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A Troubled Nose


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Part 1

“HaaaIIISSSHHHHUUUHH!“ Flora sneezed, cupping her hand to her nose as she entered her apartment. Ah, all those blooming trees... Her breath was shaky and hitchy when she slipped out of her jacket. Her nose was tickling worse and worse, and she pressed her fingers to it while looking around hectically for a tissue box.

Flora was a tall, curvy woman in her thirties with long red hair – and a large, very sensitive nose. Her allergies were bothering her all year long, and now, in spring, it was especially bad. She gasped, and sneezed violently: “HaaaaEEESSSHHHHOOH!” Again and again and again.

Sneezing and sniffling, she stumbled into the kitchen, dropping the bag of fresh bread she had just bought at the nearby bakery onto the worktop. “HeeyyYYEESSHHHAAGH!... HaaaaIIISSSHHHHOOagh!... Uuughhh*sniff*…”

Finally, after about fifteen sneezes, she found the tissues, grabbed one, and forcefully sneezed into it. Ahhh, at last she was able to blow her nose… She wiped and cleaned her sizable nasal cavities carefully and thoroughly, using tissue after tissue, hoping to get rid of at least some of the tiny, annoying irritants.

Sighing, still dabbing the tissues to her reddened, swollen nose, she looked out of the window at the blooming trees, watching fine yellow clouds of pollen. Inside, her hayfever was just as bad as outside. It was still early in the morning, and the day promised to be a long series of hours filled with tickly attacks of flowery dust to her nose. If only she didn’t have to go to work now! She was an interior esigner, sharing an office with two other women, one of whom was her boss.

“HaaaEEEESSSHHHEEWW!” Sneezing again, Flora took two allergy pills out of the kitchen drawer and swallowed them with a glass of water. It was a new medication – another try to fight against the constant allergic sneeziness – but after fifteen minutes, her nose felt just as stuffy and itchy as ever before.

Pressing her fingers to her itchy nose, she stepped out onto the balcony to quickly hang up some laundry to dry before going to work. Sniffling and wiggling her nose, she picked up the first shirt in the laundry basket. “Heghh… hehhhh… hyyaaaahhh…” She didn’t want to drop the shirt, so she didn’t have a hand free to cover her nose… “YYAAARRSSHHHUUH!” she sneezed explosively. “Heghh… hheeeEEAAASSSHHHAAAGH!”

“Bless you, Ms. Higbert!” A cheerful voice sounded from just about five feet below her. A teenage girl with a long blonde braid smiled up at her. It was Mimi, her neighbours’ daughter.

“Thagks, Bibi.” Sounding stuffier than ever, Flora hurried to bury her nose in a fresh handful of tissues. From the corner of her eye, she saw Mimi walk on, accompanied by a red-haired girl of her age, probably a classmate. Flora couldn’t help overhearing what the two girls were talking about.

“Gosh!” Mimi’s friend said excitedly, forgetting to be quiet. “Those were the loudest sneezes I’ve ever heard! And did you see her nose? Wow! So big! And all red!”

“Yeah, she’s got really bad hayfever. But she’s totally nice. She helped me when I was in great trouble because of that stupid math test. She’s so sweet and patient!”

Flora smiled hearing the girl’s kind words, then her nose told her unmistakably she’d better get back inside to get more tissues. Her face contorted as her nose was seized by waves of tickliness. “Haahh… aghhhh… haaaahhhh…” No more tissues… She grabbed a towel in the bathroom as the next tickly wave made her nostrils flare one more time…”Haaah… haaaaIISSHHOO!... HeeeIIIISSSHHHOOO!... HaaaAAAASSSHHHOO!“ she sneezed into the towel, bending double with the force. Sighing, she wiped her sniffly nose with the towel, then finally found another box of tissues and blew her nose.

A look into the mirror made her sigh again. Her nose dominated her face – large, red, with widened nostrils that quivered with irritation.

“Maybe I could work from home today?” she wondered, picking up her phone. Pressing her finger to her tickly, twitchy nose, she waited for Kathleen, her colleague, to answer her call. “Hi, Kathleed *sniff*!… It’s be! Sorry I’b late!”

“Flora?! Gosh… You sound terrible!”

“Thaggk you very buch *sniff*.”

“You know what I mean! You sound like your nose is all stuffed up… Is it your hayfever again?”

“Yeah… the birch add hazel polled are drivigg by ndose crazyhhh…” Her breath hitched as she struggled to hold back a sneeze.

“Oooohh, poor dear. Can you breathe at all?”

“Dot really… Mby dose is swolled shut… egh.”

“Did you try a nasal spray?”

“Oh, I’ve tried theb all! Mby ndose cad’t haddle theb – I sndeeze theb out ibbediately! Aghhh… aaahhh excuse beehhhh---hhhh---heeIIISSHHEEW!”

“Bless you!”


“Awww, it doesn’t seem to get better at all. Maybe you should consult a different doctor?”

“I’ve beed thigkingg about that toohh…” Flora turned away from the phone and sneezed again, just as violently. “Agh, mby ndose…” she sniffled, pressing her finger to her twitching nostrils.

“Bless you! – Hey, guess what! I almost forgot, but I meant to tell you about this – I actually saw an ad for a new doctor’s office today, an allergologist! Or something like that! She’s a specialist for rhinitis, and you know what her name is? Dr. Nosepeace! Isn’t that funny?”

“Uh… yeah, iddeed! *sniff*”

“Let’s see… Ah, here it is: Honky Street…” She told Flora the telephone number.

