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Colds survey


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Just a few questions about your experiences with head colds:

1. How do you know a cold is coming? (What's the first sign)

2. Are you more of a sniffer or a blower when you have a cold?

3. How long do you colds last? Do they go in stages?

4. What do you normally blow your nose with when you have a cold?

5. Are your colds sneezy?

6. At the peak of a cold, how many tissues/handkerchiefs would you go through in a day?

7. Which symptom bugs you the most?

8. Have you ever intentionally spread your cold to someone?

9. How long would you typically take off work for a cold?

10. What, if anything, do you enjoy about having a cold?

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1. How do you know a cold is coming? (What's the first sign)

Usually a sore throat, but it can be a sniffly nose too.

2. Are you more of a sniffer or a blower when you have a cold?

Definitely a blower. I hate having a runny nose! So I blow it a lot. 😉

3. How long do you colds last? Do they go in stages?

They always go "from the upper level downwards", which means they start with a sore throat or the sniffles, and then move down to my chest. It usually lasts about two weeks.

4. What do you normally blow your nose with when you have a cold?

Tissues. I like the ones that are coated with eucalyptus oil and a lotion that's soft and gentle on the nose. 😊

5. Are your colds sneezy?

I definitely sneeze more than usual when I have a cold. Without a cold, I can go several days, even a week without a single sneeze, but with a cold, I sneeze every day 1-4 times, in singles, rarely a double.

6. At the peak of a cold, how many tissues/handkerchiefs would you go through in a day?

Phhew, I'm horrible with numbers... 50? 100?? Definitely a lot...

7. Which symptom bugs you the most?

Coughing. 😔

8. Have you ever intentionally spread your cold to someone?

No. I don't think that's a good thing to do.

9. How long would you typically take off work for a cold?

Hmmm, it depends on how severe the cold is. One or two days, or a whole week - anything is possible.

10. What, if anything, do you enjoy about having a cold?

A good excuse to have to take it easy and rest. 😊

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1. How do you know a cold is coming? (What's the first sign)
Sore throat. I often have headaches and I'm pretty much always tired since I never sleep, so fatigue and headaches aren't reliable first signs of illness. TBF I can get a sore throat from hormones certain times of the month as well, but colds usually come with a specific type of soreness. 

2. Are you more of a sniffer or a blower when you have a cold?
More of a sniffer. I don't like blowing my nose. 

3. How long do you colds last? Do they go in stages?
The initial cold usually lasts about a week. Then I get the secondary infections, bronchitis, sinus infections, ear infections... it lasts about 2-3 more weeks and fucking sucks. :dead:  They usually do go in stages, sore throat - runny nose - congestion/sneezing - coughing - and then more coughing... 

4. What do you normally blow your nose with when you have a cold?
Tissues or TP.

5. Are your colds sneezy?
Usually they tend to go to my chest more than my nose, but some are both.

6. At the peak of a cold, how many tissues/handkerchiefs would you go through in a day?
I have absolutely no idea. :lol: 

7. Which symptom bugs you the most?
Coughing and sore throat. 

8. Have you ever intentionally spread your cold to someone?
Nope. And I wouldn't without explicit consent either. (a note; intentionally spreading disease, including mild ones like colds, is actually classified as a crime in many countries, including mine.)

9. How long would you typically take off work for a cold?
I don't work, but when I did, I'd take several days off for a cold, because I worked with foodstuff and we weren't allowed anywhere near the production/packaging lines if we were sick. 

10. What, if anything, do you enjoy about having a cold?
It's good fodder for fic-writing. Also if it's a sneezy cold I can make some wavs for my fellow snz people. ^_^ 


Edited by Chanel_no5
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1. How do you know a cold is coming? (What's the first sign)

Sore throat, like most people. Actually I don't think I've ever seen anyone say something different for this.

2. Are you more of a sniffer or a blower when you have a cold?

I just blow my nose for sure.

3. How long do you colds last? Do they go in stages?

Nothing excessive maybe 5-8 days? They definitely come in stages, usually it starts in my throat and chest and moves last to my head which I feel might be the opposite of a lot of people? It usually ends with a multi day flare up of my regular chronic pain. 

4. What do you normally blow your nose with when you have a cold?

Toilet paper honestly. I am so unbothered to do anything else.

5. Are your colds sneezy?

It depends. I definitely sneeze more than normal when I have a cold but sometimes I'll get really sneezy colds and sometimes not.

6. At the peak of a cold, how many tissues/handkerchiefs would you go through in a day?

I have no idea.... maybe like 10-15?

7. Which symptom bugs you the most?

When I'm sick my chronic pain is super affected and I get terrible migraines and horrible neurological symptoms like forgetting words, vision loss, balance loss, etc, so definitely this. 

8. Have you ever intentionally spread your cold to someone?

No and I think this is deeply, deeply, unacceptable. I actually go to great lengths not to spread my colds around because I feel bad for other people around me. Like Channel pointed out its illegal in some countries. As it fucking should be! And to be honest, I think it's illegal because of people like me 🤣 You never know how someone is going to react to something that is minor for someone else. Even intentional contagion triggers me to be quite honest. Just don't do it!

