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A bad, super contagious summer cold


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Hi guys!
Here I am with another story!
I've never written a fic about a summer cold before so this is a first for me!
But oh well, enjoy!

Part 1:
That hot and sunny summer day Hannah woke up feeling completely congested.
Her room was so hot and stuffy and yet she had the chills and felt a bit cold.
She sniffled wetly and sighed helplessly, rubbing her blocked, snotty nose with the back of her hand.
It was official: Hannah had definitely caught that summer cold she'd been trying so hard to fight off.
And it felt like it would be a bad one too...
The previous day she'd woken up with a sore throat and a bit of a headache: she felt a bit off, really tired and rundown, so she knew she was probably coming down with a cold.
Because of that, she wasn't exactly surprised when she woke up feeling shitty the next day.
Hannah sat up in her bed and suddenly thought of what had happened 3 days earlier: she had to go back home from a quick weekend away and had a flight really early in the morning.
As soon as she boarded the plane, she was startled by a very powerful male sneeze: "HURAAASSHOOO!!!", which was followed by a sigh and a snotty nose blow.
She thought nothing of it, but when she found her seat she felt a shiver down her spine: she looked at the seat next to her and a tired-looking young man was sitting there.
He was definitely suffering from a very bad cold: the rims of his nose looked really red and irritated, certainly because of all the wiping and the blowing, he had very noticeable dark circles under his eyes and was holding a crumpled tissue up to his nose.
Not to mention he was also sniffling very thickly almost all the time and sneezing about every 2 minutes.
Hannah couldn't believe how miserable this guy looked: "He must be very sick!" She thought.
She felt really sorry for him, but at the same time the idea of having to sit beside that sniffly, sneezy mess was not exactly thrilling...
You see, Hannah absolutely hated being sick and she really didn't wanna catch whatever this guy had!
She was still standing a few metres away from her seat, but then she gathered the courage to finally sit beside that young (and also fairly attractive!) cold-ridden man.
As soon as she sat down, he let out a loud double: "HUUH-HHHUUUH... HUUURRAAASSSHOOO!! HHEEE... HHUUH... HURRAASSHOO!!"
He sneezed into a fresh tissue and those two explosions made him bend at the waist!
"Ugh... oh by God!" He mumbled, his voice muffled by the tissue he was still holding up to his blocked up nostrils.
Then, he blew his nose productively into the same tissue, which was now utterly soaked.
After that, he turned to Hannah and said: "Excuse be, I have a terrible cold right dow.
I'b so sorry if I end up gettig you sick...
His voice sounded horrible: it was very hoarse, deep and thick with congestion, it was almost impossible to understand what he was saying.
But for some reason that deeper voice made him even more attractive...
Hannah muttered, trying to sound as nice as she could: "No worries, I'm sorry you're sick! Feel better soon!"
"Thadg you... HAAAH... HUURRAAACCCHOO!! Ugh... subber colds are the worst! Don't you agree?"
"Sorry?" This time she actually hadn't understood what he was trying to say because of his super stuffy voice.
"I said... Subber colds are the worst! Aren't they?" He repeated himself, wincing at how bad he sounded.
"Oh yeah, you're right! Being stuck in the house with a cold when the weather is hot and everyone is out having fun sucks!"
She exclaimed, but towards the end of the sentence she could see he was building up to another sneeze...
This time he hadn't managed to conceal that forceful sneeze that well, so Hannah could literally see the wet spray get into the air around him, creating a germ-infested cloud right above their heads.
"I'm definitely gonna catch this..." She thought, a feeling of dread creeping into her mind.
"I'b sorry! Yeah, it does suck!
I was supposed to go out with by sister later today but I dod't thidk I cad go... you know, I dod't want her to catch... well, this!"
He said, pointing to his red, chapped nose with his forefinger, sniffling wetly.
Hannah didn't know what to say this time so she just chuckled nervously instead.
The sick guy kept sniffling and blowing his nose almost constantly and every few minutes he let out a super powerful, congested sneeze, catching it into a tissue/his elbow.
Hannah was exhausted but she couldn't sleep, annoyed as she was because of that rather inconvenient situation.
She closed her eyes but a particularly loud sneeze startled her, so she opened them again.
At the end of the flight she told the sick guy: "Bye, get lots of rest and feel better soon!"
The young guy thanked her and walked away, wiping his nose with his last, very used tissue.
As soon as she got back home, Hannah washed her hands very thoroughly and took her vitamins, hoping they would boost her immune system.
She went to bed and immediately fell asleep as she was really tired.
Fast forward to that Friday (3 days after her flight) and, as we know, her immune system had lost its battle against that nasty bug and she was now officially sick.
"HHAAH... HAAH... HAASSSSHOO!!" She sneezed into her hands, which were now full of wet spray.
Now her nose felt super runny and stuffed up at the same time.
"SNNFFF!! Ugh... oh do!" She exclaimed in a whiney voice, wincing at how congested she sounded.
"Ugh, I hate colds..." she muttered.
That loud sneeze hadn't been kind to her throat, which was still very sore: she constantly felt like there was something stuck in there, so she was left having to clear it very frequently.
Hannah felt just downright miserable: her nose was so tickly and stuffy that it was driving her crazy, she constantly felt like she had to sneeze, her head was pounding, her throat was killing her and on top of that she felt really tired and cold.
She was lying in bed when she suddenly remembered something...

That's it for today, guys!
I'm gonna leave you on tenterhooks with this lovely cliffhanger!
Stay tuned for part 2!


Edited by Italiangirl
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  • Italiangirl changed the title to A bad, super contagious summer cold

Please continue this wonderful story and keep up the amazing work I absolutely love all of the big messy sneezes so far can’t wait to read more 

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Aww. - fever and chills. No fun for poor Hannah, but fun for us. Hopefully Ms. Hannah doesn't have to fly again for a few days; that would sure be awkward.

Looking forward to seeing where things go from here. 

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Hi guys!

This part contains some cold denial and also a brief digression in which I'll introduce a few new characters.

Also fyi, when I wrote 30 degrees, I meant 30 degrees Celsius, NOT Fahrenheit!

But let's start!


Part 2:

Hannah remembered that that day she had to go out with her friends. 

They were planning to go to the swimming pool to have fun and finally catch up as they hadn't hung out in ages.

They had been trying to plan that day out for eons, but every time they'd had to cancel because of various reasons.

"We can't cancel because of me again" she thought.

Hannah was a very busy person, so almost every time they'd had to cancel it was because of her.

She knew she was ill and probably very contagious, but most of all she knew that she felt miserable and didn't have the energy to do anything, let alone go swimming!

She thought of texting them to explain she was sick but she didn't want them to think it was an excuse, so she got up and went to get ready, sniffling and sneezing all the while.

"HAAAAAH... Do, please... dot dow!! HHAAAA... HAAASSHOO!!! Ugh... oh do!"

She was making some tea to soothe her throat but the steam coming from that hot beverage made her nose tickle so badly, so she sneezed messily right into the tea.

She cringed at the mess she had made and threw away her tea.

"What a waste... SNNNFFF!!"

The hot cup of tea helped with the chills a bit, so she wasn't shivering anymore.

She still felt a bit feverish though: she knew she was running a fever but she refused to check as that would mean she would have to admit to sickness.

The tea had also provided a few minutes of relief for her poor throat, but now it was really sore again.

On top of that, she could feel herself getting more and more sniffly and blocked up as the day went on.

She was now ready to go out, but not before she had grabbed several packets of tissues and stuffed them in her pockets.

As soon as she stepped outside, she had to sneeze so bad: "HAAAAH... HAASSHOOO!! HUH... HAACCHOOO!! HAAAH... HHAAASSSHOOO!! Ugh... oh by God!" 

