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Do you have *any* family members that you can sneeze in front of?


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I find it really interesting that the vast majority of us seem to positively dread sneezing in front of family. Curious whether anyone has any family (immediate or more distant) that they are able to sneeze in front of without wanting to die. Did you have to "train" yourself to be able to do this?

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53 minutes ago, _Daisy_ said:

I find it really interesting that the vast majority of us seem to positively dread sneezing in front of family. Curious whether anyone has any family (immediate or more distant) that they are able to sneeze in front of without wanting to die. Did you have to "train" yourself to be able to do this?

I can sneeze in front of anyone in my family.  I don’t understand why some people can’t. 

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2 hours ago, sneezefan222 said:

I can sneeze in front of anyone in my family.  I don’t understand why some people can’t. 

well it's not rational, it's just bc of the fetish i guess ? to me sneezing is an act so connected to the fetish/intimacy it feels weird to "share it" in front of my family ? Like a part of me KNOW it's just a natural act of the human body but the other side is just overwhelmed by the fetishist I am 

it's just like when someone sneezes and I look at the person I always feel like they're going to know I'm attracted to sneezing even though there is no way, but again, it's not very rational thinking 😅

2 hours ago, Melody said:

Nobody. Not even my sister who is one of my best friends.

I relate so much to this like I'm so close to my sister but sneezing is just impossible

3 hours ago, _Daisy_ said:

Did you have to "train" yourself to be able to do this?

I did train myself, before I had to go to another room and stifling them even though I hate doing that, now I'm able to sneeze in the same house of my parents or any members of the family (knowing they're going to hear me) but I just can't with them looking at me/blessing me in front of me haha that's still too much to me to handle

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3 minutes ago, Lily said:

well it's not rational, it's just bc of the fetish i guess ? to me sneezing is an act so connected to the fetish/intimacy it feels weird to "share it" in front of my family ? Like a part of me KNOW it's just a natural act of the human body but the other side is just overwhelmed by the fetishist I am 

it's just like when someone sneezes and I look at the person I always feel like they're going to know I'm attracted to sneezing even though there is no way, but again, it's not very rational thinking 😅

I relate so much to this like I'm so close to my sister but sneezing is just impossible

I did train myself, before I had to go to another room and stifling them even though I hate doing that, now I'm able to sneeze in the same house of my parents or any members of the family (knowing they're going to hear me) but I just can't with them looking at me/blessing me in front of me haha that's still too much to me to handle

Ohh I see it’s the anxiety that comes from them finding out.  

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I doubt I have done that since I was a little kid. Certainly never did it even in my teens and I'm 56!

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I can sneeze in front of anyone nowadays.  

My family have always been very open and not subtle when it comes to sneezing and nose blowing in front of each other

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I have some sort of "barrier" in my mind that separates the fetish from... well, the rest of my life. Sneezes don't attract my attention at all when they happen outside of a romantic or private context. It's always been like this. So, I don't feel anything sneezing in front of family members and I'm unbothered by theirs.

I can't relate to what others have said in this post but I can understand that it may feel awful to sneeze in front of people when sneezing is mostly perceived as something of a sexual nature. 

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I don’t have any hang ups about sneezing in front of my family.

That said, I don’t ever bless my parents or parents in-law when they sneeze because it’s way too uncomfortable for me. (And because my family and their cultural background don’t really do blessings they thankfully have never noticed!)

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i don’t think i’ve sneezed in front of my family since i was a child considering my earliest sneeze related memory was being sooooo uncomfortable when my family members sneezed. i think i taught myself to stop myself from sneezing in front of other people in kindergarten. i’m in my mid twenties now and still have great control of myself lol

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