“Thangks, Kathleed! It’s worth a try… hehhh…” She couldn’t go on speaking because she had to sneeze again. “Ugh, excuse behh… Cad you put be through to Bridget?” That was the name of the third woman – their boss.

“Sure. Feel better, honey!”

“Yes?” was Bridget’s usual curt greeting.

Just at that moment, another forceful sneeze burst out of Flora’s nose, impossible to be held back. “Excuse be, Bridget! Good bordigg! Eghhh… *sniff*… I’b so sorry, but I’b afraid I cad’t cobe id today. By allergies are so bad…”

“It’s the same thing all year long!” Flora could actually see the annoyed frown on the stern-looking, grey haired woman’s face. “You may stay at home, but you need to finish that flyer today!”

Turing away from the phone, Flora sneezed massively into her tissues. “Okay. Ndo probleb. I’ll cahhh… haaaAAASSSHHHGHUH… *sniffle* I’ll call you agaid later.”

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1 hour ago, kiku said:



Part 1


“HaaaIIISSSHHHHUUUHH!“ Flora sneezed, cupping her hand to her nose as she entered her apartment. Ah, all those blooming trees... Her breath was shaky and hitchy when she slipped out of her jacket. Her nose was tickling worse and worse, and she pressed her fingers to it while looking around hectically for a tissue box.


Flora was a tall, curvy woman in her thirties with long red hair – and a large, very sensitive nose. Her allergies were bothering her all year long, and now, in spring, it was especially bad. She gasped, and sneezed violently: “HaaaaEEESSSHHHHOOH!” Again and again and again.

Sneezing and sniffling, she stumbled into the kitchen, dropping the bag of fresh bread she had just bought at the nearby bakery onto the worktop. “HeeyyYYEESSHHHAAGH!... HaaaaIIISSSHHHHOOagh!... Uuughhh*sniff*…”


Finally, after about fifteen sneezes, she found the tissues, grabbed one, and forcefully sneezed into it. Ahhh, at last she was able to blow her nose… She wiped and cleaned her sizable nasal cavities carefully and thoroughly, using tissue after tissue, hoping to get rid of at least some of the tiny, annoying irritants.

Sighing, still dabbing the tissues to her reddened, swollen nose, she looked out of the window at the blooming trees, watching fine yellow clouds of pollen. Inside, her hayfever was just as bad as outside. It was still early in the morning, and the day promised to be a long series of hours filled with tickly attacks of flowery dust to her nose. If only she didn’t have to go to work now! She was an interior esigner, sharing an office with two other women, one of whom was her boss.

“HaaaEEEESSSHHHEEWW!” Sneezing again, Flora took two allergy pills out of the kitchen drawer and swallowed them with a glass of water. It was a new medication – another try to fight against the constant allergic sneeziness – but after fifteen minutes, her nose felt just as stuffy and itchy as ever before.

Pressing her fingers to her itchy nose, she stepped out onto the balcony to quickly hang up some laundry to dry before going to work. Sniffling and wiggling her nose, she picked up the first shirt in the laundry basket. “Heghh… hehhhh… hyyaaaahhh…” She didn’t want to drop the shirt, so she didn’t have a hand free to cover her nose… “YYAAARRSSHHHUUH!” she sneezed explosively. “Heghh… hheeeEEAAASSSHHHAAAGH!”

“Bless you, Ms. Higbert!” A cheerful voice sounded from just about five feet below her. A teenage girl with a long blonde braid smiled up at her. It was Mimi, her neighbours’ daughter.

“Thagks, Bibi.” Sounding stuffier than ever, Flora hurried to bury her nose in a fresh handful of tissues. From the corner of her eye, she saw Mimi walk on, accompanied by a red-haired girl of her age, probably a classmate. Flora couldn’t help overhearing what the two girls were talking about.

“Gosh!” Mimi’s friend said excitedly, forgetting to be quiet. “Those were the loudest sneezes I’ve ever heard! And did you see her nose? Wow! So big! And all red!”

“Yeah, she’s got really bad hayfever. But she’s totally nice. She helped me when I was in great trouble because of that stupid math test. She’s so sweet and patient!”

Flora smiled hearing the girl’s kind words, then her nose told her unmistakably she’d better get back inside to get more tissues. Her face contorted as her nose was seized by waves of tickliness. “Haahh… aghhhh… haaaahhhh…” No more tissues… She grabbed a towel in the bathroom as the next tickly wave made her nostrils flare one more time…”Haaah… haaaaIISSHHOO!... HeeeIIIISSSHHHOOO!... HaaaAAAASSSHHHOO!“ she sneezed into the towel, bending double with the force. Sighing, she wiped her sniffly nose with the towel, then finally found another box of tissues and blew her nose.

A look into the mirror made her sigh again. Her nose dominated her face – large, red, with widened nostrils that quivered with irritation.


“Maybe I could work from home today?” she wondered, picking up her phone. Pressing her finger to her tickly, twitchy nose, she waited for Kathleen, her colleague, to answer her call. “Hi, Kathleed *sniff*!… It’s be! Sorry I’b late!”

“Flora?! Gosh… You sound terrible!”

“Thaggk you very buch *sniff*.”

“You know what I mean! You sound like your nose is all stuffed up… Is it your hayfever again?”

“Yeah… the birch add hazel polled are drivigg by ndose crazyhhh…” Her breath hitched as she struggled to hold back a sneeze.

“Oooohh, poor dear. Can you breathe at all?”

“Dot really… Mby dose is swolled shut… egh.”

“Did you try a nasal spray?”

