will write more eventually!

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  • 3 months later...

Another good story from you. You're good at describing the build up as well as the characters thoughts as they prepare to let it all out.

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10 hours ago, BreathyChestMan said:

Another good story from you. You're good at describing the build up as well as the characters thoughts as they prepare to let it all out.

I also have a prequel to this story somewhere on here! It's called Lilly's Office Disaster

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