The sunlight had made the relentless tickle in her nose worse and she had no choice but to succumb to that exhausting sneezing fit.

All those sneezes were starting to hurt her throat and it wasn't fun.

She blew her nose productively into a fresh tissue and then put it back into her pocket: it was now so filled with clear, gooey snot that it was wet to the touch.

Soon, her friend Rob's car stopped by her house and he told her to get on.


But let's meet Hannah's friends and get to know them a bit better...

Rob: The one driving his car.

He is a very thin, healthy 27-year-old competitive swimmer.

As per his personality, he's very friendly and outgoing, always cheerful and always has a smile on his face.

He hardly ever gets sick because of his very healthy life style.

Lisa: she's a chubby 26-year-old young woman whose life style is very different from Rob's.

She doesn't care about eating healthy and enjoys partying, usually doesn't get enough sleep. 

She's nearly always sick with something as she's very prone to catching colds.

The last time they'd had to cancel (about 2 weeks earlier) it was because she'd caught a really bad cold.

About her personality, she's a bit shallow and really cares about the way she looks (she often wears lots of make-up). 

She is all about going out, drinking and having fun.

Susan: she is also 27 years old but she's probably the most caring, intelligent and responsible member of the group (along with Hannah) so it feels like she's the oldest one even though she isn't. She is very sensitive and always cries when she watches sad films.

She really likes reading and works at a library.

As per her immune system, it's pretty average and she gets sick from time to time, especially during cold and flu season.


But let's go back to our story: Hannah got in the car, she sat in the middle seat between Susan and Lisa and greeted her friends.

"Hi Hannah!" they all greeted her in unison.

They could all see she looked really pale and tired and they also noticed a constant sniffle.

Plus, they could all hear the awful congestion in her voice.

Susan's maternal instinct immediately switched on so she raised an eyebrow: something was not right...

"Are you alright, Hannah? You don't look too good..." She asked, sounding a bit concerned.

At first, Hannah acted as if she hadn't heard her but then she answered: "Huh? Be? I'b fide! It's just by allergies, they've beed botherig be lately... SNNFFF!!"

She said, trying to sound as energetic as possible.

"Poor dear! She sounds so congested!

But as far as I know, she doesn't have any allergies..." Thought Susan.

She wasn't convinced and was pretty sure her friend had come down with a lovely summer cold instead.

Her father was a doctor and he'd told her: "A lot of patients of mine are showing up at my practice lately, complaining about a really bad cold. Most people don't know that, but cold viruses can spread also during the summer, even though cold and flu season is over.

There must be a nasty bug going round, so try to be careful and stay away from people who are showing cold symptoms!"

However, Susan pretended to believe her excuse.

The others weren't that convinced either, but they all played along.

"Oh yeah, I heard the pollen count is very high lately! My little sister suffers from really bad hayfever so she's struggling too!"

Said Rob.

Lisa looked at Hannah again: she was constantly holding a tissue up to her runny nose, she looked exhausted and her lips were slightly parted as she had to breathe through her mouth. 

She looked like she was feeling miserable and she wasn't convinced by her excuse either.

The only one who seemed to genuinely believe her was Rob... but he wasn't really all that convinced either... 

The poor girl definitely looked sick! 

"Yeah, she probably has a cold... 

I'm sorry for her but I don't get sick so it will be fine" he thought as he looked at Hannah from the rear mirror.

Lisa finally mustered up the courage to ask Hannah: "Are you sure it's not a cold? You look a bit flushed! You might be running a fever!"

"Do, do! It's defiditely dot a cold! SSSNFF... If I look a bit tired it's because I was up all dight sdeezig by head off..."

They all gave her a suspicious look, so she quickly added: "Because of by allergies!" 

Susan put her hand on Hannah's forehead: "Hannah, you do feel a bit warm..." she admitted, looking a bit worried...

"Stop it, Susad! Of course I feel warb, it's freakig 30 degrees outside!"

Lisa was starting to get worried, not only about her friend but also about herself: she had just got over a terrible cold about a week earlier and she surely didn't want to catch another one!

But she kept quiet as she didn't want to be rude.

Hannah had managed not to sneeze up until that point, to her surprise.

But she had a bad, sneezy cold and there was no way she could hold back her sneezes any longer...

Her breath started hitching and she could feel a huge sneezing fit coming on.

Soon the tickle in her sinuses became unbearable: "HAAAASSSHOO!! HAAH... HAAASSSHH!! HAAAMMPPSSHOOO!!"

She tried to stifle them into a tissue but they still sounded really loud and powerful.

"Bless you, Hannah!" Her friends said in unison again.

"Thagks guys... SSSNNFFF!!"

She blew her nose very productively into a new, fresh tissue as the other one was already completely soaked...

"Oh God, this cold is killing me!"

She thought.

 That's it for today, guys!

Stay tuned for part 3! 







Edited by Italiangirl
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On 6/15/2023 at 8:48 PM, Italiangirl said:

Hi guys!
Here I am with another story!
I've never written a fic about a summer cold before so this is a first for me!
But oh well, enjoy!

Part 1:
That hot and sunny summer day Hannah woke up feeling completely congested.
Her room was so hot and stuffy and yet she had the chills and felt a bit cold.
She sniffled wetly and sighed helplessly, rubbing her blocked, snotty nose with the back of her hand.
It was official: Hannah had definitely caught that summer cold she'd been trying so hard to fight off.
And it felt like it would be a bad one too...
The previous day she'd woken up with a sore throat and a bit of a headache: she felt a bit off, really tired and rundown, so she knew she was probably coming down with a cold.
Because of that, she wasn't exactly surprised when she woke up feeling shitty the next day.
Hannah sat up in her bed and suddenly thought of what had happened 3 days earlier: she had to go back home from a quick weekend away and had a flight really early in the morning.
As soon as she boarded the plane, she was startled by a very powerful male sneeze: "HURAAASSHOOO!!!", which was followed by a sigh and a snotty nose blow.
She thought nothing of it, but when she found her seat she felt a shiver down her spine: she looked at the seat next to her and a tired-looking young man was sitting there.
He was definitely suffering from a very bad cold: the rims of his nose looked really red and irritated, certainly because of all the wiping and the blowing, he had very noticeable dark circles under his eyes and was holding a crumpled tissue up to his nose.
Not to mention he was also sniffling very thickly almost all the time and sneezing about every 2 minutes.
Hannah couldn't believe how miserable this guy looked: "He must be very sick!" She thought.
She felt really sorry for him, but at the same time the idea of having to sit beside that sniffly, sneezy mess was not exactly thrilling...
You see, Hannah absolutely hated being sick and she really didn't wanna catch whatever this guy had!
She was still standing a few metres away from her seat, but then she gathered the courage to finally sit beside that young (and also fairly attractive!) cold-ridden man.
As soon as she sat down, he let out a loud double: "HUUH-HHHUUUH... HUUURRAAASSSHOOO!! HHEEE... HHUUH... HURRAASSHOO!!"
He sneezed into a fresh tissue and those two explosions made him bend at the waist!
"Ugh... oh by God!" He mumbled, his voice muffled by the tissue he was still holding up to his blocked up nostrils.
Then, he blew his nose productively into the same tissue, which was now utterly soaked.
After that, he turned to Hannah and said: "Excuse be, I have a terrible cold right dow.
I'b so sorry if I end up gettig you sick...
His voice sounded horrible: it was very hoarse, deep and thick with congestion, it was almost impossible to understand what he was saying.
But for some reason that deeper voice made him even more attractive...
Hannah muttered, trying to sound as nice as she could: "No worries, I'm sorry you're sick! Feel better soon!"
"Thadg you... HAAAH... HUURRAAACCCHOO!! Ugh... subber colds are the worst! Don't you agree?"
"Sorry?" This time she actually hadn't understood what he was trying to say because of his super stuffy voice.
"I said... Subber colds are the worst! Aren't they?" He repeated himself, wincing at how bad he sounded.
"Oh yeah, you're right! Being stuck in the house with a cold when the weather is hot and everyone is out having fun sucks!"
She exclaimed, but towards the end of the sentence she could see he was building up to another sneeze...
This time he hadn't managed to conceal that forceful sneeze that well, so Hannah could literally see the wet spray get into the air around him, creating a germ-infested cloud right above their heads.
"I'm definitely gonna catch this..." She thought, a feeling of dread creeping into her mind.
"I'b sorry! Yeah, it does suck!
I was supposed to go out with by sister later today but I dod't thidk I cad go... you know, I dod't want her to catch... well, this!"
He said, pointing to his red, chapped nose with his forefinger, sniffling wetly.
Hannah didn't know what to say this time so she just chuckled nervously instead.
The sick guy kept sniffling and blowing his nose almost constantly and every few minutes he let out a super powerful, congested sneeze, catching it into a tissue/his elbow.
Hannah was exhausted but she couldn't sleep, annoyed as she was because of that rather inconvenient situation.
She closed her eyes but a particularly loud sneeze startled her, so she opened them again.
At the end of the flight she told the sick guy: "Bye, get lots of rest and feel better soon!"
The young guy thanked her and walked away, wiping his nose with his last, very used tissue.
As soon as she got back home, Hannah washed her hands very thoroughly and took her vitamins, hoping they would boost her immune system.
She went to bed and immediately fell asleep as she was really tired.
Fast forward to that Friday (3 days after her flight) and, as we know, her immune system had lost its battle against that nasty bug and she was now officially sick.
"HHAAH... HAAH... HAASSSSHOO!!" She sneezed into her hands, which were now full of wet spray.
Now her nose felt super runny and stuffed up at the same time.
"SNNFFF!! Ugh... oh do!" She exclaimed in a whiney voice, wincing at how congested she sounded.
"Ugh, I hate colds..." she muttered.
That loud sneeze hadn't been kind to her throat, which was still very sore: she constantly felt like there was something stuck in there, so she was left having to clear it very frequently.
Hannah felt just downright miserable: her nose was so tickly and stuffy that it was driving her crazy, she constantly felt like she had to sneeze, her head was pounding, her throat was killing her and on top of that she felt really tired and cold.
She was lying in bed when she suddenly remembered something...