“Oh, I’ve tried theb all! Mby ndose cad’t haddle theb – I sndeeze theb out ibbediately! Aghhh… aaahhh excuse beehhhh---hhhh---heeIIISSHHEEW!”

“Bless you!”


“Awww, it doesn’t seem to get better at all. Maybe you should consult a different doctor?”

“I’ve beed thigkingg about that toohh…” Flora turned away from the phone and sneezed again, just as violently. “Agh, mby ndose…” she sniffled, pressing her finger to her twitching nostrils.

“Bless you! – Hey, guess what! I almost forgot, but I meant to tell you about this – I actually saw an ad for a new doctor’s office today, an allergologist! Or something like that! She’s a specialist for rhinitis, and you know what her name is? Dr. Nosepeace! Isn’t that funny?”

“Uh… yeah, iddeed! *sniff*”

“Let’s see… Ah, here it is: Honky Street…” She told Flora the telephone number.

“Thangks, Kathleed! It’s worth a try… hehhh…” She couldn’t go on speaking because she had to sneeze again. “Ugh, excuse behh… Cad you put be through to Bridget?” That was the name of the third woman – their boss.

“Sure. Feel better, honey!”

“Yes?” was Bridget’s usual curt greeting.

Just at that moment, another forceful sneeze burst out of Flora’s nose, impossible to be held back. “Excuse be, Bridget! Good bordigg! Eghhh… *sniff*… I’b so sorry, but I’b afraid I cad’t cobe id today. By allergies are so bad…”


“It’s the same thing all year long!” Flora could actually see the annoyed frown on the stern-looking, grey haired woman’s face. “You may stay at home, but you need to finish that flyer today!”

Turing away from the phone, Flora sneezed massively into her tissues. “Okay. Ndo probleb. I’ll cahhh… haaaAAASSSHHHGHUH… *sniffle* I’ll call you agaid later.”


Great story!! Can’t wait for a part two

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5 hours ago, kiku said:

Thank you, @sneezefan222 ! 🌸 Glad you like it.

You’re welcome! 

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@starpollen and @Hankyrick , thank you very much! ❤️

@Guy , you probably meant no harm posting the link above. I guess you simply meant to point out my whole story series of "A Troubled Nose".
I appreciate that intention.
However, the stories belong to me, and therefore, it is my choice - my choice alone - if and when I post them.

I want to post the parts of my series here little by little, on by one.
Do not post anything here I posted anywhere else on the internet.

Thank you for understanding.

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Part 2

Humming a cheerful tune to herself, Dr. Lily Nosepeace looked up into the mirror on the wall of her office while drying her hands after washing them carefully. She tried to smooth her short brown curls that looked quite dishevelled again today, but then sighed with a wry grin, realizing it was just no use. “That’s just the way I am!” she said to herself in the mirror, gave a firm nod, and then glanced at the monitor showing her the waiting room. Ah – her first patient for today was already there.

A curvy woman with long red hair, keeping her nose buried in a large white handkerchief, was looking at the big photos on the walls. They were all former patients of Lily’s: Men and women with red, sniffly noses, obviously suffering from bad allergies. They were sneezing into tissues or hankies or their hands; some photos showed them with contorted faces in a pre-sneeze position.

Under the photos, there were large printouts giving the patients’ nicknames, sharing their comments on Dr. Nosepeace’s website:

From Snuffle Lady:

“I’ve got terrible allergies all year round. Once I start sneezing I can’t stop – it’s really annoying! I went to see Dr. Nosepeace, and she treated my nose wonderfully. She cleaned my nose, sprayed it with healing lotions, massaged my nose very patiently – I was so embarrassed because I had to sneeze again and again, but she just smiled and continued massaging my nose, until the urge to sneeze eased off!”

From Queen Hatshepsut:

“Dr. Lily Nosepeace is the best! I will only consult her from now on! She’s got truly healing hands. My hayfever was so bad, my nose was tickling constantly, I had one sneeze attack after another. Dr. Nosepeace gave me her special nose massage – it helped tremendously!”

And so on and so on…

Smiling, Lily turned back to her desk. Pushing a button, she said, “First patient, please!”

The door opened. With a violent sneeze, the red haired woman entered, still pressing the hanky to her nose.

“Bless you! And good morning!“

“Good bordig, doctohhhh... aaESSHH!... AEESSHHH!... AEISSSHHHooo!”

“Ooooohh, bless you again.“

“Thahh... heYYIIISSHHEW!... Ughh *sniff*...“ The woman blew her nose, then rubbed it fiercely.

Lily cast a glance at the note on her desk. “Ms. Higbert, I take it you came to see me because of your nasal allergies?” She motioned her patient to sit down, giving her an encouraging smile.

Pinching her reddened nose, the woman nodded and sat down. “That’s right. And please call be Flora *sniff*! I feel so old whed people call be Bizzz Hiiihh… hiigghh… hiiiIIISSSHHHOOGH!... Higbert! You’re right, Dr, Ndosepeace, I’b here because of my allergies. By ndose is killigg be. I had to take a day off today because I just cad’t stop suhh… sdeeehhh… heeeYYYYEEESSSHHHAAGH!”

“Sneezing?” Lily gently completed the sentence for her, still smiling while settling down on the chair behind her desk. Closely, she looked at the woman sitting opposite her. A large, obviously very sensitive nose, with wide nostrils she tried to hide under the hanky – without much success since she would have to change it soon…

“Yes,” Flora sniffled, then blew her nose. “I’b allergic to birch add hazel… bloobing at the bobedt… but I’b sndiffly and sdeezy all year longgh.” She dabbed the cloth lump to her red, twitchy nose.

