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Hayfever ?


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I have never suffered with hayfever but I think I have developed it . I had  been sitting out in the garden for Father’s Day at my dad’s house for a couple of  hours and I stated sneezing . Initially my nose was itchy and then  I sneezed twice hushooo , hushooo  and excused myself. Then my nose was very itchy . I excused myself and blew my nose in the bathroom but just after blowing my nose I had a fit of sneezing ( thankfully in the bathroom ). I sneezed 10 times and it was a desperate fit which I stifled after the first 2 .  I then made my excuses   and left as I was embarrassed sneezing so much and on the drive home sneezed  another 10 times - huge desperate sneezes with hitching build ups . . Once I get home I took a shower too  and whilst  in the  shower continued to sneeze my head off . I was dizzy from all the sneezing . The shower has definitely helped as the  sneezing has subsided but my nose is still extremely itchy. I think I’m going to need to go to the pharmacy and buy some hayfever medication. I think it’s the hot weather as this is new  for me . 

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Bless you, @Snc2015 ! And thanks for sharing the sound. 😊 Hmmm, given that you said you've never had hayfever before, it *could* be a summer cold, but the way you describe how many times you sneezed and that it got a bit better after you took a shower, even though your nose is still itchy, it sounds more like an allergic reaction to me... After all, you can get allergies at any point in your life... Anyway, I hope you feel better! 💕

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Goodness, that sounds like quite the fit indeed! Hope you're feeling better by now ❤️

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9 hours ago, Snc2015 said:

I have never suffered with hayfever but I think I have developed it . I had  been sitting out in the garden for Father’s Day at my dad’s house for a couple of  hours and I stated sneezing . Initially my nose was itchy and then  I sneezed twice hushooo , hushooo  and excused myself. Then my nose was very itchy . I excused myself and blew my nose in the bathroom but just after blowing my nose I had a fit of sneezing ( thankfully in the bathroom ). I sneezed 10 times and it was a desperate fit which I stifled after the first 2 .  I then made my excuses   and left as I was embarrassed sneezing so much and on the drive home sneezed  another 10 times - huge desperate sneezes with hitching build ups . . Once I get home I took a shower too  and whilst  in the  shower continued to sneeze my head off . I was dizzy from all the sneezing . The shower has definitely helped as the  sneezing has subsided but my nose is still extremely itchy. I think I’m going to need to go to the pharmacy and buy some hayfever medication. I think it’s the hot weather as this is new  for me . 

Bless you!  Yeah, you definitely don't want to get dizzy from sneezing...

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@Snc2015, that was a bit like me last week with the sneezing and the amount of nose blowing I was doing, it maybe is hayfever or just the weather. Bless you on your sneezes too. Hope you got plenty of tissues or hankies too for your nose. 

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13 hours ago, Snc2015 said:

I have never suffered with hayfever but I think I have developed it . I had  been sitting out in the garden for Father’s Day at my dad’s house for a couple of  hours and I stated sneezing . Initially my nose was itchy and then  I sneezed twice hushooo , hushooo  and excused myself. Then my nose was very itchy . I excused myself and blew my nose in the bathroom but just after blowing my nose I had a fit of sneezing ( thankfully in the bathroom ). I sneezed 10 times and it was a desperate fit which I stifled after the first 2 .  I then made my excuses   and left as I was embarrassed sneezing so much and on the drive home sneezed  another 10 times - huge desperate sneezes with hitching build ups . . Once I get home I took a shower too  and whilst  in the  shower continued to sneeze my head off . I was dizzy from all the sneezing . The shower has definitely helped as the  sneezing has subsided but my nose is still extremely itchy. I think I’m going to need to go to the pharmacy and buy some hayfever medication. I think it’s the hot weather as this is new  for me . 

I agree with @kiku it’s definitely a new allergy developing.  You should get tested by an allergist to see what you’re allergic to. 

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