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The incense shop - female version (allergies, F)


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Welcome to my blog!
My name is Loulou, and I work in a very nice shop selling incense, crystals, candles, and essential oil.

The air in here is always filled by the relaxing, sweet smelling scent of incense. Today I picked sandalwood, which I especially like.

But, oh... the sweet smelling smoke is not suited for highly sensitive noses! J

Today, my favourite type of customer came to my shop. Let me share this special experience with you all!

The customer was a young blonde woman, petite and curvy, with a pretty face and an especially beautiful, prominent nose. As soon as she entered, she sneezed violently.

“Bless you! And hello!“ I smiled at her. “Can I help you?“

The woman pressed her finger to her big, well-shaped nose that wrinkled nervously; her nostrils were flaring widely. She tried to return my smile, but her face was contorted – obviously her nose was still tickling. “Hello… aaghhh…” She rubbed her nose hard. “Thanks, I’m just looking arouhhh… hehhh… heeEEESSHHHEEW!... HaaaIIISSSHHHUUH!... Heehhhh… heyYYIIISSHHUUH!”

“Bless you!” Wow wow wow, what a sound!... “I hope it’s not the incense bothering your nose?”

Another forceful, snorting sneeze was her reply. “Oh…” she sniffled, rubbing her nose that was twitching nervously. “That’s all right. I actually like the scehhh… scent, but my nohhh… nosehhh… haaEEESSSHHagh!... Ugh *sniffle* Where are my tiihhh… tiiiIIISSSHHHEEEW!”

“Here you are! Take as many as you need.” Quickly, I offered her a big box of tissues. I am always prepared for customers like that lady!

“Thahh… thanks…” Snatching a handful of tissues, she gasped shakily, and sneezed heavily and snortingly into them.

“Bless you! I’m sorry about the incense… It really seems to irritate your nose badly!”

“HaaaaEEESSSHHagh!... Don’t worry about that,” she said in a stuffy voice. “I’m used to my nose reacting this way… *sniffle* I’m allergic to so many things. Pollen, but also scents… perfumes…” Sneezing again, she blew her nose.

“I see,” I said softly. “If you need more tissues, just go ahead.”

“Thank you!” she smiled, hurriedly taking a fresh handful of tissues she pressed to her nose which had turned red from all the sneezing.

Unfortunately, I was distracted by a whole bunch of customers, probably a group of tourists, entereing the shop and asking for advice.

Taking care of my customers, showing them all kinds of essential oils and offering explanations, I kept an eye on the young blonde lady with the big sensitive nose. She took her time to look at the crystals, and I got the feeling she had some expert knowledge about them, which I thought was nice. Again and again she was shaken by sneezes, keeping her hand with the tissues pressed to her nose, and picking up crystal stones with her other hand to have a closer look at them. Although muffled by the tissues, her sneezes were still quite loud and forceful.

Suddenly the door opened, and a dark haired handsome man, about the same age as the sneezy lady, came in. He was carrying a paper bag from a nearby music store. Saying a friendly hello to me, he turned to the blonde lady with the super-sensitive nose, with a wide beaming smile. “Hey, baby – sorry for taking so long!” he said, giving her a discreet little kiss.

“Hi, hoddey!” she sniffled. “That’s okay, I’ve beed lookigg at the beautiful crystals. I just cad’t stay in here too logg because of the idcedsehhh… hyehhhh… heeYYYEEESSSHHaagh!” she sneezed into her tissues.

“Bless you, sweetie!... Oh yeah, that’s a very strong scent. Nice, but not so good for your nose…” Putting his arm around her, he let her guide him along the shelves, showing him what she had been looking at. They were talking softly to each other while I was still taking care of the group of tourists. I politely answered questions and suggested certain articles while the allergic lady’s violent sneezes sounded from the opposite corner of the room: “HennNNEEEESSHHagh!... HehIIISSHHagh! Heh... eghhh...


A posh looking elderly lady stared at the sneezing blonde with a frown, saying, “Excuse me! Please don’t get too close to me. You obviously have a bad cold – you are sneezing terribly!”

The allergic woman tried to smile while pressing the tissues to her reddened nose. “Don’t worry, I don’t haahhh… haaaEEGGGSSHHHnguh! *sniffle*”

Smiling too, the man by her side pulled her closer to himself. “My wife’s sneezing is not infectious. It’s no cold, it’s just allergies. The incense tickles her nose a lot, that’s why she’s sneezing so badly.”

“It’s true!” His wife sniffled, dabbing at her widely flaring, quivering nostrils with the tissue wad. “I’m allergic to incense, perfume, pollen, dust… I’m sniffling and sneezing all year long.” Her face contorted, and she burst into another round of violent, itchy sneezes.

“Bless you, baby!... Ooohhh, bless you!... We’re done shopping, aren’t we? – Good. Your nose will calm down soon!”

The couple had chosen some very beautiful crystal stones, and was now waiting in the check out line. The man was carrying the shopping basket while his wife was burying her reddened nose in a handful of tissues. Her face was still slightly contorted, and her nostrils were flaring widely. The queue was long, so they moved slowly. I could see the allergic lady felt a bit embarrassed about her constant outbursts of sneezing that sounded so desperate and itchy: “Heghh… ngeeehhh---NNEEESSSHHHaagh!... HeeeYYEEERRSSSHHHguhh!... Aghhh---haaaEESSSHHHOOagh!” She blew her nose, but it didn’t seem to help against the tickle as her breath hitched, her nose scrunched up, and her sharp inhale told me the next sneezy explosion was on its way…

“Oh, come here, baby!” her husband said tenderly, and stuck his finger gently under her nose.

“Aghhh…” she sighed shakily, wiggling her reddened nose against his finger. “Thanks, honeyhhh… but I’m gonnahhhh…”

“You’re going to sneeze again, darling, I know.” When his wife’s nostrils expanded again, and the next sneeze threatened to burst out, he gently pinched her itchy, quivering nose, and rubbed it with rhythmical, slow movements.

“Aahhhh, thagks, that feels good…” Sniffling, she scrunched up her nose, while her husband let his fingers glide soothingly across her widened nostrils, rubbing and pressing, softly pinching, finally rubbing the enormous length of her tickly nose up and down. She relaxed for a moment, but then gave a shivering gasp as the next sneeze built up.

Her husband reacted immediately: In a hurry, he pressed his finger under her widely flaring nostrils so she exhaled shakily instead of sneezing. Again, she thanked him with a soft moan.

“You’re welcome, sweetie. Your poor nose does need a break from all the sneezing!” he smiled.

I could see clearly that the man was used to treating his wife’s allergic nose like that. When it was finally their turn at the check out, the lady’s tickly nose seemed to have calmed down somewhat. “Are you feeling better?” I asked her with a friendly smile.

“Oh yes, I am! My husband’s nose massage is just wonderful… It’s the only thing that helps against the annoying tickle in my nose… against my endless sneezing fits.” Her large red nose was quivering slightly.

An affectionate smile on his lips, her husband said, “Yeah, sometimes she just can’t stop sneezing! Then I’m happy to help her.”

There was no doubt about how much he enjoyed helping her…

What a lovely, perfect couple! I thought while saying good bye to them, wishing them a wonderful day.

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Thank you, Starpollen! I'm excited to get feedback from you since your stories were among the very first sneezy stories I've ever read. 👏

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Love the descriptions of the woman's nose and nostrils. Hope there is a part 2.

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Thank you, SneezeloveronGirls! ❤️ Sorry to say there is no part 2 of this story, but I've written some more female sneeze stories with several parts. I'll be glad to post them here in the course of the next couple of days.

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