“I see.” Lily took her time, asking her patient in detail about her allergies and symptoms, while Flora tried hard not to sneeze while talking.

“Now, please lie down on the examination couch, Flora,” the doctor said while getting up.

Flora did as she was told. Leaning back on the couch, she thought it was quite comfortable with the head part being a bit upright so she was almost sitting. Feeling her body relax, she closed her eyes for a second and just in time managed to raise the hanky to her nose that abruptly exploded in another sneeze.

“Bless you, Flora. Let me have a look at your nose.“ She gently took the well-used hanky out of her patient’s hands and put it aside. “No need to be embarrassed. I’m a specialist on rhinitis, so I’m dealing with noses like yours every day.” She took a handful of tissues and gently began wiping her patient’s nose. “So, I see you prefer hankies to tissues?”

“Yes, I do… Tissues usually don’t withstadd by forceful sdeezes.”

“Oh, then you might want to use these!” Dr. Nosepeace let go of Flora’s nose for a moment and held up a box of tissues. Glancing at them, Flora saw many colourful cartoon-like illustrations all over the box, showing people with big red noses sneezing violently into tissues. “Choonex! A hundred percent sneeze-proof! I designed them myself.”

“Wow!” Amazed, Flora scrunched up her itchy nose.

The doctor put the tissue box away and turned back to her patient. “Okay, now just relax and leave your nose all up to me. If you need to sneeze, just let me take care of it.”

Cautiously, Flora sniffled as the doctor examined her nose with skillful fingers. Gently but firmly, the doctor touched and pinched the woman’s nose. Flora felt her sensitive nostrils flare as the doctor gently pressed them, probed them. “Egh… hyyahhh --- doc, I’b goddahhhh…”

“I’ve got you.” A soothing hand was pressed against Flora’s nose, helping her to exhale deeply instead of sneezing. “Aaaaaghhh… thanggks.”

“Very sensitive nose, hmmm! And I can see your nasal membranes are very congested and swollen. Your voice sounds very stuffy too. You have trouble breathing through your nose, right?” She gently laid her fingertip on the delicate spot between the woman’s nostrils.

Flora nodded, trying to calm her hitching breath as the doctor’s fingers lightly stroked her tickly nostrils. “Haaghhh…” she gasped, wiggling her nose. I’m going to sneeze right on her fingers if she keeps tickling my nostrils like that…

“I’ve got a very good nasal spray – another creation of mine!” Dr. Nosepeace said proudly, holding up a small transparent bottle with a purple liquid in it. “It contains menthol, campher... and some other herbs that are good for your nose. It will free your nasal passages immediately, I promise!“

“Okay *sniff*...“ Flora wiggled her nose as the doctor removed her fingers, and her irritated nostrils flared widely, open and ready for the things to come.

The doctor sprayed a large squirt of the strong essence into the allergic woman’s nose.

“HeeeeYYYAASSSHHHOOH!” Abruptly, Flora let out a forceful, wet sneeze, immediately gearing up for the next one.

“Wow, wait!“ Laughing, Lily pressed her finger to Flora’s nose. “I was too slow... I was going to help you not to sneeze the spray out, sorry. Let’s try again. Are you ready?“ She cautiously removed her finger, and Flora nodded, breathing shallowly through reddened, quivering nostrils. "Sorry... ihhh... it tickled so badly..."

“I understand. Here we go..“ The doctor sprayed another large squirt of the strong essence into Flora’s nose. The moment her nostrils widened to hurl out the next sneeze, Lily quickly pressed her finger under her nose. “All right. Now just try to relax and wait for the spray to work on your nose.“

Lily’s finger on her nose helped her not to sneeze for a while, and after a few minutes, Flora felt the great relief of being able to breathe normally again.

“It’s good to see you’re feeling better!” Lily Nosepeace beamed. “Now, lie back and rest a little. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Sighing contently, Flora closed her eyes and got comfortable on her couch, listening to the beautiful Indian music playing softly in the background. She thought she would drift off into a nap when suddenly the tickle in her nose returned. Rubbing and pinching her nose, she tried to fight her urge to sneeze, but it was useless – her breath hitched, her nose scrunched up, and she sneezed forcefully into her fingers, again and again. Sniffling, she looked around for the box of Choonex.

“Bless you, Flora! Here you go.” Dr. Nosepeace was back, smiling, offering her the tissues. “Please let me take care of your nose.” Sitting down beside her, she quickly pulled out several Choonex and cupped them around Flora’s allergic, sniffly nose. “Go ahead and blow.”

“HaaIIISSSHHHHOOH!... Thanks.” Gratefully, Flora blew her nose thoroughly into the tissues Lily was holding for her. “Ah, Dr. Nosepeace… My allergies are driving me crazy. *sniff* They keep me from living a normal life.”

“Really? Would you like to tell me more about this?” The doctor disposed of the used tissues, and looked at her patient full of kindness and empathy.

Flora tried to say something, but the next urge to sneeze made her face contort and her nostrils flare widely. She turned aside so as not to sneeze onto the doctor, but Lily quickly pressed her finger under Flora’s flaring, tense nostrils. “You were saying?“

“Aghhh *sniff*...“ Instead of sneezing, Flora exhaled shakily, wiggling her itchy nose against the doctor’s finger. “Thanks! I mean… I wish I could just do things like going for a walk with someone I like. But I can’t pass a meadow or a tree or some flowers without having to sneezehhhh...“ Her reddened nostrils flared and twitched wildly against the doctor’s finger.