9. How long would you typically take off work for a cold?

I don't think you need to take off work for a head cold quite honestly. I never have, and probably never will. Unless it's an extreme illness or unless you have to because of your specific job (like food handling) or something, I really don't think having a cold is a justifiable reason not to work lol. But that's just my opinion.  

10. What, if anything, do you enjoy about having a cold?

Absolutely nothing lol. I carry on with my life like normal except I feel extra shitty. 🤣 The only thing that makes it tolerable is sometimes if I feel like it, I'll make wavs and give back to this community which I feel is important given the amount of wavs I listen to.

Edited by Melody
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6 hours ago, Trynasneeze said:

Just a few questions about your experiences with head colds:

1. How do you know a cold is coming? (What's the first sign)

A sore throat (at first it's mild but it gets progressively worse) plus sometimes tiredness and/or a mild headache.

2. Are you more of a sniffer or a blower when you have a cold?

In the first stages I'm definitely more of a sniffer when I start getting a runny nose, because I'm too stubborn to blow it and I don't wanna "admit defeat".

But then when the congestion sets in and it becomes impossible to hide the fact that I'm sick I blow my nose a lot even though it doesn't help.

3. How long do you colds last? Do they go in stages?

They typically last a week or so, but usually the cough and the sniffles like to stick around for a little while, for around 10 days or so from the start of the cold.

The 1st stage is characterised by a bad sore throat and a mild headache. No nasal symptoms at this stage.

After that, usually on the 2nd day, I start getting a runny nose which gets progressively worse throughout the day and leaves me sniffling almost constantly by the evening. I also get the occasional sneeze, which can leave me feeling a bit stuffy for a while.

Then, usually on the 3rd day, I wake up completely congested and my voice sounds all stuffed up as well. By this point my sore throat is either gone or doing much better. Sometimes I also run a low-grade fever by this point, which typically goes away after a few days.

The following days are usually full of pretty severe nasal congestion and I develop a dry, nagging cough until I start feeling better after about a week.

4. What do you normally blow your nose with when you have a cold?

Toilet paper at the start and then I switch to tissues.

5. Are your colds sneezy?

Nope, not in the slightest unfortunately! I only sneeze during the 1st two days, but only in singles/doubles. Nothing too crazy though, just a few sneezes here and there and usually by the 3rd day the sneeziness is over.

My nose is definitely more sensitive though so if I induce it will work more quickly than usual.

6. At the peak of a cold, how many tissues/handkerchiefs would you go through in a day?

I honestly have no idea! Many, though... 

7. Which symptom bugs you the most?

Definitely the sore throat, the coughing and the congestion when it gets so bad that I can't breathe through my nose.

8. Have you ever intentionally spread your cold to someone?

No, as many others said that's just straight up mean!

But I have unintentionally infected lots of people before (unfortunately) and I always feel very guilty about it, even if it's just a cold.

9. How long would you typically take off work for a cold?

1 to 3 days only if I have a fever, if I don't I just "grin and bear it" and try to keep my germs to myself. 

10. What, if anything, do you enjoy about having a cold?

I only enjoy the fact that I have an "excuse" to stay in bed and rest for a bit.


Edited by Italiangirl
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12 hours ago, Trynasneeze said:

Just a few questions about your experiences with head colds:

1. How do you know a cold is coming? (What's the first sign)

2. Are you more of a sniffer or a blower when you have a cold?

3. How long do you colds last? Do they go in stages?

4. What do you normally blow your nose with when you have a cold?

5. Are your colds sneezy?

6. At the peak of a cold, how many tissues/handkerchiefs would you go through in a day?

7. Which symptom bugs you the most?

8. Have you ever intentionally spread your cold to someone?

9. How long would you typically take off work for a cold?

10. What, if anything, do you enjoy about having a cold?

1. How do you know a cold is coming? (What's the first sign)

usually a sore throat

3. How long do you colds last? Do they go in stages?

a week or two

4. What do you normally blow your nose with when you have a cold?


5. Are your colds sneezy?


7. the sore throat

8. No

10. Nothing

My colds usually involve a lot of coughing and congestion and very little sneezing :watsup:

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17 hours ago, Melody said:

4. What do you normally blow your nose with when you have a cold?

Toilet paper honestly. I am so unbothered to do anything else.

