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Sneeze Fetish Forum

MY BEST OBS- cuddling, accidentally made him sneeze, and nose rubbing


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Okay so I have a lot of obs with my boyfriend because weve been dating for a while now, I'll share one or two tonight that just recently happened but let me know if you want to hear more.

He knows about the fetish so he will often make it a point to sneeze on me, I think he almost has more fun with it than I do, anyways...


We were sitting on his couch, he had his arms completely wrapped around me, he was sitting behind me kind of giving me like a hug I suppose. We were watching some movie and all the sudden I felt his whole body tense up, he usually has quick, soft sneezes more of like a single Hatchew, so he pitched forward and sneezed kind of right on my neck/shoulder. It definitely sprayed me, he always apologizes for the spray but he does it with this little smile because he knows I like it and he's not actually sorry.

There have also been many other instances where we were cuddling and he sneezed on me, he always lets me know before and its usually just one quick Hatchew that sprays, but not too much, he usually sneezes on my arm or shoulder and most of the time I can feel his entire body tense.

His nose is super itchy all the time, he often asks me to itch it for him or when we spoon he rubs it up against my shoulder blade or back. This is pretty evil of me but usually I dont itch it because he gets so desperate so fast and his nostrils will flare and he'll scrunch up his nose because it itches so badly and I wont relieve him of the itch until the very last minute after he's wiggled it around a lot and basically begged. I also like to pin his hands back or make it so that he cannot itch it but he'll often just use my shoulder or grab my hand to do it for him because he knows I like it (By the way this happens all the time, his nose is itchy like several times every time we hang out, and its not a small itch it usually requires me to use my whole palm against his nose to actually itch it for him.

Okay so heres my last story for tonight, he's a photic sneezer and often sneezes when he steps out into the light, its the only time he ever really has buildups too because he'll feel it, his breath will start to hitch and the sneeze wont come until he's waited a few seconds, hitched a few times, or looked at the light for longer. Anyways, we were cuddling in a dark room, and I dont remember why but I took my phone out to record him with the flash, after a few seconds his body kind of tensed and his eyes shut as he said he had to sneeze. He laid his head back as I continued to shine the light and he hitched a couple of times, he also kept breathing through his nose trying to coax out the sneeze, it was one of the longest buildups of my life, but he sneezed right then and there, half on the camera half on me (basically my face and hand), and its all on video.


Needless to say I have plenty more obs as we were both just recently sick so let me know if you want more!

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It’s sweet that your bf not only accepts it but loves to indulge you! 

Thank you for sharing your observations with us!

Is it allergies that make him itch so often or does he just have a very sensitive nose?

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15 hours ago, snowtiger35 said:

His nose is super itchy all the time, he often asks me to itch it for him or when we spoon he rubs it up against my shoulder blade or back. This is pretty evil of me but usually I dont itch it because he gets so desperate so fast and his nostrils will flare and he'll scrunch up his nose because it itches so badly and I wont relieve him of the itch until the very last minute after he's wiggled it around a lot and basically begged.

*SWOON* 🫠🫠🫠

Bless him! You two sound (or read) so cute together! 😊 Thanks for sharing, and yes, it would be great to read some updates. 👍

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23 hours ago, snowtiger35 said:

Okay so I have a lot of obs with my boyfriend because weve been dating for a while now, I'll share one or two tonight that just recently happened but let me know if you want to hear more.

He knows about the fetish so he will often make it a point to sneeze on me, I think he almost has more fun with it than I do, anyways...


We were sitting on his couch, he had his arms completely wrapped around me, he was sitting behind me kind of giving me like a hug I suppose. We were watching some movie and all the sudden I felt his whole body tense up, he usually has quick, soft sneezes more of like a single Hatchew, so he pitched forward and sneezed kind of right on my neck/shoulder. It definitely sprayed me, he always apologizes for the spray but he does it with this little smile because he knows I like it and he's not actually sorry.

There have also been many other instances where we were cuddling and he sneezed on me, he always lets me know before and its usually just one quick Hatchew that sprays, but not too much, he usually sneezes on my arm or shoulder and most of the time I can feel his entire body tense.

His nose is super itchy all the time, he often asks me to itch it for him or when we spoon he rubs it up against my shoulder blade or back. This is pretty evil of me but usually I dont itch it because he gets so desperate so fast and his nostrils will flare and he'll scrunch up his nose because it itches so badly and I wont relieve him of the itch until the very last minute after he's wiggled it around a lot and basically begged. I also like to pin his hands back or make it so that he cannot itch it but he'll often just use my shoulder or grab my hand to do it for him because he knows I like it (By the way this happens all the time, his nose is itchy like several times every time we hang out, and its not a small itch it usually requires me to use my whole palm against his nose to actually itch it for him.