Lily managed to suppress that sneeze too.

“Ooohhh thanks... my nohhh... nose is tickling so badlyyhhhh...“

“I can see that!“ Lily gently pressed her finger to the woman’s nose again.

Keeping her itchy nose nestled against the doctor’s soothing finger, Flora managed to talk a bit more. She opened up towards that friendly, caring doctor, and told her what was troubling her. “The thing is… I have a hard time finding someone to go out with. Someone to love. All my dates are catastrophes. It never lasts. All guys are turned off by my big nose and my constant sneezing… NNGGGHHIIIISSSHHHuugh! Oh, sorry…” she mumbled embarrassedly after sneezing against Lily’s finger.

“Bless you! And don’t worry!... Flora, let me tell you this. If a guy gets turned off by your nose, or your sneezing, he’s a jerk. It’s as simple as that. A decent, kind-hearted man will like you whatever your nose is like. – Bless you! – No, please, don’t apologize. Here we go.” After Flora had sneezed against her finger again, Lily wiped her patient’s reddened nose with a fresh Choonex.

Flora felt comforted by Lily’s words, but her nose wouldn’t be comforted that easily – the allergic tickle kept raging in her nasal passages, and she fiercely sneezed again and again into the handful of Choonex Lily held for her.

“Oh, bless you. Still tickling badly, hmmm?” Gently, the doctor took the woman’s red, itchy nose between her fingers and started rubbing and massaging it.

“Agghhh... that feels goohh---HhenNNDDSSHHugh!... Feels goodhh... Please go ohhn...“ Flora breathed between sneezes, and Lily smiled and continued massaging her nose, until finally the sneezing eased off.

“There you go.” Softly, Lily dabbed a fresh handful of Choonex to the woman’s sniffly nose. “Feeling better now?”

“Oh yes. Ahhh… as long as you touch my nose, I feel wohhh… wonderful.“

Flora’s shallow breathing and constant nose-wiggling showed Lily how much the woman’s nose was still tickling. She looked like she would start sneezing again any second. With a kind smile, the doctor took a cloth and drenched it in something that looked and smelled like a herbal essence lotion. “This is another original recipe of my creation. It’s called Dragon Nose Wonder, and it helps against the tickle and the sneeziness.”

She brought the drenched cloth up to Flora’s nose, gently pressing it to her widened, itchy nostrils. “Inhale, dear.“

Flora did as she was told, and although the fume caused a tingly feeling in her nostrils which almost made her sneeze again, she felt the healing effect of the essence. “Aghhhh... *sniff*... thank you… it hhh---helps...“

“That’s wonderful. Relax, dear.“ Gently, Lily kept dabbing the lotion-soaked cloth to Flora’s itchy, reddened nose.

After a few minutes of resting, Lily noticed Flora’s breath was hitching again. Face contorted, nostrils flaring, Flora hastily grabbed a handful of Choonex and brought it up to her nose. “Haaahhh... haahhh... hyyahhhhh...“ she gasped, and Lily expected a massive sneeze to burst from her nose the next second – but nothing. Flora exhaled without sneezing, only to gasp again right after, gearing up to sneeze – and so she stayed, hanging in a pre-sneeze pose, eyes squinting, nostrils flaring to the widest extent, nose twitching and quivering... “Hyaahh-hyaahh... haaahhh.. aghhh I need to sneezehhhh... haahhh... it wohh... won’t come aaahhh...“

“The sneeze won’t come out, hmm?... Let me help you, Flora! I’ll get that sneeze out for you.“ Softly, she laid her fingertip on Flora’s tense nose and lightly began to tickle the sensitive organ of smell, her fingertip brushing with soft, featherly movements around the highly sensitive septum and the widened, quivering nostrils. “Hahhhh—ahh it tickles-hehhh.... heghhh... heeghhhhh.... nyyaghhh!!“ False start after false start occurred in Flora’s terribly tickly nose, so finally, Lily smiled and said, “Wait, my dear...“

She soaked another cloth in the Dragon Nose Wonder lotion, brought it up to Flora’s nose and trickled some of the strong aromatic essence into the woman’s wide open nostrils.

“Hyaaghhh—HaaAAASSHHOOH!” Abruptly, Flora’s nose exploded into a violent sneeze that was immediately followed by another one, and another one, and another one...

“Bless you! Bless you!“ Lily smiled triumphantly, taking a fresh handful of Choonex to hold it to Flora’s nose who continued sneezing heavily and snortingly. “Let it out, Flora! I’ve got you!“

“HehhhhIIIISSHHHOOH!... HaaaIISSHHOO!... HuuyISSSHHH!... HuuuIISSHHah!... Haaaahhh---AAEEESSHH!... AEESSCHHHuhh!... NnnEESSHHOOH! *sniff*... AEISSSHHHooo!... AaaeeeSSSHHuu!... EeeeAARRSSHHOO!... AaaaIIISSHHHaagh!… EERRSSHHHeeww!”

“Wowowow, bless you!! That needed to get out, hmm!“

“HennNNEEESSSHHHHAAHH!... Agh... now I can’t stohhhh... heeYYIISSHHHHAAHH!... Haaahhh...“ Before the next sneeze could erupt, Lily quickly pressed her finger to Flora’s reddened, tickly nose. “Easy, easy. I’ll help you stop.“

“Nguuhhh... uhhaaahhh...“ Flora’s nose wiggled and quivered against the doctor’s finger, about to sneeze again, and Lily quickly took the woman’s sneezy nose between her fingers, rubbing it with firm, circular motions.