That's it for today, guys!
I'm gonna leave you on tenterhooks with this lovely cliffhanger!
Stay tuned for part 2!


Oh i love that cliffhanger😍 

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2 hours ago, Italiangirl said:

Hi guys!

This part contains some cold denial and also a brief digression in which I'll introduce a few new characters.

Also fyi, when I wrote 30 degrees, I meant 30 degrees Celsius, NOT Fahrenheit!

But let's start!


Part 2:

Hannah remembered that that day she had to go out with her friends. 

They were planning to go to the swimming pool to have fun and finally catch up as they hadn't hung out in ages.

They had been trying to plan that day out for eons, but every time they'd had to cancel because of various reasons.

"We can't cancel because of me again" she thought.

Hannah was a very busy person, so almost every time they'd had to cancel it was because of her.

She knew she was ill and probably very contagious, but most of all she knew that she felt miserable and didn't have the energy to do anything, let alone go swimming!

She thought of texting them to explain she was sick but she didn't want them to think it was an excuse, so she got up and went to get ready, sniffling and sneezing all the while.

"HAAAAAH... Do, please... dot dow!! HHAAAA... HAAASSHOO!!! Ugh... oh do!"

She was making some tea to soothe her throat but the steam coming from that hot beverage made her nose tickle so badly, so she sneezed messily right into the tea.

She cringed at the mess she had made and threw away her tea.

"What a waste... SNNNFFF!!"

The hot cup of tea helped with the chills a bit, so she wasn't shivering anymore.

She still felt a bit feverish though: she knew she was running a fever but she refused to check as that would mean she would have to admit to sickness.

The tea had also provided a few minutes of relief for her poor throat, but now it was really sore again.

On top of that, she could feel herself getting more and more sniffly and blocked up as the day went on.

She was now ready to go out, but not before she had grabbed several packets of tissues and stuffed them in her pockets.

As soon as she stepped outside, she had to sneeze so bad: "HAAAAH... HAASSHOOO!! HUH... HAACCHOOO!! HAAAH... HHAAASSSHOOO!! Ugh... oh by God!" 

The sunlight had made the relentless tickle in her nose worse and she had no choice but to succumb to that exhausting sneezing fit.

All those sneezes were starting to hurt her throat and it wasn't fun.

She blew her nose productively into a fresh tissue and then put it back into her pocket: it was now so filled with clear, gooey snot that it was wet to the touch.

Soon, her friend Rob's car stopped by her house and he told her to get on.


But let's meet Hannah's friends and get to know them a bit better...

Rob: The one driving his car.

He is a very thin, healthy 27-year-old competitive swimmer.

As per his personality, he's very friendly and outgoing, always cheerful and always has a smile on his face.

He hardly ever gets sick because of his very healthy life style.

Lisa: she's a chubby 26-year-old young woman whose life style is very different from Rob's.

She doesn't care about eating healthy and enjoys partying, usually doesn't get enough sleep. 

She's nearly always sick with something as she's very prone to catching colds.

The last time they'd had to cancel (about 2 weeks earlier) it was because she'd caught a really bad cold.

About her personality, she's a bit shallow and really cares about the way she looks (she often wears lots of make-up). 

She is all about going out, drinking and having fun.

Susan: she is also 27 years old but she's probably the most caring, intelligent and responsible member of the group (along with Hannah) so it feels like she's the oldest one even though she isn't. She is very sensitive and always cries when she watches sad films.

She really likes reading and works at a library.

As per her immune system, it's pretty average and she gets sick from time to time, especially during cold and flu season.


But let's go back to our story: Hannah got in the car, she sat in the middle seat between Susan and Lisa and greeted her friends.

"Hi Hannah!" they all greeted her in unison.

They could all see she looked really pale and tired and they also noticed a constant sniffle.

Plus, they could all hear the awful congestion in her voice.

Susan's maternal instinct immediately switched on so she raised an eyebrow: something was not right...

"Are you alright, Hannah? You don't look too good..." She asked, sounding a bit concerned.

At first, Hannah acted as if she hadn't heard her but then she answered: "Huh? Be? I'b fide! It's just by allergies, they've beed botherig be lately... SNNFFF!!"

She said, trying to sound as energetic as possible.

"Poor dear! She sounds so congested!

But as far as I know, she doesn't have any allergies..." Thought Susan.

She wasn't convinced and was pretty sure her friend had come down with a lovely summer cold instead.

Her father was a doctor and he'd told her: "A lot of patients of mine are showing up at my practice lately, complaining about a really bad cold. Most people don't know that, but cold viruses can spread also during the summer, even though cold and flu season is over.

There must be a nasty bug going round, so try to be careful and stay away from people who are showing cold symptoms!"

However, Susan pretended to believe her excuse.

The others weren't that convinced either, but they all played along.

"Oh yeah, I heard the pollen count is very high lately! My little sister suffers from really bad hayfever so she's struggling too!"

Said Rob.

Lisa looked at Hannah again: she was constantly holding a tissue up to her runny nose, she looked exhausted and her lips were slightly parted as she had to breathe through her mouth. 

She looked like she was feeling miserable and she wasn't convinced by her excuse either.

The only one who seemed to genuinely believe her was Rob... but he wasn't really all that convinced either... 

The poor girl definitely looked sick! 

"Yeah, she probably has a cold... 

I'm sorry for her but I don't get sick so it will be fine" he thought as he looked at Hannah from the rear mirror.

