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Remedies You Love, Or Use, Or Just Think Are Neat


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Truly one of the things I enjoy the most when it comes to the rich tapestry of the fetish is the things people eat or take in order to alleviate an illness, and it's a topic I was thinking about recently so I thought, hey, why not hear what everyone else enjoys?  Personally, for me, my enjoyment is confined within the realms of fiction, as with most things to do with my fetish, but this topic is not limited to that.  So if you have something you take yourself in real life, or something you're dreaming of a loved one cooking for you, I wanna hear about that too! Whether it's an unconventional remedy passed down for generations, something that might be more placebo than an actual cure but it makes you feel comforted, or the classic favourites like a bowl of soup, what are your favourite remedies to either use yourself or write about?

Me, when it comes to writing, I think you cannot go wrong with the old favourites: chicken soup, orange juice, honey and lemon in hot water.  If I'm imagining a sick character, those will always come into it somehow.  And spicy food to clear congestion.  That's another favourite.  I also really like the idea of characters having a comfort food that isn't really something someone should be eating when they're sick because it's wildly unhealthy, but they want it anyway.

Weirdly, myself, I swear by chopping raw garlic and swallowing it, but I never ever use that for characters in my fics.  Also...spaghetti for some odd reason.  Or pizza if it's easier.  Gotta get that tomato sauce into me in great quantities when I'm sick! Dunno what the deal with that is. But I also never use that in fics.  Nope, I love it when sick characters indulge in remedies that everyone totally knows are for sick people.

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Interesting topic! 

When I am writing fics I use a lot of the classics, chicken soup,  honey, chamoile tea, orange juice. I also love it when characters want, as you said, something that is wildly unhealthy like ice cream or something junky. It's just sooo adorable!! As for the classic things, I like it because, as you so aptly put it, those things are for sick people so I love the signals it has to other characters in sicfics.

In real life I don't do the classic sick people things 🤣  My southern european grandparents always hounded me in my childhood to do agua sal ( gurgling with salt water) to kill germs in the throat which I still do now (I think this might be common though)? I'll chop and drink fresh ginger and take oregano and zinc supplements. Something I started doing in the last few years is fasting for 1-2 days when I feel sick. I need to read more studies on it, but apparently it has been shown that if you fast while you are sick, your body has more energy to fight the virus or infection instead of taking up energy to digest your food. Someone tell me they have tried this? LOL. Anyway I try and pass these things on to people around me if they are down to try it.

Also editing this to add I will sometimes if I have energy, do a "loving kindness" or "equalizing" meditation while I'm sick. Mainly to take my focus away from my own personal physical suffering and just send good vibes out into the world. Sounds weird at first, but it takes you away from the 'oh poor me!' thing. 


Edited by Melody
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For fics - I still feel new to writing colds in any capacity lol - I like to go with the stereotype. Tea with honey, lemon, ginger, whatever else. Chicken soup, or soup in general. Orange juice. All kinds of OTC remedies, cough meds, cough drops, nose sprays... the works. 

In real life, the only thing of those that I actually use is orange juice, but I drink that when I'm healthy too. I gargle saltwater, which does help way more than cough drops and cough medicine you can buy - honest. I have done nose rinsing with saltwater too when I've been disgustingly stuffed up/had a sinus infection rather than using nose sprays, which I personally think is both more uncomfortable and less effective. I dislike drinking warm liquids in general, I don't know why but I get a feeling that I'm about to suffocate, so I prefer cold drinks and - you guessed it - ice cream! :yay: 

(also a shot of whiskey/vodka/rum if available, hehe... 🥃 )


Edited by Chanel_no5
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Nose rinsing with saltwater is a good thing, I think. I do it not only when I have a cold, but almost every day because it makes my nose feel nice and fresh. (I use the specially measured sea salt mix from the drugstore, which may be a bit more expensive than mixing it myself, but I want to feel safe - I made the mistake some time ago to simply use normal salt without really taking care of the amount, and my nose felt very uncomfortable with that.) After rinsing, I spray a nasal oil which smells nicely of oranges. 🙂
I've never tried gargling with salt water for a cough, but I'll try next time! 👍

LOL, as a kid, the one thing I loved about having a throat infection was that I was allowed to eat more ice cream than usual. 🤩

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