“Thanks…” Sighing with relief, Flora tilted her head slightly back to present her widened nostrils to the doctor’s soothing massage.

“Never forget,” she heard Lily’s gentle voice. “You are beautiful, Flora. And your nose is beautiful. It’s special and strong. And the way you sneeze is wonderful. We are all different, and that’s good and right. Nobody in the world sneezes like you. You are all right – just the way you are.”

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2 hours ago, kiku said:

Part 2


Humming a cheerful tune to herself, Dr. Lily Nosepeace looked up into the mirror on the wall of her office while drying her hands after washing them carefully. She tried to smooth her short brown curls that looked quite dishevelled again today, but then sighed with a wry grin, realizing it was just no use. “That’s just the way I am!” she said to herself in the mirror, gave a firm nod, and then glanced at the monitor showing her the waiting room. Ah – her first patient for today was already there.



A curvy woman with long red hair, keeping her nose buried in a large white handkerchief, was looking at the big photos on the walls. They were all former patients of Lily’s: Men and women with red, sniffly noses, obviously suffering from bad allergies. They were sneezing into tissues or hankies or their hands; some photos showed them with contorted faces in a pre-sneeze position.

Under the photos, there were large printouts giving the patients’ nicknames, sharing their comments on Dr. Nosepeace’s website:

From Snuffle Lady:


“I’ve got terrible allergies all year round. Once I start sneezing I can’t stop – it’s really annoying! I went to see Dr. Nosepeace, and she treated my nose wonderfully. She cleaned my nose, sprayed it with healing lotions, massaged my nose very patiently – I was so embarrassed because I had to sneeze again and again, but she just smiled and continued massaging my nose, until the urge to sneeze eased off!”


From Queen Hatshepsut:


“Dr. Lily Nosepeace is the best! I will only consult her from now on! She’s got truly healing hands. My hayfever was so bad, my nose was tickling constantly, I had one sneeze attack after another. Dr. Nosepeace gave me her special nose massage – it helped tremendously!”

And so on and so on…


Smiling, Lily turned back to her desk. Pushing a button, she said, “First patient, please!”


The door opened. With a violent sneeze, the red haired woman entered, still pressing the hanky to her nose.

“Bless you! And good morning!“

“Good bordig, doctohhhh... aaESSHH!... AEESSHHH!... AEISSSHHHooo!”

“Ooooohh, bless you again.“

“Thahh... heYYIIISSHHEW!... Ughh *sniff*...“ The woman blew her nose, then rubbed it fiercely.

Lily cast a glance at the note on her desk. “Ms. Higbert, I take it you came to see me because of your nasal allergies?” She motioned her patient to sit down, giving her an encouraging smile.

Pinching her reddened nose, the woman nodded and sat down. “That’s right. And please call be Flora *sniff*! I feel so old whed people call be Bizzz Hiiihh… hiigghh… hiiiIIISSSHHHOOGH!... Higbert! You’re right, Dr, Ndosepeace, I’b here because of my allergies. By ndose is killigg be. I had to take a day off today because I just cad’t stop suhh… sdeeehhh… heeeYYYYEEESSSHHHAAGH!”


“Sneezing?” Lily gently completed the sentence for her, still smiling while settling down on the chair behind her desk. Closely, she looked at the woman sitting opposite her. A large, obviously very sensitive nose, with wide nostrils she tried to hide under the hanky – without much success since she would have to change it soon…

“Yes,” Flora sniffled, then blew her nose. “I’b allergic to birch add hazel… bloobing at the bobedt… but I’b sndiffly and sdeezy all year longgh.” She dabbed the cloth lump to her red, twitchy nose.


“I see.” Lily took her time, asking her patient in detail about her allergies and symptoms, while Flora tried hard not to sneeze while talking.

“Now, please lie down on the examination couch, Flora,” the doctor said while getting up.

Flora did as she was told. Leaning back on the couch, she thought it was quite comfortable with the head part being a bit upright so she was almost sitting. Feeling her body relax, she closed her eyes for a second and just in time managed to raise the hanky to her nose that abruptly exploded in another sneeze.

“Bless you, Flora. Let me have a look at your nose.“ She gently took the well-used hanky out of her patient’s hands and put it aside. “No need to be embarrassed. I’m a specialist on rhinitis, so I’m dealing with noses like yours every day.” She took a handful of tissues and gently began wiping her patient’s nose. “So, I see you prefer hankies to tissues?”

“Yes, I do… Tissues usually don’t withstadd by forceful sdeezes.”

“Oh, then you might want to use these!” Dr. Nosepeace let go of Flora’s nose for a moment and held up a box of tissues. Glancing at them, Flora saw many colourful cartoon-like illustrations all over the box, showing people with big red noses sneezing violently into tissues. “Choonex! A hundred percent sneeze-proof! I designed them myself.”

“Wow!” Amazed, Flora scrunched up her itchy nose.

The doctor put the tissue box away and turned back to her patient. “Okay, now just relax and leave your nose all up to me. If you need to sneeze, just let me take care of it.”

Cautiously, Flora sniffled as the doctor examined her nose with skillful fingers. Gently but firmly, the doctor touched and pinched the woman’s nose. Flora felt her sensitive nostrils flare as the doctor gently pressed them, probed them. “Egh… hyyahhh --- doc, I’b goddahhhh…”

“I’ve got you.” A soothing hand was pressed against Flora’s nose, helping her to exhale deeply instead of sneezing. “Aaaaaghhh… thanggks.”

“Very sensitive nose, hmmm! And I can see your nasal membranes are very congested and swollen. Your voice sounds very stuffy too. You have trouble breathing through your nose, right?” She gently laid her fingertip on the delicate spot between the woman’s nostrils.