Lisa finally mustered up the courage to ask Hannah: "Are you sure it's not a cold? You look a bit flushed! You might be running a fever!"

"Do, do! It's defiditely dot a cold! SSSNFF... If I look a bit tired it's because I was up all dight sdeezig by head off..."

They all gave her a suspicious look, so she quickly added: "Because of by allergies!" 

Susan put her hand on Hannah's forehead: "Hannah, you do feel a bit warm..." she admitted, looking a bit worried...

"Stop it, Susad! Of course I feel warb, it's freakig 30 degrees outside!"

Lisa was starting to get worried, not only about her friend but also about herself: she had just got over a terrible cold about a week earlier and she surely didn't want to catch another one!

But she kept quiet as she didn't want to be rude.

Hannah had managed not to sneeze up until that point, to her surprise.

But she had a bad, sneezy cold and there was no way she could hold back her sneezes any longer...

Her breath started hitching and she could feel a huge sneezing fit coming on.

Soon the tickle in her sinuses became unbearable: "HAAAASSSHOO!! HAAH... HAAASSSHH!! HAAAMMPPSSHOOO!!"

She tried to stifle them into a tissue but they still sounded really loud and powerful.

"Bless you, Hannah!" Her friends said in unison again.

"Thagks guys... SSSNNFFF!!"

She blew her nose very productively into a new, fresh tissue as the other one was already completely soaked...

"Oh God, this cold is killing me!"

She thought.

 That's it for today, guys!

Stay tuned for part 3! 







I love it!😍 please continue soon!😍 

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Hi guys!

Sorry for the late update, I've been really busy!



After that sneezy car ride, our 4 friends had made it to the swimming pool.

Hannah stepped out of the car, still holding a crumpled tissue up to her poor nose: she felt rubbish and the weather was so hot that it was making her feel worse.

For some reason the heat was making her develop a sinus a headache, also her nose felt even stuffier.

She blew her nose (rather unproductively) into that crumpled tissue: after a little while the wet, gurgly sound she was producing turned into a loud honk, it sounded like she was playing the trumpet!

Her friends heard that and looked at her suspiciously again: she wanted the ground to swallow her up, she really hated being the centre of attention!

"I'b sorry, guys! Ugh... by allergies are killig be today, you kndow that!"

Her nose was so congested that she had to stop talking for a few seconds to catch her breath!

Her friends didn't say anything, they just kept on walking.

"That was a terrible mistake...

I'm really not feeling well, I can barely stand up and my nose is driving me crazy! 

But I really didn't want to let them down!"

Hannah thought.

When they paid for their tickets to access the swimming pool, the cashier noticed that Hannah looked really sick and she felt sorry for her.

When it was her turn to pay she said: "Oh dear, I'm sorry you're not feeling well...

There is definitely something going round!

You're not the first one I've seen with a cold today!"

Hannah was really embarrassed and she didn't know what to say, so she just muttered: "Oh do, I'b dot sick! It's just allergies!" 

The cashier didn't look that convinced, but she just said: "Feel better soon, dear!"

"Thadg you... SNNFFF!!"

She sniffled thickly, the type of sniffle where you can hear the congestion shifting.

They finally reached the swimming pool and Rob immediately dived in.

The others followed almost instantly, while Hannah was a bit hesitant: "Is the water cold?" She asked, looking a bit worried.

Her friends were really starting to think she was ill, she'd never cared about the temperature of the water before.

Besides, it was so hot that the cold water felt really nice to dive into.

But Hannah was sick and feverish and all she wanted now was a hot bath if anything!

She finally mustered up the courage to dive into the pool...

The water was absolutely freezing cold!

The temperature change made her nose tickle like crazy: she desperately tried to contain it by pinching her nose but it was just strong!

"Huh... huh... hutttsssshoo!! Huuttssheeewww!! Huh... huuu-huuh-huuttssshOO! Hassshoo!!! Ugh, oh by God!"

She had no choice but to succumb to those unstoppable, harsh and absolutely earth-shattering sneezes.

They were so intense that her nose was sore and her throat hurt even more now.

She voluntarily let out a few light coughs into her fist to help her throat.

That sneezing fit had really crept up on her and she didn't have time to cover her nose and mouth with her elbow/hands, so she just ended up letting those cold-filled sneezes fly into the air, spraying it with thousands of germs.

Unfortunately, her friends were all standing next to her (they were still in the shallow end of the pool) and they could all feel the wet, snotty spray land on their faces.

"Eeeewww!! You've just sneezed on us! That's gross!" Screamed Lisa, while frantically trying to wipe away the spray from her face.

The others looked pretty disgusted but they didn't say anything, they just slowly tried to wipe off the spray from their own faces.

Hannah was still recovering from that exhausting sneezing fit, when she finally realised what had just happened: "Oh, I'b sooo sorry!!!! I did't bead to sdeeze od you! SSSNFF... Ugh, they crept up od be!!!" 

She was literally mortified: now all of her friends were probably gonna catch that nasty cold and it was all her fault!

But obviously she still refused to admit to sickness...

Susan, still a bit grossed out, managed to offer: "Don't worry, Hannah. It's not your fault..."

She tried her best to smile at her: of course she knew Hannah didn't mean to sneeze on her, but still... it was pretty gross.

Lisa was a bit mad at her friend, as she also suspected Hannah was ill and she really didn't wanna get sick again.

Rob was the only one who seemed pretty unfazed by what had happened: "Even if she IS sick, I'm not gonna get it anyways so it's no big deal!" He thought.

In the meantime, Hannah could feel warm snot running down onto her lips: there was a string of thick, clear mucus hanging down from her left nostril. 

She quickly wiped her nose with the back of her hand, then closed her eyes and sniffled wetly.

She really hoped her friends hadn't noticed that.

"Agaid, I'b soo sorry, guys..."

She apologised again.

Soon after that, Hannah felt the cold water on her skin and she realised she had the chills again: she was freezing!

"Whhyyyy... is... the... water... freezig cold?

Huttsshhh!!" She asked in a shaky voice, then stifled a quick sneeze into her elbow.

All of her friends promptly blessed her.

"Bless you! What?? The water is actually not that cold! At least not for me... 

Are you sure you're not sick?"

Asked Rob, looking both worried and confused.

Hannah was now sniffling uncontrollably and she muttered in the same shaky voice as before: "Sorry, I reaaally... deed to... bloww... byyy... dooose..."

It was really hard to talk as she was shivering a lot now. Plus, she had a horrible runny nose and she just couldn't bear it anymore.

Lisa was no longer mad at her now: the poor girl looked absolutely miserable.

"Hannah, you're definitely sick! You should be in bed!" 

Susan said: "Yeah, you're right, Lisa!

Poor thing, you're shaking like a leaf! You must be running a fever! You should get out of the pool right now!"

Hannah nodded her head while gently wiping her nose with the back of her hand.

She got out of the pool and went to sit on the grass, still shivering and sniffling nonstop.

Susan's maternal instinct kicked in again and she got out of the pool: "Sorry, guys.

She's obviously sick and I'm gonna take care of her. I'll be back later, have fun!"

The others nodded their heads as they looked at her get out of the pool.

"Poor Hannah, she really doesn't look like she's having fun..." Said Rob.

Susan took a dry towel and placed it on the poor Hannah, who was soaking wet and still shaking from the cold water.

She carefully dried her hair with another towel: while doing that, she could hear her friend's thick, snotty sniffles and she could see that she was continuously wiping her poor, irritated nostrils. 

Susan remembered she had packed a packet of tissues, so she went to get it.

She whipped out a fresh tissue and handed it to her cold-ridden friend: "There you go, Hannah... Take it!"

"Aawww, thadg you! I rad out of tissues after the car ride ad I did't kndow what to do! You're a lifesaver! SNFFF!!" 