Okay so heres my last story for tonight, he's a photic sneezer and often sneezes when he steps out into the light, its the only time he ever really has buildups too because he'll feel it, his breath will start to hitch and the sneeze wont come until he's waited a few seconds, hitched a few times, or looked at the light for longer. Anyways, we were cuddling in a dark room, and I dont remember why but I took my phone out to record him with the flash, after a few seconds his body kind of tensed and his eyes shut as he said he had to sneeze. He laid his head back as I continued to shine the light and he hitched a couple of times, he also kept breathing through his nose trying to coax out the sneeze, it was one of the longest buildups of my life, but he sneezed right then and there, half on the camera half on me (basically my face and hand), and its all on video.


Needless to say I have plenty more obs as we were both just recently sick so let me know if you want more!

Love this obs, thanks for sharing!  I would love to hear more!  

Would you be willing to share some detailed obs with you blowing your nose in front of him and him blowing his nose in front of you, especially when you guys had colds recently?  Are you guys soft nose blowers or hard nose blowers?

Have you ever helped him blow his nose or has he helped you blow your nose?

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Soooo hot🔥 This is the type of scenario I dream of with the cuddling and him apologizing and love this. ❤ 

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Okay so addressing some of the comments I got on the post. He doesn't really have allergies, but some days he'll sneeze 5 or 6 times when we're outside so I'm not really sure. He definitely has a sensitive nose though, he has a lot of false starts because so many things set his nose off, he also says that the false starts only happen when hes around me because he claims his body know I like it, so then he's thinking about the sneeze too much. This leads to buildups though because he'll try to coax is out by breathing in deeply or looking at the light. Also I never sneeze or blow my nose in front of him because you know, well Im sure you guys do know. And then he only blows his nose when he's sick, for the most part he's a soft blower though, well soft to medium? Normal? You get the idea.

Moving on to the obs, we were both sick the last week of school

It started with him, he likes to try and hide any sickness he gets until hes with me so I had no idea he was sick until I saw him that Monday at school, sore throat, sniffing like crazy, the occasional sneeze, occasional congestion, runny nose, coughing, all of that. Also he has soft coughs some of the time, sometimes he can be so quiet- Im honestly jealous, but other times not so much. This was one of those not so much times, he was probably coughing every few minutes and we sit with some close friends in our first hour so he loved to make a big deal out of it. He would cough, usually in my direction because hed rather cough on me than one of his friends, then sniff a lot, then crack a joke, complain, or just put his head on his desk and play with either my bracelets or a pencil. One of our friends (male) is super nice though and he'd always be like calm down man, or tell him to rest. When I got sick though he was constantly asking me if I was okay and it was the sweetest thing.

Things got more steamy at lunch, we both usually leave campus and go to a drive though but neither of us were hungry so we just sat in his car and talked, we were in the backseat when his body tensed up, he tapped my leg and I looked up, he was sucking a breath of air and you could tell he was going to sneeze because of the pre-sneeze expression- the parted lips- shut eyes- nostrils flaring, then right on me he sneezed, apologized, coughed, Im 90% sure he sneezed again but I know it wasnt on me because at this point he realized he could get me sick and he didnt want that. It was the very clique situation of I dont want you to kiss me because Im sick, but that faded soon because when his nose was itchy or he was gearing up to cough I would kiss him and there wasnt really anything he could do about it so he gave in. Also I forgot to mention his nose was itchy all the time during this, he would rub his nose constantly, I think having a runny nose also didn't help because it was almost like it tickled his nose making it even more itchy, when we were together he was constantly rubbing his nose in my shoulder or using my hand to rub it or just flat out asking me to help him, this also induced lots and lots of sniffing and some sneezing.

Finally this one is more coughing but he usually tells me he has to cough because hes apologizing or letting me prepare (this is only when its just us), but I started making it a thing of kissing him. He would either desperately try to hold in the cough and kiss me back- which always ended up with him breaking away to cough or coughing mid kiss, which is kind of the other option, he just couldn't hold it and he would cough- still trying to muffle it. Whenever it was just us though he always coughs kind of in my direction or in my shoulder- again usually his coughs aren't too powerful but from this cold they were so he tried to muffle as many as possible because I think he was a little embarrassed. 

Needless to say I got sick- not as bad as him but everytime Im sick I lose my voice so that was fun, I also had a lot of sneezing, which I cant complain about other than the fact I took my clear breathing days for granted.

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@snowtiger35 Thanks for the update, and I hope the two of you feel better soon!

With respect to getting sick from a partner etc, the thing is, by the time they show symptoms, it’s usually too late to keep your distance. Sick people are usually infectious at the sub-clinical stage, ie. before they show any symptoms and feel fine they are already releasing viral particles, they just don’t know it.

This is particularly the case with respiratory infections where people commonly start pumping out viral particles 24-48 hours before they have ANY symptoms. So there’s not much point is our partners trying to keep their distance when they start feeling unwell, as it’s too late. (Gastro infections are a different story, though.)

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