Flora nodded, trying to calm her hitching breath as the doctor’s fingers lightly stroked her tickly nostrils. “Haaghhh…” she gasped, wiggling her nose. I’m going to sneeze right on her fingers if she keeps tickling my nostrils like that…

“I’ve got a very good nasal spray – another creation of mine!” Dr. Nosepeace said proudly, holding up a small transparent bottle with a purple liquid in it. “It contains menthol, campher... and some other herbs that are good for your nose. It will free your nasal passages immediately, I promise!“

“Okay *sniff*...“ Flora wiggled her nose as the doctor removed her fingers, and her irritated nostrils flared widely, open and ready for the things to come.

The doctor sprayed a large squirt of the strong essence into the allergic woman’s nose.

“HeeeeYYYAASSSHHHOOH!” Abruptly, Flora let out a forceful, wet sneeze, immediately gearing up for the next one.

“Wow, wait!“ Laughing, Lily pressed her finger to Flora’s nose. “I was too slow... I was going to help you not to sneeze the spray out, sorry. Let’s try again. Are you ready?“ She cautiously removed her finger, and Flora nodded, breathing shallowly through reddened, quivering nostrils. "Sorry... ihhh... it tickled so badly..."

“I understand. Here we go..“ The doctor sprayed another large squirt of the strong essence into Flora’s nose. The moment her nostrils widened to hurl out the next sneeze, Lily quickly pressed her finger under her nose. “All right. Now just try to relax and wait for the spray to work on your nose.“

Lily’s finger on her nose helped her not to sneeze for a while, and after a few minutes, Flora felt the great relief of being able to breathe normally again.

“It’s good to see you’re feeling better!” Lily Nosepeace beamed. “Now, lie back and rest a little. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Sighing contently, Flora closed her eyes and got comfortable on her couch, listening to the beautiful Indian music playing softly in the background. She thought she would drift off into a nap when suddenly the tickle in her nose returned. Rubbing and pinching her nose, she tried to fight her urge to sneeze, but it was useless – her breath hitched, her nose scrunched up, and she sneezed forcefully into her fingers, again and again. Sniffling, she looked around for the box of Choonex.

“Bless you, Flora! Here you go.” Dr. Nosepeace was back, smiling, offering her the tissues. “Please let me take care of your nose.” Sitting down beside her, she quickly pulled out several Choonex and cupped them around Flora’s allergic, sniffly nose. “Go ahead and blow.”

“HaaIIISSSHHHHOOH!... Thanks.” Gratefully, Flora blew her nose thoroughly into the tissues Lily was holding for her. “Ah, Dr. Nosepeace… My allergies are driving me crazy. *sniff* They keep me from living a normal life.”

“Really? Would you like to tell me more about this?” The doctor disposed of the used tissues, and looked at her patient full of kindness and empathy.

Flora tried to say something, but the next urge to sneeze made her face contort and her nostrils flare widely. She turned aside so as not to sneeze onto the doctor, but Lily quickly pressed her finger under Flora’s flaring, tense nostrils. “You were saying?“

“Aghhh *sniff*...“ Instead of sneezing, Flora exhaled shakily, wiggling her itchy nose against the doctor’s finger. “Thanks! I mean… I wish I could just do things like going for a walk with someone I like. But I can’t pass a meadow or a tree or some flowers without having to sneezehhhh...“ Her reddened nostrils flared and twitched wildly against the doctor’s finger.


Lily managed to suppress that sneeze too.

“Ooohhh thanks... my nohhh... nose is tickling so badlyyhhhh...“

“I can see that!“ Lily gently pressed her finger to the woman’s nose again.

Keeping her itchy nose nestled against the doctor’s soothing finger, Flora managed to talk a bit more. She opened up towards that friendly, caring doctor, and told her what was troubling her. “The thing is… I have a hard time finding someone to go out with. Someone to love. All my dates are catastrophes. It never lasts. All guys are turned off by my big nose and my constant sneezing… NNGGGHHIIIISSSHHHuugh! Oh, sorry…” she mumbled embarrassedly after sneezing against Lily’s finger.

“Bless you! And don’t worry!... Flora, let me tell you this. If a guy gets turned off by your nose, or your sneezing, he’s a jerk. It’s as simple as that. A decent, kind-hearted man will like you whatever your nose is like. – Bless you! – No, please, don’t apologize. Here we go.” After Flora had sneezed against her finger again, Lily wiped her patient’s reddened nose with a fresh Choonex.

Flora felt comforted by Lily’s words, but her nose wouldn’t be comforted that easily – the allergic tickle kept raging in her nasal passages, and she fiercely sneezed again and again into the handful of Choonex Lily held for her.

“Oh, bless you. Still tickling badly, hmmm?” Gently, the doctor took the woman’s red, itchy nose between her fingers and started rubbing and massaging it.

“Agghhh... that feels goohh---HhenNNDDSSHHugh!... Feels goodhh... Please go ohhn...“ Flora breathed between sneezes, and Lily smiled and continued massaging her nose, until finally the sneezing eased off.

“There you go.” Softly, Lily dabbed a fresh handful of Choonex to the woman’s sniffly nose. “Feeling better now?”

“Oh yes. Ahhh… as long as you touch my nose, I feel wohhh… wonderful.“

Flora’s shallow breathing and constant nose-wiggling showed Lily how much the woman’s nose was still tickling. She looked like she would start sneezing again any second. With a kind smile, the doctor took a cloth and drenched it in something that looked and smelled like a herbal essence lotion. “This is another original recipe of my creation. It’s called Dragon Nose Wonder, and it helps against the tickle and the sneeziness.”