It was a bit easier to talk now, as the shivering had calmed down a bit.

Hannah buried her nose into that tissue and gave her nose a really long, gurgly blow.

Soon, her nose started tickling again...


She said in a whiney voice.

Hannah felt gross.

She didn't feel bad, she felt TERRIBLE.

She couldn't breathe through her nose, her throat was really sore and she was just so exhausted from all the sneezing.

Plus, the sinus headache was not fun and she still felt cold.

Not only that, she felt really guilty: she hadn't been honest to her friends...

Without even realising it, she burst into tears.

"Oh no, Hannah! Are you alright?

Stop crying, it's ok!

I know you're not feeling well but I promise you you'll feel better very soon, ok?"

Said Susan, trying to comfort her.

She was a very empathetic person, so she was holding back tears herself: she hated seeing her friend so miserable.

"I'b so sorry!!!" Muttered Hannah, in between all the sobbing and the sniffling.

Rob and Lisa heard the crying and they both got out of the pool immediately.

"Sorry about what? You don't have anything to be sorry about!"

Reassured Susan.

By that point Rob and Lisa were standing beside them and they were listening too.

"I'b sorry, guys!" Hannah acknowledged Rob and Lisa's presence by briefly glancing at them, then she continued: "I lied to you!

It's dot allergies... Id fact, I dod't have ady allergies! SSSNNRRKK... This bordig I woke up feelig awful, I have a horrible cold!

I really did't wadda let you guys dowd...

Huuh-huutsshooo!!" She had to stop talking to let out that huge sneeze into a fresh tissue.

Her friends blessed her and she carried on: "We had't seed each other id ages, I did't wadda ruid everythidg!"

She sniffled thickly and then added, almost whispering: "But I did..."

"No, you didn't! Don't worry!" Exclaimed Susan.

Rob added: "You absolutely didn't!"

Lisa chimed in, repeating what Rob had just said.

"I did, I sdeezed od you guys! 

Dow you'll all get sick because of be!" 

She said, sobbing uncontrollably.

"No, don't say that! You didn't do that on purpose!

It's not your fault, you're just sick!

Everyone sneezes, it's natural and you can't control it!" Exclaimed Susan, trying to reassure her.

"It's ok, Hannah! We understand! I'm sorry you're feeling so bad!" 

Added Lisa. She felt so guilty for being mad at her earlier: poor Hannah, she looked miserably sick.

"Don't worry, Hannah. Plus, I never get sick so I'll be alright!"

Said Rob, looking confident.

Hannah's heart just melted: she felt so grateful for having such considerate friends!

"Aaww, thadg you, guys... I'b sorry if you do end up catchig by cold!"

"It's okay..." her friends said in unison, then they all hugged her.

"Next time, just tell us you're not feeling well in the first place! 

We'll understand and we won't think it's an excuse! We could always have rescheduled!

Going to the pool with a bad cold like yours will only make it worse!

Come on now, let's get you home!"

Said Susan.

Rob and Lisa nodded their head and he said: "She's right, you need to go straight to bed and nurse that fever!" 

Lisa quickly added: "Yeah, you should get some rest!"

Hannah gave her nose a thick blow: "But... what about our...?" Susan interrupted her: "Our day out can wait, your health comes first! We'll go out when you feel better!"

"Yeah, don't worry!" Added Lisa.

"Yeah, Susan's right. Just focus on getting well soon, ok?" Added Rob.

Hannah stopped crying, she nodded her head and mumbled, her nose still buried in a tissue: "Thadg you guys, I feel gross, to be hodest".

So, our 4 friends dried themselves in the sun and then, as quickly as they had arrived, they left.

On the way to Hannah's house, Susan and Rob popped by the pharmacy to buy her some cold supplies: soft tissues, vapour rub, cold medicine and cough drops.

Soon, they got to her place.

"Thadg you guys, you've beed so dice to be! 

I'll go sleep dow, I dod't feel great udorfortudately... SNFFF! See you whed I get over this... Ugh! Bye!"

They all waved at her, telling her to feel better soon.

Susan sighed and said: "Poor Hannah, I really hope she gets well soon!"

The others both agreed.

Lisa waited until Hannah had entered the house to say: "Well... I'm sorry for her but... I guess we will all wake up with the mother of all colds in a few days!"

She remarked, chuckling a bit afterwards.

"Yep, it seems so... she did sneeze all over us so I think we're doomed to catch it!"

Admitted Susan, chuckling nervously.

"Oh maybe you'll get it!

I won't catch it! My immune system is really strong, I never get sick!"

Announced Rob, sounding quite amused.

"Famous last words..." added Lisa, looking annoyed.

"Oh, Mr. Cocky has spoken! The common cold is extremely contagious, especially in its first stages. My father told me that and he knows his stuff, he's a doctor.

We'll see how strong your immune system is, I guess..."

Rob scoffed and laughed at her friend: "I haven't been sick in 4 years!"


And that's it for today, guys!

I'm so sorry if you found it too long, I hope you enjoyed it!

Stay tuned for part 4!




















Edited by Italiangirl
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@Italiangirl I've enjoyed reading this! 😊 Poor Hannah... It's nice to see her friends were kind and understanding in the end, and I especially like the way Susan is taking care of her. 💕 Keep up the great work!

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I absolutely love this wonderful story can’t wait for part 4 keep up the amazing work 

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Hi guys!

Sorry for the late update!

Here I am with part 4!

I will write a bit more about Hannah's cold and then I'll focus on her first "victim" so there will be two separate sections this time!



Part 4:



As soon as she got home, Hannah went to bed and got under the covers: she was still shivering like crazy and she felt cold even though she had 3 blankets on!

And it was really hot in her room!

Hannah grabbed her digital thermometer and placed it under her armpit.

It was official: she was definitely pretty sick as she had a fever of 38 °C and she just felt miserable.

"HAAASSSHOOO!! Ugh, oh do... dot agaid... HAAH... HAAASSHOOO!!" 

She let out 2 huge tired-sounding sneezes and she was just too exhausted to cover her nose, so there was snot all over her face!

Hannah frantically plucked a fresh tissue from her brand new box and wiped her messy nose, then she blew it tiredly: she was too feverish and sleepy to properly blow her nose.

She chugged down some cold medicine, hoping it would make her feel better.

After a while she did feel a bit better so she quickly fell asleep.

The next day, she woke up feeling even worse than the previous day: her sinuses were so stuffed up that it felt like they were filled with cement, her face hurt, her head was pounding and she still had a sore throat.

Plus, her nose was tickling like crazy and she constantly felt like she needed to sneeze.

"Haah... haaah... huttshoo! Huh... Haattshoo!!" She sneezed into her cupped hands.

She noticed her sneezes sounded different than usual: a bit more raspy.

Was she losing her voice?

At least the fever had broken and she wasn't shivering anymore, but she still felt really bad.

Suddenly, she heard her phone ring.

She grabbed it and saw it was her boyfriend, so she immediately answered the call.

Her boyfriend Jake had been gone for about 2 weeks now, as he'd had to go abroad for work. She really missed him and his caretaking, especially now that she was feeling so miserable! 

"Hi, babe! How are you, sweetie?" Asked Jake, sounding cheerful.

"Hi, babe..." Hannah was shocked: her voice sounded terrible, incredibly raspy, hoarse and deep.

She was losing her voice! Oh no!

She cleared her throat and coughed a bit.

"Awww, babe! You don't sound too good!

Are you sick, love?"

Asked Jake, sounding worried.

"Yes, ugh... I caught... a dasty... hhuhh... huuttsshoo!!! Haatsshoo!! A dasty cold... ugh! SSSNFF!!"

"Bless you, babe! Oh no! You sound miserable! I wish I could be there to take care of you! Poor baby!"