I used to be the same as this. Anything besides toilet paper seemed unnecessary 

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On 6/14/2023 at 1:25 PM, Trynasneeze said:

Just a few questions about your experiences with head colds:

1. How do you know a cold is coming? (What's the first sign)

2. Are you more of a sniffer or a blower when you have a cold?

3. How long do you colds last? Do they go in stages?

4. What do you normally blow your nose with when you have a cold?

5. Are your colds sneezy?

6. At the peak of a cold, how many tissues/handkerchiefs would you go through in a day?

7. Which symptom bugs you the most?

8. Have you ever intentionally spread your cold to someone?

9. How long would you typically take off work for a cold?

10. What, if anything, do you enjoy about having a cold?

1. Usually I get a scratchy throat.

2. I'm definitely a blower 

3. Usually they last for a couple of weeks at the most.

4. The majority of the time I blow my nose with handkerchiefs although I do sometimes use tissues too.

5. Sometimes I'm sneezy, well more than usual anyway.

6. In a day its hard to say how many tissues I go through a day if I use them but it's normally about 6 hankies per day.

7. I would say coughing bugs me the most.

8. I haven't intentionally spred my cold to anyone else.

9. As I drive a truck, I'm mostly by myself except for collections or deliveries so I tend to work through it.

10. I'd say that I just enjoying using my handkerchiefs, bury my nose in them, wrapping them round my nose and blowing into them, I have plenty to use.

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Just a few questions about your experiences with head colds:

1. How do you know a cold is coming? (What's the first sign)

A sore throat

2. Are you more of a sniffer or a blower when you have a cold?

Both but I try to blow often so snot is not dripping out of my nose lol

3. How long do you colds last? Do they go in stages?

so I would say at it’s peak, it lasts 2-3 days, the lingering symptoms of runny nose and coughing will last like another week or two 

4. What do you normally blow your nose with when you have a cold?


5. Are your colds sneezy?

unfortunately not but I do sneeze at least 3 times a day with them lol  

6. At the peak of a cold, how many tissues/handkerchiefs would you go through in a day?

I would say at least half a tissue box idk how much that is 

7. Which symptom bugs you the most?

Coughing is the worst. And as an adult, I find that my ears ALWAYS clog so i become like half deaf. 

8. Have you ever intentionally spread your cold to someone?

No but my boyfriend still insists we kiss and/or cuddle/or sexy time but he’s never caught my cold. AND I’ve had Covid twice. He never got it from me. 

9. How long would you typically take off work for a cold?

Usually maybe one day if that. I remember getting my first cold in 18 months since the pandemic started and I legit thought I was dying. So I was out maybe 3 days lol 

10. What, if anything, do you enjoy about having a cold?

So I get a little more hopeful to get more sneezes out of me. And also, I love when my boyfriend makes me soup and cuddles me and will feel my forehead for my temperature idk I love that for some reason  


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  • 2 weeks later...

1. How do you know a cold is coming? (What's the first sign)

Sore throat

2. Are you more of a sniffer or a blower when you have a cold?

I hate to blow my nose, so sniffling it is

3. How long do you colds last? Do they go in stages?

Maybe 3 to 7 days ? it starts with the throat, cough, than congestion and some sneezing after.

4. What do you normally blow your nose with when you have a cold?

Toilet Paper or Tissues

5. Are your colds sneezy?

Not that much, I would say If I sneeze, it's for a day and it's over after.

6. At the peak of a cold, how many tissues/handkerchiefs would you go through in a day?


7. Which symptom bugs you the most?

Sore throat i hate it so bad, I don't care about the coughing and sneezing part

8. Have you ever intentionally spread your cold to someone?

No, I'm not a mean person

9. How long would you typically take off work for a cold?

Only one day and probably never TBH

10. What, if anything, do you enjoy about having a cold?

Sneezing, it's obvious. But I love to be miserable and cared of

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  • 3 weeks later...


1. How do you know a cold is coming? (What's the first sign)

sneeze (because I usually don’t sneeze)

2. Are you more of a sniffer or a blower when you have a cold?


3. How long do you colds last? Do they go in stages?

months, pretty long term. Currently I take care of my body.

4. What do you normally blow your nose with when you have a cold?


5. Are your colds sneezy?


6. At the peak of a cold, how many tissues/handkerchiefs would you go through in a day?

need exactly 1 tissues or 2 pocket tissues 

7. Which symptom bugs you the most?


8. Have you ever intentionally spread your cold to someone?


9. How long would you typically take off work for acold?

a few days

10. What, if anything, do you enjoy about having a cold?

when I feel sneezy I enjoy its sensation to imagine some sneeze episodes or thread clearly 

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1. How do you know a cold is coming? (What's the first sign)

By getting a very stuffy nose. Usually followed by being runny and tickly

2. Are you more of a sniffer or a blower when you have a cold?

I think i do both equally. Lots of both, actually

3. How long do you colds last? Do they go in stages?

Typically my colds last for about a week. No specific stages

4. What do you normally blow your nose with when you have a cold?

Usually tissues. Sometimes toilet paper if need be

5. Are your colds sneezy?

Yes, definitely. I'm much more sneezy than normal

6. At the peak of a cold, how many tissues/handkerchiefs would you go through in a day?

Thats a tough one. Probably half a box of tissues per day? Maybe more?

7. Which symptom bugs you the most?

The runny nose. I can deal perfectly fine with being stuffy or sneezy, but i hate it when my nose is runny

8. Have you ever intentionally spread your cold to someone?

No, never

9. How long would you typically take off work for a cold?

I haven't ever taken off for a cold

10. What, if anything, do you enjoy about having a cold?

Oh, that's easy. Sneezing more than I usually do is satisfying 

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