She brought the drenched cloth up to Flora’s nose, gently pressing it to her widened, itchy nostrils. “Inhale, dear.“

Flora did as she was told, and although the fume caused a tingly feeling in her nostrils which almost made her sneeze again, she felt the healing effect of the essence. “Aghhhh... *sniff*... thank you… it hhh---helps...“

“That’s wonderful. Relax, dear.“ Gently, Lily kept dabbing the lotion-soaked cloth to Flora’s itchy, reddened nose.

After a few minutes of resting, Lily noticed Flora’s breath was hitching again. Face contorted, nostrils flaring, Flora hastily grabbed a handful of Choonex and brought it up to her nose. “Haaahhh... haahhh... hyyahhhhh...“ she gasped, and Lily expected a massive sneeze to burst from her nose the next second – but nothing. Flora exhaled without sneezing, only to gasp again right after, gearing up to sneeze – and so she stayed, hanging in a pre-sneeze pose, eyes squinting, nostrils flaring to the widest extent, nose twitching and quivering... “Hyaahh-hyaahh... haaahhh.. aghhh I need to sneezehhhh... haahhh... it wohh... won’t come aaahhh...“

“The sneeze won’t come out, hmm?... Let me help you, Flora! I’ll get that sneeze out for you.“ Softly, she laid her fingertip on Flora’s tense nose and lightly began to tickle the sensitive organ of smell, her fingertip brushing with soft, featherly movements around the highly sensitive septum and the widened, quivering nostrils. “Hahhhh—ahh it tickles-hehhh.... heghhh... heeghhhhh.... nyyaghhh!!“ False start after false start occurred in Flora’s terribly tickly nose, so finally, Lily smiled and said, “Wait, my dear...“


She soaked another cloth in the Dragon Nose Wonder lotion, brought it up to Flora’s nose and trickled some of the strong aromatic essence into the woman’s wide open nostrils.

“Hyaaghhh—HaaAAASSHHOOH!” Abruptly, Flora’s nose exploded into a violent sneeze that was immediately followed by another one, and another one, and another one...

“Bless you! Bless you!“ Lily smiled triumphantly, taking a fresh handful of Choonex to hold it to Flora’s nose who continued sneezing heavily and snortingly. “Let it out, Flora! I’ve got you!“

“HehhhhIIIISSHHHOOH!... HaaaIISSHHOO!... HuuyISSSHHH!... HuuuIISSHHah!... Haaaahhh---AAEEESSHH!... AEESSCHHHuhh!... NnnEESSHHOOH! *sniff*... AEISSSHHHooo!... AaaeeeSSSHHuu!... EeeeAARRSSHHOO!... AaaaIIISSHHHaagh!… EERRSSHHHeeww!”

“Wowowow, bless you!! That needed to get out, hmm!“

“HennNNEEESSSHHHHAAHH!... Agh... now I can’t stohhhh... heeYYIISSHHHHAAHH!... Haaahhh...“ Before the next sneeze could erupt, Lily quickly pressed her finger to Flora’s reddened, tickly nose. “Easy, easy. I’ll help you stop.“

“Nguuhhh... uhhaaahhh...“ Flora’s nose wiggled and quivered against the doctor’s finger, about to sneeze again, and Lily quickly took the woman’s sneezy nose between her fingers, rubbing it with firm, circular motions.

“Thanks…” Sighing with relief, Flora tilted her head slightly back to present her widened nostrils to the doctor’s soothing massage.

“Never forget,” she heard Lily’s gentle voice. “You are beautiful, Flora. And your nose is beautiful. It’s special and strong. And the way you sneeze is wonderful. We are all different, and that’s good and right. Nobody in the world sneezes like you. You are all right – just the way you are.”

Another great addition to this already fantastic story! ❤️ keep up the good work @kiku

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This is amazing. Thanks Kiku for this great story. Always a pleasure to read something from you. 😊

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That's brilliant - love the way Lily spoke about Flora's nose at the end. 

And the sequence with the nasal spray was so realistic - I'm just like that with them, as soon as it goes in I feel so sneezy and just desperate to blow! Of course, I have to tell myself not to be so silly as after one of my blows there'd definitely be none of it left!!

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Awww thank you both! 😊 ❤️

@Rick I'm glad the scene with the nasal spray was realistic. I had read before that nasal spray makes some people sneeze, but it's still a different thing to get it confirmed by someone letting me know directly. So, thanks for that! 🌸

@Jess Starseed1111 I'm so happy you like my (non-Poldark) stories too! 😀 💕 And I love that cute gif - is it from "Pride and Prejudice"?

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36 minutes ago, Rick said:

That's brilliant - love the way Lily spoke about Flora's nose at the end. 

I forgot to mention this one! 😅

I'm glad you liked that particular part, because it is so special to me. No woman should ever be embarrassed about her nose - the size, the shape, the sound of her sneezing, the frequency of her sneezing... whatever. Any nose is beautiful and unique, and sneezing is a natural thing that shouldn't be hidden.
Hooray for Nose Freedom! 👃 🤧 ❤️

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@anna Thank you so much! ❤️

@Jess Starseed1111 Ah, I know what kind of movies you mean... I like them, and I'm a hopeless romantic too. 😊

I'm really looking forward to the time when we can exchange private messages or chat directly, so we can lose ourselves in all that dreamy stuff we have in common... 🌸 🫠 🌞 🏝️

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