"Thadgs, babe... Ugh, I feel terrible to be hodest, I cad't breathe through by dose ad by throat is killig be..."

Oh no... Hannah could feel a deep itch in her nose and before she knew it she was sneezing again: "Haasshooo!! Haah... haaashoo!! Haattsshoo!! Ugh, God... I cad't stop sdeezig!"

"Yeah, sounds like it. Bless you again, babe! I'm sorry you're so sick!

Do you have tissues, cold medicine and everything?"

"Yeah, by friends got them for be yesterday.

They were really dice to be!

I tried to go to the pool with theb but I was too sick so they had to get be hobe...

I thidk gettig all wet bade by cold worse...

Haaah... haatsshoo!! Haatssshoo! Ouch, that hurt by throat!"

"Aaww, poor dear! Bless you again! How long have you been sick?"

"This is the 3rd day... SSSSNFFF!!! SSSDDDFF!! Ugh... I feel like crap!"

Hannah was very emotional when she was sick, so she started crying.

"Oh no, babe! Stop crying! 

You'll probably be over the worst of it by tomorrow!" Jake tried to calm her down.

"I kndow it's just a cold and I'b such a crybaby! But I feel so bad... SSSNFFF!! I really wish you could be here to care of be, I really biss you!! Please cobe back here, babe! I deed you! 

Haaatsshoo!! Huh... huuuh... huttsshoo!! SSSSNFFF!!

Ugh, I'b so tired of sdeezig!!"

Jake was so sad to hear her girlfriend was feeling so horrible so he tried his best not to cry as well.

"Awww, babe! Bless you! You know I can't go back! But you can call me whenever you want and it will be as if I'm there with you, ok?

Stop crying please!! You'll make me cry too!"

Hannah quickly wiped her tears away from her face with her hands and sniffled wetly.

She eventually stopped crying:

"Sorry, babe! I did't bead to cry... SSDDDFF!!

You kndow I get ebotional whed I'b sick!

SSNNRRFF... Ugh, by dose is so ruddy..."

She grabbed a fresh tissue and blew her nose.

"Don't worry, babe! It's okay to cry!

I'm sorry I can't wipe away your tears and snuggle with you until you're healthy again...

I have to go now, I'm sorry! 

Feel better soon, babe!"

"Thadg you... bye!"

As soon as she hung up, Hannah could feel a familiar tickle in her nose: "Huh... huuhh... haatttcchoo!!" 

She kept sneezing and blowing her nose all day long, until there was literally a pile of used tissues in the rubbish bin next to her bed!

Plus, towards the end of the day she noticed she was developing this dry, raspy, tickly cough... 

Every time she coughed her chest felt heavy and her throat was raw.

How nice! 

She felt so terrible and she couldn't wait for that awful cold to be over.



It was the next day and Lisa woke up feeling off: she had a headache and a bit of a scratchy throat.

"SNFFF..." She sniffled: her nose was running and a string of watery snot was dripping down onto her lips.

"Oh no! I caught Hannah's cold!" She exclaimed, then she wiped her nose with the back of her hand.

Soon, she could feel a tickle in her sinuses and after a while it got unbearable:

"Haah... aaasssheeewww!!! Aaashheeeww!!Oh by God!!" 

Those powerful sneezes had made her nose stuffy and now she was a sniffly mess.

She had run out of tissues during her last cold, so she went to the bathroom and blew her nose into some toilet paper: it was a really wet and gurgly blow and the poor Lisa got watery, clear snot all over her hands as it had ripped through the sheet of toilet paper.

Her nose was clear now but it was still running.

"Haaasssheewww!!! Haahh... haah.. Haaattsheeww!! Ugh!!"

Lisa wasn't thrilled: she had just got over a terrible cold that had her laid up in bed for days about a week earlier and now it was happening again.

It was only the first day and she already felt miserable: she could tell it was going to be a bad one.

Lisa rubbed her nose pretty energetically with the back of her hand and sniffled wetly: damn it, this cold was progressing really fast!

Usually she didn't get a runny nose until the 2nd day, but this cold had other plans.

"Damn it! I knew I would catch this but I didn't think it would start that soon" She thought.

Lisa sniffled and blew her nose into some toilet paper again, then she went to the kitchen to have breakfast.

Luckily she didn't have a stuffy voice yet so she didn't have to worry about that.

Her flatmate Martha had just finished her breakfast, when she suddenly heard the door open.

Martha and Lisa were pretty close friends and they loved going clubbing together every weekend. 

"Hi, Martha!" Exclaimed Lisa.

"Oh hi, Lisa! Good morning! How are you today?" Asked Martha.

Lisa looked distracted...

She was experiencing a torturous tickle in the back of her nose and now her breath had started hitching...

"Hah... hah... haaaasssheeww!!! Haah... haaassheeww!! Ugh, oh God!"

"Oh, my! Bless you, Lisa!

Oh no! Are you sick again? Didn't you have a cold like... 2 weeks ago?"

Asked Martha, sounding a bit worried.

"Yes, I was really sick...

Well, I think I might be coming down with another cold! And... haah... haaasssheewww!! SSSNNFFF... Sorry!"

"No worries! Bless you by the way!

I'm so sorry you're getting sick again...

Sounds like you can't catch a break!

You're basically always sick, even in the summer!" Pointed out Martha.

"Yeah, my immune system is really bad at... well, doing its job I guess...

Do you remember that when we first met I had a cold and you ended up catching it from me?"

"Oh yeah! I do remember!

Oh God, that was a really bad cold too...

Poor us hahahahah!"

"Yeah, you're right...

Haaah... haassheeww!! SNNNFFF!! 

Oh God, my nose is soo runny!"

"Awww, poor Lisa! Do you have enough tissues?"

Lisa shook her head while rubbing her tickly nose with the back of her hand.

"No, I ran out of tissues after my last cold!"

She exclaimed.

"Oh no! I was planning to go get some groceries later, do you want me to grab some for you?" Offered Martha.

"Aww thank you, you're so sweet!"

"No worries! In fact, I feel bad I don't have any tissues to offer you now!"

"Don't worry, I'll use toilet paper in the meantime..."

Martha nodded her head and said: "Well, I have to go now, have a nice breakfast and feel better soon!"

"Thank you, Martha!" 

Martha smiled and almost walked out of the kitchen, when suddenly she stopped: "Oh, I almost forgot! I know we were planning to go out tonight, but if you feel too sick we can reschedule!

Do you want to come anyway?"

She asked and then stopped talking, looking at Lisa curiously.

Lisa wasn't feeling that bad (yet) but she definitely wasn't at her best either...

She hesitated a bit, but she really wanted to go out...

"Don't worry, it's just a cold... I'll be... haah... haaassheeww!! Ugh..." 

That powerful sneezes had made her throat hurt, so she cleared her throat before speaking again: "I'll be fine!"

Martha didn't look that convinced: "Bless you! Are you sure? You don't sound too good... I think you should take it easy and rest today..."

"No no, don't worry! Honestly, I don't feel that bad!"

"Ok, then! See you later! 

But if it gets worse don't hesitate to cancel! It's no problem!" Offered Martha.

Lisa nodded her head: "Ok, thank you for your kindness! See you later!"

Martha smiled at her and walked away.

Lisa had breakfast but she wasn't that hungry...

Usually she was so hungry she could eat a horse before having breakfast, but not this time: she was definitely getting sick!


Fast forward to that evening, she really wasn't feeling well at all!

The scratchiness in her throat had turned into soreness and her nose was getting runnier and runnier by the hour, to the point where she constantly had to either sniffle wetly or wipe/blow her nose. 

She was so grateful for the fact her friend Martha had come to the rescue! 

She had bought the softest tissues she could find for her and it was so nice to use those instead of rough toilet paper.

Also, she constantly felt like she had to sneeze and about every 10 minutes the tickle intensified enough to make her sneeze in long, slow and exhausting fits.

After every fit, her nose was streaming so she always had to blow it afterwards.

All the sneezing was making her congested, so her voice sounded pretty stuffy by now.

After dinner, Lisa went to the kitchen to meet Martha and then drive to the night club together.

Lisa was so excited to go out and she had chosen to wear her favourite dress, she really liked the way she looked.

But unfortunately she was still coming down with a bad cold and that was impossible to hide...

"This damn cold is gonna ruin my night out!" She thought.

While waiting for Martha, her nose was running so badly, so she started sniffling...


She finally gave up and whipped out a fresh tissue: she wrapped it around her poor, wet nose and blew it as softly as she could.

Lisa sighed in relief as for a brief moment the waterfall of snot constantly streaming out of her nose seemed to have stopped.

Nope... a few seconds later she could feel the mucus come flooding back, threatening to overflow and start streaming down her face. 

Lisa sighed in exhaustion and dabbed at her nose with a crumpled tissue, then she wiped away the watery snot that was dripping from her nose, which felt like it had turned into a leaky tap!

Martha entered the kitchen: "Hi there, Lisa! Wow, you look stunning! What a nice dress!" She exclaimed, sounding genuinely impressed.

"Oh, thadg you!" Lisa barely had the time to thank her friend when an unstoppable itch was starting to blossom in the back of her sinuses...

Her breath started hitching, she put a tissue up to her nose and: "Ugh, I'b sorry I deed to sdee..." and soon: "Haaasssheeeww!! Hah... haaasssheeeww!!! Hah... hah... haattssssheww!! Haaah... haattssheww!!

Ugh... I deed to sdeeze..."

All those wet, harsh and exhausting sneezes had not been kind to her poor throat and they'd made her eyes all watery.

Martha widened her eyes at her and raised an eyebrow: "Bless you, Lisa! Oh my God, your mascara is running!"

Lisa sniffled wetly, then she frantically grabbed her phone and looked at herself through the front camera: her watery eyes had made her mascara run down her cheeks and her nose was dripping again!

"Oh, God! This is a disaster! I have to do by bake-up all over agaid!" 

She said in a whiny voice.

"Ugh... and od top of that this cold is killig be..." She mumbled, her voice muffled by the tissue she was about to use to blow her nose.

Martha was shocked at how quickly Lisa's cold had progressed: she looked and sounded ten times worse than when she'd seen her that morning and it hadn't been more than 12 hours! 

The last time she met her her voice sounded fine, but now it sounded very stuffy, almost as if she had a clothespin on her nose! 

"Don't worry, I'll help you fix your make-up.

But Lisa... look at me, are you sure you can go out like this? You look like you should be in bed!"

Martha looked genuinely concerned.

"I kndow, I dod't feel great but I really wadt to go! I'll be fide, I probise..."

Martha knew Lisa pretty well and she knew that trying to talk her out of something was useless: once she made up her mind, it was impossible to make her change her mind. She'd never met a girl as stubborn as her.

"Ok, if you say so...

I'm so sorry you're sick! And I feel so bad I forgot to buy you some cold medicine earlier!

We could always pop by the pharmacy later and get some!"

Suggested Martha.

"Dond't worry about it... SNNNFFF!! That souds super dice... haaah... haaasssheww!!"

"Bless you! Ok, then! Let's go to your room so I can fix your make-up! Don't worry, I'll be very quick!"

"Thadg you... ugh! SNNFF!!"

Later that night at the club, Lisa was still not feeling that good: the cold meds she had taken had stopped the sneezing, but her nose was still super tickly and runny! 

She always held a crumpled tissue up to her nose and she was sniffling nonstop, even while dancing with her friends.

On the way home it was 06:00 am and the cold meds had worn off.

"Haaah... haaassheeww!! Hah... haassheeww!!" Lisa was sneezing about every 10 minutes again and was so drunk and exhausted that she wasn't doing the best job at covering her sneezes.

"Hey Bartha, thadk you for today! I had soo buch fud with you todight! Hah... Aaassheww!!"

Said Lisa.

She sounded really drunk... and congested of course.

"Bless you! I also had a lot of fun, but now it's time for you to go to bed. You don't look too good..."

Martha was sober because she had to drive and she was really worried about her sick friend.

"Yeah, I kndow... I'b exhausted!!


"Bless you again!"


That's it for today, guys!

I hope you enjoyed!

Stay tuned for part 5!













Edited by Italiangirl
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Another wonderful update I can’t wait for the next one keep up the amazing work 

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Hi guys!
Here is part 5!
This part is about Hannah's cold and about her second "victim".
There is a lot of caretaking in this part.

Part 5:

The next day, Hannah woke up to discover her brutal cold was still very much there...
Her sinuses felt like they had been stuffed with bricks of mucus, she felt really tired and had a terrible headache.
Also, she was so bunged up that she couldn't even sniffle!
Every time she tried to sniff, it sounded like a super congested snort: "SSNNRRRKK!!" followed by a tired-sounding sigh. At least she was sneezing less, but it was because she was too stuffed up to even sneeze!
The soreness in her throat had been replaced by an annoying tickle and a bad, dry cough was bothering her with frequent coughing fits that left her breathless.
Hannah couldn't believe how bad she felt!
She had definitely caught one hell of a cold!
Just as she was blowing her poor raw, sore nose into a crumpled tissue, she heard a knock on the door.
She slowly dragged herself out of bed and went to open it: "Hi there! How are you feeling?"
"Susad!", Hannah screamed in surprise but her voice cracked pathetically and she succumbed to an intense coughing fit.
"Ugh, I'b sorry... I have a very bad cough!"
She apologised while wiping her nose with a tissue: the coughing fit had made it run a bit.
Susan looked worried: "Oh, I can see that...
Awww, I'm sorry you're still sick!"
"Yeah, I feel very sorry for byself, hodestly... SSNRRKK!!!"
Susan couldn't believe how sick her dear friend looked (and sounded!): her bright red, chapped nose contrasted against her blonde, frazzled hair and pale skin and she looked just straight up exhausted.
Her voice sounded terrible: super stuffed up, m's and n's completely gone, all raspy and hoarse and about 30% quieter than usual.
"Poor Hannah, she must feel terrible!" Thought Susan.
"Cobe id, dear! SSSNNRRRKK!!" Said Hannah with a thick, congested sniffle.
"I came here to take care of you!
A little birdie told me you were all alone and didn't have anyone to look after you so here I am!"
Hannah's heart just melted: "Aawww, thadg you! You're so sweet! But please dod't get too close!! I'll get you sick!! Huh... huuttssssh!!!"
She sneezed into a crumpled tissue: the sneeze sounded naturally stifled from the horrid congestion but really strong as well.
A huge string of snot flew out of her nose and landed on the tissue, which was already soaked.
Hannah opened her eyes and sniffled tiredly, then she said: "See? You'll catch it too! You dod't wadt this cold, trust be!"
Susan scoffed and chuckled lightly: "Oh don't worry about me, in fact I'm pretty sure I'm already coming down with it!"
She briefly stopped talking to clear her throat: "I woke up with a sore throat and a slight headache today, whoops!"
"Oh do!! I'b so sorry I got you sick, Susad!!"
Hannah felt genuinely guilty for giving her her cold, but at the same time she was grateful because she had such an amazing friend! She was there to take care of her even though she wasn't feeling well herself!
"It's ok, don't worry. It's not your fault!"
Said Susan, with a sympathetic look on her face.
Hannah sniffled again and dabbed at her nose with a tissue, then she noticed Susan was holding a plastic bag: "What's that?" Hannah asked before succumbing to another miserable coughing fit.
"Oh, this? I brought some natural cold remedies! Since you don't like taking too much medicine when you're sick, I thought I could help! My father is a doctor so he taught me a lot of stuff!"
"Oh, thadg you!!! SSSNNRRKK!! Ugh! Oh by God, I'b sooo stuffed up!!"
Whined Hannah.
"Awww, you poor thing! Why don't you go back to bed while I make you some chicken noodle soup?"
Suggested Susan.
"Yeah, that souds soo good!" Admitted the sick girl.
"Oh and by the way, Lisa and Bob wanted to be here too! But unfortunately Lisa came down with your cold too and she was too sick, poor thing...
And Bob said he was busy today.
I thought I could go to Lisa's place as well but she said her flatmate is taking care of her, but I knew you were alone!"
"Aww, thadg you!! I appreciate it! Huh... huuuttssshoo!!" She let out a powerful and messy throaty sneeze into her elbow.
"Bless you! And you're welcome!"
Then Hannah got back to bed under the covers with a new box of tissues (she had gone through 3 boxes in 3 days!) and tried to sleep a bit as she felt exhausted.
Meanwhile, Susan was in the kitchen making chicken noodle soup.
She felt tired herself and her throat was bothering her, but she powered through it, clearing her throat every once in a while.
"Ugh, my throat feels like it's on fire! Oh my God, how I hate having a sore throat!
It's definitely gonna be a very bad cold, oh no!"
She thought while chopping some chicken.
When the soup was ready she went to Hannah's room to find her sound asleep and breathing through her mouth, snoring congestedly but softly.
"Aww, poor thing! I don't wanna wake her up now that she's sleeping so peacefully!"
Thought Susan, so she patiently waited until her friend woke up.
Hannah was woken up by another coughing fit and a tickle in her poor inflamed nose.
"Huuttsshh!!! Huh... huttsssshoo!! Ugh!"
"Aww!! Bless you, dear! Here, blow your nose!" Said Susan, passing her friend a tissue.
Hannah blew her nose really hard into that fresh tissue, filling it up with thick, yellow snot but as she was done she felt just as congested as she was before!
"Ugh, this cold... I'b so tired of it..."
Hannnah said with a big, exhausted-sounding sigh, then she coughed again.
"You gotta do something about that nasty cough! I've got a few remedies in my bag!"
Said Susan, looking worried, while she gave her sick friend a bowl of chicken noodle soup.
"Good job, Susad! It tastes abazig!! You're a really good cook!" Exclaimed Hannah after tasting the soup. She couldn't taste much because of the congestion, but from what she could gather it tasted really good.
"Oh, thank you!" Said Susan with a huge smile, then she cleared her throat again.
"Aww, is your throat botherig you? SNNFFF... you should get ode of by cough drops! They're id the kitched, top shelf!"
Said Hannah.
"Yes, my throat is killing me today... ugh! Thank you, I could definitely use a cough drop right now."
Susan came back from the kitchen sucking on a cough drop.
Hannah finished the bowl of soup and blew her sore nose, which was running profusely.
This time, the blow was much more gurgly and productive as the mucus had been loosened by the soup.
"Fidally I feel like I cad breathe out of by dose agaid!!" Exclaimed Hannah, sounding relieved.
"Oh, I'm glad to hear that! That's exactly what the soup does! It clears up your nose a bit!"
Said Susan.
"Oh that soup is bagic! SSNNFFF!!"
She said with a wet sniffle.
"How is your throat feelig, by the way?"
Asked Hannah, looking concerned.
"A bit better, thanks to the cough drop you gave me! I had loads but unfortunately I left them at home, so thank you!"
"Oh, I'b glad to hear that!"
Susan noticed her friend had 3 blankets on even though it was a boiling hot day.
"Do you have a fever?" She asked, placing her hand on Hannah's forehead.
"Yes, it feels a bit hot to the touch, but it's not too bad..." she muttered.
"Oh I thidk I do have a fever, I just could't get warb yesterday! But dod't worry, it's dot that high! SNNFF!!"
Susan went back to the kitchen to make some hot tea with lots of honey, lemon and ginger for both of them.
"This will soothe my throat and help Hannah's cough!" She thought to herself.
"Here, drink this! It will soothe your cough a bit!"
Susan said as she passed her friend a cup.
Hannah thanked her and started drinking it, when the steam made her nose tickle...
"Haassshoo!! Hah... haassshoo!!"
Those powerful sneezes dislodged an obscene amount of mucus, so the horrible congestion she was able to loosen with the soup came flooding back.
"SSSNNRRKK!! Oh do, dow I'b soo stuffed up agaid!" She whined, then blew her nose again, but to no avail.
"Ugh, by whole face aches ad by head is poundig, by siduses feel all swolled ad full ad whedever I blow by dose it just hurts so bad!" She complained.
"Aww, poor you! Sounds like you've got a sinus infection!
It's fairly common to get one after a cold!
You should see a doctor!"
Hannah nodded her head and said: "Ok, I'll bake ad appoidt... appoidtbe... oh God, I'b so stuffy I cad't eved say that word! SSNNRRRK!!"
"Appointment." Offered Susan, whose voice wasn't thick with congestion (yet).
"Thadk you, ugh... I cad't breathe through by dose!" Exclaimed Hannah, sounding annoyed.
"Aww, poor you! I've got another remedy to ease up the congestion!"
She said, getting up from her chair.
"Do you have a washbowl or something?" She asked.
"Yeah, it's id the bathroob."
Susan heated up some water on the stove, then she poured it into the washbowl on the kitchen table and put a few drops of menthol essential oil into the water.
Then, she went to the bathroom to take a towel and went back to the kitchen.
"Hannah, you can come to the kitchen now! And bring some tissues!"
A coughing, sniffling Hannah appeared.
"So, sit on the chair right there, put a towel on your head and lean over the washbowl.
Be careful not to burn yourself, the water is very hot! Oh, I almost forgot! You should blow your nose first, so that you can actually get some steam up your nasal passages." Explained Susan.
"Oh yes, a steab idhalatiod! I used to do these as a child they always worked so well!"
"I know, right?"
"It's beed years sidce I've dode that!"
Hannah sat on the chair and blew her nose forcefully.
Then, she slowly began to lean over and inhale the steam... it felt so good!
She could feel the snot getting thinner and by the end of the session she blew her now runny nose again and finally felt like she could breathe!
"Aaah, what a relief!" She exclaimed.
"SSSNFF!!" Hannah was startled by a wet sniffle coming from the chair next to hers.
"Oh do, Susad! Is your dose botherig you dow?"
"Yes, it feels quite runny all of a sudden! SSSNFFF!! I think I need to blow my nose..."
Susan grabbed a tissue from the box Hannah had placed on the kitchen table, then she blew her nose as softly as she could, making a wet sound.
"I'm definitely getting this cold..." muttered Susan, looking quite sad and tired.
It was almost 06:00 pm and Susan's new developing cold had started moving into her nose... great!
About an hour later, Susan could feel herself getting snifflier as the day went on and suddenly a vicious tickle started to blossom in the back of her sinuses...
"Eeh... eeh... iitsshoo!!" She sneezed as quietly as she could into her elbow.
"Bless you, Susad! You dod't soud too good, go back hobe ad rest!"
Said Hannah, who was now completely congested once again.
Susan wasn't feeling great, so she decided to take her friend's advice.
"Ok, I'll go... There's some leftover chicken noodle soup in the fridge and I also got you some vapour rub for your nose. Please take care of yourself and feel better soon!"
"Thadks for everythig, bye! Ad feel better!
I hope your cold isd't too bad!"
Offered Hannah.
"Thank you, Hannah! Bye!"
Said Susan, then she left.

That's it for today, guys!
Let me know if you enjoyed it and sorry if it was too long!
Stay tuned for part 6!


Edited by Italiangirl
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I absolutely love this wonderful story keep up with the amazing work 

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